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Everything posted by ravip

  1. Yes, good brands like American Standard, Hansgrohe are great stuff. But of course at a cost.
  2. After reading so much bad about Thai Airways, I was wondering where something like this would fit into. A plane was flying with 159 onboard. Then both pilots fell asleep. Article
  3. You hit the nail right on it's head! 👌
  4. A private jet with your hand picked Chefs might satisfy your 'stringent standards' - me thinks.
  5. 😆 🤣 😂 Really? You have no idea about it? Sometimes, ignorance is bliss, I have heard.
  6. Very true. But... some foreigners come on retirement visa etc and blatantly violate laws... and some others justify that!
  7. WOW! This sounds extremely serious! Thailand should allow foreigners to do whatever they like, if they say they are welcoming them!
  8. He said that the Swiss national, whose visa was revoked yesterday, will face charges of illegal possession of firearms and carrying firearms in public. Should this be ignored as a minor detail?
  9. Lickmanuts is great, but you should start at Mianus.
  10. In my opinion, it is very difficult or almost impossible for a foreigner to integrate fully in to another foreign society. Each country has its own unique way of life. Once you are an adult or a senior citizen, do you really think you can integrate 100% to a foreign society? I don't think so. I've seen many children born in foreign countries, who had integrated very well in to the foreign society, but not 100%. This might be due to the parents trying to instil 'traditional' culture on to their off-spring and the close society they mingle with. After a couple of generation, yes. Foreigners trying to integrate into Thai society? This can be a very difficult task. First of all, the foreigners (majority) mindset will never allow that. Why? Most foreigners here-in Say they cant have an intelligent conversation with their own wife. Accuse all Thais are stupid, corrupt, idiots etc. Always has a superiority complex over the Thai people. I feel the above two reasons suffice, to say it is an impossible task for a foreigner to fully intergrade into the Thai society. I may be wrong, please do correct me.
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