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Posts posted by nokia

  1. actuly this thread should be named thai s like white skinned beauties while farang like dark skinn(beauty has nothing to do with it) gurls....lol.

    I think dark skin beauties is more appropriate. To each & every farang who has/had a dark skin wife, gf or gik, she's definitely a beauty in his sight, because he chose her out of many. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it exists in the mind which contemplates them.

    Most farang have gfs who are younger or much younger than them. Few have gfs who are a decade or two older than them. Even if someone in his 60's chooses a dark skin "beauty" in her 80's, she'll still be a "beauty" to him but not to others. Love is blind. :o

  2. Is it near Thaksin's silk shop opp KSK?

    No, it's on that side of the road - but further down towards the corner of the moat.

    By-the-bye, did anybody ever actually see a real live customer, in that shop ? Always looks empty to me ! :D

    It's usually empty whenever i go past in the daytime. Maybe they have more real live customers at night or when Mr T was in power, if they are related somehow?

    Perhaps they need to start stocking Man-City replica-shirts ? :o

    Why not u open one? If Man-city can top the league ahead of Arsenal, then it will be selling like hot cakes.

  3. Is it near Thaksin's silk shop opp KSK?

    No, it's on that side of the road - but further down towards the corner of the moat.

    By-the-bye, did anybody ever actually see a real live customer, in that shop ? Always looks empty to me ! :o

    It's usually empty whenever i go past in the daytime. Maybe they have more real live customers at night or when Mr T was in power, if they are related somehow?

  4. >>

    Do they quote a sum or do just give fish out a red note?<<

    >No figures quoted. I was advised that 200 would do it, which is what I paid most times. Did get away with 100 once.<

    Got stopped three times during a recent trip fron NongKhai to Ubon, twice speedtraps, last time roadblock.

    First speedtrap I was told to slow down, when waved on with a smile. Second speedtrap ten minutes later, fined (I was speeding!) Told 300 bt at station, or 100 upfront. Paid upfront.

    Thisrd times just asked where I came from, where I was going (Driving car with Lao plates), then waved on.

    Stopped for speeding two months ago, was told fine 200 Bt, gave him 200, he gave me 100 back!!!

    A few times I got off by not speaking Thai at all, just speaking English, or Lao, which always makes them laugh. Even Isan cops look down on Lao as country bumpkins.

    Interesting. Maybe becoz you are driving car with Lao plates, that's why you got back 100b. Otherwise, the more the merrier.

    Maybe speaking English to traffic cops is better than trying to speak a few words of broken Thai??

  5. I heard there's a Public Library somewhere near the moat. Is it open to foreigners and do they have materials in English?

    I think you are referring to the one on the corner of Huai Keow and Hadsadhi. It is on the opposite side of the road from Kad San Kaew. If you check out the Chicken Biriani thread there will be a map showing the corner. After the library head down to the restaurant and have a good meal as well. Better than anything you will find in KSK


    Is it near Thaksin's silk shop opp KSK? i cant find the chicken biriani thread, but i dont mind eating chicken in yellow rice when i come to CM next mth. Is there any parking area for vehicles or do u have to park in KSK? Seems the internet at 10b/hr is very reasonable, is it crowded?

    AUA has a wider selection of magazines, a smaller selection of books mainly related to America but it is quite small with 4 tables. It can be quite crowded when classes are on, and parking spaces are limited.

  6. Not in CM.  Thai Visa Insurance is an internet operation which is an easy and efficient solution to the boring task of buying insurance - stay in the comfort of your home and let your computer do the work !

    Interesting. How do we pay & receive the insurance documents/sticker? by mail?

  7. Not sure what broker you checked with but I got a few similar quotes where the premium was in direct proportion to the deductible, 18,000 with no deductible, 15,000 with 3000 deductible and 13,000 with 5000 deductible. So it makes sense what you say that if you expect to claim more than the deductible in a year to take the no deductible option.

    Any claim less than the deductible will be paid by yourself any higher clam and you pay the deductible and the insurance company pay the rest.

    Personally I have the insurance to get a decent coverage for myself and my passengers, to have a bail bond cover in the case I get locked up because of an accident and to have a good third party coverage in the case of a large claim (up to 10,000,000Baht is covered)

    Do the insurance broker give you an instant quotation or it took a few days? And did most of them speak English?

  8. I had bedbugs a year or so back. The bites showed as small red dots mainly on the back of my lower legs. They itch like mad. The bedbugs were striped brown and look like flat ticks up to 5mm long.

    An easy way to check is to lift the mattress or bed base and look along the seams. Look for small white dots the size of sand grains (eggs) or brown bugs the size and color of fleas upwards. They shy away from light.

    Don’t be fooled into thinking they’re only found in cheap accommodation. There’s been a bedbug increase worldwide including 5 star hotels. A year or so back major Sydney hotel chains were reporting a big increase in bedbug infestations.

    Changing sheets won’t help. Once the room is infected these bugs will hide anywhere including curtains, where carpets meet the wall, chairs, the headboard and mattress.

    I would expect to see an army of 5mm ticks/bugs crawling on the bedsheet, but i havent seen any, each time i scan the beds at the guesthouses. Maybe they are nocturnal creatures like vampire bats, they emerge from the mattress base after the unsuspecting victim has dozed off. Then they take deadly bites....yum yum yum...

    DId u have to take oral medication or did it heal by itself? They itch like mad for a week or so till i see a doctor for medication.

    Some guesthouse change bedsheets periodically but i suspect most guesthouses seldom wash/change the thick blankets. Ah well... Home is the best.

  9. Nature made it so that humans will be attracted to the opposite of what they are (blacks like whites, farangs like dark skinned women (mostly the farangs that are in Thailand, thats why they are here), dark women like white women etc.) to prevent inbreeding and to diversify the genes. It's known that mutts have better survival chance than pure breeds, so this is the truth behind it.

    It's an interesting theory, but not true. Like is more attracted to like than opposites. When a white guy goes for a black woman, it's usually a black woman with white features and visa versa.

    The skin colour of asian women is a status thing, pure and simple. Fair skin denotes a higher social status than darker skin. There's more to attraction than pure physical appearance.

    When Farang come to Asia (Thailand), they are willing to overlook social status and they usually don't have a huge pool of fair skinned Thai girls to choose from anyway.

    Well said, but i noticed that luk kreung beauties (excluding those top models) dont usually get a higher status than fair skin beauties although they may be a few shades fairer. Perplexing.... :o

  10. Never, never, never go to ANY mall on the weekend. During the weekdays, when I go, I solve the problem of double parkers by not putting the whole car into the parking spot but leave half of it out so no one can double park in front of me,

    Well, for those who are busy on weekdays, weekends is the only time for window/shopping therapy.

    Anyway, if u leave half your body sticking out, wouldnt it be tempting for lesser skilled drivers to nick ur bumper or 2?

  11. We have been to Airport Plaza on the majority of weekends, both Sat and Sunday for the past many years. We have never failed to either find a parking place or had any trouble leaving. We normally arrive at lunch time because my wife's office is there and she normally has meetings starting at 1 or 2pm.

    Do u have a special parking lot?

    Well, after finding my car stuck then, the only wise choice was to go back to Airport Plaza. I caught a movie & enjoyed the eye candy in the therapeutic L-shaped shopping mall. When i came out in the evening, some of the vehicles that parked vertically had cleared, so only need to push 1 pickup truck parked in neutral, out of the way and adios.

  12. Naturally, there will always be exceptions to the above generalizations.

    As an informal litmus test, teachers/office managers/etc. here can do an informal survey (used to be part of my teaching routine a decade ago to get people to stop saying "spec" : as in the local saying "what's your spec?" or taste in the opposite sex). For gals, the answer is almost always "kao, tee, sung, sai wan." (pale, Chinese, tall, wearing glasses). With the next most common answer being "sung, kem." (tall and dark... along the ol' talk dark and handsome lines). It's all the same whether asking ethnic Thais, Thai Chinese, Indians/Sikhs, or even mia falang. When you turn it around and ask the guys, it's "kao, suay, muay, x" (pale, pretty, Chinese, and sexy). It doesn't matter if you're asking ethnic Thais, Thai Chinese, or Indian/Sikhs.

    There's an unfair double standard out there where dark guys get a pass, but dark girls get snubbed.


    Why do thai gals like nerdy fair skinny guys? Becoz they provide better genes or supposed to be more wealthy? There seemed to be a huge contrast between the 1st & 2nd choice of tall, dark, muscular guys. Maybe there are 2 types of thai gals based on the contrasting choices? At least the thai guys' answer is unanimous. That makes "kao, suay, muay, x" hot hot hot. :D

  13. My experience in obtaining a thai dl was a deeply unpleasant one. I had my non immigrant "o" and being a respected member of the community married to a well respected thai lady, I envisaged it would be the simplest of processes.

    In short it was the most unpleasant experience of my long tenure in Thailand as I had never personally encountered the oft mentioned corruption in Thailand before. I eventually had to pay 1000 bht "tea" money to an obnoxious fat man who I will take great pleasure in encountering again one day when he doesn't have the counter and his office to hide behind. This was the week before Songkran and apparently its considered quite normal at that time of year to expect to be fleeced with a dual pricing system in operation, 500 bht for thais and upto 1500 bht for farangs

    If you have a valid and "real" international drivers licence you should have no problems but a Thai dl ensures you will pass through any police checkpoint and also covers you in case of accident and insurance claims


    Sorry to hear about the dual pricing. I guess in LOS, u win some u lose some.


  14. Why am i responding to this old rag? Coz we can accept the truth? There's definitely something to it. Why would you be with a Thai girl at all if looks didn't matter. Every culture has its programming. Back in the US, I'd say in the past a lot of the older folks were programmed to go for the blonds with big chests and a beefy booty. I grew up in the 70s myself watching Bruce Lee and Godzilla movies. I know you'll laugh but somethign about Asian women caught me way back then. Then there were all the Vietnam War movies with the beautiful darker-skinned beauties. Nowadays kids are watching prime-time TV filled with beautiful black and Latino women.

    As for so many guys hooking up with dark-skinned women, well most Thai women are dark skinned unless you live in Bangkok. A lot of the Northern Thais are dark skinned too by the way. It's more likely that a foreigner will meet a dark skinned woman doing things in his daily life.

    Opposites do attract also. One of my best friends in the US, a short dark-skinned Guatamalan guy, is nuts over tall blonds. I guess he should have become a fashion designer.

    I definitely have a thing for petite dark-skinned women (both young and old). I married one and the others always catch my eye. Of course, other women are attractive too but never as much as the dark-skinned ones. Doctor can ya help me?

    Just remain the way u are, or "programmed". Be happy, there are many more petite dark-skinned beauties than tall slim fair skin beauties. Maybe a ratio of 20 to 1 or even more. WHy settle for less?

  15. My wife buys all that skin lightening crap. I tell her I love her for what she is. She looks at me as tough I'm from another planet. Back in the UK I had a female friend who worked with a Pakistani lady. They went out for a lunch time meal to an "Indian" restaurant. As my friend walken through the door her friend stopped. She asked her what are you doing, and she replied she was checking her status. ie Skin colour. My wife refuses to go out unprotected from the sun, yet most of her family are dark skinned. How the heck do you tell your other half it does not matter, when to them it so obviously does?

    Ah, the power of advertising. Blame it on the non-stop tv commercials of NEW whitening products 365 days a year!

  16. One more thing. Call me what you like but I have always been more attracted to the indigenous people of SE Asia than the Chinese. I know they all came from the same place but at different times in the same way as we all probably came from Africa. But I feel more for the Thai Thais. I feel they have had it the worst and like indigenous people in many places around the world have lost control of their land. I guess you could say I'm not color-blind when it comes to the people of Thailand. I have always cheered for the underdogs. I know in many ways they are victims of their own ignorance or the rulers they let come to power. I have picked a side in my view. We all have our reasons for why we choose as we do. I'd rather be with the people of this land. If I were in the US I might want to be with an American Indian.

    Well, do you know that the indigenous northern beauties aka Lanna Thai are actually a shade fairer than Thai-Chinese. And Chiang Mai beauties are claimed to be the fairest in SE Asia? Agree/disagree? Which part of LOS's indigenous beauties are u more attracted to?

  17. the sheets usually have spots on them.

    hotels DO change the sheets when guests check out. if its the same guests in house ,they usually dont change them every day.

    What's the color of the spots? red or black? White sheets used by hotels are easier to spot than the multi color bedsheets used by guesthouses. Some guesthouses are ethical while some others may not be so ethical if they have a high turnover of backpackers who stay only for a day or two. Imagine washing 20-50 kingsized bedsheets daily in a small guesthouse with 1-2 small washing machines. Water, electricity & powder all cost money, esp in the long run.

  18. I'm not really used to riding motorbikes.

    Since Airport Plaza is the hottest place on the CM planet on weekends,

    maybe i'll ride a yellow songthaew there if i really have to go there, after parking nearby.

    Hmm.. Dont think anyone enjoy staying at home throughout the weekends, when half of the CM province folks get to enjoy the therapeutic malls (Airport Plaza, Kad SuanKaew, Carrefour,BIg-C etc) on weekends. Hey we need more malls in CM!

  19. Not all low priced guest houses are like some posters assume. We only charge 300 baht a night but rooms are cleaned every day whether we have a short or long stay guest.

    Most guests stay only one night and we do change the sheets when the guest leaves. We know from our guests that many guest houses around us are not to clean and are positive surprised with our clean rooms, they all come back to us.

    I advise you check the room before you take it.


    Your guesthouse is more ethical. Which city r u located?

    How do we check the bedsheet for bedbugs when they are microscopic? Bring a magnifying class?

  20. its a fact. white skin gurls know it. dark skin gurls know it.

    if dark skin want man they go after farang.

    white skin gurls men go to them(usually not farang).

    Very true. White skin beauties typically are much harder to woo, since they have a wide selection of dudes awaiting. From middle income white collar elites to the upper echelons of thai society, or scions of tycoons etc. Lots of firepower needed.

  21. I had a bedbug problem while in Fiji. The tell tale sign is that the bites occur in a series...forming a line of red dots.

    If you don't have this pattern, I would guess it is some other little vermin causing the problem.

    Yup, there were 3 sores about 0.5cm each almost in a straight line on my both thighs. but i didnt see any bedbugs( are they smaller than the smallest ant?) And do they travel underneath the skin, otherwise how do they manage to bite in a straight line if they do jump around like frogs?

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