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Posts posted by Expat1

  1. "13-country coalition has been hammering away for one year in Iraq and Syria." Western media at it's finest. That is the point they have NOT been hammering away. Hence, why the Belgians walked out on them (coalition) and why the Russians had to come in and demonstrate the word "hammering". The Russians hammer, the US shoos (hard to blame the US and it's zion allies though when they were the ones who set them up initially and are helping to pay them, yea, hammering might be a bit tough a move). Now that the French have decided to hammer for real with the Russians the US might have to start hammering as well. We shall see.

  2. I have voiced here before that pirates are evil little aholes and deserve no quarter however, likewise if these vessels in fact were fish poachers, which it seems likely at face value as the Somalians are not giving out fishing rights to foreign flag vessels as far as I can find, then screw the foreign vessels and crews they got what they deserved. They went in to steal and got taken themselves. Tough.

  3. The draft is excellent and if done well and can be a shining example of citizen service to one's nation. Additionally, (and I did say if done well) it places young men of different social and economic backgrounds together in common purpose and cause and breaks down perceived social barriers and creates friendships that can last lifetimes and alter attitudes of these men then and in future, usually for the better. It makes for better rounded and more understanding citizens and future leaders. Unfortunately, this system can lead to exclusion and exceptionalism mentality when the wealthy can buy their way out which by the by, happened a great deal in the West as in the USA which has always done so. Examples, are the Civil War which a payment of $300.00 could keep one from going to the military and Vietnam that permitted University student deferments that were never actually deferring anything but allowed those that should have served a cash option out. One knows what happens here. Still it does work when handled well.

  4. He was a Zion sayanim, pure and simple, a sayanim with US and Israeli citizenship. This is what sayanims do. They give their allegiance to Zionism and betray their US countrymen in the land of their birth. He is no different than the Rosenbergs and Fuchs. He should have been executed. This case was so prima facie that Pollard just simply pleaded guilty. The only reason he is to be released is because he sold much of his stolen information which compromised US security, even nuclear security, to Israel (who in turn sold to the Chinese and others according to intelligence community members, bear in mind this was 30 years ago during the Cold War era) and now the Israelis are pushing for his release. Filth for filth. As former CIA director Admiral Robert Inman said that the greatest threat to US security and the nation today was Israel (referring to their spying and sayanims). With these kind of friends who needs enemies.

  5. Rubbish. USG bureaucrat double talk and eyewash. This is simply another act to obtain and maintain further control of their citizenry. That is understandable as the USG is more frightened of their own citizens by the week and well they should be, with their draconian attitude and actions taken towards their public without relief. This is just another of many excesses and inconveniencing of expatriate businessmen, offshore workers and so forth that, foolishly it seems, work hard to further US economic interests and provide US tax revenues and this is the thanks alotted them by the USG. So it was probably to be expected. Cretins.

  6. "What a bunch of pro-Jihad anti-semites on this board." That could be countered with why are there pro-Zion anti-goyum on this board. Because there is freedom of speech here, unlike Israel. Why do the Zions always throw out epithets first thing when the don't get their way? Why is that? Do they lack the ability to reasonably discuss the situation or is it a case of "Hey, you are suppose to believe what we tell you and do what we tell you and there will be no discussion on the matter. Period. It is my "make believe friend" up there in the sky not yours." I guess they feel that they should make the rules and impose them on everyone regardless of the others opinions. Not here, buubie.

  7. I have a question more than a comment. This man is basically a puppet halfwit and he has not held any office for more than a decade so why does the US media insist on trotting this fool out from time to time and espouse about some subject he obviously has little knowledge of. Do they think he has some credibility there? More the point does the US media really believe the American public holds him as credible?

  8. I concur Cambodia will trundle along well enough. If you want to worry about someone worry about Thailand. How is Thailand going to fare? Unless they start taking serious positive steps, like increased English ability, increased higher level skills training, easier immigration for foreign engineers, scientists, etc., more incentives for businesses, easier Customs procedures, etc (the list is very long) then they are gonna fall farther behind the other major ASEAN players and catching up will not be easy.

  9. Grave disappointment from a country like the US who has multiple torture centers, secret prisons and has installed and underwrites some of the worst dictators worldwide for decades and imprisons it's own whistleblowers that are trying to point out the USG's attempts at curbing it's public's rights and freedoms and this same dubious group is worried about 2 people being deported from Thailand. Pleaseeee. Now that is a serious case of the pot calling the kettle black.

  10. Just brilliant. Bureaucrat politicians answer. If we can't protect our citizenry then let's make it more difficult for our citizens to protect themselves. Criminals can ALWAYS get guns. Morons. Hey, something must be done and this is something, let's do it, the politician's kneejerk reaction to posture for the media. Heaven forbid you take time and think through a proper solution. If there would have been more guns available to the good citizens a lot less would have got hurt in Paris. Ok, don't take the US example take the Swiss example. Most all Swiss (not all but many, as the rules there change occasionally) are required to have an assault rifle with rounds in their home. It is sealed in plastic but, it is still there. If there is a problem the Swiss would have used them if necessary. Paris would never happen in Zurich. Ok, the Swiss have always had this arrangement and mindset and it may not work for other Euros but denuding the citizen further of their ability to protect themselves is no solution either.

  11. From the article..."Its worth noting that within the past 24 hours the U.S. has launched its first strike against an ISIS oil convoy. Prior to Monday, the United States had refused to strike the over 1,000 ISIS controlled tanker trucks out of a stated concern about causing civilian casualties, a dubious assertion at best."...

    Well, yea, that must have been a tough decision to destroy the vehicles and facilities your own CIA and DoD and Israel and other allies paid for with their own taxpayer's dollars and all that loss of future revenue for your project you spent so long setting up. Shoot.

    Hopefully, they will release the data on which G20 countries are fronting the money causing all this grief. Chances are they never will though. Pity and the band plays on.

  12. Another self appointed Western hero. Just what Thailand needs. Where is Immigration when they are needed. Australia, Europe and North America have as many if not more problems in this regard. Gangs kidnapping girls of all ages and races and forcing them into prostitution with violence and drugs. Why could not he start there? Well, because it is DANGEROUS for him personally there and he won't look like such a noble hero saving the poor little brown people from the evil white men. Chr#st, these morons crusader types have rolled through here for decades and they eventually just slink away when the media fanfare is gone and the Thai authorities grow tired of the notoriety they cause.

  13. Sure, American logic on the battlefield, tactics by media. The taxpayer dollars well spent yet again. Rather than actually go aggressively after serious, clear and debilitating military targets that will set back the enemy heck, go after some media face, Johnny the Jerk and spend inordinate time, money and effort on that. Sure. American warcraft at work. Solid.

  14. "Professor Heidi Hoefinger, who teaches in the science department of Berkeley College, in New York, looks at the social morals of Cambodian women and the idea of transactional relationships." Considering she teaches at Berkley in New York, I must admit that if what was said in the article is accurate of the book then it sounds like fairly well balanced account of the reality that most of us here (well, most of us longer term guys) are very familiar with and accept without judgement of the girls (well mostly) and know to be a fairly good situation for all concerned. Somehow though I have the nagging notion that this will be perverted back there somehow and be twisted into some new type perversion by the media set.

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