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Posts posted by sanmiguel

  1. Yes im dying to know why the Vigilante Mr Harrison is hanging around on Beach Rd. looking for trouble so he can spray someone with pepper spray.

    In England he would go to prison for firing this dangerous weapon into someones eyes.

    And lets be honest the girl who advised the guy that the katoeys werent real women was in the wrong in the rules of the hooker for trying to cost them a client, <deleted> anyone with half a brain knows just to let these people argue it out amongst themselves.

  2. My arguments for why these girls should be removed from Beach Road...

    1) Street girls are outcasts from Beer Bars or blacklisted from Bars for various reasons/crimes.

    2) Street girls with no relations to a bar are usually the ones who steal and drug their costumers

    3) Street girls have no forced doctor check like many bars have. Some of them got fired from their bar because of STD.

    4) A large part of street girls use drugs/jabaa

    We have hundreds of gogo's and thousands of bars - plenty of places to go "work it"

    There really is no need to hassle those of us who just want a walk along the beach.

    Just my 2 baht

    When you have learned about the realities and the mechanics of Thai life, feel free to post on this subject again, until then please desist.

    What is your point - the quoted post seems to be pretty accurate for the majority of bars and clubs around Pattaya - please explain your point of view, if you have one.

    Point 1. That maybe true but there are so many other bars looking for girls that its unlikely to be the reason, IMO many work beach rd as its easier then having to go into work 7 days a week, or they may have a daytime job and are doing it for a bit of extra cash, or they have a sponsor and it enables them to tell him she's left the bar, or theyre at an age where its easier to make more money on the street then have to compete with younger prettier bar girls ...... who knows.

    Point 2. It would be easier for a street walker to do that then a girl attached to a bar i'll give you that.

    Point 3. You seriously think the boss of the hottest gogo girls who brings the punters in would care less if she had a dose, besides a fake document or fake urine sample is easily done so im sure he'd never find out, plus doctors are bribeable.

    Point 4. IME the worst girls for drugs are the hot 19yo who are making good money for the first time in their life so can afford it, plus they also need drugs to be able to party all night and appear happy all the time.

    Their isnt any real differences between street walkers and bar/gogo girls apart from them being cheaper.

  3. 6 English players and 5 foreigners would make it a fairer competition, so i can see why you are all so against it, do you think it would be boring if the same teams didnt finish in the top 4 positions year after year (with one blip every 4 years or so).

    Only thing i can see that is bad about it is the price of English players would go up, but this could be counteracted by clubs creating good youth set ups ....... those that dont will lose.

    Besides i dont agree with free movement of cheap labour when it affects British tradespeople, so why should i be a hypocrite when it comes to young British players losing out.

    Finallly the reason they picked on the poor old Premier League is beacuse there are only 35% of English players in the laegue, whereas Italy and Spain have something like 60%.

  4. Well there has been a lot of cod philosophy on what class is from pretty much everyone, but when i'm in LOS i meet so many people who think theyre a cut above because theyve got a few thousand baht in their pocket, where are they hiding.

    I cant see how class is being decent, honest and polite surely that just basic manners.

    And as for someone driving a fancy car thinking car theyve class, we'll it doesnt make them have no class, it just means theyre a w4nka.

  5. Huge assumption there buddy which makes me question your "brains".

    Question them all you like but ive been selling crap off plan property round the world for the last few years to dumb investors who think theyre entrepreneurs because they made imaginary money on their property in the UK or Ireland and i see how arrogant these people are, <deleted> developers are making 100-200% profit from them in some cases, this is where all the profit is, not in their future sales

    Ive been stashing my 5% commissions to buy when property becomes affordable, but it does look like with inflation coming next year due to Quantitative easing it'll be time to buy in the UK soon.

    I know of people who have walked away from a contract because it doesn't make financial sense to continue with it - so they are hardly "brainless investors".

    What does it make them then? as it certainly isnt a smart investor.

    Also interesting your comments on what you say makes you happy...

    Of course it makes me happy that property prices are crashing, it means i can afford a permanent place to live at a relative to wages amount, along with many workers who just want 1 place to live, i love seeing the look on the faces of the dumb fcuks who remortgaged several years ago to buy the 2nd place to rent out thus making property unaffordable for most now theyre deep in the sh7t.


  6. Isee - If people who live and work in Thailand bought to live there and cant pay due to either losing their jobs, a drop in salary due to the exchange rates then i feel genuinely sorry for them and its a personal tragedy.

    However second home owners like you have mentioned, the ones that have made property prices unaffordable for locals in most nice countryside areas and places such as Devon, Cornwall and Dorset. Then i'm glad they lost there money, and no i dont believe you that they didnt buy thinking property prices would keep on rising and theyd make a nice tidy profit from their INVESTMENT..... not that there is anything wrong in that ..... but theyve taken the gamble and lost, lets not hear any pity for wealthy people when they lose in capitalistic gamble.

  7. The other evening I stopped for a beer on the way home while walking my two large dogs, a Thai lady was asking me if the dogs were Thai or farang while she petted and stroked them, she was a little suprised when I said that were Thai but understood English well enough but moved futher away when I said they were part rotweiller.

    Unless the other part is Chihuahua she is bright enough to get away from the vile aggressive animals.

  8. Lets be perfectly clear the Premier League is a financial success wholly because of Rupert Murdoch and his American marketing techniques and has nothing to do with any Chief Executive, or similar over paid fool so i dont see why he should be allowed to ruin it.

    If you had to play Manure 3 times and got relegated on goal difference, it'd make the relegation system a farce, and does he serioulsy think 60,000 Americans/ Asians etc...will pay 40 quid a ticket to watch Wigan play Bolton.

    http://www.teamtalk.com/football/story/0,1...5008615,00.htmlThe chief executive floated the idea of the '39th' game last year, which would have seen an additional set of fixtures added to the Premier League calendar with the games due to be played anywhere in the world.

    The backlash to the plan meant the scheme was put on ice, but Scudamore has again confirmed that the issue is far from dead and the extra games will be brought in.

    "It's on the back-burner for a bit but playing games abroad will happen, it's just a question of in which format," Scudamore told the Daily Mail.

    Scudamore insisted the extra games would not be a pre-cursor to any European Super League.

    He added: "The difference between this and the European Super League is that the European Super League isn't inevitable - that's the difference."

  9. So there will be lots of property on the market minus the 10-40% deposit ...... i think not.

    Many of these buyers would have been the brainless investors who thought property would only go up 10-15% every year from now until eternity, thus making property unaffordable for honest working people who wish only to have a property to live in.

    I for one am glad these people have lost this money.

    Read www.housepricecrash.co.uk for what the people think of Buy to Let investors

  10. But the point is England can at the moment in many respects not compete with the low-wage countries. Countries like China and Thailand had the last years a big economic growth, while the west was stagnating and is now (partially) collapsing economicly.

    I agree we cant compete with China and its low paid workers wages, that are artificially low due to China not letting their currency float on the free market, this is the ultimate protectionism so why should we carry on letting China have open access to our markets when it is detrimental to British industry, the reason is China is good for the few wealthy Globalist ruling elite western businessmen and their profits margins.

    But my point is about potentially allowing 10s of million low skilled East European workers into my country at the expense of the surpressed working class British worker, this can be stopped and was by many major EU nations. All i and most British i speak to want is to trade with countries not to become one with them.

    I think you want to go back to the past, to restore the situation of 10/20 years ago, but there is no way back, we have past that point. It is a fact that the world is globalising, if you like it or not, and we have to adapt to that situation. Swimming against the stream of history brings you nowhere.

    I agree as the 3 main parties in the UK are all EU loving globalists with even the fat pig Union leaders backing foreign labour over that of the indigenous British workforce, any party who goes against them is labelled as extremist and doesnt get enough press coverage, its a pity as there is a great opening for an anti EU party slightly to the right of the Conservative party.

    Me personally, im going to become a tax exile in the coming year or 2 so i will no longer be funding the LIB-LAB-CON and EU regime, its the only way i can protest and have a small personally victory.

  11. Why it everyone talking about United winning 5 trophies...and not 6

    Why is the Community Shield not included?

    - Champions League

    - Premier League

    - FA Cup

    - Carling Cup

    - World Team Cup

    - Community Shield

    I know that the community shield is no great feat, but it surely counts as trophy, or does the community shield get tallied on last seasons trophies?

    The Charity Shield is a friendly match, it doesnt count.

    Its a Business---- so do they not make any money ???????? :o

    Of course they do so it should count.. :D

    BT :D

    It was called the Charity Shield until the marketing men got their hands on it, the money goes to Charity and the clubs dont make a profit.

    Its like saying the Ajax Cup or similar competitions played in pre season should count as trophys won.

  12. Obama's radical idea is to increase government debt to $17 trillion by his last year, up from $10 trillion this year. This is even accounting for his tax increases, a wind down in Iraq, government efficienies, cap and trade carbon taxes, etc. If we see term 2, it gets to $21 trillion.

    Apparently you can keep rolling US Treasuries forever and no one will notice.

    Click the "Read the Full Budget" and go to the 3rd to last page.


    I read page 1, a "New Era of Responsibility" you got to love the marketing phenomenon that is Barack Obama.

  13. Part of globalisation is the devellopment of technology like television, internet, airplanes etc. which connects the whole world and makes a lot of info accessable to everybody.

    If you want England to stay an island in the world you better stop this devellopment too, close your ears and eyes and keep on dreaming of the past glory of the british empire.

    I predict that England will sink under the waterlevel, if not litterally through raising sealevels, then certainly in all other respects.

    Well as British people invented the Jet engine to create modern aircraft, the internet in its present form and Television we should be ok on that score, i dont care about the British empire i was born 30 years after it existed in any serious form, also i am not an imperialist unlike what you EU fascist aspire to be, i believe we should scrap the monarchy.

    If you read what i said, i would like free trade with every nation who recipricates this, but i dont wish to be governed by un elected French/Germans or Brits. It is EU with its bureaucratic stifling of business that will enable developing nations such as China to overtake western societies in technology and business, hence why America for the last 100 years has surpassed all major EU nations in innovation, technology and business.

    Furthermore the UK and US have the most open markets in the world letting poorer nations fill our shelves with their goods, as you go to Thailand you must be aware that they dont recipricate this agreement and put tariff's on many of our goods, so why should we carry on exporting billions in cash to these countries when the current agreement is detrimental to British jobs.

    Now if you would like to critique what i have written please do so, but dont make out i am someone who dreams of Englands great past when what i am writing is about preserving my future and that of my childrens.

    Besides youre from Holland and already underwater!

  14. Why it everyone talking about United winning 5 trophies...and not 6

    Why is the Community Shield not included?

    - Champions League

    - Premier League

    - FA Cup

    - Carling Cup

    - World Team Cup

    - Community Shield

    I know that the community shield is no great feat, but it surely counts as trophy, or does the community shield get tallied on last seasons trophies?

    The Charity Shield is a friendly match, it doesnt count.

  15. MO it would be good if some far right wingers take power,

    I meant fascists.

    Good just so you know fascists arent right wing, im not too sure what wing they are, but we who wish for less government and lower taxes dont wish to be associated with them any longer, along with the KKK, Nazism, White supremisists etc... just as those on the left dont wish to be linked with commies such as Stalin and Mao.

  16. Related topic. Talking to some friends of mine, we all admire that Obama is trying hard but we also all agree he will most likely fail in trying to fix the economy. That will indeed leave us in a much worse place than even we are in now. What happens after that? Possibly, the far right wing takes power and possibly real hard core fascism. Aside from economic pain that is scariest thing about hard times, radical ideas can take over as they did in Germany in the third reich.

    How can the far right whoever they are take power, there are 2 very similar parties in America neither of them is far right economically they both from their actions believe in greater taxation and with the media not promoting any new party the status quo isnt likely to change soon.

    Bush's government have overseen the highest peacetime borrowing which has to be paid back, this is just another form of taxation this can hardly be viewed as common sense right wing economics, Bush was also intent on overseeing a similar Keynesian borrowing and spending plan to Obama, aswell as doing something similar in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    However this future "left wing like" higher taxation to pay back the debt means the government have a tighter control on our finances, thus if someone has a greater share of your money they have a greater control over your life, so you may label me as a evil right winger but i believe colossal size government is a very very very bad thing.

    IMO it would be good if some far right wingers take power, ones that believe in quality education and healthcare for all workers and their family, with less spend on military, and smaller government with less Public sector workers who currently receive unaffordable pensions that in the coming years will put the Western govts. further in debt.

  17. The scary thing is that in many ways i actually agree with this rant.

    There is nothing scary about agreeing with facts and wanting what the now fascist EU was originally set up for. The EU fascists love to make out people who dont agree with their regime as evil racist nationalists, when its nothing more then wanting what is best for ones self, which is exactly what theyre doing with the bottomless expenses and gold plated pension schemes of the EU gravy train.

  18. Sarkozy the cheer leader of Eurofascism only this week implimented protectionist laws to protect the French car workers at the expense of the rest of Eurozome workers, and protecting a countries own workers is possible all we need to do is pull out of the fascist EU, though in true fascist manner EU fascists will make threats to the UK if we do, you are aware the EU was set up as a trade zone, but you EU fascists keep on moving the goalposts.

    I want free trade of goods with Euro fascists and the rest of the world but i and the majority of this country dont want to be governed by EU fascists or have to pay 60 Billion a year in bureaucracy fees to pay for fascist bureaucrats, and we dont want unlimited immigration of cheap workers as it lowers our wages and standard of life THIS IS A FACT, but play the racism card if you will.

    3 years ago my fathers company were looking to get some ships built, they chose Holland over England as the shipyard recevied government subsidies plus there were tax incentives to build it there, hardly what you'd call a level playing field, but us Brits are well aware that you EU socialist fascists sneakily look after your own then, and its time we started doing so.

    :o is it that serious being a loser? :D

    Is such a winner as yourself not aware that the Irish voted against the EU constitution hence making it nul and void, but the fascists carried on with their mandate against the will of the people, and as only fascists do, totally ignored democracy and this referendum.

    Britain was promised a vote by Gordon "Global newdeal" Brown and Tony "peace envoy" Bliar, we never got it, what are they afraid of?

    How many times do you think it will take the Swiss to vote no to the EU before they understand.

    Its the European Union which threatens to remove trial by jury and habeas corpus, Chairman Moa, Hitler and Stalin would be proud of them.

    The EU is without doubt a fascist regime, that continues to expand and invade all parts of society despite losing a never ending stream of referendums.

    All i and most British subjects want is what the EU trade zone was set up for, ie free trade with nations in the EU, not that difficult to understand is it? surely anyone who enjoys freedom and doesnt like unaffordable government and a never ending stream of bureaucratic nonsense laws that hinder business agree.

  19. Amazing all the crap on here as soon a we loose a game!

    gloryhunters, dev. water off a duck's back. :o

    i'll be fuc_king livid when they make it 18 each mind. and if they win all fuc_king 4 i'm giving up football.

    All 4... fu_ck that would be it for me also :D I think its called the quadruple.

    Theyve already won 2, with possibly another 3 to come, im not too sure what they call 5.

  20. If England would have joined the Eurocountries they would have suffered much less from the depression. The pound has lost much more of its value then the Euro compared to the bath. A question of spreading the riscs and understanding what is going on in the world. I think the globalisation is unevitably.

    If other countries have much lower wages it means they can produce much cheaper, so the buyer will go there, they get richer, can give bigger wages etc. Protecting only the own nationals is no longer possible in a globalising world.

    If Britain had been in the Euro during the boom years we'd have had even lower interest rates and the property boom would have been even worse, look at Ireland and Spain as examples, over the long term if Britain is to get out this depression we need to build a manufacturing industry hence a weak pound is a good thing. Furthermore Britain has got a lot of its bad news out already the bad news from Eurozone is about to come to the fore with several countries ie Spain Greece Italy Ireland all in far worse positions then Britain, with a currency thats strong to suit the Germans/Dutch/French going to stop any chance of a quick recovery for them.

    Sarkozy the cheer leader of Eurofascism only this week implimented protectionist laws to protect the French car workers at the expense of the rest of Eurozome workers, and protecting a countries own workers is possible all we need to do is pull out of the fascist EU, though in true fascist manner EU fascists will make threats to the UK if we do, you are aware the EU was set up as a trade zone, but you EU fascists keep on moving the goalposts.

    I want free trade of goods with Euro fascists and the rest of the world but i and the majority of this country dont want to be governed by EU fascists or have to pay 60 Billion a year in bureaucracy fees to pay for fascist bureaucrats, and we dont want unlimited immigration of cheap workers as it lowers our wages and standard of life THIS IS A FACT, but play the racism card if you will.

    3 years ago my fathers company were looking to get some ships built, they chose Holland over England as the shipyard recevied government subsidies plus there were tax incentives to build it there, hardly what you'd call a level playing field, but us Brits are well aware that you EU socialist fascists sneakily look after your own then, and its time we started doing so.

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