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Posts posted by Expat1

  1. As I mentioned before. Good to hear. Most of the foreigners have no understanding of the difficulties that were faced by the Thais daily under Yingluck, Mr T and other corrupt and ill run supposedly "democratic" nepotistic govts and the majority of Thais obviously sure as heck don't want to return to it again as is obvious by the poll result. Who can blame them, it was painful. IMO if the poll numbers were larger in quantum the majority swing would have only increased. Go for yourself and the Thais, Prayut & Co. leave the West behind if need be, close her up (whatever that may entail). Who needs 'em.

  2. You know it is always mind blowing to read some of the tripe that issues out here regards the USA and war with someone. There are far too many here watching way too much CNBC and WW2 movies. For those of us who actually were participants in the last Soviet MAD games and have kept up with developments it is clear the last thing the USA can afford is a nuclear exchange of any kind. It should be known that the next war will not be fought on some foreign shore but in your back yard, live and in living color. Anyone who was trained in this will explain how vulnerable USA is to this. A simple nuclear detonation of several kilotons at 300 to 500,000 feet AGL will result in a 3 spike EMP burst that will effectively cripple most of the USA. According to Senate & DOD EMP Commission the result of such a strike would result in the deaths of up to 90% of the entire population in 12 months. Hey, that is how it reads. I don't know if I agree with that number but it will be a sh#tload of them. No power, no fuel, food or water distribution, no emergency services no communications. Alarmist. Yep, agreed damn right I am very alarmed they have allowed such a situation to exist given we stood toe to toe with Ivan for 70 years over this very matter. Does not seem there was much point to that now. For those you gungho types you may wanna talk to family members back there and see if they still as keen as you given this situation. Just saying.

  3. Step 1: Take refugees give them shelter and food.

    Step 2: Take them to the sea and put up camps for them.

    Step 3: Make REALLY big barges and bring them to the beach

    Step 4: Drag refugees on to barges.

    Step 5: Tow all barges to sea.

    Step 6: Now decide what to do with them and where to put them (I leave this to your imagination and conscience)

    When they see that there is a united front and you are serious they will stay at home and fight for themselves and their neighbours.

  4. What I still don't get is how this guy is still out there without a leash. If this had happened 30 years back he would have just disappeared and none of the pain and suffering he and his caused would have occurred. There was corruption and excesses then, of course, but nothing on the scale this guy perpetrated, they would not have allowed it. Oh, for the good ole days of the proper General dictatorship in charge, it works. They actually had the average Thai more at heart then than the Hi-so million dollar boys club set. I wish K.Prayut all the best in bringing this man to justice.

  5. That is good news and good to hear. I hope he stays for ten more years. The country is actually functioning, well, at least as well as can be expected here. Sure as heck better then under the so called "democracies" that paraded through here the last 20 years. Screw the western govts and their opinions, they should look to their own broken govts before telling others how to run theirs. Some groups don't work well nor actually want nor need "democracies". This country worked quite well in the 1970's and 80's under the various Generals in charge, well, enough to take off as an "Asian Tiger". People tend to forget that. Things only went pear shaped when so called "democracy" was implemented and one corrupt and purchased "democratic" govt after another took charge and raped the populace. Keep the Generals, the people are happier and the place actually works.

  6. That is what is being published in the western press, that is a fact. However, it's better than the US/Khazar methods of sending out aircraft for mis-bombing missions and bombing unmanned ISIS locations and hamstringing their allies attempts to succeed. The Belgians, when they withdrew in disgust from the coalition, called the Americans BS and if it wasn't intentional BS then they are plain incompetent. One hopes the US did foot drag and misdirect on purpose, as would hate to think they are actually incompetent.

    In any case, the Russians are the only hope those people in those areas and many in the Mideast have. Good on them. Hope they truly thwart the Amer/Khazar plans fully. Wishing them best of luck.

  7. This thing seems to be a repetitive activity for them. Historically speaking Israel's actions, methods and concepts are not really new and appear to be known and tried in history. It has been commented that Israel is quite analogous to Sparta, where a foreign alien group (Spartan/Israelis) invades a land on a pretense and enslaves an entire nation (Messenia/Palestine). Then they create a structured layered society by force whereby the invader is in the top tier and the indigenous group (Helots/Palestinians) below who were made into a type of slavery through draconian duplicitous rules and despotic apartheid systems. In Sparta, Helots as slaves were not owned by individual Spartans but by the entire group as a group. Any Spartan could kill any Helot with impunity. Now does any of the this sound familiar. There was a special group of Spartans created called the Cryptea. The Cryptea's job was to sneak around and murder Helots based on their own reasoning that any Helot that they felt remotely threatened, or were even disgruntled with, Spartan enslavement (Helotage) must go. Once a year the Spartans would even declare a war on the Helots and attack them killing enmass over some spurious slight in order to keep them in line for the coming year. Spartans also were known to sacrifice their allies first in battle before they would take part in the battle themselves. (This is arguably one of the main reasons for their demise).( It has been said that the Israelis will fight and die to the last.........American . Go figure.)

    If one reviews the similarities it becomes clear where Israel got their basic policies it would seem, they even both demonstrate an intransigent brutal thuggery to any reasonable objection in their actions. Well, in the end the Spartans did not end so well. Their allies deserted them, some turned on them and all their neighbors abhorred them for the way the were towards others being just too selfish and their existence cost too great a price and finally destroyed them (and the Helots even took part). Perhaps that scenario will play out in history again, it most probably will. It seems inevitable. If the world is lucky sooner than later.

  8. That's ok. I and the Burmese (and many others) doubt the credibility of US elections. Chads, conveniently missing ballots, media airing some candidates while refusing others at their discretion, antiquated suspicious (corrupt?) Electoral College, etc, etc.. The USA elections have been a joke and a subject of derision for decades. The moral high ground there has long been missing.

    If you live in a glass house probably best not to throw stones.

  9. "Thailand is that allready. In every mall you have to wait for people standing in the walkways busy with their phones. They won't go stand at the side because they are too important for that."

    You have to wait? Who waits. Just yell at them, raise your voice or push em outta the way. We're a lot bigger and rude begets rude. They are not that dumb that they don't understand the concept of consequences of ones actions. Anyway they move for me with no problem.

  10. Yep, this is endemic here and very cultural. All big sanuk. Well, I must say it has profited me well, not in monetary terms but in getting my way with them when needed. An example is my gik. I have had the same gik for years. She used to steal from me, she would run off with a Thai guy, and all sort of subterfuge but in the end it was her frivolous spending habits that kept bringing her back. The latest being her borrowing money from some gangster in her town for her dad who in turn spent the loan she got, at outrageous usury rates, on booze, cards, and hookers. Sure enough she comes back hat in hand. It is as inevitable as the rain. No complaints here.

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