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Everything posted by ravip

  1. I really would appreciate some tips on booking 3 seats on the train from Hanoi to Hue . Is it necessary to book far in advance? Soft seat vs hard seat (berth)? Thank you in advance.
  2. --- If you mean online. No, I have observed this in almost every sphere of life, quite often. Of course online it's worse as the 'keyboard rambos' keep firing at all an sundry! Even without moderation, and in an anonymouse forum, why cant people be civil? I understand it's human to get annoyed or angry. Then lashing out is 'understandably OK'. But without any provocation...? --- If people said the same things in real life, they would end up in fights, ostracized or losing friends, at least. Yes, correct. But yet, some carry on regardless. Sometimes, or maybe most times in the absence of the concerned person. --- But, you have to bear in mind that it's the written word, no emotion , tone , facial expression to support... Correct, this can happen. But, a direct insult is usually easy to observe. A joke, although it may souund an insult, is at most times recognizable within that context. --- On many occasions its just sport to some and enjoyment winding others up... Quite OK. But on serious topics (e.g medical, technical etc.), its not very nice. --- People need to be kept in line, or you get what you have here. This is exactly what I cant understand - On AN, any other forum or in real life, why, oh, why cant humans interact in a civilized manner. Random ups and downs are of course acceptable as we all are humans. --- I only insult people who have insulted me first, or have posted a comment so egregiously stupid it needs to be called out. On the first instance, it's understandable. But a comment you perceive as egregiously stupid, might be due to a misunderstanding, lack of fluency in that language or even an error. --- Much like aggressive driving under the cover of tinted windows. Agree 100%! Tinted windows or not, some behave like animals behind the wheel! --- I appreciate many are uneducated. I learnt a long time ago there are many people in my village who may be uneducated but they are far from stupid. Absolutely true. Uneducated does not mean stupid and educated does not mean intelligent. This can be observed in real life almost daily. --- Irony for example is clearly quite alien to many Usofans but quite basic to British & Aussie humour. That's fine and most times it can be detected! But with other nationalities, one has to use caution. --- I enjoy putting people down with a nice jab every now and again. That's fine, as long as you can take back the same in that flavour. But with strangers, I feel one has to be careful.
  3. After reading the post of @Negita43, i thought I will start this thread just to have a wider opinion about this trend. Today we see people insult and put down others apparently for minute reasons. Why is this? We see here at AN the Thai people been accused of 'loosing face' issue - but, isn't this phenomenon more visible in other country national? I guess, this is because each human thinks he is superior to the other?
  4. "It is only most of the NITWIT Farangs..." Isn't this itself a confrontation?
  5. Unfortunately, certain explanations are not comprehensible. Hence, asking over and over again is alright, I feel. Having said that, I feel sad that idiots cannot understand god - so how can he believe in him?
  6. TBH, no. Asking a question about why god does or doesn't do this or that is not acceptance of such a thing. It is simply to get some honest and believable answer form a believer - but most times, when a question is asked, the questioner is branded as a idiot ! It is just that blind faith is necessary to get along with god & its followers. Why don't god stop the Israeli–Palestinian conflict? Or for that matter, why ever start it? All were 'created' by god...
  7. I agree 100% I do 30km + but slower - 1.5 - 2 hours. At least 5 days a week.
  8. This thread made my mouth water and hungry!
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