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Posts posted by sanmiguel

  1. If he makes crap fish and chips then he probably is in this Fish friers institute thingy as pretty much all fish and chip shops in England offer vile greasy chips and that thick disgusting batter that ruins the taste of the fish.

    Best fish and chips ive ever had was in the main bar past the market and by the river in Phnom Penh, i forget the name.

  2. I am looking to get one of these pre paid visa/mastercard debit cards they offer at the post office/Thomas cook etc.... as back up in case i lose my bank card.

    Does anyone use these or know which one is the best?

    Is it possible to transfer money onto them online and are they a viable alternative to bank debit cards as im with Yorkshire bank and their charges are excessive.

  3. San, honestly & i'm not taking the p*ss here, aside from Managerial Appointments, what is it that Ashley has done that is so bad ??

    Not Fishing here either, just can't keep 100% up with every problem with every Football Club..

    When Ashley bought the club he didnt do any due dilligence and bought a club that probably was near to becoming insolvent for 150 million GBP, apparantly John Hall said that he wanted a quick deal so Ashley jumped at it, however a few months prior to this several potential investors most notably a American Casino firm all backed out of the deal once they completed due dilligence. So his first major error was buying the club at 150million.

    After investing this amount of money he then got a Chief Exec and got him on gardening leave from his solictors firm for 1 year to sort the club out, now surely to fcuken god if youve invested so much money you get the best person in the business to run the club on a permanent basis, not someone doing it for the experience. He also gave a job to a Mr Jiminez who is a property tycoon to be some kind of superscout and to organise signings, again this man has no experience in football prior to this job.

    When he bought the club they old owner had just appointed Sam Allardyce after sacking Glenn Roeder, so he didnt give Big Sam decent money to blow in the transfer market, so Sam went out and bought horrendously bad players some of them as Bosmans so they are on high wages, the rest even according to Big Sam were a risk, it turned out all apart from Beye were of no use (even barton who is either injured in prison or suspended for past problems)

    Anyway as Big Sam was not his appointment he was never going to be in the job too long, and after going on a non winning streak for about 3 months he got the tictac, and in came messiah no. 1 aka Kevin Keegan.

    Now Kevin Keegan didnt want to waste any money in the january transfer window that he was appointed as he wasnt too sure what we needed, but a few days after his appointment in came Blue Peter garden vandal Dennis Wise to as it was said at the time oversee the youth setup and bring players in for this aswell as finalise players contracts and clinch signings.

    After a few games Keegan got the team playing very well, and they stayed in the league with ease. Now the original gadgy who's name i forget that was appointed Chief Exec or Managing Director had now finished his year in charge so Ashley then appoints another friend of his from his favourite casino called Mr Llambas into this position again this guys got no football experience ... you can see a pattern forming here.

    Now in this transfer window summer 08 nothing happen except embarrassing promises of wow signing, and the club getting rid of a lot of players who performed badly the previous season without replacing them. However it now seems Dennis Wise is in charge of signings and he bought Collocini for 12 million and Guitterez for what was said at the time to be free as they invoked some FIFA law but i believe is now closer to 8 million, and Keegan got Guthrie and Bassong, but he also desperately wanted a left back that we had needed for 3 prior seasons but Wise didnt get this instead he sold Milner and bought in Xisco and some South American who played 30 mins v West Ham, hence Keegan was fcuked off at getting players sold under him and getting ones he didnt need or want so he quit.

    Then the fans who are now pig sick of useless owners turn on him, and he decides to put the club up for sale, so he is now in a position with no manager a very weak squad and no one who can manage the club so he appoints Kinnear.

    In January 09 window Man City the richest club in the world bought Shay Given who is the best keeper in the world IMO for a giveaway at 7 million GBP and they wont be paying 1 penny of this until the summer, 24 hours after this Newcastle well Dennis Wise and the gang offer 9 million for some 20 yo Man City kid who cant get in the team and get told to p7ss off, they (Dennis Wise) use the excuse that Man City were hard to do business with fcuken unbelievable .......... pity we werent. We then give contracts to the 3 <deleted> players mentioned before ........ Shay Given also said the club couldnt wait to get him out and get the 7 million in.

    To put the boot in further they let Nzogbia go to Wigan on the cheap. The clubs so called 5 year plan is to copy Arsenal and get the best young players for the future but theyve now let Milner and Nzogbia go, the plan we are now told is to copy Aston Villa. But luckily we sign Taylor, Nolan and Lovenkrands to save the season.

    Then Kinnear has a heart problem which needs open heart surgery so instead of thanking him and getting someone in permantly he lets Hughton fail for 2 months before Shearer took over this week.

    But even with appointing Shearer he is <deleted> it up as he is now saying the man who has a contract until the end of the season is now coming back to take up his role.

    I believe that Newcastle owe Mike Ashley 100 million and this is their only debt so i cant see how going into administration would be an option as this would mean selling assets of the club to put in his personal account, but maybe as i know <deleted> all about big business this is what he plans if they go down. He also advertises Sportsdirect everywhere in the ground for this the club have been paid just 50,000 GBP, the club are also going to have paid out 16 million to finish contracts of Allardyce, Keegan, Wise all in the space of 15 months

    Basically most people dont quite understand how such a succesful businessman can be so incompetent at running this business, maybe he's a mackem.

  4. It was a comfortable victory for Chelsea as Newcastle lacked any real quality or imagination. The 3 transfer windows signings of Ryan Taylor, Nolan and Lovenkrands haven't improved the team and as for Colloccini, he's f*cking hopeless.

    Theyre just journeymen players, who if they do go down will still look ordinary in the Champioship, i thought the team were ok first half, but it was too predictable as to what was going to happen after the break.

    Looking on the bright side, WBA and Boro looked doomed, and Hull and Sunderland are really struggling at this moment in time. If Newcastle can get a couple of wins, they might be able to catch one of these two teams. Hopefully Bassong and S. Taylor will be back next week to bolster the centre of defence.

    Pompey are looking dodgy and still have to come to St James's, but ive looked at all their upcoming fixtures and theyre easier then Newcastles.

    Bartons due back soon he's the best we've got in central midfield.

  5. Who's betting that Albert was a Barcode ??

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

    Albert Einstein, (attributed)

    US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)


    You dont give the board credit for coming up with the most innovative ideas ever in football, that are so far outside the box on how to <deleted> a football club.

  6. I thought Shearer looked smug and clueless in his first game in charge.

    As to Dowie, well what a loser.

    How many clubs has that one been dismissed from for incompetence?!

    The first half there wasnt much in it, but im not quite sure how smug Al can do anything about the fact a 12million GBP Argentinian international was unable to kick a ball or tackle, his 3rd blatant error in 3 games, or the fact a linesman cant see. The 2 first choice central defenders are injured clued up Miss Zodiac.

    But here skysports breed people, from what i read all bar a few on here are most definitely that, an article right up your street from insider trader come football journalist Piers Morgan.


    Got to love the last bit about Shearer getting Bobby Robson the sack, that was Fat Freds doing several games into the season and nowt to do with Messiah no. 3. Ol Bob was 72 i believe when he got the tictac, he should have been replaced several months earlier but thats more to do with an serially incompetent corrupt chairman as opposed to messiah chasing customers.

  7. If you have explained why Shearer left it this late to step in, i haven't heard it.

    Maybe because he wasnt asked, as kinnear is supposed to be coming back, if you had asked i have had a guess at answering especially for you.

    Nor have i heard an explanation as to why he is not commiting himself to the cause.

    Because he/theyve said Kinnear is coming back, listen to what people say when they speak, always a good way to get enlightened.

    Seems to me like he's covered his own arse quite nicely and will come out of it smelling of roses whatever happens.

    Maybe he needs to get offered the job first, Maybe Ashley only wanted him for 8 games as he is hoping to sell them and Shearer wont know who's buying them. I cant understand why a knowledgeable guy such as yourself seems to think he's pretty chuffed about the position he's in and he cant lose .........you do know he used to follow them every week as a kid in the 80s.

    Not that i blame him for that but i'm just surprised that the fans don't recognise it. I guess his god-like status explains that.

    Another prat coming out with the media cliches, stick to being a TV supporting munich, besides in Newcastle everyones athiest.

    OK for 1 last time, if he had been offered the job when Ashley put the club up for sale it wouldnt have been the wisest thing to do im sure even someone as basic as yourself can figure this out especially with Dennis Wise pulling the strings, it wasnt his fault that Kinnear had a heart attack, or that Hughton is clueless, or that it took the club 2 months after Kinnears heart operation for them to get someone in to replace him, or that theyre probably going to get relegated.

    If you can come out with something regarding Newcastle or football in general that is in the slightest bit interesting and was thought out by your goodself i'll fall off my chair.

  8. If Wenger wanted the game to have more goals, then surely the best way to do this is to make teams more evenly matched so teams turn up to places like Arsenal, Liverpool etc... more willing to attack, the best way to do this would be to distribute the European club football more evenly, which is never going to happen.

    IMO its sour grapes from Wenger who constantly cries about teams which get a result against his accusing them of bullying tactics, when the few Arsenal games ive see theyve not won, its purely down to them not being better then the opposing team.

  9. Wonder where you'd be now had you stuck with big Sam?

    The Championship.

    Don't agree that Sam would have done a worse job than you've done without him, but it's your club and if this thread is anything to go by, you aren't interested in the opinion of anyone whose opinion doesn't match yours.

    agree, i think that newcastle would have been far better off now if they'd persisted with allardyce.

    Allardyce coule very possible have walked aswell as i couldnt see someone like this letting Dennis Wise dictate which players he bought and selling players such as Milner against his will, he also said upon buying players such as Rozenhal Cacapa they were all he could afford and were a risk.

  10. Wonder where you'd be now had you stuck with big Sam?

    The Championship.

    Don't agree that Sam would have done a worse job than you've done without him, but it's your club and if this thread is anything to go by, you aren't interested in the opinion of anyone whose opinion doesn't match yours.

    Well if it wasnt crap like Shearer cant lose he's only doing it for himself, Shearer cant inspire a dressing room, if he really wanted to help he should have come when Keegan left, and people retorting media drivel tales about Newcastle supporters views etc etc... its pretty difficult to agree with this and i believe in my horrible manner ive explained why this is wrong.

    Under Sam Allardyce Newcastle could have been relegated last year, they really were that bad under him, at best Newcastle would be going through a slightly better season then they are now, realistically theyd very possibly been relegated last season or this under him.

    But its all down to Mike Ashley employing his mates from the casino, who brought in such wonderful players like Ignacio Gonzalez, Xisco behind Keegans back, the ironic thing is the only new player worth his salt ie Bassong who cost 500k was one of Keegans finds.

  11. Shearer is great for what he symbolizes and what he achieved, but where's the charisma, where's the heart on the sleeve passion? Can you see him giving half-time speeches that really fire up the players with his quiet monotone delivery?

    He was England captain aswell as Newcastle captain and constantly lead on the pitch and allegedly the dressing room throughout his career, i think thats the least of his worries for being a successful manager.

    Wonder where you'd be now had you stuck with big Sam?

    The Championship.

  12. Football is about success

    Most Stoke fans think this way which is why your grounds gone from over half empty to full in a couple of years.

    and not winning any major honours is quite an important yardstick of measurement!

    Im of the opinion Newcastle will probably win <deleted> all in my life and im only 33, but theyve certainly got the potential to reach this yardstick without someone elses money ala Chelsea, Blackburn, ManCity style.

    You keep going on about Talksport and 5 Live - but come out with the above quote - sound much like something the people you are trying to label as listeners of these stations would say.

    How can commenting that beating Stoke is not beyond the realms of fantasy be sheeple like thinking?

    I have never listened to Talksport and haven't listened to 5Live for probably 5 years.

    I dont usually listen to these stations, but April 1st i was driving for 12 hours and listened to people on these stations who support ManU, Liverpool, Stoke or whatever football team coming out with some absolute <deleted> comments about a club and a city theyve probably never been to and certainly know nothing about, but they think theyve a grand vision after reading a couple of columns by middle class journalist, who are new breed footy fans that work for southern based media and by watching voxpox comments on SkySports from muppets outside the ground.

    Me personally i couldnt give such insight into anyone elses franchise as i know <deleted> all about them, and care even less.

  13. but beating Stoke fcuken City is hardly beyond the realms of fantasy

    Well considering only Chelsea, Man Utd and Everton have done it this season at the Britannia - it's more of a long shot than you think!

    Oh also you failed to beat us at your place also. . .

    keep on having those fantasies .. .. like being 'big club' - one who haven't won a single major honours in 40 years .. . . :o

    OK so ive shown youre totally wrong and offer opinions similar to that of those fools who call in talksport and 5 live, and you retort with the usual predictable youre not a big club line.

    If they arent a significant club how have they made front pages of national newspapers on the day that Obama came to town, and why are they always in the top 10-20 of the richest clubs in Europe even when they arent in Europe if theyre so small.

    Is England football team a small insignificant team in global terms as they havent won anything for 40 odd years?

    Last time i visited Stoke your fans were quite happy to hit old men and kids your fans still so brave? if we do go down you scabs will soon follow.

  14. No one appears to have mentioned if the Premier League have given him clearance to manage the club.

    You can work in the Premier League for less then 3 months without qualitifcation, he does have 2 of the 3 needed. When Roeder took over Shearer worked as his assistant and they went on that unbelieveable run which saw them qualify for Europe.

    suddenly the media on my fronts are expecting that they'll beat Chelsea and easily then beat us (Stoke) the following week and onward to safety they go! So in the space of a day a team of under performing, over paided renegades have sudden been united and will waltz up the league - be serious!

    The press make up stories to sell papers, but beating Stoke fcuken City is hardly beyond the realms of fantasy, Or do you now blame Newcastle fans for what the media writes. Before Shearer arrived they were already resigned to relegation, all this has done is give them a bit of optimism as the players now have someone that will guide the team.

    As Joe Kinnear who was brought in as temporary manager until the end of the season is now according to the club going to be returning to his position as manager in pre season shows Ashley still cant be straight with people, with the current regime (not including Shearer) in place if they did manage to stay up this year theyd be relegation certs next.

    Most of these insane Newcastle fans dont exclusively want a geordie manager they wanted one that was competent, but they do think that one good thing about Shearer returning was that he'd only return if the club was to be run properly ....... also to blow another of these media myths you take as gospel they dont want 11 geordies in the team just 11 good players, the Geordie that is Shola Ameobi is despised by all.

  15. it's actually a really shithouse move by shearer this, he can't lose. they go down, he joined them too late etc and he walks away. if they stay up he's the second coming of the lord. where was he when they really wanted him, post-keegan?

    After Keegan left Ashley put the club up for sale, hardly the best time to take your first managerial role, but dont let that minor fact get in the way of your inside knowledge.

    How can you questions Alan Shearers loyalty not 1 sane Newcastle fan thought it would be wise for anyone to take the job under this current regime when they were up for sale ............. do you ring talksports by any chance?

    Yes, my thought exactly. He can't lose on this one, but he will certainly enhance his reputation if he can make a fight of it. The only person that is going to benefit from this appointment is Alan Shearer.

    He can lose because he is a Newcastle fan and will be gutted if they go down, and if he keeps them up which Hughton wont be able to manage then the fans will win ..... again a perfect bit of talksport esq football chat from you.

    Its people such as most on here, and the southern press that seem to like to make up <deleted> Messiah, quotes, no one from Newcastle comes out with sh7t like that.

    And Dowies his mate from when they were at Southampton, maybe no ones has called into talksport to inform you nepotism is rife in football.

    If i was in Ashleys position on March 31st 2009 and was about to have 50 million wiped of the value of my football club i'd do exactly as he has this time, i'm not too sure how anyone on here can say anything other then its the best thing he could have done.

  16. they employ a totally unqualified and untrained manager and all of a sudden in the eyes of the media they are world beaters! :o

    And you think some formal qualification from UEFA makes the blindest bit off difference?

    20 years involvement in a pro football isnt a bad grounding, besides Cloughy only had 10, in your world he wouldnt have got a start.

    Who said they were world beaters, or did you just make that up all by your self?

  17. Jim Beglin on ITV, no matter what he says i just want to beat him, plus he doesnt come close to being impartial when commentating on his beloved team from the European Capital of Crime.

    All commentators on ITV are w4nk and should be dropped in the middle of the north pole in flip flops and be made to find their own way home.

    Also after just watching the autocue reading Asian guy on the once worthy Football Focus he should be given his P45, he got the job purely because Indians/Pakistanis are crap at football and the Beeb believe they can single handedly change this by appointing some posh uni kid who knows nowt about football on their now ruined show.

    Maybe this topic would have been better if it had been about commentators we like ... Ian Darke who has done the boxing and footy on Sky for years is one of the better ones, he just tells you whats happening and you dont get any far out controvercial <deleted> off him like you do with most others.

  18. There are quite a number of people on internet forums who have never made a bad trade and have been making massive amounts of money off the market over the past year, just as they had in each preceding year.

    IMO its best not to believe the acquaintance down the pub, bargirls or people on internet forums.

    and neither is it advisable to believe the claim of a Brit that he sold real estate in a fascist eastern european state :o

    Such devastating wit old man.

    I gave you many links to highlight the EU's fascist ways, but you conveniently didnt reply.

  19. as, I believe, most applications are rejected by consulates, it's an easy money for uk government

    Most of the pressure on UK local services resulted recently from the influx of new EU citizens, seems unjust to penalize the non-EU visa applicants to pay for the visa-exempt arrivals.

    Its a start, its better then the British taxpayer picking up the tab as we always do, these people will all have free access to the NHS if they get in it isnt a bad deal. Besides all skilled immigrants coming here to work will get their company to pay for it, its not that much on top of the overall cost to study here, and the scrounging so called economic migrants will make it back through free housing/ free healthcare/ free childcare /free cash benefits/ free child tax credits/ free education/ free bus pass/ free legal advice/ free prison etc etc......

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