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Posts posted by sportsman69

  1. Another Santika. The press will report the first findings, everyone in an uproar and then nothing further once the tea money is paid. It will all just cease to exist.

    No, not really IMO. Tiger has been very good in taking care of the victims, with for Thai perspective very high payments.

    {quote} " Tiger has been very good in taking care of the victims," Yes they have paid the Thai victims some money but not much for the loss of life and grief for the families Were they given the ultimatum of, take this amount, or wait forever whilst we drag this thru the courts, we pay our lawyers more than you can pay yours, syndrome.

    I don't believe the foreigners or the families of those whose who died or were injured have been compensated to the full extent. Interested in any links that might prove otherwise.

    I have a gut feeling this will go the same way of the Santika investigation. Why should this be any different than what has gone before when the result sheet for successful outcomes hasn't changed one iota. Because it happened in Patong where there is hardly any corruption,? unlike that in Bangkok? Don't think so.

    • Like 2
  2. Cases of Beer Lao in Makro today

    Dark 928 baht

    Light 899 baht

    Beer Lao with a salami and cheese sandwich for lunch licklips.gif

    The prices seem right and the lunch menu excellent. Most important is the date. Should be no earlier than 12 Jun 2012. Because of the lack of preservatives and chemicals, unlike Thai brewed beers it's, shelf life is not very long.

  3. 298532_357614237658772_932199721_n.jpg







    Great Photos of the event. It shows a lot of interest from the participating parties. Thanks to all those who participated.

    The one with 12 on the one hook reminds me of my ships cat's birthday party ( his name was Scuba by the way ) when rafted up in Cairns inlet 22 odd years ago. A great party spoilt by the Fuzz for being over .05 ( on the pick ? ) and a few other infringememts I won't go into here.

    Ah yes, the joys of a western democratic society.

  4. Did you try putting new batteries in and then test if it works?

    yes, I'll try new batteries as soon as I can get into it! Yes, I also know its my fault for not checking/changing the batteries sooner.

    There is a possibility that the PIN code is stored on memory which does not reset immediately when the batteries dry out. Therefore it might be worth of trying to insert fresh batteries before you send your safe for drilling.

    Can only be done when the safe is open.

    His is locked. Needs the circular key.

    I'd angle grind the hinges off and go buy another.

    Cheaper in the long run. Time wasted filling in forms and nonsense.

    I would suggest asking any lower level hotel's room maid, most would know how.

    Failing that a Google search will uncover some " expert " help. These tin boxes are the bare minimum to keep honest villans at bay.

    edit; HansGruber has a valid point. the one we got has a thin tin bottom, start there.

  5. I mean wooden ones.

    A few of the second hand shops dotted around the island would possibly have stocks from deceased estates. The Salvos or Vinnies Botique in OZ would be the place to go,

  6. When I read this report my first thought was "Well Done" to all who participated.

    But then I had a query, where did all the rubbish go that they collected ?

    Does anyone know ?


    Edited to correct spelling mistake. wai.gif

    Firstly congrats to the organaisers who made this happen. Awareness and education especially in schools is the next step.

    LeungKen's question reminds me of not that long ago after competing in the Darwin - Ambon yacht race a mirriad of "urchins" were clambouring over the black plastic sacks of non biodegdadable garbage we had collected and duitifully brought ashore by dinghy. Their hands were out looking for an earn to dispose of the waste, thinking it would be helping the local ecconomy we gave them a couple of bucks. Before anyone could stop them they scapmpered off with a sack or two each. Where to ?. Straight off the end of the jetty into the harbour.!! Not even the local officals had any interest to stop it. Thats where we throw our garbage. Havent been back for a while, I wonder if it has changed.

  7. I hope they bring some dark beer with them but its probably a forlorn hope, does anyone remember "variety is the spice of life"?

    You can already get Beer Lao Dark smile.png

    True. they have already appointed a new local agent here in Phuket and we have had no difficulity in obtaining fresh stocks of Carlsberg, Lao regular and Lao dark ( 6.5 %)

    They are the beer sponsor for the next Thai Visa 10 year aniverisary parties.

    IMHO a very good call and I wish them every sucsess.

    edit. Spell check not working

    • Like 1
  8. Rimmer. Care to let me know how I was being profane?

    I don't think he was refering to you. It was I think, directed to another BM who was posting off topic in a derograty disrespectful manner.

  9. The most popular seems to be Somjet at Phuket Visa and Accounting. I know several people that have used him. Not the cheapest but very established on the island. http://phuketdir.com/pktvisaccount/ It's not cheap though. I happen to have my notes sitting here from when I went in there a while back to check it out. 16,000B for a Non-B (Inlcudes trip to Penang) and 20,000B per year for WP. and 5000B per month "tax". Then you have the option of doing 90 day visa runs at 5500B ea. or 20,000B for yearly extensions, no visa runs. Using the second option, re-entry permits are 1300B per entry or 4100B unlimited for the year. Best thing to do is pop in to every law office you see advertising for WP and ask them the cost. That was my next step but one of my employers since offered to get me a WP.

    "most popular seems to be"...?biggrin.png ...never heard of that place but such they probably as competent at that as they get here...good luck!

    With diving instructors he is quite popular. But there have also been quite a few of them that got burned by Somjet, make sure he does everything above board.

    Because he 'provides' the company for the wp, on a 5000 Baht (some years ago) monthly fee. Include tax and social. You don't even have to do the tax refund, in the end of the year. He will giggle.gif It's the so called 'freelance work permit'.

    I still have a picture, taken in his office, some years ago: "Only Passourt for Visa run, new price, 3500 Baht".

    ( http://picturepush.com/public/10418401 )

    There is almost nothing, that Somjet would call 'impossible'. He in one of the guys, you can call as "he has connections".

    That can make it difficult, in the end!

    Ah yes, those were the days. IIRC the opening bid, b/4 photo, was 1500 baht. At that time it was about twice the going rate of an an " accompanied " visa run. A very popular " service. "

    I think the scam unravelled when a non friendly imm. officer at the border possibly missed his share and 50 or so punters were left up sh1t creek with no passport. ( and some in their pants as well ! ) Somjet no doubt sorted it out, seemingly he seems to have that ability.

  10. Nothing wrong with Air Asia. Flown them dozens of times, though, I usually pay a little extra for the better seat which gives you a meal, too.

    They must be doing something right as they are the most profitable budget airline in the region.

    Too many people want the cheap price, but, expect the same service as a non-budget airline.

    Sure business is business but any company should show some standard of repect or honesty for their customers, especially cancellations without reasonable notice and the difficulity of getting a refund. IMHO I would'nt be suprised if they went the way of Stragetic / Air Australia who protested their innocence to the end whilst robbing people to the last miniute.

    A couple of interesting local related articles here that do the company no favours.



  11. I was on an Air Asia flight and in their AA magazine was a guy thats opened some coffee shop in Kamala.

    Calls himself an "ex-lawyer" in the magazine snippet. Found that strange as wouldn't you just be a non-practicing lawyer?

    Anyway, supposedly he roasts his own beans, my thought though is he is going to have to sell a lot of cups of coffee to make money out of a coffee shop in Kamala.

    Garage Coffee or something...........

    You must have had a late night and no coffee1.gif this morning, see post # 35 this topic.

    Not saying this is the case but being barred from practice would make you an ex lawyer. Retired lawyer may be the correct term in this situation. In legal terms give him, " benefit of the doubt ." whistling.gif

  12. ok well ... i guess i will just have to wing it ... still cant get my head around why no plates ? did think about taking the plates off my pickup and use those for the trip down ...cheers

    Personally I wouldn't give that a thought. Good in theory but if anything went pear shaped you would be easily proven guilty of a serious offence. Driving a vehicle with false plates and all the questions that go with that. " what bank did you rob, where is the gun, where did you steal the pick-up belonging to these plates, etc, etc,".

    Far better as already suggested if you have supporting paperwork, ie, dealers reciept, application for registration etc, to wing it without plates. If none of these at least a note written in Thai to show Cap't Plod the reason for no plates.

    Good luck.

  13. I was once introduced to a relative of my GF`s,who I was told is an english teatcher. Unfortunately,I could not understand anything of what she tried to tell me "in english",and when she realised that,she explained to my GF (in Thai),that at least her pupils did understand her when she spoke english....

    Not much hope is there ?

  14. Thank you.

    I forgot to mention that I had also tried your suggestion yesterday - no luck.

    I feel that my best chance maybe a source in Bangkok.

    For alarm systems you need the extra mHa, otherwise I seem to be changing much more frequently.

    Another thought maybe Singapore, Sim Lim Square, Tower or whatever. Regular postage would be peanuts with no cunstabulary to worry about. Don't give up, the impossible just takes a little longer. Is it possible to rig an external supply using something readily available with a bit more grunt. ?

    Edit. Please excuse any spelling errors, spell check u/s.

  15. Sound, lucky you, that's all you're complaining about, most punters Iv'e heard don't even get a picture. Learn to lip-read, you'll be OK mate. smile.png

    Seriously, site opens OK for me. If they reply to a 'contact us' form, from what I've heard though, it would be a first. Good luck.

    Probably a bit topsy turvey in the office right now what with their boss, the president of the Phuket Chamber of Commerce no less, up on a murder charge over the Freedom Beach expose' or has that successfully been swept under the rug? Sirinath National Park seems to have stolen the limelight lately in the crime and corruption sweepstakes.

    ​Mere mortals like us trying to keep the economy alive, will never know.

    edit. ​N.J nailed it, sound advice, no pun intended.

  16. R.I.P. Nithipol Lorlaem.

    " Sirinath National Park officers told us we were no longer allowed to have a lifeguard station in that area. They told us that it was within the national park area [beyond the entrance fee collection booth]." To me It appears to have a monetary tone about it.

    Another life that could have been possibly been saved but for the bureaucratic bullshit and greed that passes for the rules here.

  17. Hi Dennis,

    I also live in Surat... Closer to Donsak though. Haven't had a chance to fish the area yet but my wife bought me some gear for my Birthday, bless her. I would be keen to chat with you more and maybe we can head out some time for an explore !!

    On the subject of Oz fishing, we are heading to WA when I get back in a week and hitting the coast in a campervan. I also love to fish with lures from the beaches and rocks, what can I expect over that side ??


    G'day Cornishcarlos.

    Appears that both Dennis and I are east coasters but there's a few sand gropers who might be able to give advice, seems beach or pier is what you'll be doing unless you hire a boat. A couple of guys are BM's and active in the Phuket forum. the 2 that come to mind are Old Croc and petercallen. They might be able to advise what to do from a local perspective.

    Could try a post in the Phuket forum or if the mods flick it give them a PM direct.

    Regards, Stafford

  18. A few months ago trolled a pair of flatlines all the way to Langkawi and back with rigged baits and previously proven lures. Saw 2 small flocks of gulls. No surface activity at all. Caught 3, 25 kg White Bagfish ( empty,Thai trawler dumped ) numerous Lotus and other unmarked transparent Bagfish. 1 stick and 2 Weedfish.

    Nothing with a scale or otherwise semi edible such as a Bonito. Haven't seen a Spaniard in the local markets for more than 6 months. The last one I did see you could push your finger right through with gills the colour and texture of grey mud, eyes like ball bearings. Vendor said " nice fish, caught yesterday " thought he was offering a bargain at 200 b per Kg whole, guts in. 1zgarz5.gif

    Check the date on yer mates magazines. Hope he's not taking you along to light the fuses, that's the risky bit. Jokes aside I hope it works out good for you both. When I owned a restaurant in Cairns trevally was what we used for namis. Raw fish with lemon juice and coconut cream, top seller. Got Snakehead in our own dam check, www.phuketsport.com but have been in captivity since fingerling's and not on a natural diet. A couple of reasons not to chew them. Elusive buggers to catch too.

    Tight lines, oh shit, snagged again. thumbsup.gif

    • Like 1
  19. Likewise, I truly enjoy fresh self caught seafood. The lack of replies seems to confirm your suspicions.

    I've not fished that coast for some time, maybe 15 years ago and it was thin on the ground then.

    You might like to try a few methods seemingly used with some success by the locals here in the Phuket, Andaman Coast region.

    1. Diving with an old fridge compressor, garden hose and a spear.

    2. Cyanide

    3. Explosives

    4. Indiscriminate use of square hooks

    5. A bit of pair trawling with your buddy, close inshore.

    All of these methods must have been some success at sometime as there's no fish over here either.

    Can't wait to get back to OZ to catch a feed. Last time back, Hervey Bay, no bait purchased but live herring caught off the jetty piles with a $1 jig. Returned to the water a couple of 30 cm Bream, 1 hr later walking back with 2 nice 65 cm Tailor. Food for a week or more. Fresh caught Morton Bay prawns at no greater cost than the farm bred shit here with the resultant mangrove destruction. With the conservation methods and rules in place in OZ, there is no reason to expect a change. Here I'm afraid it's just too late. crying.gif

    • Like 2
  20. As far as I know Nissan March has 4 cyinders, not 3! And torque is quite enough to drive all over the hills..

    From the website......as distinct from BOG. Google translate wins again..............TiT



    Your design conveys a simple, compact, easy drive land fit for life in the city.



    Line 3-cylinder DOHC / engine size 1,198 cc, 79 hp at 6,000 r / min and maximum torque of 106 Newton - meters at 4400 r / min reduce friction. Provides good acceleration. And high torque at low engine rpm.

  21. No. American.

    Best regards,

    Jerrold Kippen


    On Sep 25, 2012, at 21:22, wrote:

    Are you an australian lawyer?

    Sent from Samsung mobile

    Jerrold Kippen wrote:

    No idea what you are talking about. Suggest you contact a lawyer in Australia.

    Best regards,

    Jerrold Kippen


    On Sep 25, 2012, at 18:48, wrote:

    Statutory declarations for australia

    Sent from Samsung mobile

    Jerrold Kippen wrote:

    Sorry, what is "stat decs"?

    Best regards,

    Jerrold Kippen

    If you want to get somewhere in this confusing thread which none of us trying to help are not privy to the real reason, talk to the horse not the jockey.

    Repeat. His name is John Howard.

  22. The Australian Consul is not a JP.

    John Howard an Australian Lawyer can certify documents the same as a JP.

    Bring 1000 baht smile.png

    His details are in link http://duensingkippe...theoffices.html


    He has absolutely no idea what a statutory declaration is. I dont think ill be taking 1000 baht to Cherng Talay any time soon

    He is American

    Seriously. Mr. John Howard, formerly of Tellkie and Gibbins to my knowledge is a true blue Aussie. About 3 years ago I had the need to have a document from Aust. witnessed by a JP. His signature was accepted on the said document. The reference to him was provided to me by one, Larry Cunningham, the Hon. Aust. Consul.

    The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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