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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. Thanks boosta, that was a great reply. We, however, are not living together. She would never go for that.

    At present, we are still a couple. She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option. As you say, she is still the woman I've cared about to this point. Nevertheless, with ASEAN around the corner, and Thailand growing leaps and bounds, an M.Ed would create much needed stability for me, before deciding to start a family here.

    Thanks boosta, that was a great reply. We, however, are not living together. She would never go for that.

    At present, we are still a couple. She is trying to get me to change schools. She says there are Thai schools of good quality, and that it isn't necessary to work at an international school in order to have a stable work environment. I am considering this option. As you say, she is still the woman I've cared about to this point. Nevertheless, with ASEAN around the corner, and Thailand growing leaps and bounds, an M.Ed would create much needed stability for me, before deciding to start a family here.

    One accepts guilt if one wants to. It is a voluntary move. I myself do not prescribe to guilt on any level, and when someone tries to lay some on me, I remind them that I simply do not do guilt, so they are wasting their time, and they need to come up with a more reasonable, logical, and intelligent way to allow me to see their point of view. The bottom line here, is that you had no commitment, and if you allow her to guilt you into staying, you are doing yourself a tremendous disservice, and all that will come of it will be very low self esteem on your part. Be strong. Be a man. Buck up. Do what you need to do.

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  2. Ambassadors don't change the world, they usually go with the status quo.

    These guys got a nice stay and a night in Bangla- yep on the taxpayer.

    If they were half serious they would have already issued travel warnings to Thailand, no more travel insurance. That's just about the only thing I can see that would get Bangkok's attention, but ... can't interfere with people's right to travel to foreign countries to get laid- especially theirs.

    A start on cleaning up Phuket would be impeachment of the mayors.

    Ambassadors don't change the world, they usually go with the status quo.

    These guys got a nice stay and a night in Bangla- yep on the taxpayer.

    If they were half serious they would have already issued travel warnings to Thailand, no more travel insurance. That's just about the only thing I can see that would get Bangkok's attention, but ... can't interfere with people's right to travel to foreign countries to get laid- especially theirs.

    A start on cleaning up Phuket would be impeachment of the mayors.

    What about following Chinas lead, and arresting, trying, and executing government officials found to be taking money for their own benefit? How long do you think this greedy behavior would continue once they started wasting officials on the lam? About a month?

    China has PLENTY of corruption also! Those rare cases that the west reads about are a token gesutre to placate the loawai (farang)

    Yes, but at least there is a rare case! Compared to here, where the Thai people have basically laid down, and completely surrendered to corruption, and all the pigs that participate daily. Total surrender. No fight. No resistance. Seemingly no desire to rid themselves of this pestilent plague.

  3. About once a year in the LOS one thai man may challenge someone to a solo fight. The rest of the time, it never even occurs to him, that honorable men fight themselves. Getting a gang of five or more, is how men with no honor fight. This is how 12 year old boys, who occupy the bodies of men fight. Zero risk. What can one say about this behavior? Absolute boldfaced cowardice. A complete lack of manhood. Wusses. Punks, twit behavior, devoid of manhood in any of its forms. Tiny, tiny men without pride or honor.

    The dog-pack thing is complicated.

    To western era it's cowardice. To Thais a show of numbers is a show of solidarity and majority acceptance of any mayhem that ensues.

    Mob behaviour is condoned here and we're wise to steer clear.

    I will point out of course that any Thai willing to consider that would be too cultivated to partake in the savagery.

    Alas, Thailand is not an intellectual's or an anthropologist's salon.

    So leaning on rationality is ill advised.

    Wonderful comment. For those of us who like to analyze, and break things down, Thailand can be a confusing and difficult place. One cannot understand this foreign planet with the intellect. Few Thais use it. They seem to feel their way around, and tend to use their hearts more than their minds. Critical thinking is just not taught here, and few Thais ever seem to ask the right questions. And yes, the cultivated amongst us are probably way above the tribal (street) war BS. And when you say the pack mentality is a show of solidarity, of course that is how they see it on the very surface of things, and the chances of them analyzing it beyond that is quite remote.

  4. I have always said, if you have enough cash, you can buy your way out of nearly any crime. Now, the courts are proving that fact to the public, who was already pretty skeptical. Even in the US, if you can afford $2,000,000 for an outstanding attorney, you have more or less bought your way out of a conviction. Especially holds true here. Why charge him for speeding? It would be the first speeding ticket written in the LOS, in 2013, would it not?

  5. Ambassadors don't change the world, they usually go with the status quo.

    These guys got a nice stay and a night in Bangla- yep on the taxpayer.

    If they were half serious they would have already issued travel warnings to Thailand, no more travel insurance. That's just about the only thing I can see that would get Bangkok's attention, but ... can't interfere with people's right to travel to foreign countries to get laid- especially theirs.

    A start on cleaning up Phuket would be impeachment of the mayors.

    Ambassadors don't change the world, they usually go with the status quo.

    These guys got a nice stay and a night in Bangla- yep on the taxpayer.

    If they were half serious they would have already issued travel warnings to Thailand, no more travel insurance. That's just about the only thing I can see that would get Bangkok's attention, but ... can't interfere with people's right to travel to foreign countries to get laid- especially theirs.

    A start on cleaning up Phuket would be impeachment of the mayors.

    What about following Chinas lead, and arresting, trying, and executing government officials found to be taking money for their own benefit? How long do you think this greedy behavior would continue once they started wasting officials on the lam? About a month?

  6. Speaking at the JW Marriott in Mai Khao, Governor Maitree Intusut – after an introductory remark that Phuket appeared to be attractive not only to tourists but also to diplomats – said that discussions covered, among other matters, boat safety and public transport – which he said is “gradually improving”.

    He also announced that any tourist with a problem was welcome to contact his office directly, an alternative to dealing with police who have been accused of heavy-handedness – especially in the recent case of a French family who realised that they had emerged from the airport with no entry stamp, went back to airport Immigration and were arrested.

    What I want to know is, why wasn't the immigration official who let the family into the country without stamping their passports, either arrested, fined, or permanently fired? Why was the family penalized after Bozo the clown made a mistake? Why was it their issue, and not his? Can anyone take responsibility for a mistake here, ever? Do not get started with the loss of face. All face is, is an excuse to engage in life's greatest form of cowardice. The inability to subject ones self to analysis and introspection. SO, I ask again, why was this family subjected to this insanity? Does anyone think they will ever return? Does anyone care? Is there anyone out there in any industry related to tourism here, who is not completely blind and myopic?

  7. Give me a break. Spy cameras will not help anyone, except the people selling. If you want to improve the lot of tourists in Phuket fix the roads, tame the cowboys, and install more garbage bins. People in uniform love to spy on non-uniforms, in comfort.

    Of course. But, you are talking about solutions to long standing problems. Why create a solution? Who does that help?

  8. Why did he set up video equipment before opening the door? He must have known something was up. And he is way too calm.

    He should have taken the 10,000 Baht and blamed the girl, she was the one fooling around.[/quote

    But, that would have been an admission of his inadequacy as a man. He would have been admitting typical husbandry behavior here, such as cheating, gambling away the family money, lack of affection, and not having a romantic bone in his body. Who wants to be with that? So, instead he does want a 13 year old would do. Leave my wife. Leave my country. I am a big man with a fake gun! I will hurt you. So thrilled he is pursuing the thug, though my guess is that the courts are not up to the task.

  9. Nothing new here. The Pope has a Maybach and his private airplane partition would make a business-class passenger blush. The clergy were the next set of historical swindlers after kings (See Guns, Germs and Steel). But Thai Buddhism is so holy that nothing but the holiness can touch such holiness.

    The Pope is Catholic, Catholics have long displayed wealth and refinement (Puritanism meanwhile supports the opposite). Theravada Buddhism, on the other hand, is actively defined around a set of precepts (5 for laymen - 272 for Monks) many of the Monks precepts relate to not owning things other than discarded rags and offered food, to not attempt to beautify oneself or show off (which is why they shave their heads and make up is banned), to eat just enough to sustain life (2/3rds full), etc. Owning flashy luggage, mobile phones, computers (it is OK to use computers, but they should be owned by the temple not the individual), designer/fashion sun glasses etc. It is direct violation - it would be like the Pope having a live-in girlfriend - would nothing be said if that was discovered?

    So how are Thailand's monks different than the pope?

    coffee1.gifgiggle.gif Whoops........there goes another rubber tree plant! Yadayada. That's how

    The Pope is the figurehead of the entire religion of the Catholics. How can you ask how is the Pope different than a simple monk? is that not a bit like asking how is the Pope different than a local priest? Of course, one would hope the monks would display austerity, and be content with the bliss attained by spending hours in deep meditation and prayer. Perhaps that is too much to ask, in this day and age? Not sure. But Luang Pu Nenkham Chattigo, 34, from Wat Pa Khantitham did display a level of callousness one would not expect from a monk, and I can see why there is surprise out there. One would think that if they did accept a favor like this, they would not want it posted on youtube?

  10. 93% of communication is non-verbal.

    You seem to have been under the mistaken impression that it was part of their job to bus the tables, while of course they would perceive that as a tremendous insult, their job is to look pretty and encourage beer sales full stop.

    Your buying them a packet of crisps under those conditions may have been perceived also as an insult, since if they're going to be tipped it should be in cash. Your gesture could be interpreted as if they could not afford to buy their own, many of these girls do very well indeed, making more than most English teachers.

    Plus this is very fattening food, which they can't afford to gain.

    93% of communication is non-verbal.

    You seem to have been under the mistaken impression that it was part of their job to bus the tables, while of course they would perceive that as a tremendous insult, their job is to look pretty and encourage beer sales full stop.

    Your buying them a packet of crisps under those conditions may have been perceived also as an insult, since if they're going to be tipped it should be in cash. Your gesture could be interpreted as if they could not afford to buy their own, many of these girls do very well indeed, making more than most English teachers.

    Plus this is very fattening food, which they can't afford to gain.

    Wonderful commentary. Talk about reading between the lines. I think we must do that here, as often as possible, as things are usually not as they seem. I was thinking the same thing. Why would the fine beer girls be cleaning up after patrons. Not at all what they are there for. I think to expect these gals to be very friendly to the foreigner is asking a bit much, unless you happen to have Brad Pitt looks, which is probably not the case. Anyway, great job interpreting the situation. We can all learn from this "unspoken" language.

  11. I'm 64, only 173cm and 63gk. Not exactly an "imposing" figure. But I hold a 2nd Dan in Shotokan and 1st Dan in Akido, and was Recon/Force Recon Marine for 18 of my 20 years in the Marines. Definitely can't judge this book by the cover.

    3 years go I bought a nice gold necklace for my wife at a gold shop in Big C, Hang Dong. Put it in the inside pocket of my jacket, left, got on old model CBR 150 and casually headed home down the 200 Year highway. Had gone maybe 300 yard when 4 punks on 2 motorbike pulled up, one pushing over in front of me to block me off. No problem. Pulled over, got off the bike, took off helmet and smiled at them. Less than a minute later I was back on my bike, laughing most of the way home. Sometimes the good guys win, even in LOS


    Semper Fi and thanks for that. Most people on this forum want to wai and walk away.. I'm also a former Marine.. I don't wai and walk away. I try and avoid trouble but don't turn tail. Your polite, I'm polite, you get in my face, I'll bite your nose off. I'm 70 years old and still don't take any crap. from anybody. I'm too old to give a shit. coffee1.gif

    Beautiful story. If this were the Philippines you may have been toast. But, this is the land of pussy men, who cannot fight. Therefore they fight in groups. They know they would not be able to conquer a 6 LB. rabbit on their own. Nice to see they got what they had coming to them, and glad none of the pussies had a gun. If more of these punks got their asses kicked, maybe they might think twice? Or do they think at all?

  12. The Russian guy looks like he could "Handle" himself; however, always remember that the Thais are never alone. One call and the Thai guy has 10 friends to back up his side of the disagreement :)

    About once a year in the LOS one thai man may challenge someone to a solo fight. The rest of the time, it never even occurs to him, that honorable men fight themselves. Getting a gang of five or more, is how men with no honor fight. This is how 12 year old boys, who occupy the bodies of men fight. Zero risk. What can one say about this behavior? Absolute boldfaced cowardice. A complete lack of manhood. Wusses. Punks, twit behavior, devoid of manhood in any of its forms. Tiny, tiny men without pride or honor.

    • Like 1
  13. Considering the rip offs from the taxi mafia, I wouldn't go to a convention in Phuket if it was offered. Chiang Mai much better, more tourist friendly. As far as building as a payoff, like they say "ya dance with the one what brung ya".

    Yes, and not to mention the congestion near central world. Has anyone been there on the weekend lately? The roads are sometimes backed up for kilometers getting to try mall. Can they afford the additional traffic? Or, has nobody thought of that? Have they done a traffic mitigation study? LOL.

  14. If the government wanted to get rid of, or reduce corruption, they could. But, there appears to be no will, volition, determination, care, concern, or interest in ridding the country of this festering boil on the face of the Thai people. It is one of the greatest problems this country faces, and one of the reasons why Thailand will become less, and less of a factor, on the world stage, as time goes on. Yingluck has zero interest in this. Chalerm has zero interest in this. Too many insects are making money on this. Children dealing with adult problems. This issue is one of the great shames this experiences. It is a form of rape, being committed against the Thai people, and everyone who visits this place. Of course there is corruption in the lottery. Who would even seriously consider the possibility that it was a straight institution? Why even ponder that? Very little is straight and completely honest or transparent here.

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  15. Bought my Columbia omni tech on ebay. Cost about $100, and retails for about $150. You could just about stand under a waterfall with it. Love riding the bike with a serious raincoat, a helmet with a full face shield, and water shorts. I have seen them at Columbia stores here, but they are more expensive. Worth every penny though. The $10 ponchos are just not the same. And the $2 plastic jobs at 7/11 are for use when you have absolutely nothing else.

  16. I know this question will come back and bite me on the a... but. How do you know these are Chinese people? I can't seem to tell the difference between them and Koreans or Thais unless they are talking.

    You can always tell by listening. The Chinese languages sound very distinctive, and guttural. Alot of throat scratching sounds, and wierd tones. Twisting of the tongue. Very peculiar sounds. Makes Korean or Japanese sounds like an elegant poetry reading. Yes, the Chinese are very peculiar people, with bizarre customs, and strange behavior. But, they will never be as rude or unpleasant as the Russians. Never. Get used to it, as they are now the largest tourist group in the world. More Chinese people travel now, than any other group. They are here to stay.

  17. Well lets see here we have the USA giving advice on something they cannot manage in their own country. Next the USA will be giving financial advice to other countries. Heck I guess they are already do that as being the example of what not to do.

    They give advice to every country, all the time, on nearly every topic. That is what they do. The reality is, that the US government has not really come to terms with the fact that their influence has diminished. Not to say, they are not important. Being the world's largest economy, with the world's most powerful military gives you some rights. But, it has been since 2000 that the country has had an effective leader. Bush and Obama were, and are both neophytes, and incompetent. Neither have any idea of what competent governance is. Shame for the nation. Many of us had great expectations for blundering Barry. What a disappointment he has been. Not that there were any alternatives. Choosing between them was a bit akin to choosing between a $35 Chicago street whore, and a $45 Boston street whore. Who do you choose? Tough choice! So, now the country has diminishing influence, and on top of that a leader who preaches the rule of law, and the benefits of democracy and openness, then engages in a very secretive form of governance. Who buys it? Very few countries these days. The US is simply tolerated, but little more. And I say this as an American.

    If you were in The States, you would probably be arrested for terrorism for a post like that. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

    Yes, and thankfully I am not in the states. One can get arrested for even critiicizing the president now. And to think we used to have something resembling freedom of the press. Not under this president. Last I heard, it was still ok in a "democracy" to criticize a leader. Sorry if the criticism of Obama offended you. Most of my friends, who are fellow democrats do not like to hear it either. However, I am not one of his apologists.

  18. Well lets see here we have the USA giving advice on something they cannot manage in their own country. Next the USA will be giving financial advice to other countries. Heck I guess they are already do that as being the example of what not to do.

    Well lets see here we have the USA giving advice on something they cannot manage in their own country. Next the USA will be giving financial advice to other countries. Heck I guess they are already do that as being the example of what not to do.

    They give advice to every country, all the time, on nearly every topic. That is what they do. The reality is, that the US government has not really come to terms with the fact that their influence has diminished. Not to say, they are not important. Being the world's largest economy, with the world's most powerful military gives you some rights. But, it has been since 2000 that the country has had an effective leader. Bush and Obama were, and are both neophytes, and incompetent. Neither have any idea of what competent governance is. Shame for the nation. Many of us had great expectations for blundering Barry. What a disappointment he has been. Not that there were any alternatives. Choosing between them was a bit akin to choosing between a $35 Chicago street whore, and a $45 Boston street whore. Who do you choose? Tough choice! So, now the country has diminishing influence, and on top of that a leader who preaches the rule of law, and the benefits of democracy and openness, then engages in a very secretive form of governance. Who buys it? Very few countries these days. The US is simply tolerated, but little more. And I say this as an American.

  19. The bath is going up and up,

    The "bath" is plummeting at the minute actually.

    From what I understand, many of the same people who bought into the thai stock market, and bond markets a couple of months ago, are withdrawing their funds, and bringing them back to the US and Eurpoe. What has changed? Why the change of sentiment now? Nice to see the baht drop. But, what is causing the outflows?

  20. Thailand does have the capacity to be major player in the AEC, after Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. But first it needs to avail itself of a government where corruption levels are at least manageable (this is Asia after all) and where appointment to senior positions is based on ability not connections.Hope springs eternal.

    Are you actually suggesting a meritocracy in Thailand? A system where a leader, or a minister is chosen because of experience, talent or traits that would enable them to lead their respective ministries? What a completely novel concept. You are suggesting a wholesale change in the system, from top to bottom. Yes, you are hopeful indeed.

  21. Imagine transferring 12 million baht to anyone's account, that you have not known for many years? Risky behavior, to say the least. Kudos to him for pursuing her in court. I give him credit. Though, not sure if he will see results. Best thing he can do is approach her parents, and attempt to shame her. But, chances of recovering the money is remote. Have you ever tried to get money back in this country? Very very hard to get money back from the average person here. Though I have lent money to the family of my girlfriend, and always been paid back. And this has happened a few times, so I do know there are people of honor here.

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  22. Thailand has a habit of inviting these kinds of events, then being unwilling, or unable to budget the billions of dollars required, to bring the place up to the standards necessary for a major, world class event like an F1 race. So, it is simply wishful thinking, by a group of politicians that are really 13 year old boys, in men's bodies. How are they capable to processing the vision, or seeing what is required? They simply say - "I like formula 1. My country is the number one country in the world. Why can't we have a formula 1 race here? No improvements are required, since my country is already the greatest! Everybody knows that!"

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  23. Would be nice if the grand coward just came back and spent his two or three years in the slammer. Most likely it would be a country club type prison. He is such a tiny man, who is afraid of even his own shadow. Just do the time, and get it over with. Or maybe he enjoys being an exile?

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  24. Yes, but the bottom line is, that India has accomplished so much more than Thailand. How many Thais have won a noble peace prize, a Pulitzer, and Peabody, a gold medal, an Oscar, a golden globe award, or any other award that measures exceptional intelligence and talent? Indians win them nearly every other day! India is a nation of tremendous intelligence, creativity, culture, education, literary genius, scientific genius, etc, etc, etc. so, for Thais to even suggest the playing field is not level, and that Indians are in any way, shape or form not equal to them, is not only denying reality, but in fact, may be just the opposite of reality? So let's get real. Is there any chance skin color is a factor here?

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Almost every Thai I know is not ashamed to talk about how they dislike Indians, Pakistanis, and Bangladeshis. It seems mostly, on the face of it, to do with hygiene, body odor and that they are cheapskates. There may be undercurrents of envy but they would never admit to that. Here in Dallas, Indians are the leading hoteliers and restaurateurs and are generally held in high regard for their intellect and industry.

    Not to mention the genetic brain stock. Indians are simply blessed with superior intellect. Let us not forget they were the worlds most powerful nation for nearly 2,000 years, dating from centuries before Christ, to the time the Chinese took over that mantle in the 16th century. Even during the Roman empire, India was always wealthier. The fact that Britain drained them of their wealth over the course of two centuries, seems to get lost with revisionist history.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  25. Protect tourists?

    Let me give you a first hand account of a recent incident with the Police in Phuket town.

    My pal was making a police report into fraud after winning (surprise, surprise) his case hands down in a Phuket Court. The female judge was appalled by the level of corruption in Phuket by policemen, land office, lawyers and bank managers. All of whom were in on the theft of his properties.

    The police man called my pals lawyer in Bangkok and said "Why are you helping foreigners. Why are you going against Thai people" This punk, bent, rat eyed policeman then turned to his imterperter and asked her the same question. " Why are you helping this foreigner against us Thais? Why do you not get the money and give it to us?"

    This happened this week and is real.

    Thailand the same as the Maldives???...Maybe in another world or planet. But not in this real world.

    The stench of corruption from racist Thailand reaches far around the world.

    Starting with Phibun in 1932, Thailand began engaging in a policy of nationalization, and began teaching the Thai people many forms of ignorance, in order to increase the level of national pride. When you are told you are the brightest, and the greatest for a few generations, I guess you begin to believe it. For this fabulously ignorant policeman to engage in that kind of behavior, it has to stem from somewhere. Unfortunately, the country does not feel like it is growing, evolving, progressing, and becoming a better place. Proper education, and the dispensation of truth would be a good place to start, but many Thai people do not seem to want to hear truth. The police are a drag on thai society, and provide little service to its people.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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