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Posts posted by sanmiguel

  1. West Ham lost more games with Tevez than they won, including a 3-0 loss to the Blades with him on the field. The Blades have no one to blame but themselves for having dropped 11 points with 9 games to go and lost at home to Wigan on the last day. WHU did not need Tevez's goal against Man U to stay up - a 0-0 draw would have been fine. It seems West Ham's management are just paying out the whiners in Sheffield to shut them up. Must be big money coming West Ham's way.

    Isnt the point they should have been deducted points for their bad error of judgement.

    So surely its the Premier League that should be getting sued for breaking their own rules in which case.

    Interesting last comment but who the fcuks going to want to part 100s of million to buy a club massively in debt and spend more for them to come 5th at best.

  2. US expats will benefit the most IMHO, and then UK, and there you have it, business as usual. The ironic thing is these 2 nations probably cause the credit crunch in the first place.

    Gordon worringly thinks it purely Americas fault and is nothing to do with the UK banks or his 10 years of mismanagement as the prudent iron chancellor. He thinks the only reason property is unaffordably expensive and the banks were forced to lend so much money for mortgages in the UK is due to a housing shortage, then he lets in 4 million extra people.

    Until he goes i dont think we'll get back to business as usual.

  3. Having lived there for many years there myself, I'm very familiar with the many legal and illegal Mexican nationals living there... but never came across a single one that was acting in the capacity of a police officer.... as the foreign nationals do in Pattaya, Chiang Mai, Phuket, Samui, etc.

    I never met one on my first visit to Thailand 9 years ago, ahhh those were the days.

    Arent i right in thinking Thailand has more police per capita then most Western countries, surely there are enough of them without these thugs acting as vigilantes.

  4. Dollar1.3993

    Euro 1.0828

    The pound against the dollar and the Euro as of now. This does not bode well for us Brits. I just hope that the Baht weakens or indeed the pound strengthens.

    Cheers, Rick

    If you can't handle 35 baht per Pound, the kitchen is too warm!

    Pretty much every farang whether living off fixed rates savings/investment or state pensions could get by at this rate its just it wouldnt be as much fun.

    At this rate im not sure the tourist industry would survive in its present form though. (if it were relatively as strong v YEN USD EUR etc..)

    Even introducing 35bt as a prospective rate is insane.

    The Euro may be the next currency to dive.

    The dollar is the world's reserve currency and will likely remain strong.

    It seems the Thai bt is over valued.

    Agreed with all points apart from the last one i'm not sure it really is that much overvalued against sterling in the short term, im still thinking there is going to be a lot more bad news come out before the upcoming summer of discontent in the UK.

    A summer election would be a god send for sterling and the UK economy purely on the basis it would raise public confidence, even though most in the country see the Tories and Labour as 2 faces of the same coin.

  5. if they start doing adverts throuout the footie games,i will cancell too

    It is feasible for it to happen, where they make the match go into the corner of the screen so you can still see it and the advert on the rest of the screen.

    Maybe when the premier league start charging too much theyll have no choice but to do it.

    You can bet that when the rights stop going for more each year in england theyll resort to anything, game 39 is the perfect example.

  6. Dollar1.3993

    Euro 1.0828

    The pound against the dollar and the Euro as of now. This does not bode well for us Brits. I just hope that the Baht weakens or indeed the pound strengthens.

    Cheers, Rick

    If you can't handle 35 baht per Pound, the kitchen is too warm!

    Pretty much every farang whether living off fixed rates savings/investment or state pensions could get by at this rate its just it wouldnt be as much fun.

    At this rate im not sure the tourist industry would survive in its present form though. (if it were relatively as strong v YEN USD EUR etc..)

  7. I mean truly serious, you would have got yourself elected into a position whereby you could make change, at a minimum you would have voted in the elections, at least once! Hmm, I think, again!

    In the coming months i will be voting but this time with my feet, i will soon be working offshore purely on the basis that i wont have to pay 1 penny in income tax ..... i see it as a small victory/protest.

    Besides i have a criminal record for arguing about bank charges this most serious of offences would stop me from ever running for an elected position.

    But i do know from running a once fairly successful business that bureaucratic laws and having to pay too much tax are 2 major factors in stopping entrepreneurship, the EU and NuLiebour support both these policies to the hilt.

  8. Wow, the only person proving they know very little (and spectacularly I might add) is your good self. Your post is full of opinion, based upon your own belief system, and contains virtually zero actual factual information. You do seem rather full of hate and anger and it appears to have hindered your ability to apply logic to an argument.

    You're so wrong, about so much, but what's the point in educating you? You wont listen.

    Please explain what i am wrong about if you wish to come out with such a statement, if you wish to debate please correct me otherwise shut the <deleted> up.

    Are you telling me we can borrow our way out of this recession, and that failing banks are going to lend to business and people they arent 100% sure theyll get their money back from, this is what the banks are currently doing so it isnt my opinion, <deleted> the government are printing money to get them to lend and a good percent of this is leaving the country .....this is a fact


    Do you think its a good idea to bail out people who cant afford to pay the mortgage on their buy to let property with taxpayers money? , and that to lend people to buy an asset which is expected to fall 30-50% is a good idea???????? i dont ive made this clear.

    That the EU didnt totally ignore the democratic vote of the people and pressed ahead with its fascist manifesto, again its a fact - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/worl...icle4749723.ece

    and that its ran by unelected friends of politicians who claim what seems to be limitless expenses. http://www.thepolitics.co.uk/2008/07/17/th...-unaccountable/

    That the EU doesnt bring in an endless list of stupid bureaucratic laws which stifle business (Fridays one was for companies to pay full salary to women who take time off to have kids for 6 months .... its un fcuken affordable and will stop people hiring women or put companies out of business)


    The Germans have already stated they wont be bailing out other nations, im saying this is a fact.


    that France arent implimenting protectionist policies again im saying this is a fact


    Can you pro Euro fascists please tell me why you wish to keep moving the goalposts of the EU, it was meant to be a free trade zone to stop you Europeans starting wars with countries like mine that you never win through FREE TRADE, can you please tell me why you now wish to create a superstate against the will of the people, and why this is such a wonderful idea.

  9. Things must be serious IF the Swiss had to devalue their currency to help out Eastern Europe .

    One good thing the British govt has done is to get as much bad news out as quickly as possible, whereas continental European nations have been far more secretive, hence one reason why the Euro has stayed relatively strong.

    But it looks as if its becoming almost impossible for them to sweep it under the carpet for much longer, this link shows the Germans are about to create a toxic bank, in order to hide their problems until after the upcoming election.


    IMO its going to be everyone for themselves in the Eurozone in the coming months, the East Europeans/ Irish/ greeks/ Spanish/ Italians arent going to get bailed out by the French/ Germans, the French have already been talking about the need to protect their economy/workers and a strong Euro is crippling them and thwarting any chance of selling goods to get out this mess.

    Intersting times ahead i think for Euroland, id like nothing more then to see the end of the EU fascist state, and a return to unbeauracratic plain and simple free trade, pity i think the outcome is going to be governments taxing us like never before creating huge overbearing governance.

    I think a post like this is what noone needs at the moment. The problems have to be solved internationally between the US, Uk, Europe, Japan and China and whoelse can be helpful.

    If someone wants to see an end of the "Fascist State" then we will have a black whatever day like 1929 when the Us started to "protect" their economy.

    Luckily all governments see it that way.

    By the way, the toxic bank is not only in talk in Germany but everywhere. It should help all banks to get rid of their "toxic" papers and to help them get confidence between themselves so they can start lending money to eaxh other. This is the reason why so much money is pumped into the banks.

    What we surely not need is someone who fires hate between countries.

    The banks arent going to lend in the way people such as yourself or Gordon Brown want at the moment as the economy needs to hit the bottom wherever that may be, at which point im sure theyll lend to decent business.

    <deleted> Why do people like you and Gordon really think its a good idea to pump money into banks to keep property prices artificially high by lending money to people who will be taking a gamble on whether they can pay it back. If property prices become affordable people and business will have more disposable income to spend on cheap imported goods thus his deluded idea of a working economy will be back on track.

    If you bothered to keep up with current affiars you would know that France are trying to be protectionist, and if you read what i wrote, i said i would LIKE TO SEE FREE TRADE BETWEEN NATIONS WITHOUT THE NEED FOR HUGE INCREASES IN TAXATION TO PAY FOR UNELECTED BUREAUCRATS WHO HAVE NO FCUKEN IDEA ABOUT ANYTHING OTHER THEN CLAIMING EXPENSES, AND STIFLING BUSINESS.

    Why insinuate that i hate another country i never said that, your reading skills leave a lot to be desired, but that does seem common practice of lefties to use the racist card when someone shows them theyre wrong.

    And why does Britain need to create a toxic bank, we already almost own several banks surely if unelected Gordon wishes to throw my future taxes away after bad businesses and reward braindead fools who bought property they couldnt afford, (thus pricing me out of the property market) then all he has to do is buy another few percent in one of the banks we almost own and get them to lend.

    You pro EU superstate lefties really havent got a clue.

  10. And here I am, naive me, thinking we pay for the programs in order to limit the amount of advertising.


    If they go with the moronic, greedy way Thai tv does, then fuc_k it.

    Commercial brake every 6 minutes. Thats quite a few interuptions within 90 minutes.

    Good all greed. Obviously thought well from how they broadcast sports events back in the "land of greed".

    So long as they dont have adverts during the game then there is no problem, there is no need for half time analysis if youve just watched the first half as you'd be able to form your own opinion of what happened.

    Blatter wanted half time extended the other week so he could make more money from advertisers, but the voted against it. Expect it to be 4 quarters some time in the future.

  11. Things must be serious IF the Swiss had to devalue their currency to help out Eastern Europe .

    One good thing the British govt has done is to get as much bad news out as quickly as possible, whereas continental European nations have been far more secretive, hence one reason why the Euro has stayed relatively strong.

    But it looks as if its becoming almost impossible for them to sweep it under the carpet for much longer, this link shows the Germans are about to create a toxic bank, in order to hide their problems until after the upcoming election.


    IMO its going to be everyone for themselves in the Eurozone in the coming months, the East Europeans/ Irish/ greeks/ Spanish/ Italians arent going to get bailed out by the French/ Germans, the French have already been talking about the need to protect their economy/workers and a strong Euro is crippling them and thwarting any chance of selling goods to get out this mess.

    Intersting times ahead i think for Euroland, id like nothing more then to see the end of the EU fascist state, and a return to unbeauracratic plain and simple free trade, pity i think the outcome is going to be governments taxing us like never before creating huge overbearing governance.

  12. There is an incredible amount of Eastern European debt denominated in CHF. Local currencies have been plunging of late and more and more borrowers would appear to be unable to service the CHF denominated debt. Hadn't heard about the "devaluation", but it makes sense.

    I used to sell property in Bucharest, and many of the mortgages were in CHF at interest rates of about 10% for property that was the most overpriced ive ever seen anywhere in the world in relation to the average wage, surely most of this will be written off.

  13. Something not quite right with the ability to quote and respond, hence, this post in response to Naam's lat post:

    In which case you must beg less strenuously because the terms "devaluation" and "depreciation" broadly imply the same measure, but let's not get caught up in semantics here, the Swiss currency is reducing in value and the race is now on to see which one reaches a floor closest to the Pound first.

    Strange goings on with the Swiss theyre banking industry is about to become less secretive -


    Along with their govt devaluing their currency -


    They must be deeper in the sh7t then theyve let on so far.

  14. As for Brits being better savers than borrowers these days: that was also from one of the two British papers listed above and appeared many weeks ago and was an extract from a report by the Building Societies Association, if I can find it I will post it.

    I believe that more are paying their debts off (read it from a decent source recently..i forget where). With interest rates now at next to nothing and with probable high rates of inflation just around the corner the government are making sure people will no longer save, so we can invest it in Gordons new economy i.e. Imported goods in Shopping Malls.

    Ive been a saver for the last several years as ive been waiting for property to crash, this very healthy nest egg is going to be spent in the next year buying a property as i'm worried it'll be eaten up by inflation, and i dont think property is going to crash as much as i anticipated ......... im sure many are thinking in a similar fashion.

  15. Some rich mush owns the devastatingly handsome fcuker but he's looking to sell him at the end of his current 2 year loan spell at manure fpr 30 million quid, manure did have first option but that agreement expired in January, Fergie claims he is going to get him and there isnt a problem. And yesterday it was in the papers that West Ham are going to be paying Sheffield Utd over 10 million quid for playing the looker illegally and that this deals almost complete.

  16. The British economy will bounce back as it always has done, hence sterling will be so strong you'll all be stars with the ladies once again.

    The Swiss govt have slightly devalued their currency this week so theyre workers are priced more competitively, mid to long term it is in the interest of British workers to have a weak pound, thus enabling us to compete in manufacturing and grow this sector when it picks up.

    Please will you fukwits who say Britain doesnt manufacture anything do a bit of research you'll find youre very wrong.

    Besides we've only got at most another 14 months of Gordon and Nuliebour corrupt incompetent thieves so things are looking up.

  17. i always watch in a bar so don't have the dubious benefit of the in-studio 'experts'. i actually prefer watching on the thai channels these days, the chaps with laptops at halftime and the commentary is drowned out. makes it more like actually being at the match. :o

    Stevie, up there in the sticks do they not have cable TV? It's only 1500 baht a month for the Gold Package.

    i hate watching football indoors james, always have. if i can't be at the match i have to be in a pub or bar.

    Im the opposite of you, whenever i go watch my team in the pub and they lose which they normally do, i get all wound up and am game to give anyone supporting the opposing team a clip, hence its not a good idea for me to go there.

    Surely now theyve got adverts that will mean cheaper True packages.

  18. I agree that Platini is a total hypocrite who was happy to take maximum coin in his playing day and only got the job because of who he is and he seems like some kind of deluded football socialist, and that Blatter and all the fukwits who run FIFA are corrupt thieving bstrds that have taken over a tournament that would be impossible to ruin.

    But i still think this is a good idea ,maybe not with 6 homegrown players as i think this would dilute the talent in the short term, but lets say a minimum of 4 or 5 per team that are eligible to play for England, im sure most teams could manage this right now without it affecting how good or bad they are.

  19. on the subject of wayward katoeys on the promenade, have you spent any time with them?

    I only go for authentic ladies but each to their own and all that.

    let's face it the ones down there are all on the rob aren't they :o

    I dont know what they do but surely not every Ladyboy in Pattaya is a thief. But some violent thug cant just go around spraying CS gas into someones face because theyre having an argument thats nowt to do with him.

    would you trust your wallet with them???

    Only if it was so full of money it was coming out the sides.

    I hope Mr Miller will be letting us all know the outcome of Mr Harrisons investigation, but i'd be willing to bet a shiny gold coin it'll be swept under the carpet and nothing will be heard of this alleged violent assault.

  20. The video speaks for itself. About 3 years ago the TPV's nearly came to a sticky end. Howard knows what I am talking about. I was a bar owner at the time for my sins and I still have a copy of the dossier that was circulated. Howard knows what I am talking about. looks like they are getting above themselves again.

    Why not publish it on here, if it would see the demise of this band of wanabee cops which it seems is what most people want.

  21. 6 English players and 5 foreigners would make it a fairer competition, so i can see why you are all so against it, do you think it would be boring if the same teams didnt finish in the top 4 positions year after year (with one blip every 4 years or so).

    How would it make it fairer? The richest teams would still be able to buy the best players, whether they be foreign players or not.

    All it would do is lower the standard of the league - now that would be boring.

    You mean like how boring the league was for the millions who actually attended football matches throughout the last century, especially in the 60, 70 and 80s when English teams ruled Europe with predominantly British players. Maybe Skysports generation fans may not like it, though im sure a few extra motion graphics may persuade them. (im not saying you fall into this category i dont know you)

    It would make things fairer as those clubs with the better Youth Systems would prosper..... you dont need to be the richest to create a good youth set-up, look at Man City (pre-Sept 08) and West ham.

    It would give young English players a chance to get in the first team which over the last 10 years has happened far less then it should, often due to a manager spending 5-10-15-20 million on some Carlos Kick a ball who they would never drop purely on the basis he wouldnt want to look as though he's wasted club money.

    At the moment obscenely rich people with no interest in football who just want their ego massaged like Abramovich and the Man City Arabs can come in and as good as buy instant success by buying 11 of the best foreigners in the world, this without a doubt ruins the game as a honest sporting spectacle.

    We'll just have to disagree on it though, but IMO it'd be great to see the bastardised joke of a so called competition that is the Premier league, actually become competitive. What Platini and Blatter dont seem to mention what greatly affects competition is the way the money from the Champions league distorts national leagues, but they dont seem to want to talk about this.

    Here read this, the stat about English clubs winning the European Cup 6 times in the 15 years pre 1992 whereas they'd only won it twice (now 3 times) when this article was wrote in 2007. (not bad considering English clubs were banned for several years).


    Fergie backs it - Read the last 3 paragraphs, surely that must strike a chord, there is more to football then glory which most ManUre, Liverpool and Chelski fans switch on the TV set for.


  22. to all on here that reside in Pattaya and have a problem with Howard and the FPV....

    how's about you go and tell him your concerns instead of being really brave and hiding behind your keyboards whilst rubbishing him...

    But you have seen many comments on here that are totally ignored by Mr Howard so what would be the point, there must be a higher authority to make the complaint to.

    Also why are the girls on Beach Rd. so afraid of the Tourist Police as when they walk down there mobhanded the girls all runaway, what have they to fear if they have no power of arrest.

  23. Norrona - Are you Mr Harrison.

    As the situation is still being investigated, i dont know for sure but will be dying to find out once the investigation has been completed.

    But the facts are Mr Harrisson is alleged to have interfered in an argument, at which point a Ladyboy had its hair pulled and they were sprayed with pepper spray.

  24. Yes im dying to know why the Vigilante Mr Harrison is hanging around on Beach Rd. looking for trouble so he can spray someone with pepper spray.

    In England he would go to prison for firing this dangerous weapon into someones eyes.

    And lets be honest the girl who advised the guy that the katoeys werent real women was in the wrong in the rules of the hooker for trying to cost them a client, <deleted> anyone with half a brain knows just to let these people argue it out amongst themselves.

    do you really think that he just walked up and sprayed the katoey? you need to take a long hard look at yourself if you do :o

    however if you are on the wind up and looking for a bite then why not come across as a bit more educated :D

    No i think he saw an argument that was none of his business and he jumped in using a dangerous weapon that is illegal to carry.

    Now if you were a lot more educated and had learned to read properly you'd see thats what i had written.

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