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  1. What is this thread? A 90 day torist visa will replace visas for continie stay of 5, 10, 20, etc Is this a serious thread, or just those anti-elite using any excuse to have another go and on it goes Even the DTV looks to not allow continued stay of 5 years, just 180 days in one year, and one more 180 days within a 5 year period Can people live in reality on here!
  2. That is what I mentioned, 180 days plus one more 180 days, so 360 days out of 5 years, then I presume, the immigration would stamp 'used' after the extension I didn't know, then the person would have to wait 5 years before they obtain another dtv, maybe at that point, the thai gov. hope people would apply for LTR or Elite, to continue their stay for the next 5 or 10 years
  3. Isn't it just 180 days us one more 180 days in a 5 year period? How will this compete with a 5 year continued stay visa, or are people getting mixed messages, in how long they can use the visa for
  4. Hold on, most of the news articles stated one 180 day and one more 180 day Integrity legal stated one 180 day and one more 180 day even the pattaya mail said one 180 day and one more 180 day those who think it must mean multi entry and each new entry get 180 days, must be basing their info on that really poor, ambiguous Penang infographic chart, which only says 180 days, 5 years, multi entry I don't know what else to say, if people think this visa is meant to live long term in the country, the target audience, are a little longer stay tourists, like cooking, seminars, nomads living in different countries, medical tourists, sports And I haven't read anything that has definitive answers, or has been published as a legal law to use as a visa
  5. Its a wait and see, but the target audience for the visa, cooking, sports, nomads, seminars, medical, won't be long term usage, unless they seperate the nomads into their own visa, so maybe people are confusing looking at long term stays of 12 months each time from the new visa, when its target audience is mostly short term usage
  6. Using the visa two times for extension is kinda multi-entry, it's not difficult for immigration to stamp 'used' once you have gained the 2nd extension of 180 days, within a validity of a 5 year visa
  7. It says validity of 5 years, where you get one 180 days and one more 180 day extension, then the visa is 'used' thats according to integrity legal videos on tbe subject, and like everyone else, everything can be subject to change, and unless its officially in use, nobody will know the truth
  8. I think that news site, rehashes news articles by translating or using chatgpt, then adding the articles together, just feels like that, when reading some of their ling articles
  9. That article is a mess, in fact that news site has always been a mess to read on most articles Integrity legal from a pattaya mail article in my mind hit the nail on their youtube on dtv 180 days then one more 180 days then the 5 year visa is void they also suspect many limitations to deposits and bonds just for basically 2x 180 day extensions within a 5 year period and repeat that everything is subject to change So many on here went with unlimited extensions of 180 days, then 180 days every 12 months, to the reality of maybe only 2x 180 days then the 5 year visa is used Now it maybe delayed for another 3 months, 6 months or 12 months This topic will end up wasting most peoples time, as for any long term visa stayers, will never use or want this new dtv
  10. I think similar to you, but many on here are taking the ball and running with it in a different direction, due to little information, ambuguity, and very ambiguous from Penang All along I see i info on 1 extension of 180 days and One more extension only for 180 days, which will tben use up the visa, which is valid for 5 years, Many things can change and subject to change but thats how I read it so far, its also how integrity legal reads it so far, but many here think its 180 days each year for 5 years so really at the moment, it looks lime it can used 2 times of 180 days within a 5 year period, which means it will never affect other visas
  11. The Penang announcement was more ambiguous than the other announcements, and that took some doing, earlier news articles, one 180 days and one more extension, 5 year visa, to Penang saying multi entry visa 180 days, 5 year visa then you look at the target audience, cooking, seminars, medical treatment, nomads, muay thai its not just about agents and schools, how about all the other long term visa, privelesge/elite and LTR takes 2-3 months to be accepted then you have BOI, EEC visas, investment visa, retirement visas, marriage visas think about all the easy ways around living in thailand with this new dtv visa then think what hoops everyone else jumps through just for a 12 month visa something is really off with this visa announcement No announcement from the gazzette so far, lets see any confirmation, or just delays in any official publushed law announcement
  12. It doesn't say anywhere, only people presuming its the same as other multi entry use visas that can use for 90, or 180 days up to a period of 12 months or 5 years, so far the info says one extension of 180 days, and one more extension of 180 days , and the visa is 5 years If you say you think or presume, then this is where all of us are, confused and unsure of any of the interpretations, of the info the last couple of days, but nothing has been confirmed through the gazzette up to now
  13. Maybe, but why on the promo info, it says can only use one more time, no way they will allow such an easy visa, to be the same a multi entry visa for 12 months, that you can keep extending every 90 days, this seperates it to only one time, not continued use, or if its 180 days in every 12 months, then just issue a 12 month visa, which you only get 1 extension of 180 days the 5 year, throws it into wild speculation, and 500k bank show for 180 days is not too far away from 800k bank show for 12 months retirement visa, very strange and confusing details so far If its announced through the gazzette, then it should have more explanation for us, of if they delay the usage of it for at least another 12 months, and its not published through the gazzette to be used now, then we know it will never be too eash to get or use I agree with your previous post, that this new visa won't destroy the other current visas
  14. I can't even see it being used once a year for 5 years, all it says so far, maybe I am wrong on my interpretation but it says one 180 days and one more extension of 180 days, either way, some people will be shocked on here, they already programmed their minds, to think its a multi-entry 180 extension for 5 years Can't see the millitary side of the government and huge influence in the beaurcracy of the country, allowing such an easy 5 year visa to obtain for cooking and nomads, when foreigners have been treated like threats to the country for the last 10 years But have to see, if they delay this cooking/nomad visa announcement, it means it will never affect the other visas If they do announce today or shortly, maybe they might just run with it
  15. It won't just kill elite and ltr, but every visa like retirement, marriage, investment visas, permanant residents, education visas, eec special visas, boi visas, who the hell would want the hassles of the other visas, when you can get a 5 year visa so easily for cooking, muay thai, nomads I mean why only hate on Elite, when every long term visa class would be affected June 1st now, lets see
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