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Everything posted by rattlesnake

  1. I'm talking about the contents of a certain laptop.
  2. I'm talking about the contents of a certain laptop.
  3. It's fine to not like Trump, but let's quit the BS shall we, especially when the current guy is a senile creep who likes sniffing little girls and whose son is a scumbag of the worst type.
  4. Will go for the quadfecta as I must confess to having a penchant for flat Earth theories.
  5. I appreciate you taking the time to interact with a "deplorable". In spite of my horrible bigotry and limited mental capacities, I can perfectly see who is and isn't deserving of support in the current political landscape.
  6. That's because we have low IQs. I'm also an antivaxxer by the way, maybe that explains it.
  7. Donald Trump is an absolute legend, God bless you Mr President and thank you for your service.
  8. On the matter you requested "links" about.
  9. Don't you know that such links are forbidden on this forum? Please spare me the "misinformation" newspeak.
  10. I was referring to the difference between the signifier and the signified. On this forum the term "link" (so dearly cherished by most users) refers to a source of information which has been vetted and approved beforehand. You would find lots of relevant information if you were curious and willing to pop your head outside the fence erected by those who decide what we should or shouldn't listen to.
  11. On ThailandRyan's ignore list… he's hit rock bottom.
  12. Ah, right, a "link", i.e. an "approved" source of information. There are none so blind as those who will not see.
  13. Sure, that explains the sudden deaths of all those teenagers, fit adults and athletes. You coincidence theorists are a mistery to me…
  14. Massive elephant in the room… As Anthony Kiedis said, "young people are dying these days". They weren't dying before 2021… How much longer will the denial continue for?
  15. I am not sure what "you guys" encompasses. There is nothing incorrect in what I said. You claim research and development on vaccines like these have been underway for decades, Alfred Bourla stated otherwise.
  16. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla disagrees: “mRNA was a technology, but we had less experience, only two years working on this, and actually, mRNA was a technology that never delivered a single product until that day, not vaccine, not any other medicine.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/washington-post-live/2022/03/10/transcript-wp-subscriber-exclusive-albert-bourla-author-moonshot-inside-pfizers-nine-month-race-make-impossible-possible/
  17. "… adding that more than half of the cases reported between November 6th and 12th are not vaccinated or not fully vaccinated…" Nice playing around with words! It is becoming increasingly harder to formulate things in a way still favourable to vaccination. Statistics provided based on a single data point, very compelling ideed… How about providing the age, health condition and BMI of those sick? What is the proportion of sick people who have had zero shots? Probably very low, otherwise you can be 100% sure they would say it. Several people are catching it around me (all jabbed as often as they were told to). And the unvaccinated? Not sick.
  18. I am always very surprised to see how many Westerners get frustrated about Thais (and venture into ridiculous interpretations such as "they are so selfish", "all they do is lie" etc). I suppose you don't speak Thai? There is no way anyone can begin to understand Thai culture (and interpret things the right way) without speaking the language. This is especially true in the workplace. Practical example: they ask you for 500 THB for the monks (if I had a guess one of them said jokingly "let's ask the farang for 500, farangs have money" – there would be no bad intentions or anything negative behind that, they just like mucking about, almost childishly). Now if you had replied, in Thai and most importantly with a smile "Why would I give 500, the normal donation is 20? Oh you think the farang is rich, do you?" (at which point they would all be laughing and joining in, within minutes you would be friends with them and participate in normal Thai social things with them. But if you behave like a "farang" (refusal to smile, overthinking, explaining your "rationale" and "principles", answering in English etc), you will treated like one and it will never ever work.
  19. You have no idea whether there is a connection or not. "I don't care what happens to you": well that's the problem, isn't it? I thought the whole point of this vax thing was caring about the welfare of others… or was that just a load of BS? (Rhetorical question).
  20. I know two people (both in their 60s) who developed this immediately after the jab. One is sure the jab caused it and says she deeply regrets giving in to the social and political pressure. The other is in complete denial and has just had her 4th shot (she's a doctor and the depth of her indoctrination is unfathomable).
  21. The title implies that taking the vaccine prevents infection, which everybody knows is patently false. Let's try to be a little serious and reasonable, if that is at all possible: as a friendly reminder, a Thai study from last summer (link below), showed that 18% of kids had an abnormal EKG post-Covid shot. A vaccine is not supposed to do that to anyone, let alone to a child!!! The paper also notes that "cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myo/pericarditis.” That's almost 30% of the cases. All I can say is thank God I didn't make my beloved child take this "vaccine"!! https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202208.0151/v1 This study focuses on cardiovascular effects, particularly myocarditis and pericarditis events, after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine injection in Thai adolescents.
  22. Lots of social sites have seen an exodus of their users over the past couple of years, essentially because of the censorship they have enforced on dissenting views, with regard to the Covid crisis and the political responses to it. This has been very problematic given the dire consequences of the said crisis and responses. Asean Now heavily censors dissenting views in the name of "fighting misinformation", a trope which has been used ad nauseam in recent times to stifle any attempt at intelligent, productive debate. It therefore comes as no surprise that smarter individuals migrate elsewhere in order to have actual conversations rather than partake in mindless copy/pasting of subsidized media narratives. Authoritarianism is never popular, nor are those who side with it, and the platforms who condoned all of this will inevitably end up in the garbage heap of history.
  23. But you are aware that it was a joke, right?
  24. Isn't it a limited amount per transfer? In theory you could make several transfers as long as they are not above the limit.
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