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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. You're posting an article from mid-2021. Now the consensus is that Sweden's strategy paid off, unlike the UK whose strict lockdown measures are being largely criticized. It's worth reading those articles fully as they offer very interesting insights on the political decisions to lock down countries.
  2. From your article: Although Sweden was hit hard by the first wave, its total excess deaths during the first two years of the pandemic were actually among the lowest in Europe. The decision to keep primary schools open also paid off. The incidence of severe acute Covid in children has been low, and a recent study showed that Swedish children didn’t suffer the learning loss seen in many other countries.
  3. Misinformation. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/swedens-death-rate-among-lowest-europe-despite-avoiding-strict/ Sweden’s Covid death rate among lowest in Europe, despite avoiding strict lockdowns https://www.theweek.co.uk/news/science-health/956673/did-sweden-covid-experiment-pay-off WHO data reveals Scandinavian country has lower excess death rate than many European nations
  4. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/sweden-decides-against-recommending-covid-vaccines-kids-aged-5-12-2022-01-27/ Sweden has decided against recommending COVID vaccines for kids aged 5-11, the Health Agency said on Thursday, arguing that the benefits did not outweigh the risks. "With the knowledge we have today, with a low risk for serious disease for kids, we don't see any clear benefit with vaccinating them," Health Agency official Britta Bjorkholm told a news conference.
  5. They don't "have to" do anything, they make political decisions and are responsible for their results. In the UK, for instance, the lockdowns and their devastating impact, as well as the radical communication campaign to justify them are now heavily criticized and this is probably just the beginning: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-62664537
  6. Sorry to hear that. Your issues started after taking the shot?
  7. Of course we are. My demise is not happening though. Imminent, do you reckon? I mean, what is my life expectancy, realistically?
  8. Right, that was also my understanding. I must be incredibly lucky then, that's the only explanation. No vax, no mask, and yet here I am, fit as a fiddle. Must be some kind of statistical anomaly. That's the only explanation.
  9. Thanks! (I assume you were replying to my question above). Early 40s, male, normal weight, no health problems and hardly ever take medication, not even a paracetamol. I get enough sleep and vitamin D, drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruit and veg and hardly any gluten.
  10. To the statistical experts here: I have had zero Covid shots. What are my chances of being seriously ill and dying? Presumably very high, right? Just wondering how dangerously I am living.
  11. Just letting the OP know it could be that. There are other articles out there about the issue and if he thinks there could be a causation then he can dig into it.
  12. "Hopefully", right. With the bi-annual emergence of vaccine-resistant "variants", it seems their "hopes" will not be achieved anytime soon (and the cynic in me thinks they are just fine with that).
  13. Wise words, and yet in this day and age they get frowned upon as they "promote vaccine hesitancy". As if hesitating about this was intrinsically a bad thing. It's an orthodoxy, a belief system and anything that goes against it is crushed. Be healthy, take care of your body.
  14. Tinnitus is also a side-effect of Covid vaccination, so this could be the cause if you've had the Covid shot (I'm not saying it is, just giving you the information). The second article I am posting mentions positive results with transcranial magnetic stimulation. I hope you will get better. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8788157/ https://www.news-medical.net/news/20220523/Pfizer-COVID-19-vaccine-associated-tinnitus-responds-to-transcranial-magnetic-stimulation.aspx
  15. An annual shot and 4 shots in the space of 18 months is not the same thing. Invalid comparison.
  16. My son's cousin received 2 Pfizer shots at the village as instructed by the Poo Yai Baan. Technically you can say no but there is tremendous pressure and nobody swims against the tide, it's not in the culture. That's coercion.
  17. Because Thais stand up for each other no matter what. Of course that come as a shock for us Westerners, in our countries you could die on the pavement and people would step over you and pretend you don't exist.
  18. It's not a question of what you should do but what you're looking for. There are countless farangs who live here long term and hardly speak a word of Thai (and consequently don't understand much about Thai culture) and get by just fine. But I am always amused at seeing some of them get uptight about stuff (and go on about "Thainess" which is often used derogatively to refer to Thais and their ways) because they just don't have a clue about what's going on.
  19. I never claimed not to be an antivaxxer, as I'm perfectly happy with being called that.
  20. Yeah, it's funny how some people just can't let go. The denial is astonishing, especially from those who believed the promise of a "solution" which turned out not to be one.
  21. Who decides what a credible source is? Who draws the list of who can be heard and who should be silenced?
  22. Per the CDC ???? Thanks for having the honesty of writing "reality" in between quotation marks.
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