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Posts posted by spidermike007

  1. I am so unfond of the free market. Please change that for me, Mr. Big. Why not try collectively raising the profile of the coconut industry in Thailand with a Thai version of the infamous Baha Men song? Remember that one? A classic.


    Put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
    You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
    You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
    You put the lime in the coconut
    And call the doctor woke him up

    I said Doctor, is there nothing I can take
    I said Doctor, to relieve this bellyache
    I said Doctor, is there nothing I can take
    I said Doctor, to relieve this bellyache
    (Oh let me get this straight)

    Oh mister Doctor man I think I'm going insane
    My girl's been creepin' on me, and my heart is filled with pain
    Now I can't sleep, can't eat, can't stop this funky beat
    Can't you hear it, she keeps playing in my head

    Baby, you really drive me coconuts
    Tell me, what am I gonna do

    You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
    You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
    You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up
    You put the lime in the coconut
    And call the doctor, woke him up

    I said doctor, is there nothing I can take
    I said doctor, to relieve this bellyache
    I said doctor, is there nothing I can take
    I said doctor, to relieve this bellyache
    (Let me get this straight)

    My temperature is risin' up to 103
    Is there anything you can prescribe for me
    Well the doctor said
    Hmmm, now let me see
    Just keep your body moving that's what works for me

    Baby, you really drive me coconuts
    Tell me, what am I gonna do

    You put the lime in the coconut
    And drink them both together
    Put the lime in the coconut and you feel better
    Put the lime in the coconut and drink 'em all up
    You put the lime in the coconut and call me in the morning

    Doctor, is there nothing I can take
    I said doctor, to relieve this bellyache
    I said doctor, is there nothing I can take
    I said doctor, to relieve this bellyache


    I can't catch myself, I say hey doc I'm sick
    I'm feelin' all run down, I'm sinking like a brick
    I've seen dots in front of my eyes
    But you talk about coconuts, and you're feeding me limes
    Different remedies you're giving to me, but nothing's working
    Doc, if you don't tend to me I'm gonna be the big bad wolf

    And blow your house down.

  2. 3 hours ago, TMNH said:

    Good expose as to to the mental deficiencies of some male Thai insecure individuals. I always say - it's how you were raised. And I could care less about the typical Thai excuse which defends the obvious male dominance. Look to India for that. Get with the "modern" viewpoint...if not, you will fall by the wayside.

    Thailand is run by women. Without them, the nation would grind to a halt in 48 hours. Thai parents need to start telling their sons, starting at the age of 2, you are nothing special, until you prove yourself to society. Until then, your sisters are smarter, more ambitious, kinder and more valuable to your nation. Show me something. Show me you are capable of being a man someday. 

  3. 4 hours ago, blackhorse said:
    4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:
    This is farmed salmon. Not much to get excited about. Typically very toxic fish. The use of antibiotics and hormones in these farms is astonishing. 99.9% of the salmon sold in Thailand is farmed. Be careful about eating too much of it.

    Isn't it the same with chickens and pork? Thailand doesn't really rate much in the organic food department

    True. But the promotion of the salmon as Norwegian is highly misleading as it conveys a possibility of it either being wild or from a truly sustainable farm. Of which it is most certainly neither. 

  4. Consideration the zeal and intensity with which the Thai authorities are pursuing illegal workers here, even for the most petty of infractions, it seems only fair that South Korea does the same toward the Thai workers there. Few are going to be shedding tears over this. 


    The immigration department here reeks of fake Puritanism and xenophobia. 

    • Like 2
  5. Trump is obviously very, very confused. His foreign policy has been nothing short of atrocious. And now his desire too appease the pig prince, is conflicting with common sense, reason, and logic. And then there is the advice given to him by the Saudi lobbyists. Trump has never been able to say no to any lobbyist. Anyone who makes it into the oval office, and has a large budget to spend, gets what they want. It is the newly populated swamp. 


    He desperately wants to cover for the new Godfather, and now that the entire planet knows that Mohammed Bin Salman is a thug, a serial killer, and a gangster, it is harder for Trump to cover for him, so he is trying his best to cover his butt, and as a result, is changing his tune daily. It is making him look pretty lame. Not that he did not already look weak, lame, desperate, ignorant, silly, inexperienced, and bought and paid for.


    I said it before, and I will say it again. If the Saudis did not have oil, few nations would tolerate them. Wahhabism is the scourge of the planet. End it now. Stop kissing the butts of the despots. They are up to no good.

    • Haha 1
  6. The salary is whatever can be extracted from the franchise. They are revenue collection agents so their income is entirely dependent on their creativity. 


    The government is complicit. They deliberately pay them low salaries in exchange for the franchise. 

    • Like 1
  7. There is an awful lot we can be doing. It starts at home. Stop using plastic shopping bags, take out containers, stop buying plastic water bottles, etc. Where does that crap end up? It is so easy for us to  bring reusable metal or bpa free water bottles to a restaurant. I do it daily. It not only saves money, but it saves hundreds of plastic bottles a year. Same with plastic bags. It is so easy for us to bring our own bags when shopping. I do it daily. Often the merchants or restaurants are surprised. Who cares? Do your part. Or don't complain. Global warming is happening. And we are the cause. Burying our heads in the sand will change nothing. We can do our part. 

  8. 16 hours ago, Ossy said:

    Oh yeh? . . . pull my other one. That the Prison Department's Mr Naras believes he has the power to stop hundreds of thousands of addicted smokers from smoking, almost at the drop of his magic hat, is laughable since there'd be riots from one side of Bangkok to the other.


    Why can't the Thai top brass learn to think before opening their traps? One week, it's expensive pets, the next, it's 'let's stop the world from smoking' and the next . . . well, we'll have to wait and see what nonsense is going to be announced, with trumpets and drums, only to be retracted the following week.


    A different declaration a week from this hapless administration. It appears to be a form of entertainment for them. Should be for us too. How can one take these jokers seriously?

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    But what about the safety of the vessels, if the Kra Canal does exist one day ? The canal will split the country in 2 and one side will be near the troubled south of Thailand. Nobody wants it to become another Somalia-like water front, with pirates.


    But the all powerful and extremely competent army and navy will take care of that. Who would mess with the Thai army? Such prowess. Such amazing ability. They are envied worldwide for their stunning achievements, genius, vision and kind hearted attitude toward their people. Nothing but benevolence. 

    • Haha 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Ahab said:

    I cannot image any vessel being too large to transit the Straits of Malacca, U.S. Navy nuclear powered aircraft carriers routinely transit these waters. I think whoever wrote the article needs to do a bit more research on the width and depths present in the Straits.


    Geography, which makes the strait especially crucial for global commerce, is also what makes the Strait of Malacca dangerous. It remains one of the world’s narrowest straits: 1.5 nautical miles, or about 1.7 miles on land, at its narrowest point, the Phillips Channel, near Singapore, making it a particularly perilous place for ships. Last year, officials from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore, the countries surrounding the strait, agreed to take joint steps to reduce potential accidents. There were 60 such accidents in 2015—a number that is expected to grow as traffic through the strait increases each year.


    • Like 1
  11. 9 hours ago, gunderhill said:

    You'd  be  quicker walking almost anywhere in the UK now, many 20mph  limits, road signs everywhere more signs and paint than road, people driving not more than 45mph on a road where 60 is  allowed, to be honest its painful now. Gone way to far.

    Speed cameras which do nothing except  collect revenue. 25mph in a  20 zone =3  points+ £200 fine, 12  points and banned.

    Result, a  country stultified with over regulation. 

    There's never a "happy medium" on the one hand the UK's over use of regs and Thailand's  "total lack of  regulation and enforcement"

    Rules cater for the morons in society and drag everyone down to that level.

    The UK, the US, Australia, NZ, and perhaps Canada are the worst nations on earth, when it comes to rules and regs. They also happen to be the five most emasculated societies on earth. Not sure if there is any connection to be made there. Except, get out if you can!


    There has to be a balance. In Thailand the only speeding tickets are issued by cameras. The toy cops need to be involved in the process. They need to be monitoring the highways and pulling people over for reckless driving. Saving lives. Does anyone care?

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