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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. 18 hours ago, Patriot1066 said:

    He’s should be just as is say what he thinks it’s great an honest person in the White House 


    That is hilarious. Are you going to take your shtick onto the road? Trump honest? He was involved in 3,600 lawsuits, at the time he took office. Probably the most of any human being in history. Is that your definition of honest? The hundreds of millions he stole from small contractors, to get himself into this lawsuits. Honest? The five companies he bankrupted, walking away from billions in debt. Honest? The lies he tells about the media. Honest? Please enlighten us, as to what is honest about this liar in chief? Please. 


    Today's election results were one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

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  2. 20 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    "Tiny" Don. Yep. See what I mean.


    If Hillary, if Hillary if Hillary had done this or that. Equally as plausible is the fact that the people were not satified and were looking for a change.


    'Foul" reign. See what I mean.


    Spending is only bad when Repubs do it. But hey, lets have free college tuition and medicaid for all.


    If the Dems flip the House, oh well, tells us nothing. Thats what happens in off years. If they dont?

    Today's election results were one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.

    • Haha 1
  3. 13 hours ago, Nyezhov said:

    Terms like "evil", "hooligan", "crime", "rabid dog" sure do a lot to bridge the gap between the 63 million who voted for President Trump and those who didnt. ????????????????


    Seems that most of the invective flows towards the President rather than from him. But thats politically correct invective, thats OK. He deserves "prison" after a "lifetime of crime", but "Lock her Up"....thats horrific! Deplorable.

    Being the lesser of two terrible choices is not quite the mandate Tiny Don has interpreted it as. If Hillary had avoided even a simple mistake like the statement about the deplorables, that would have been 3 million more votes and the election right there. If the DNC had not screwed up so badly by scorning Bernie that might have been the election, since more of his supporters would have been willing to vote for Hillary, despite how toxic she was. Trump needs to be stopped. His foul reign must end before he bankrupts the nation. He is spending like a reckless Dem. The deficit is ballooning under his lack of leadership. 


    Hopefully the nation will regain it's senses tomorrow. Lame Duck Don. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Sir Dude said:

    This is a total facepalm. They do not need big data...what they need is the retraining of Thai teachers in high school so that when a student gets to university after 12 years of studying English in a classroom they are not confused by someone saying something about the present simple, which is subject+verb 1, or being able to respond to a simple question.


    So true. Occasionally I am approached by young kids who want to practice their English. It is so refreshing. So bold and assertive. But what percent do something like that? Most are beyond timid and scared to death to try. How on earth can they learn anything without giving it a whirl in the real world? Guess most are not taught to be bold and fearless! 


    Part of the issue is that most of their English teachers barely speak any English, unless these students are fortunate enough to get a foreign teacher. But then they are back to an inadequate, unmotivated, arrogant, self important Thai teacher the next year. 

  5. Nobody in their right mind would allow a total stranger to either see where he hid his key or see the combination to the safe. This guy is the very definition of a fool. Also try not to leave a drink unattended and never accept a drink from a stranger. He broke all the rules. 


    Guys like this give foreigners a bad reputation. What did WC Fields say about these guys?

  6. 21 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

    Given the political divide in America, everyone has an opinion about how wrong the other side is, and they're right. Never imagining that their side is also wrong. It's a manufactured divide IMO; paid for by monied interests that fuel the division in exchange for a quantifiable voting block that will give them access to the US treasury.

    Wrong. It was started by Newt Gingrich in 1979. At that time there were multiple bipartisan committees in the House. He succeeded in destroying them all for the sake of GOP domination. True evil. An anything goes mentality. Trump hired this hooligan to coach him. The devastation continues. Tuesday will change some of that, hopefully. The world hopes it will be the remaining 26 months for a lame duck, then prison, which is where Trump belongs after a lifetime of crime. 


    I was never a fan of Obama. How I miss him now. I miss the presence of dignity over a rabid dog. 

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  7. On 11/2/2018 at 8:18 PM, Srikcir said:

    Baldwin was just acting out a Trump scenario.


    Not really. Trump would never in a million years have the courage to punch someone. He is a bully. Bullies usually do not engage in actual fights. Trump would go down in an instant, and would be wailing on the sidewalk for an hour, from a soft slap to the face. My guess is he has never been in an actual physical confrontation. He uses his lawyers to wage his battles, and steals from hard working American contractors, who had the temerity to believe in him, and then got the shaft, many of whom lost their businesses. Trump did not lose a wink of sleep over it. He was involved in 3,600 lawsuits at the time he took office, as the deflector in chief. He has earned billions using this gangster method, pioneered by Alexander the not so great, and followed up by Al Capone, and Meyer Lansky.


    Baldwin is obviously a troubled man. He is successful, is worth $65 million, and still cannot seem to find satisfaction in life. Punching someone over a parking space? Now, that is really weak and pathetic. 

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  8. He added that the Prime Minister has stressed the government’s recognition of the importance of the reform of all regulations in order to help raise Thai standards to match those adopted by the international community.


    Now all he has to do is lower import duties to a reasonable level, on imported wines, luxury items, and the like, and the economy will really start to boom. Too visionary a concept for Little P? Too contrary to the wishes of his masters?

    • Like 1
  9. Whatever Prawit says, the opposite is true. He could not possibly have less credibility. He has done less for his people than Winnie the Pooh. 


    One thing is certain. The Thai people are getting fleeced by this administration. Corrupt beyond measure. They are not doing much useful work. 

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  10. 2 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    Yes, Washington is doing a massive display of hypocrisy.

    The previous administrations in Washington tried to not reveal their hypocrisy. The present White House, I think they don't actually care. They will say what they want to say, they don't care if their hypocrisy is on display. They will "say it, as it is".


    Just another demonstration of the total lack of class, dignity, education, skill, grace, diplomacy, respect, and honor Trump lacks. He is in way over his head. And he has surrounded himself with an extraordinary lack of talent. 

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  11. 2 hours ago, tonbridgebrit said:

    So, Boeing signed a contract that turned over most of their technology to the Chinese, and in return, Boeing got a huge contract. Well, I totally agree that this is what happened.

    Now, can we really say that Beijing is being a bad bunch of guys ?  The technology was certainly not stolen. It was handed over to get a huge contract. Boeing had the freedom of choice to not do this.

    Getting Beijing to change ?  What, Trump is suppose to tell Beijing, "look, stop telling big companies like Boeing, that they've got to hand over technology in return for big contracts, just give Boeing big contracts, stop demanding their technology".  How is Beijing going to react to this comment ? They're not going to obey Trump, are they ?  Off-course not.  


    Just another example of the neophyte's lack of understanding and lack of negotiating skills. When his name was in favor, he was able to use it to his advantage and make money on licensing deals. Now, with the presidency showing his true colors, his name is radioactive. He has lost 17 out of 19 of his merchandising deals, Inanka's company folded, and he cannot sell or rent any of his properties, due to people not wanting to be associated with his toxic name. Only Russian mobsters are signing up. 


    Now, his lack of skill is really showing with his heavy handed tactics. China will never respond to his approach. Xi out plays him at every turn. 


    Wait a week. The lame duck will spend his last two years deflecting the losses and will leave a humbled man, if that is possible. And the world will celebrate his fall. 

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