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Posts posted by Expat1

  1. This is probably a systemic fungal infection. Very common here and doctors don't test for it. I know guys over the years that have had exactly what you describe. In fact many, had the infection in their home country and it did not effect them much because of environ, climate, diet etc. Once here it gets amplified. It takes a while to get rid of it though. Fungal infection have become endemic. In fact, I read they are responsible of 17% of all post operative deaths in the USA.

  2. "Vicha said NACC members all agreed that the rice-pledging scheme was the most complicated corruption scandal." Really? Of course, that is the point of such a scam to make it as convoluted as possible to deflect any blame. I suggest good old time vigilante justice like what was done in the 1970's and 80" . It works and the Thaksins and others understand this VERY well. But doubtful that old school method will be done anymore. Shame, it would achieve the results Thailand needs.

  3. Well, not overly surprising actually. Can you say military/industrial/financial complex? As long as there is a dollar to be sucked out of the US taxpayer for the profit of the boys they will carry on. Besides, they need to keep Americans at home in line by touting that they are continuing, with best efforts, an ever enlarging "terrorist war" that only they can keep the US safe. Safe to continue to pay more and more, adinfinitum, one supposes.

    Unless the USG is planning to colonize and make Afghanistan a US State one can not really imagine an End Game that will work or even makes sense. This is really becoming a very bad macabre joke.

  4. "troops will be armed for their protection and security, but will not engage in combat," then what good are they?

    Personally I am sick and tired of these various US govts running around the world and placing US troops at risk and intervening where they should not be involved but, it is obvious that the USG needs to get some positive press going because nobody is buying their Syrian BS. The BH seem a good fit for that.

    Hey, where are all of those tough, rough Blackwater and Merc guys that the USG paid obscene monies to and let run amok virtually unchecked through Iraq? Why can't they be placed there. Oh, ok, yea that was Iraq where there really was not anyone that could actually fight back and seriously take a bead down a rifle barrel at them and their job was basically guarding someone elses assets, the BH on the other hand is armed and can fight back and those rough tough guys probably would not care for that very much. Never mind.

    In any case, I am sure that the locals are thankful for any help concerning the BH.

  5. This is nothing new. They (various ethnic groups) have signed with the Govt before in the past and virtually no one kept their word. This time it may be different as more money is being injected into the country, they are opening up a little and they are going to have at least a semblance of a democratic election and democratic govt, well kinda. I hope so because those poor SOBs have been fighting there a VERY long time, they deserve a break.

  6. The US drops goods to Syrian rebel terrorists, huh. By rebels do they mean the 6 rebels they actually trained and have now shut down the $500 million project that trained them. Good to know. So here it is 50 years later and the worm has turned. Now the US has taken the place of the old Soviet Union in violent terrorists creation and support and the Russians have taken the USA's old role of world peace maker. Well, to be expected one supposes when a country's media and leadership is usurped by khazars. The Russians seem to be making serious inroads on the destruction of the ISIS and rebels so I guess the US better drop those additional supplies quick while there are still "rebels" on the ground to collect them.

  7. Truly doubt that their economy will crumble, they are Japanese they will make out just fine. I always wondered why the Japanese put up with this base for so long. They don't need it and don't want and it is their country. They can get along without the US nonsense there just fine. I wish them God speed on moving the base out. Now if we can just work on removing the other 999 US bases worldwide that would be great. The poor US taxpayer needs a break and could use the money on a lot more really useful stuff.

  8. Personally I agree with his stand on immigration in the USA however, that having been said, I already feel sorry for the poor Americans having to endure such bad leadership and media cronyism but, if this guy gets to be President it will go far past sympathy for the Amers, it will just be a really sick, bad joke.

  9. Her brother and then her created and oversaw one the most egregious scam schemes in this country's history. It caused massive pain and suffering among the lower economic agricultural groups and they enriched themselves and their cronies and friends at the expense of others less fortunate. IMO the govt has been more than fair in their dealings with these people. Thaksin is not a fugitive for nothing and should be brought in for a deserved justice on him and also his sister, equally, should be brought to account for her part in this. In any western country this would not even be a topic of discussion as laws would be enforced and subsequent trials would be commenced (well, should not be, as a lot of western countries now seem to be going the way of Asia in this regard, where the wealthy get off with little attention, not a good sign). In any case, may the govt see their way clear to execute the sternest justice on these people.

  10. Not much makes sense in that country anymore. The shock jocks have run rampant over the place and Playboy is simply too mild it seems in that environ there with just nudity and they obviously would not do full pornography so, this is a type of sensationalism for them, I guess. Hard to know what their logic was, if any.

  11. To the people who say that if a man leaves his post and deserts he should be treated harshly, I concur. HOWEVER, in my research I can find no concrete evidence that he ACTUALLY did that. Only hearsay and innuendo from others which DOES NOT constitute proof. I was in the service in combat in '69 and I can say categorically that we had people disappear from LPs and they sure as Hell did not desert. Fortunately, some were exchanged years later but, no one suggested that we court martial them. Even had there been hearsay on a soldier then, as is the case here, they (military) still would not have done that.

    This whole thing is media induced and political grandstanding at someone else's expense. An example, is that Boehner guy (or is that, Boner) who is making political capital on this. Of course, he did spend 8 whole weeks in the Navy so he obviously knows about this stuff... This is all US media hype (what's new). Stay away from that place, it's bad news all around. They should be ashamed of themselves there. If there is clear evidence then convict, if not, stop it and let it go, now.

  12. Any such trade agreement would in no way benefit the Europeans in any significant way. We are talking about making another agreement with a country that held Germany's gold reserves for decades under the so called Fed Reserve requirements, then when Germany asked to have the gold (1000's of tonnes) returned it was not there. Gone (ok, after a year they were given 85 tonnes back). But no problem they will get it back to Germany in a decade or so...maybe. Better yet the Merkel govt just capitulated and then said that the gold is safe there in NYC. Safe, how is it safe, if it is not there at all? And they want to make MORE deals with these people. Really? KIV, it is the Merkel govt that will be making this new slick deal with these people as well. Never deal with the new Amers on large sums of money, it will be the last time you see it. Ask the guys that have started the BRICs banks. They know.

  13. You are making much ado about very little. No offense intended. If you are in fact in the UK and you are the legal father/guardian of the child (especially if you have UK documentation to that effect) then contact the authorities about it and if need be, engage a local UK attorney to seek an injunction to keep your ladyfriend from absconding with the boy. It is not that difficult. I am aware the UK has almost gone Amer-maniac about women having all the family rights but, that is not the case, as yet, in the UK.

  14. That is not a bad idea actually, of course, under the assumption that the tax revenues will be put toward something that helps alleviate obesity and other sugar related problems or similar. Seeing the corpulent fat slobs from North America and Europe bouncing down the streets around here something needs to be done, that is a fact. Cigarettes have nicotine and other harmful substances and they have taxes assigned so why not this.

    BTW, for those of you that don't wanna live in a nanny state in North America or Europe, bad news, you already do. So we might as well get some positive use out of it. One thing is for certain and that is placing a satang an ounce tax on sugar won't bring about the nanny or even socialist state anywhere in Asia. I think you're safe.

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