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Posts posted by sportsman69

  1. What will a sane person by doing outside at 3:30am??? All over the world this time is an Ungodly hours for crying out loud. Only criminals and demons stay out this time.

    Secondly soon tourist will stop going to phuket and hunger will dealt with this animals who are taking people life for nothing.

    that is incorrect, if tourists stop going to Phuket, the animals(as you like to call them) will move to other areas where tourists go.

    simple survival instinct.

    furthermore, an increase in violence is always connected to economic situation at the time. whenever economy goes down, the crime rate goes up,

    right now its a very very low season, less jobs, less tips and many businesses closing down= an increase in crime

    The low life that committed this horrendous act have probably never done an honest days work in their lives, nor ever will. Probably riding a motor bike pieced together out of stolen parts bought from their mates, who runs a chop shop, with copy plates, for 2,000 baht gained from the sale of Ya Ba. They live a life of crime, with a diet of drugs. The surrounding economy has nothing to do with it. It only alters the percentage figures. If tourist numbers drop by half the scum won't move elsewhere, it will simply mean you have 50% more chance of becoming a victim.

    Eradication is the only complete method of a successful result. I cannot advise the method of implication especially with all the corruption and not even the budget to dispose of the islands garbage in a healthy manner, let alone this scum. There is no magic bullet.

  2. Can a falang legally own a gun?

    Even if he could. If you would shot someone in self defence, The police would maybe turn it against you and you would end up in jail. That's the problem!

    Jail ?? I Don't think so. Yes they would turn it against you and pull the trigger.

    Police report would read something like " Alien farang shoots attacker then commits suicide, police are searching for a motive."

    No problem !

  3. 'Assisting with the forensic investigation, Dr Jakkarat Pittayawong-anon, a specialist from the Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control, arrived with his team on Phi Phi Island on Wednesday to collect more evidence needed to discern the exact cause of the sisters’ deaths.

    “I’ve come to inspect the scene at the Phi Phi Palm Residence Hotel where the two sisters died. I will also be examining stores and restaurants in the area.”'

    Quick off the mark ... !

    Indeed very quick. Especially if you can believe reports that within a few hours of the bodies being removed from the room, it was " fumigated, cleaned, vacuumed, disinfected, pasturised, homogenised, and hit with a dose of chlorine topped off with a spray of air fresh, awaiting the next guest. No doubt any fluids remaining in the room went down the drain as well.

    Same goes for restaurants and bars as well.

    Happy hunting for clues.! Sounds to me like a junket to PP for the weekend.

  4. Amazing !!! Not !!

    YS said that there will be no floods, and now we learn that there will be 3 meters of water in Ayutthaya??? Where did she get her infos, if she got and understood any?

    2 days ago, there was a thread saying that government is loosing race against floods, so nothing to make us feel a bit confident here

    [.........] This prediction was made by consulting company Team Group, which presented its findings at the "Knowing and Fighting against Flooding" seminar held yesterday at Bangkok's Emerald Hotel.

    Don't know who, what, where or why, but I guess it was a sumptuous luncheon with free flow. Then they announce the findings which are as always totally contradictory to the acts.

  5. If the police file this claim an assault, that would mean it would go into their record as an unsolved case leaving a blot on their record, or as a case they have to investigate, which apparently the police do not want to do. As people have clearly pointed out, crash injuries are not consistent with the injuries on this man, but everyone can see that except for the police. The question is, why are the police neglecting to assign this case to the proper procedures for assault and attempted murder?

    I think you answered your own question. No revenue either way. Better to stand at the Chalong circle and collect money from foreigners with no helmets, easy peasy.

  6. Im Australian and love Thailand and I do travel regularly to visit Thai friends. I have been to Phuket a few times but never plan on returning. The place actually kind of disgusts me and I do not feel safe there. In fact, a few times I would not have felt safe in Thailand should I not have been in the company of other Thais. One thing I absolutely hate, is being looked at as "rich farang" and being ripped off CONSTANTLY by Thai vendors of all sorts.

    It is very sad what happened, my deepest condolences to her family and friends.

    I’m living in Thailand for 10 years now. Had been in Phuket once, took a van from the airport to Phang Nga,lived at Bang Sak beach and had a fantastic holiday without any problems you had mentioned.

    What amazes me is that many people really believe what happens in Phuket or Pattaya happens everywhere else.

    The so called holiday paradises are pretty much unreal and also a magnet for all sorts of foreign trash......wai.gif

    I totally agree with the last sentence though using it in the same topic I'm sure is unintentional, it could be interpreted to the casual reader that the victim is ........

    Phuket is full of scum both foreign, such as the Bogan Aussies and other nationalities that make false claims and behave in an obnoxious manner, to the other end of the spectrum, such as possibly the Thai ?, perpetrators of this horrendous crime.

    Good riddance to them all.

  7. 'Col Sirisak admitted that police were under considerable pressure to catch the killer. “We will try to arrest these two men as soon as possible since the incident directly affects Phuket’s tourism,” he said.'

    No Colonel Sirisak, you should first and foremost try to arrest the two men as soon as possible because they took the life of an innocent person. Sod your tourism.

    Good post!!wai.gif

    + 10

    + [......]lensta "You beat me to it, it would have been refreshing if Col Sirisak had

    said that they will try to arrest the 2 men because they had killed a

    defenseless woman.

    • Like 1
  8. To be honest I haven't read a single post on this topic.

    My question is " is she aware of the shit going down in the major tourist destinations of toyland "

    For example, Hells Kitchen commonly known as Phi Phi Island, which for obvious reasons to those who know why, is now being referred to as, " A remote Andaman Sea Island Paradise, " and that's only one location with endemic problems.

    It's over to the spin doctors. Masters of smoke and mirrors misinformation.

  9. I love TV SOMETIMES/// and sometimes not ???

    yesterday there was a poster who said something similar to this ... To all you Sherlock Holmes or Bar stools somethings.... why don't you go there and do your own investigation ..... and some other smart ass replied ... yup well that is possible as already 2 posters have offered their services to go there... Duh!!! And guess who that was .. ?Yup me was one of them!! but since nobody can read properly my intention to go was no 1 , to help them in their talks with The local Thais as well as with the rep from the Canadian embassy as they come from a very small town of barely 3,000 people near / in the Canadian Indian Native areas bordering the USA and I am sure their English if not null would be extremely minimalistic.... I also offered this because I am myself French Canadian and a MOTHER so yes comfort even IF from a stranger but from a similar environment and background can be very comforting ... especially one who has lived here and understands the BS of the country which obviously they would have absolutely no clue about ... So based on above /... whoever did come back saying " And what kind of help do you think you could provide ... they don't need a stranger like You ~!!"

    Well you are dead wrong and you obviously do not understand our tribe honey.

    Anyway , so as for to us (2.. whoever the other person may be ) /// Honestly .... I would love to do it if they called me on day 1 ... cause I can assure you that we (?) would do a f....g hell of a better job than they have ever done in the past and current similar cases

    Don't worry, they can take the piss, I was the 'other' that would dedicate my time! Do not feel ashamed with offering your help whilst some pissed up couch potato takes the piss out of you. We all do what we feel is good and necessary in this world!

    This is so true Annabel. I don't think any one of us who is really concerned here on this forum can do much more than what has already been done to offer help, where others are simply being sarcastic for no apparent reason. Short person disease or small dick syndrome are possible reasons that come to mind, there's possibly many others. Sure to fly from CM to HKT, PP, would be pointless without the parents being here, please ignore " cannot, PP's got no airport 555 " sort of shit. Talking to Sgt. Plod and telling him what you think should be done would be pointless, Talking to kin if they were here would be excellent, if nothing else, for moral support. Different horses, different courses.

    Anyways it's moved on a bit from that picture and is seemingly in the hands of competent personnel. I personally thank you for your input to this topic. Please ignore the naysayer's, I believe some are being given holidays. The big wheel of life just keeps on turning. I'm a devout atheist but I do firmly believe in karma.

    Now all I believe we can do is sit back and wait for the verdict which I hope doesn't turn into another 360 + page topic. It drains me too much.

    • Like 1
  10. Just went to close the browser and .........under the byline.......this weeks world news, check the date folks. Just noticed the last news event in Phuket was a semi with with a load of Red Bull (shit) overturned on the bypass rd. last Monday @ 6.03 pm, well at least it was this week, close enough to current news I guess.


    World News. The unsinkable, unthinkable and unshrinkable

    Phuket Gazette – Tuesday, May 8, 2012 11:33:33 Am

    Is it just me or can I rest my case ?

  11. hmm

    Who's kid wrote this article?

    It's no ones kid bro, It's written by one of the highly qualified adult staff, or so they say, who bring you the news of the day from " Phuket's leading newspaper." You know the ones that are a legend in their own minds. Unfortunately for reasons I don't fully understand we are blessed with this totally incompetent bunch of fools being our source of local news misinformation on this forum. I try to avoid anything they publish but unfortunately it is a main source here and presents itself uninvited. Mai pen rai.

    Breaking news such as this is traditionally 2 or 3 days behind the event, today they broke the mould and created a new precedent. With this one they got on the case a bit quicker. Apparently this tragedy happened at 3 pm Tues yesterday and it is being reported by our source of no choice at only 8.55 am today, excellent, only big problem with the story is.......... That he's fighting for his life claiming he is still alive. though not given much hope of seeing tomorrow.

    Pure fact from my reliable source of information says DoA, dead, stiff as a surfboard, however you wish to describe the fact, was he upon arrival at Vachira Phuket Hospital. No respect meant to the deceased who can't even die without the facts being accurately reported. Even to the point where his next of kin are maybe elated to hear he is still alive which in this case is a total falsehood.... Jeesssuss.......

    Who writes this shit, ? in this case they've hung him out to dry. His name is Chutharat Plerin. I probably would expect him to be a Thai with a couple of degrees in journalism well on his way up the the ladder such as it is here. As is usual possibly a relative of the upper chain of command. They have foolishly given him a by line for him to add to his CV.

    Part 2 of this rant is, and as it's Phuket Gazette copy, I believe I'm able to print it here in all it's glory.

    Right't'o'ere'we go.

    The monsoon season is here and once again hardly a week goes by without a tourist drowning in the surf off Phuket's west coast beaches. Which of the following approaches do you think would be most practical and effective to minimize the death toll?

    a Assign more lifeguards to beaches

    b Provide lifeguards with jet-skis, better safety equipment c Have inbound flight captains issue safety warnings about surf conditions d Give lifeguards police support to remove from the beach swimmers who refuse to obey lifeguard

    warnings against swimming in red-flagged danger areas e Install more warning signs in more languages

    f Encourage hotel staff to do more to warn of the dangers

    " Which of the following approaches do you think would be most practical and effective to minimize the death toll? "

    It's a no brainer aint it. A 6 year old kid, and it aint the one that wrote the story above, can see there is only one correct answer to this poll, forgetting corruption, and that is all.

    There is no option for a multiple answer. Try it yourselves, post a multiple answer, an exercise in futility, like the 3 peas under thimbles game. Send them an email about your thoughts on this or any subject, no reply. They know it all they're professionals. In their stupid thoughts the most popular answer is the magic bullet, and is the answer to all this, and especially the current spate of drownings. Take notice of our poll folks, we're the expurts. Forget the rest.

    Without being disrespectful to any of the victims there is an element of Darwinism in place here over which there is no control, even the young guy, Joshua Shane, obviously well educated, was apparently warned twice along with his travelling companions by their group leader in his own native tongue. People just don't appreciate the dangers until it's too late.

    As I said elsewhere to make these beaches safe it needs a chain of razor wire along the waters edge. It's the lifeguards job to keep it in place and save anyone that happens to make it over the top so as to speak. Not good for tourism of course but ........No that won't really be 100% either. Some enterprising beach vendor will peddle wire cutters for 500 baht that he bought for 50 from China, opportunity knocks.

    Apologies for the long winded rant but this sort of sh1t really gets up my nose. Stupid, incompetent, journalism. Kindergarten standard with no recourse for inaccuracy.

    'night all, with good fortune I'll be allowed to post tomorra.

    Edit; formatting, typos, removal of foul language, spelling, you name it, this one had it all. Oh sh1t more again, with a bit of luck I can go to bed soon. Formatting, grrr, I give up, Print it.

    • Like 1
  12. When I read these stories about young people traveling the world on a nickle and then they cry and complain when things donot go their way. Good ridiance go home and pay your dad back.

    When I read these stories about young people traveling the world on a nickle and then they cry and complain when things donot go their way. Good ridiance go home and pay your dad back.

    When I read these stories about young people traveling the world on a nickle and then they cry and complain when things donot go their way. Good ridiance go home and pay your dad back.

    One could suggest the same thing of some of our resident old age pensioners living in Thailand....at least the young people have an excuse...they are young and stupid...

    Checked around, once the clock hits 70 they shut the gate. Me, no problem, I know the rules and plan accordingly unlike some I know.

  13. Actually she can feel lucky, she is still alive and the hospital only hold her passport. It can have been a lot worst...

    Like this story: Last year a LEGAL burmese worker with a VALID visa got an accident in construction site in thailand. They sent him to hospital but when they found that no one gonna pay the hospital bills, they just chained him to his bed( inspite he canot even walk because of his serious injury)


    some NGO stepped in and I think the story ended well, at least i hope..


    Is that for real, the medical proffession chaining someone up like an animal? Thats quite medieval actually and thats quite a big strong heavy chain as well. That can't be Thailand they are a developed country.

    actually the chain looks plastic based on the colour

    Don't matter, ever tried to break that shit ! 3/8 short link almost as good as the real thing, towed a car with it.

  14. Autopsy on Canadian tourist sisters available in 2 weeks

    BANGKOK, June 20 - The autopsy of two Canadian sisters found dead last in an Andaman Sea tourist resort hotel room will be released within two weeks, according to Ramathibodi Hospital's Forensic Department.

    Noemi and Audrey Belanger, aged 26 and 20, were found dead by a room attendent on the tourist resort island of Phi Phi in Krabi province last Friday.

    Police chief Pol Gen Wicharn Priewnim said the autopsy yesterday took three hours, with samples of tissue and blood being taken.

    Krabi police initially believed the two girls had been dead for at least 12 hours when their bodies were found and that they may have been the victims of a toxic substance.

    No evidence of murder was discovered, but personal items and Ibuprofen tablets of 400 grammes were found.

    Gen Wicharn said the girls' bodies were now available to the family for religious ceremonies. (MCOT online news)

    Nearly 0.5kg of Ibuprofen tablets.....how many is that ?.....dont believe this quantity for a minute....but interesting to see the BiB are still trying to persue this line...

    Are you sure. Or they might put the spin on it, that it was the other 600 gm, read 6/10ths of one kilogram, the girls consumed that fatal night, that caused them in, the eyes of Thai, a slight problem.

    6/10ths of 1kg ?...you must be american....go and work out how many tablets 600gms are....they havent consumed 600gms irrespetive of how the BiB spin it....their girls stomachs would be full of tablets and in addtion it was reported that there was vomit all over the room therefore there would tablets in the vomit...

    Owsitgoinmate ? ...you must be american....No I am not, I'm Aussie, but not necessary proud of the fact, due to the number of Bogans that come here. The last one pretty much sums it up.

    http://www.thaivisa....ort-in-phuket/. The aussie Hon. Con. is totally pissed of also.

    What I am trying to point out is that, do we believe statements by this noob, Police chief Pol Gen Wicharn Priewnim as true fact.

    Or that that the news sources that we are only allowed to read on this forum to use in our judgement of the truth, are so blatant in misinformation. Correction of any misleading errors never happens due to the stupid loss of face syndrome.

    Facts that tends me to think we are regarded as a flock of sheepels.

    Of course I don't think for a moment the fuzz walked out with near 1/2 a f****n kg of Ibuprofen. the photos published if to be believed show that. That amount in packaging would be 2 Lotus bags full. At the moment I have 10 for breakfast so as to speak, no prob.

    What I am trying to get across here is the incompentence of the toy Thai police and those that repeat their statements, in the matter of the suspicious deaths of at least two seemingly innocent victims.

    We as visitors under whatever umbrella, deserve the truth, plain and simple...............That's All.


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  15. WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange has turned to Ecuador for political asylum.

    Assange walked into Ecuador's embassy in London and asked for asylum under the United Nations Human Rights Declaration.

    GoodayGeorge gladtaseeya, so why didn't he just go to the Australian Embassy? They didn't pull out of the UN while I was having lunch did they?

    I have never heard of anyone applying to thier own country for political asylum. I do not think he seeking asylum has anything to do with a sexual assault allegation as he would be pushing <deleted> up hill on that. I think that it is the Americans are waiting in Sweden to rush him back to the U.S where he is facing execution.. Hence the application under the U.N human rights declaration. Australia is terified of the U.S and even tho Australia says he has broken no law they will still feed him to the U.S so as not to upset them.

    P.s it's G'day not Goo day. Sorry couldn't resist

    At least he got the " gladtaseeya " bit right. BTW owsitallgoin mate?

  16. Autopsy on Canadian tourist sisters available in 2 weeks

    BANGKOK, June 20 - The autopsy of two Canadian sisters found dead last in an Andaman Sea tourist resort hotel room will be released within two weeks, according to Ramathibodi Hospital's Forensic Department.

    Noemi and Audrey Belanger, aged 26 and 20, were found dead by a room attendent on the tourist resort island of Phi Phi in Krabi province last Friday.

    Police chief Pol Gen Wicharn Priewnim said the autopsy yesterday took three hours, with samples of tissue and blood being taken.

    Krabi police initially believed the two girls had been dead for at least 12 hours when their bodies were found and that they may have been the victims of a toxic substance.

    No evidence of murder was discovered, but personal items and Ibuprofen tablets of 400 grammes were found.

    Gen Wicharn said the girls' bodies were now available to the family for religious ceremonies. (MCOT online news)


    -- TNA 2012-06-20

    Nearly 0.5kg of Ibuprofen tablets.....how many is that ?.....dont believe this quantity for a minute....but interesting to see the BiB are still trying to persue this line...

    It's obviously a misprint and should read 400mg

    Are you sure. Or they might put the spin on it, that it was the other 600 gm, read 6/10ths of one kilogram, the girls consumed that fatal night, that caused them in, the eyes of Thai, a slight problem.

  17. Her connection sounds to the case like a red herring. A none too bright Scottish lass with an equally dozy dad, even most students or their dimwitted fathers can understand an insurance policy. Ninety days cover is ninety days cover.... hardly rocket science.

    The Bangkok autopsy doesn't look too promising in terms of unravelling the mystery either.

    Infinitely better than the crude attempts of Krabi or Surat. + CC are nearby to oversee, if at all possible.

  18. NBTC demands clarifications from Channel 3 on bare-breast painting show

    BANGKOK, 20 June 2012 (NNT) -The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is planning to summon Channel 3’s executives, for a clarification on the latter’s decision to air a female contestant painting on a canvas with her bare breasts.

    Lieutenant-General Peerapong Manakit, chairman of the NBTC's subcommittee on programme schedules and content, said the commission is demanding a meeting with the channel’s top executives to discuss inappropriate content in an episode of Thailand’s Got Talent, aired on June 17.

    As Channel 3 is the sole license holder of the station responsible for all broadcasting programmes, Lt-Gen Peerapong said the channel could be found breaching section 37 of the 2008 Broadcasting Act.

    The NBTC members recently held an internal meeting to deliberate on the broadcast segment and ruled that the acts should have been censored prior to the live audition.

    By today’s evening, the NBTC will issue the broadcaster an administrative order, outlining guidelines for proper scheduling and content editing for broadcasting.


    -- NNT 2012-06-20 footer_n.gif

    What I want to know, whilst this lot are getting their tits in a tangle over a bit of well organised marketing, what will she do for her next performance.

    Will it be another painting on canvas only this time with her brush.


    Plait her brush all the way to her ankles and make a grand entrance in a mask and spaghetti strap top masquerading as a pair of fish net stockings.

  19. Does anyone know how far away this hotel is from the sewage treatment plant?

    The total lack of P-traps in the plumbing out there, combined with phi phi's not so properly implemented sewage system, could cause problems with h2s given the right circumstances.

    Sewage treatment plant?

    Do they even have one. if so did it ever work, is it still working??? If not it probably is the cause of the stench emanating from the island when you approach from downwind.

  20. They could have had there drink spiked on phi phi not a nice island what so ever i have been once and never again in my life would i set my foot on there again also the locals are not even nice people the island needs a major clean up also in the morning you have people passed out on the side off the walk path ..............................................

    I totally agree with the first part of your post at least, the rest unlike many others I wont even hazard to speculate. PP is like a pimple on a boil on the arsehol_e of toyland.

    My take on the downward spiral is......

    Many years ago Phi Phi was, IIRC when it first started, HQ. for the Kings Cup Regatta. What a beautiful, hospitable, paradise it was. With the advent of mass tourism, and the resultant boom in corruption, the Race committee decided to HQ. at the hotel in Nai Harn and simply have a stopover there as part of the race circuit instead. The Tsunami came and went giving the " Rulers of the Island " the perfect chance to clean up the mess.......They didn't, in fact it got worse, to the stage, no doubt out of the respect to His Majesty the King, Race Committee abandoned the venue altogether.

    Even as you sail into PP today upwind, you can smell the stench from miles offshore.

    And Trip Advisor is saying it's # 1, the most must see Island on the planet ...Sheesh..............

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  21. Is it only me that doesn't have a problem with a business requesting and holding the one thing that will ensure you pay your bill???

    Would she have preferred that they didn't start treating her until she called daddy dearest and cleared the 400pound...

    Now - the investigation or lack there of, with respect to the deaths is a different story all together... striking similarity to the Downtown Inn in Chiang Mai that was originally put down to food poisoning, and would have stayed that way if one of the victims Aussie fathers didn't pull out all stops to ensure a proper investigation...

    Nit pickin' I know, but I believe Kiwi. Please don't get us confused, there is more than a subtle difference. 5555.

    Bottom line on this story as I see it is ( I haven't read it all as I post ) bearing in mind the Scots have notoriously short arms and deep pockets, I know and so do many other nationalities..No hospital is free to a tourist here.

    a. Do you want medical treatment, o'h I see insurance OOD. So we need security to pay the debt, no your mobile phone wont cut it.

    b. Most importantly IF is she able to give any evidence in relation to the sisters deaths, she should be given every opportunity to give that evidence to those investigating the case directly to their face in Bangkok... not P.P. or Krabi.

  22. I think it's about time, Thai authorities look into, what kind of chemicals are used to spray hotel rooms to get rid of bugs and rats.

    This story sounds like the one from Chiang Mai, i hardly think you crap/vomit yourself to death from a mix of brufen and vodkashots, I guess it would also take a rather nasty Tom Yum Goong, to do the same blink.png

    Good that the bodies, has not been removed from the room, but someone should lockdown the whole hotel - so that no chemicals stored there goes "missing". Also the booze from the bar they frequented, should be locked down until the source of their death is found...

    I think it's a bit late mate. I read somewhere that within a few hours of the bodies being removed, the cleaners were in with buckets of bleach, all spic and span, smelling like a rose, for the next unsuspecting guests. If illicit booze was the culprit I'm sure it's already down the gurgle. ph34r.png

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