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Posts posted by jazzbo

  1. Etymology of the word 'farang' aside, the OP's query was how to deal with children who are 'confused' and maybe at times upset about having parents of 2 different races ... Having first noticed this phenomenon about 25 years ago when traveling to China and being a bit haunted by some of those children's faces I would say the following:

    I would tell the child that the most important thing is having a loving parent or parents ... The fact that you are of mixed race parentage is nothing of your doing but was a choice made by me and your Mother ... when you get upset at other persons who maybe stare at you and call you names do not get upset at them: Get upset at me and your Mother --

    It was our choice; not yours but you are the one who will have that burden to deal with persons who just do not understand.

  2. However the Yank contingent should be advised that the last time I went in for an extension of stay based upon retirement the local IMM office insisted on using the highly unfavorable Bangkok Bank 1-2$ note rate which as of today is:

    USD1-2 : 28.99

    USD5-20 : 29.30

    USD50-100 29.77

    I nearly had a stroke when I realized what they were up to but I squeaked by with the $1-2 note rate... I do not know that there is any other country that has such multiple rates based on currency note denomination.

  3. BTW from My Cousin Vinny (for a slow SongKran weekend):

    Vinny Gambini: (concerned about his hunting attire) What about these pants I got on? You think they're okay?

    Mona Lisa Vito: Imagine you're a deer. You're prancing along. You get thirsty. You spot a little brook. You put your little deer lips down to the cool, clear water - BAM. A fuc_kin' bullet rips off part of your head. Your brains are lying on the ground in little bloody pieces. Now I ask ya, would you give a fuc_k what kind of pants the son-of-a-bitch who shot you was wearing?

  4. from #96 I sometimes regret owning a home because the general maintenance of a home is an anchor tying me to one place when I'd rather be fishing or hunting. OK ditch the house unless that is where you store all the spectacularly beautiful duds.


    Mid-Island Storage -- Located in beautiful Parksville , British Columbia -- serving Central Vancouver IslandSeservirving Central Vancouver Island, British Columbia

  5. One way to do this as has been discussed here before -- and which I came close to doing myself -- is to find some consulting or other organization that is in the position capital/Thai employee-wise of supporting a work permit application, have them hire you, and then reimburse any taxes and out-of-pocket costs that they might incur in hiring you plus any commission if they so request.

    However, you have to earning an amount substantial enough to cover all the above costs.

  6. Interesting to read of all these para-military suggestions ... I would think for some here who travel out of country leaving the family alone you might hire your own security guard to sit at the front entrance while you are away.

    Beyond that this is all an interesting reminder as to why I am happy to rent an apartment.

  7. Thanks GB -- I do use Skype and Skype-out but the call quality is not always acceptable and sometimes my Internet is just plain down ... However one great thing about having Skype-out is that calls to '800' numbers in USA are free...

    This easy-card may be the best tip I've garnered from your posts since I decided to start buying Meals-ready-to-eat with 3-year shelf life ...

  8. Everyone brings something different to the table but, personally, I never considered a move to Thailand until after several preliminary trips and the non-family-type 'bond' was already in place ... and is still in place 7 years hence.

    Although I do speak (though now very rusty) Spanish I also started studying Asian languages 20 years before I ever set foot in Asia and that itself is 20 years ago.

  9. Back in the days (1996) when 'Dolly' the Sheep was first cloned people used to joke about cloning Michael Jordan ...

    My response was: What do get when you clone Michael Jordan? ... a baseball player who can't hit a curve ball.

  10. Kuhn DB -- You have your experiences and -- though not in the same quantity -- I have mine. In the USA when I needed to purchase health insurance myself I did it directly with United Healthcare and a had very satisfactory experience with inpatient surgery with their network provider... and I have had excellent communication with the BUPA reps on the phone, via email, and in-person... it is a matter of personal preference when such options are available.

    The only billing discrepancy I had at check-out time after 8-days in-patient following surgery here in Thailand is that the insurer refused to pay the hospital for the cans of CocaCola I drank in my private room's mini bar.

    Whether there is any love lost between insurer and provider here in Thailand makes little difference as it will be the same whether a broker is involved or not... and at least to my knowledge and despite substantial investments on their part the Health insurers in Thailand have never suggested that you use their direct services instead of a broker while the reverse is true maybe ad nauseum.

  11. I did not intend to add anything other than a heads-up to others that after reading

    ... a pre-planned holiday

    my wife contacted Immigration ...

    ... suffering from a family bereavement

    and especially

    Considering that the immigration office (were) directly responsible for my problems ...

    that they should take note that -- barring the rare exception -- Immigration doesn't give a sh-t about your problems

  12. I am very sorry to read of the OP's and his wife's dilemma which is more than anyone should have to endure just to get an extension ...

    However, on these pages many times one can read of 'It was time for my visa/extension but I had OTHER commitments, priorities, plans, etc.' ... SAY WHAT?

    . Considering that the immigration office where directly responsible for my problems, it seems a little shoddy to suggest that I may have brought some of this upon myself.

    I would say for the benefit of others that YOU were directly responsible for your problems, not Immigration ... Guys on here have said that they received an opinion over the phone or even in person with one IMM officer, and then when they later showed up that officer was not to be found and was given a different opinion ... Taking care of vital visa or extension matters should always take precedence over a holiday and -- with all due respect -- IMM is not about to make concessions every time someone says someone has died as long as it isn't you.

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