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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. When those teaching english can barely speak the language then it doesn't look bright. Those with kids being taught english by thais at school will know what I mean.

    The results do not surprise me one iota. Of all 58 countries in Asia,Thailand is 56th in English proficiency.

    And when you have the entire population with an average IQ level 10% below the likes of Singapore, Hong Kong and markedly below other ASEAN countries what hope have you got.

    It is a simple fact that to teach English effectively the teach should be a native English speaker.

    My personal belief (shared by the majority of Caucasians who have been here for any length of time) is that Thais and Thailand are so xenophobic that there is almost a an unwritten policy not to encourage the children to learn English.

    The average hooker has a better level of English proficiency than the majority of Thai teachers.

    Yes. Me love you tonight, and me forget you tomorrow. Me love you long time handsome. The entire educational system needs to be completely dismantled, and rebuilt from scratch, using expertise from all of the neighboring countries with the highest scores. Otherwise Thailand risks becoming far more irrelevant than it is today, not only on the world stage, but also in ASEAN. That is the direction they are moving in. Toward a great degree of irrelevancy.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  2. It is about time someone attempted to do something about these horrifically obnoxious ads. A few ads here and there are fine. But, upon traveling around Bangkok, I found literally thousands of posters within just several blocks of my hotel. It is way, way, way over the top. I realize these insects who are running, need to insure the continual flow of the tens of millions of dollars, into their savings accounts. But, is there no limit to the advertising?

  3. My daughter is in High school in Issan. If I'm with her when she's got English homework to do.. I will try simplify/explain the basics of the exercise.

    Well how do you explain to the girl that the text-book she's working from is way,way to hard for her, & even has me reading the relevant page over & over to try make some eligible sense of the topic.

    The Education Committee here seem to have no idea when it comes to allocating what 'level' of text book to issue to each class/year in the schools.

    So the kids quickly get 'bogged-down', do not understand any of the relevant topics, & therefore do not learn anything from these books.

    In no time at all the students are bored with learning English..& I for one can understand this.

    I have taught English in a Thai high-school, & at the start of each lesson I'd call out "O.K...Open your text-books at page (whatever)".

    Straight away a negative wave rolled it's way across the whole class, c/w moans & groans.

    Having made my own exercises & printed sheets on the same 'topic of the day'..I held up a wad of photocopies & proudly stated..

    "Or shall we work off these"..?? "YEAHHHH" was the enthusiastic reply.

    O.K. more trees may have had to be felled to cater for the needs of that hungry photo-copier, but 47 kids learnt what they were supposed

    to each day, & (I hope) enjoyed each English lesson with me. ( & yes, those text books stayed in their bags, & the school principal OK'd

    my way of teaching them 'enjoyable English'.) KEEP IT SIMPLE FOR THEM & THEY MAY WELL LIKE LEARNING ENGLISH.

    The reason for this is that textbooks are not chosen based on what is best for the students. The decision is based on how big the kickback from the publishing distributors the school (director) will receive for placing the order. Profit and especially 'tea money' come first, everything else takes a back seat to that.

    Just another reason for life imprisonment, and a 5,000,000 baht fine to the family of any official caught taking bribes of this sort. How long would this practice continue? Officials are getting executed in China, imprisoned in Malaysia, and Indonesia, and building huge villas in Thailand.

  4. Thailand signed the 6th Asean Charter, back in 2010, which allows for duty free trade, of all alcoholic beverages, within ASEAN. It has been in effect since Jan. 1st, 2011. Thai authorities never allowed it to take affect. They continue blocking duty free importation of beer to this day, within ASEAN. When they so blatantly break the law, how are we to trust them to ever do the right thing?

    Okay, I'm not arguing with you, I'm interested in knowing how they continue to block importation, and how you came across this information?

    It is public information. A friend of mine, who is in the wine importation business here, told me about it. It is quite simple to block it. You simply create an edict from the very top, to not allow it. Let them sue us. Let them try to enforce this. The only way it would change is to jail the owners of the major beer companies, who are very obviously paying off the senators, and politicians to ensure they have little or no competition. Let me ask you something. How do you think Singha would sell, if you had a choice of Beer Lao, Bintang, or any other high quality beer produced within Asean? Thai beers have to be considered some of the lowest quality beers within ASEAN, correct?

  5. Sad story for everyone. Not right. But exams are always stressful and his reaction at least showed he cared about them. I hope that some way can be found for him to continue his studies if he really wants to so much and punishment such that he will not act so stupidly again.

    Part of the issue is how Thai boys are raised. They are brought up to believe they somehow have an elevated status in life. They behave foolishly when things do not go their way, as Thai culture does not seem to teach them about hardship, and bearing the brunt of events, when they do not unfold to our liking. My mother always told me no men were created equal, and life is not fair. It created a lack of expectation within me, when it comes to getting a fair shake. We must create for ourselves, and not expect the earth to simply provide, right? I do not think many Thai men think this way. They seem to have a sense of entitlement. Thai women are far more levelheaded. That is why they run the country. Without Thai women this country would fall apart in 30 days, or less. They are the salvation of this land. Thai men are simply along for the ride.

    smile.png Who is the woman behind Thaksin?wai2.gif

    Perhaps we will never know. And perhaps a different rule of thumb applies to Thais of Chinese ancestry? Different culture perhaps? More men with spine, heart, soul, and volition? Men who are not afraid of the truth, their own shadows, nor facing up to their own limitations in life?

  6. Sorry but I just don't believe the numbers quoted:

    - Thai students - 450 - believable.

    - Singapore students - 550 - not believable because teachers actually teach 99%

    of all classes in English in singapore, students totally immersed in English from

    day 1 at Kindergarten. The averageTOEFL score for Singapore students must be

    a lot higher than 550 / the gap cannot be just 100, impossible.

    Another case of Thai media whitewashing. It happens every minute, or every day here in the LOS. In a nationwide study done some time ago, Thai math teachers were given the same exam they give their students, and there was an 84% failure rate. How are the students expected to learn, when the teachers know so little about what they are supposedly teaching? What is going on in the schools here? Why are they so poor? Why doesn't anyone care? Why does the government not get involved? Why can't they appoint just one minister (education) not based on cronyism, but rather based on qualifications, and talent? If Thailand does not start catching up, they will literally be left in the dust by their neighbors.

    • Like 1
  7. Sad story for everyone. Not right. But exams are always stressful and his reaction at least showed he cared about them. I hope that some way can be found for him to continue his studies if he really wants to so much and punishment such that he will not act so stupidly again.

    Part of the issue is how Thai boys are raised. They are brought up to believe they somehow have an elevated status in life. They behave foolishly when things do not go their way, as Thai culture does not seem to teach them about hardship, and bearing the brunt of events, when they do not unfold to our liking. My mother always told me no men were created equal, and life is not fair. It created a lack of expectation within me, when it comes to getting a fair shake. We must create for ourselves, and not expect the earth to simply provide, right? I do not think many Thai men think this way. They seem to have a sense of entitlement. Thai women are far more levelheaded. That is why they run the country. Without Thai women this country would fall apart in 30 days, or less. They are the salvation of this land. Thai men are simply along for the ride.

  8. Great news. I've requested my price list already. Should work really well alongside Beervana's list, the odd bottle of London Pride I find in Makro, Cooper's Ale and Beer Laos. I'm nearly getting to a point where I can feel settled....not really, not until TRUE cask ales hit these shores!

    Do you know any retail outlets for beer Lao? I like many others am thirsty for good beer. Though Thailand agreed, and signed onto the 6th ASEAN charter, which allowed free trade of liquor throughout ASEAN, starting jan. 1st, 2012, of course they are not abiding by the agreement they signed. Will be the same in 2015, when they sign 10 more agreements they will not follow, nor allow in practice. Sign anything. Why not? It does not mean anything.

    What agreement have they violated?

    Thailand signed the 6th Asean Charter, back in 2010, which allows for duty free trade, of all alcoholic beverages, within ASEAN. It has been in effect since Jan. 1st, 2011. Thai authorities never allowed it to take affect. They continue blocking duty free importation of beer to this day, within ASEAN. When they so blatantly break the law, how are we to trust them to ever do the right thing?

  9. Great news. I've requested my price list already. Should work really well alongside Beervana's list, the odd bottle of London Pride I find in Makro, Cooper's Ale and Beer Laos. I'm nearly getting to a point where I can feel settled....not really, not until TRUE cask ales hit these shores!

    Do you know any retail outlets for beer Lao? I like many others am thirsty for good beer. Though Thailand agreed, and signed onto the 6th ASEAN charter, which allowed free trade of liquor throughout ASEAN, starting jan. 1st, 2012, of course they are not abiding by the agreement they signed. Will be the same in 2015, when they sign 10 more agreements they will not follow, nor allow in practice. Sign anything. Why not? It does not mean anything.

  10. Mechanical fault or not, the driver still fled the scene of the accident. Surely that on its own deserves some prison time.

    The headline reads "New reports acquits hit and run driver that killed four Swedes" by Anders Holm Nielsen. There was a fifth person killed, the person driving the Swedes, but he doesn't seem to rate such a mention, maybe because he was only Thai.

    Reminds me of the Huckleberry Finn story, when there was a paddlesteamer accident, and someone asked Huck if there were any fatalities. Huck replied something like "No-one hurt, but a nigger was killed."

    Not in Thailand, land of no deterrent. Sentence reduced by half, for admitting guilt says it all. In a country where few take responsibility, it kind of makes sense that the judicial system would barely hold its citizens responsible for the acts that they commit.

  11. OK, we have a very observant youngster, who saw a AN XIN logo on the bus. What do you want to bet if they find this guy, he will be given a 5,000 baht fine, and told not to do this again. There is simply no deterrent aspect of the law here. This goon should be tossed in prison for 5 years, for a murderous threat to this woman's life. Or made to work on a chain gang, building highways, or crushing rocks. In the US, or in the UK he would be tossed in prison for a very long time. Punks like this one do not know anything about anything. Perhaps he was raised by an ignorant mother, who did not want an extra child. They learn nothing in the real world. This punk gets up in the morning, eats, smokes 10 cigarettes, goes to work, makes life miserable for hundreds, gets off work, drinks himself blind, smokes another pack of cigarettes, gambles away his money, hassles women, and makes a pain of himself to everyone he encounters. Then he sleeps. Then, he gets up in the morning and feels like crap. And now we all have to pay the price for this fool's foolishness. Thankfully he did not kill someone, but to think that this insect of a man is driving a tour bus around with a pistol is a very scary thought. What a waste of a life. And to think that he is consuming oxygen? What for?

    • Like 1
  12. I do not want to sound racist here. But, how many people are running into Russian tourists here in Thailand, that have redeeming qualities? I constantly meet surly, grouchy, unfriendly, Cossack style Russians, where ever I go. Whether it be Samui, Phuket, Pattaya, or Bangkok, the level of Russians I am running into is scary. Are all Russians like this? They are some pretty icy, rude, loud, arrogant people, without much in the way of redeeming qualities, from my point of view. Am I missing something here? I realize that nearly their entire current wealth is due to ransacking Siberia in the 16-17th centuries, and killing and maiming millions for the sake of the acquisition of fur. In the process they acquired (if rape, and murder is an appropriate way to acquire) an enormous territory, which now constitutes 90% of their natural gas, and 80% or their oil production, not to mention diamonds, gold, etc. But, are there no cultures Russians these days? They are not a pleasant addition to the landscape here in the LOS. Anybody agree? Or disagree?

    I have been dealing with Russian (and ex USSR countries') tourists for just over 6 years here on Samui. I for one have met some with many redeeming qualities.

    The vast majority are well behaved are not a problem. (More than a few are very attractive as well thumbsup.gif )

    Yes they can appear to be "surly, grouchy, unfriendly," but when treated fairly and firmly - they respond and are not usually a problem.

    I know that I will regret saying this one day, as 'the guest from hell' is always just around the corner, but in 13 years on the island - one Brit and one German are on that list.


    OK, thanks for that. I realize that was a huge generalization. Something I am guilty of from time to time. So, nice to hear some positive reports.

  13. All I can say is I hope this victim devotes his entire life to making the lives of his attackers, and their ENTIRE family, a completely miserable experience. They say some acts constitute such a breach, that they change your life forever. This appears to be one of those acts. Perhaps the cretons will spend 10 years in prison being a girlfriend of one of the larger, smellier inmates? One can only hope and pray for a fate like that, for the alligator kids. Obviously the victim is never going to be the same, regardless of what he says now out of fear of these insects. Maybe the insects can be made to suffer too? An eye for an eye? A finger, for a miserable life?

  14. There are licensed hazardous waste disposal companies.

    Problem is, you have to pay them.

    In some cases, companies have paid these licensed disposal companies, to later find out it was illegally dumped.

    As of 2001, according

    to industry monitors, less than 10% of the

    estimated 1 million tons of hazardous waste

    produced in the country was properly stabilized,

    processed and disposed of. The rest was dumped

    either into rivers, into open dumps or unregulated

    private properties, or at sea. The 25%-state-owned

    General Environmental Conservation Public Co, or

    Genco, has long held a local monopoly on

    industrial-waste disposal - but until recently

    only had the capacity to handle a mere 20% of

    Thailand's annually produced toxic waste,

    according to industry experts.

    I know the previous ceo of genco. The moment it went all Thai he left.

    There are multinational waste treatment companies around, but they cost. Simple as that.

    The issue is one of enforcement. Until the price of being caught is higher than the price of dumping on ones own land, people of great ignorance, and little heart will continue doing so. The government needs to decide if they care. It sure appears they do not. They have to stop using poverty, and lack of funds as an excuse. I does not work nor apply anymore. Behave like a developing country, or admit you are not one.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  15. Many parts of Issan have become a giant garbage bin. Once can drive for miles, and the side of the road is littered with plastic bags as far as the eye can see. Obviously this not disturb the locals, or they would not engage in the heinous act of trashing their land. One of the issues is no trash pickup. How can a country that calls itself part of the developing world not have trash pickup in the provinces? People burn their trash, or bury it, or spread it around. The average consciousness of a Thai person when it comes to trash, waste, or pollution is quite lacking in awareness. Even the beaches in Samui are littered with trash, unless a nearby hotel has cleaned it up. The mayor does not seem to care enough to do something about it. And this is a rich tourist island. Maybe in another 30-50 years the Thai people with develop environmental awareness?

  16. Good for Leo. Lets put Yingluck on the spot. Lets ask her to do the right thing. Lets embarrass the Thai authorities for not stepping up. For a man in his position to use his influence to do good for the world is admirable. The world has enough completely self absorbed celebrities like Kobe Bryant, and Nicolas Cage, who do nothing for the planet. Kudos to this man of courage. It sometimes seems that the only way something positive happens here, is due to the loss of face, and the resulting embarrassment. So, lets see if anything develops from this.

  17. so over stay 3 days and steal a camera ...7 months prison for Farang ...

    Kill a British couple on the road .... free on bail for a Thai

    No need for explanation ...... that is called 2 speeds outrageous justice .....

    Not really. It is called little to no justice. The LOS has one of the most dysfunctional justice systems in the world, according to some of my friends that have been in front of Thai judges. Nearly non-existent "justice". Just another area with the LOS is 20-40 years behind the developed world.

    • Like 1
  18. As far as I am concerned, the women of Thailand seem to control nearly everything, except for their mans rational behavior. The men simply do not have the emotional development to control family finances, make serious decisions, or come to level headed conclusions. I find Thai women far more impressive than their counterparts. Thai men could not be less impressive. I could see why the men here are at least attempting to make it look like they are in control. Talk about a loss of face.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  19. Sytrofoam containers contain the chemical styrene, which has a molecular structure similar to estrogen hormone in females

    What you trying to say doc? That eating from a styrofoam pack, can turn a give a man a dose of feminine hormone. What an accusation, if that were the case, Thailand would have a disproportionately large amount of men who want to be or act like women.

    Can't possibly be the case.

    I can see that after complete review of all the many studies on this subject you have weighed all the evidence and concluded this "can't possible be the case." I feel so much better now.

    And his nickname is herbal Ed. Sounds like he is the one in need of some Ed (ucation).

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  20. Hazard Summary-Created in April 1992; Revised in January 2000

    Styrene is primarily used in the production of polystyrene plastics and resins. Acute (short-term) exposure to styrene in humans results in mucous membrane and eye irritation, and gastrointestinal effects. Chronic (long-term) exposure to styrene in humans results in effects on the central nervous system (CNS), such as headache, fatigue, weakness, and depression, CSN dysfunction, hearing loss, and peripheral neuropathy. Human studies are inconclusive on the reproductive and developmental effects of styrene; several studies did not report an increase in developmental effects in women who worked in the plastics industry, while an increased frequency of spontaneous abortions and decreased frequency of births were reported in another study. Several epidemiologic studies suggest there may be an association between styrene exposure and an increased risk of leukemia and lymphoma. However, the evidence is inconclusive due to confounding factors. EPA has not given a formal carcinogen classification to styrene.


    So question is, if my local Kao Mhan Ghai, or Pad Thai seller wraps the food up in a piece of paper with a rubber band, (we will worry about the ecological aspects later), why does my local Kao Pad man put it in a styrofoam box. It is a crappy material, takes forever to break down, can float for ever on the surface of a waterway, and is virtually useless to be used a second time unlike a plastic bag at least. I will ask next time to not put it in a styrofoam box and see the reaction.

    Always nice to see a man start to develop a conscious mind. We are culpable, every time we accept a foam container. It is up to us. I refuse them, all the time. Yes, it surprises people, but who cares? So what? I ask them to put my take away food in a small plastic bag instead. You are saving them money, and avoiding using one of these hideous containers.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    • Like 1
  21. Bangkok is the most horrible city I have ever visited or lived. If you're not a creepy old sex tourist, I can't think of one thing that godawful hellhole has to offer. Hardly any parks or anything beautiful for that matter, its architecture is hideous, the food is mostly awful, its filthy everywhere, no fine arts or theater districts, almost no museums or anything of any real cultural or historical interest.. Its hard to imagine another city of this size with this much money with so little to offer.

    Well you must not have traveled much.

    The Silom galleries are great. Bangkok has some of the best bookstores in Asia. The cinemas are state of the art, and better than the best cinemas in Los Angeles. There are fantastic restaurants by the dozen, you jus have to know where to eat. Siam Paragon is the most enjoyable mall on the planet, and I do not like malls! There are decent jazz clubs, and occasionally good concerts. I do agree that for a city it's size, the cultural scene is surprisingly light, and relatively vapid. But, there are alot of things to do and to see in Bangkok, which is a great city, by many standards. Is it possible that you did not try hard enough to discover the city? The sex scene is merely one small part of Bangkok. Unless that was all that interested you?

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  22. Remove all manufacturing, warehousing, boat docking in and around Prapadaeng or better yet turn it entirely into a nature preserve. Its a lovely area that can serve as the lung of Bangkok. When the Klongtoey port is removed, it too can be another green area. The Tobacco factory and QSNCC should move as well to the city outskirts. There is another area which should be considered for demolation and relocation, that is the aging housing projects next to the expressway which are just east of the new Japanese embassy/north of Rama IV. These ideas all take alot of effort, the city needs a powerful boss, like when the mayor of Seoul tore up a road to reveal a natural stream underneath. He did it with good intentions for everyone. Maybe these ideas are too hard for one person to do here, maybe it should just start with removing vendors from sidewalks, blocking motorcycles from riding on sidewalks including policemen, leveling sidewalks and removing hazards, and planting some trees where trees were ripped out, destroyed or have no chance of survival.

    Nice ideas. But, you are speaking of vision. How often do you see vision from a Thai politician? When was the last time? They seem to be a particularly undeveloped group of people. Little in the way of consciousness, or compassion for their own people. The prevalent attitude seems to be self preservation, greed, power, and face. So, where does that leave the Thai people they are supposed to be serving?

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  23. Green space requires politicians with vision, compassion, understanding, maturity, intelligence, and effectiveness. None of which most Thai politicians have. We have a political system here that is not based on merit, but rather on cronyism. That is the least effective form of governance possible. It encourages corruption, and is the opposite of the public good. So, how can one even expect a politician here to "do the right thing"? It rarely happens. If decades ago, when property was still affordable, park land was set aside, Bangkok would be a far different place. Now, it is the Los Angeles of Asia.

    Mike Macarelli

    Chaiyaphum, Thailand

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

  24. What a complete goombah. Any guy who offs himself over a woman is completely lost. He may be beyond redemption. Why not simply go out and find another? She was probably a bargirl, or a go-go dancer. What a fool. It may sound cold, but it is hard for me to have compassion for this tiny minded imitation man. The level of emasculation he allowed himself to be reduced to, is an embarrassment to the all men. Get a life. Well, maybe in his next incarnation he will be able to finally become a man.

    Nice to see such compassion and empathy, hopefully you never find yourself in a severely depressed state for any reason.

    But of course you are too much of a real man for that. bah.gif

    Real men take their time falling in love. real men really get to know the gal they have chosen, before they devote their hearts and souls to them. Real men behave differently than this coward who did the most cowardly act possible. I am a very compassionate person. When it is deserved. Period.

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