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Posts posted by innerspace

  1. Quite common in rural areas...the first line costs them a lot and after that each connection is virtually free.

    You said they want 4 users which isnt that much, try and encourage a few neighbours.

    Failing that ageeing to a higher cost subscription or a one off installation in the 10s of thousands would likely do it.

    Quarter mile of fibre (or copper) costs a lot, though providers understand the investment. 4 lots of 600 baht is almost 30k a year...pays the cabling.

    Worst case 3g/4g but much video would kill those packages.

  2. Im in the other camp and have been for over a year...looking forward to my upgraded pebble time steel arriving.

    Having used a smart watch for longer than apple watch has existed gives plenty of experience in the subject.

    First off, I like having discreet notification device and would never want to poke my wrist to do important or complex tasks...for those pull out the large screen phone. But my work means certain messages need instant action 24/7, some can wait and facebook really doesnt matter.

    Facebook doesnt reach my wrist, emails do for instant action or ignoring and saves countless phone checkings per day.

    I have never taken watches off at night or when swimming/showering so being waterproof and having a 7 day battery makes a big difference... annoyed enough when my phone battery dies, a watch not telling the time would be worse.

    Looking forward to apples future innovation in the area and other companies work now apple have brought it to the limelight... but for now I still believe the pebble is the best smartwatch available (since smartwatches cannot physically work as smartly as their creators would like, yet)

  3. Are you looking to install yourself or hire someone?

    If the latter would suggest aiming sights lower and find an electrician who can do it and let them suggest the trunking they can work with.

    Cant think offhand of many places with that quality trunking...most is just rectangle trunk and boxes on the end.

    Spoke with one company a while back, in the village on suk, seemed good and that line of stuff but never checked it out.

    Wifi, maybe router in client mode per table would help on net and phones and limit the amount of cabling.

  4. Missing the point... when you hit save and realise you shouldnt have, or hit delete...whether a jpg, word file or anything else...syncs are lost but periodic backups save the day.

    Sure there are multiple ways to minimise the risks but we are all human and human error is unavoidable.

    Often the quick and simple things that go wrong since they seem so easy that best practices not necessary.

    Show me anyone who has worked using computers for a decade and claims never to have lost, deleted or messed up a file....doubt you can.

  5. Liking to do it by hand is one thing but little point letting that keep your site in the 1990s.

    2 pages state you code PHP so why arent you using it?

    Throw the site on a cms (wordpress good choice) and build your own theme from scratch. Instantly 100x the potential.

    Learn to make the site responsive and mobile (plus high res) friendly. Another challenge to learn from.

    Had a cartoony image on the home page...why isnt that animated using css3, javascript and html5?

    Lots of opportunities to expand and improve...coding a static html site in these days is just like building sites with notepad (plain, no ++). Yes every professional should be able to do it, but none in their right mind would anymore, since time saved on the basics can be better spent on the killer features.

  6. Never said the 1Gbps was cheap, or good value for everyone, but it is tempting for me (I have strange use cases that would actually make it worth the cost).

    Also note, the latest price on the website is now down to 20k for the Gbps.

    And comparing prices to other countries is pretty pointless, since this is a Thai forum and most of us live here.

    Here 1 Gbps is a very niche premium product that has only recently been available, other countries have better infrastructure that makes it more mainstream and therefore affordable. But we live here, so have choices limited to here.

    Just like comparing a mercedes here or Germany or NZ lamb prices....we're here and all prcies are different, fried rice is $1 not $20 though!

    One thing I would be interested in hearing if anyone has any experience with is how far the higher speed packages reach?

    Also is there a noticeable cutoff point?

    If max speed only comes close to BKK servers then pointless.

    But if it reaches say Singapore with a good percentage of the rated package then that would be worth the cost - lots of servers, cdn, big names in Singapore.

    Anyone have firsthand experience on this with say 50Mbps+ on AIS?

    Heard a while back when true launched high speed packages (100Mbps at the time) that most cutoff at 30Mbps, interested to see how the new options compare or improvements have advanced.

  7. Do you think Google will ever offer an official Chrome browser to put on older machines ?

    I know there are some Chrome based Linux browsers , but not official so I do not know if the Chrome add ons work

    The problem with Chrome is, it will bring an old machine to it knees because it's doing so much 'Google stuff' in the background and Google keep silently slipping in plugins you don't need (but they think you do) Also when you close Chrome, it doesn't close (ever wondered why it's so fast to open?) it hides in the background doing more Google stuff.... which is why people use Firefox and not Chrome.

    I always found Chrome way faster and less resource hungry than Firefox which gets worse with every update and specially since it is a commercial project. But I still use it, as I don't want to support Google too much.

    Firefox is a commercial product? Hmmm, I wonder why Mozilla uses a .org URL address, and accepts donations. The mystery deepens.

    I have a number of .org domains and I am happy to accept donations, despite being both an individual and a company.

    Mozilla however has multiple branches, both a foundation and a corporation with corresponding names. So yes it is both a non-profit and for profit.

  8. I know you already have this device, but given your needs and budget consider a dedicated networking device.

    For similar price of your second hand xp machine you could get a decent wifi router and enhanced antenna. Add tomato or ddwrt and you will get equal results without the hassle of using windows as a router or the electric costs of a full pc

  9. OP follow up confirms what I suggested before...

    Unless you want to keep the old machine running or something new and shiny reuse the suitable parts.

    Since you dont game I would keep the gpu, case, keyboard, mouse, monitor and hard drive.

    That gives you lots more to spend on just motherboard, cpu, ram and ssd.

    Since money to spare add a decent powersupply and consider a cpu cooler.

    Then choose from a NAS, 2nd screen, tablet or holiday with the leftover budget.

  10. Tot is generally the slowest to singapore out of the main providers and there are a lot more sites with servers in singapore than bangkok.

    Also video and webpages are very different request methods and can be subject to different throttling.

    Normally videos slowed to improve web quality but maybe tot have swapped priorities (not using them anymore so dont know for sure).

    Youtube could utilise multiple connections which can provide a performance boost over a web page.

    Could be a dodgy plugin, malware or security plugin too that is analysing web pages but doesnt touch video. Try a different browser to see if any different.

    If you have access try a vpn...they slow things down by their nature but often increase speed by bypassing throttling or improving routing.

  11. What is the likelihood of a file being corrupt, whether from your end or the hard drive/cloud it is copied to?

    Given enough time and activity...very.

    Since this is the photo section a relevant example....edit an image and click save...realise you messed it up and were editing the original...saved as jpeg so none of ps non destructive editing benefits...

    No probs I will grab the back, too late, already synced to all 4 services!

    Im sure most people have had at least one similar event, which is why multiple staged backups are essential for data of any value.

  12. Work permit fine on non O marriage.

    Not allowed non O retirement.

    Im unsure about non O dependant.

    Also fine on Non B and Non BOI.

    Think but no first hand experience that allowed on Non I visa too (investment).

    So certainly no truth in non O being cancelled when work permit issued.

    And citizenship...not studied recently but could certainly apply after 3 years in certain situations as little as a year ago (not heard any changes). For the uneligable yes you needed a longish stint under PR before applying.

  13. If the items you already have are 7 years old, ditch them and start new. The days of building computers with the exception of gaming ones are over. Your computer needs are the same as everybody today. Seriously best thing you can do is go purchase an already built, off the shelf model.

    Couldnt disagree more....

    Off the shelf are still as un-upgradable as ever and better value innpicking parts, especially in a country where shops assemble free.

    Keyboard, mouse, case...if still working and user happy keep them...2k saved.

    Monitor, sure cheaper now but if working and happy, save a few k.

    Old Hdd for storage when adding new ssd, good move.

    RAM...ditch it. 1 Gb stick will be ddr2 probably and not compatible with modern mothboard, just buy all new.

    Spec above was good, consider adding a reliable and economical power supply plus a good cpu cooler...even if not a gamer will prolong lifespan and last several pc builds.

    Then consider a new screen to run in addition to your existing screen in dual monitor mode...still under 25k and good stable system.

  14. Seen sorters and counters in several places... Robinson mall sri racha certainly did, maybe powerbuy floor? Think some macros too. Or offer the neighbours kids 5% to spend an hour sorting and tapeing.

  15. Those 1 Gbps packages look so tempting!

    Used to pay similar for 2 Mbps...sure the leased line had better latency despite being 0.2% the capacity.... also doubt 1 Gbps applies to servers beyond bkk... but still sounds good!

  16. Surprised that noone has questioned the op motive....

    Personally I cant imagine any need for dos in this day and age except for the odd bios upgrade which is what not the op was talking about.... so why dos at all?

    Possibly a misconception that having nothing makes the pc unusable ever again...wrong.

    My guess wants to remove everything and reinstall later, possibly crossing international borders or similar in between...

    If so, just format and hard wipe if preferred the harddrive...either with a live usb or in a separate machine. Forget dos, waste of time...if customs want to see it running bios will be more impresive than dos. Then reinstall using usb or cd when ready.

  17. Quite often the issue is with the condos themselves... most have pre run internal cables which providers hook onto and running new cables is often against rules.

    Plus fibre is pricy compared to copper and by the time you go from the street master modem, through the designated building entry point and up 13 floors you have a long length that you would typically need to pay extra for.

  18. Also on most linux systems chromium itself is equally or more accessible than chrome.

    All of the plugin compatability with slightly less of the google specific bits. Both totally customisable to disable any bits you may consider bad!

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