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Posts posted by Expat1

  1. Give me a break. They are playing to the media. They have had decades to get over it. It is the media in that country that purposely keeps them divided. The media is in a great position there. The media people make stories that incite this stuff then step in and try to act as mediator and the voice of reason when it was they who instigated it. If one wanted to really stop racism in that country it is no problem. Any media person that writes or distributes a story noting racial disharmony , bam, instant prison for 10 years. Media people are like finance types, biggest cowards that there is. Show them the noose and those problems will be hugely reduced. But, that won't happen because the media and finance groups own that country outright. I truly feel for those poor bast#rds living there.

  2. I will never understand the obsession for larger breasts. These girls here are some of the most beautiful in the world. Their breasts are proportionate with their body frame and most have beautifully formed breasts. I just don't get it, western women would kill to have their breasts in most cases rather than the udders they sport around. I guess they believe that the grass truly is greener on the other side.

  3. Surely you jest I agree with your comment however and well said. However, I paraphrase here..." This push and others like it doomed to fail because you have external powers that want their pound of flesh and get a part of Syria for themselves, namely the Americans and Israelis and their Sayanim, two countries that decided to curve a slice of Syria for their expansion plans (mostly Israeli concept of Americans forever must protect Israel), all thanks to Obama originally pushed by Sayanim agenda there, with his (their) vision of the world with the US playing a sole major part, big mistake, a mistake that the US is paying for it now and will pay even more in years to come..."

    The US playing a major role in what they believe must be their monopolar world with the USA at the center. It would appear that the rest of the world is tired of it and has decided to take steps to create a multipolar world. About time.

  4. Hang the punks high. Could it possibly be that some of the Thai's attitudes toward us derives from morons like these?

    Most probably. Is this what they do at home when they go on a drunk? Again probably, as many western countries barely

    issue slaps on the wrists. They were damaging this person's livelihood and property not to mention assaulting him. If this happened

    in North America these idiots, if caught inside the premises, there is every chance they would have been gunned down or at least got several years in prison. So whatever the Thais do to them will be light by comparison. I look forward to stern sentencing then perhaps the next group of drunk morons will think twice.

  5. Hang the punks high. Could it possibly be that some of the Thai's attitudes toward us derives from morons like these?

    Most probably. Is this what they do at home when they go on a drunk? Again probably, as many western countries barely

    issue slaps on the wrists. They were damaging this person's livelihood and property not to mention assaulting him. If this happened

    in North America these idiots, if caught inside the premises, there is every chance they would have been gunned down or at least got several years in prison. So whatever the Thais do to them will be light by comparison. I look forward to stern sentencing then perhaps the next group of drunk morons will think twice.

  6. "Jewish extremists," Really? I was not aware Israel had too many that weren't. Their govt sure is. Well, evidence just seems to fade out when Jews commit heinous crimes there and evidence magically appears when Palestinians are needed as scapegoats. Go figure. It must be that imaginary friend in the sky guiding them to divine knowledge. Well, if you don't believe then just ask them they'll tell you. For them it is ALWAYS the other guy's fault, oy ve.

  7. What is the old expression, "Best laid plans o' mice and men, gang aft agely" well, this is more of the case of, Ministry, bureaucracy and Pornchai.

    I really believe if they improved the items they expressed in the article that there would be greater interest here in doing business here BUT, all here are aware of the problem with the inertia here. They (bureaucrats) get instructions and they run around implementing as fast as possible but, then inertia kicks in and it all slows back to business and bureaucracy as before. It is cultural. Which is a shame but, a reality nonetheless. Now there can be change but, it would require reconfiguring the entire system whereby there would be large firings and new technical type hires and increased computerization and create a new system that would force them to use that new system and methods and not allow them to go back to the old system which would not be possible by definition of the new system.

    I watched Singapore and Malaysia do this very thing in the 1980s and 1990s respectively. They had the same lethargic bureaucratic systems in place back then, believe me, it was not that much different then Thailand is now in that regard but they did the aforementioned and the new systems forced them (their bureaucrats) to comply and they could not physically go back to the old ways. It will work here but again, will the Thai bureaucrats wear it. Can they afford it? Can they not afford to do it? That is the billion dollar business question.

  8. That gas does it have a name? Mustard gas? Really? The effects are pretty pronounced. Have there been any verified medical reports? It would not be hard to determine. BTW, mustard gas is pretty basic and can be made in a make shift lab and certainly ISIL has enough money and people to do better than a make shift lab. This smacks to me of there being WMDs in Iraq, etc. old false flag style attempts. Considering the source of the info I think I will stick with that.

  9. Now there are two groups that one can trust in this scenario. No credibility gaps here. Given America's attempt to overthrow Assad, their hand in starting ISIL (ask a number of multi-star US Generals about this) and their feeble non-efforts to stop ISIL (again one may ask the Belgians who left because of this) and lastly, the support for what they call the "moderate" forces that once again they created. Anytime one sees Zio-Yanks pointing the finger at someone else take pause and consider what the reality is and what they may gain by what they may lose. I would consider ALL options especially US and friends operatives until an assessment is forthcoming from the Russians and no one else. The Russians just moved more of those S-300s and 400s in for air suppression work, and those things clear skies and the US, et al know it. So sit back and consider, are the finger pointers right or are they the ones deflecting the blame first.

  10. Well, the chief sh#t stirrer is back, huh. They still think it's the 1990's. I don't hold with what the Chins did in fabricating these islands but the days of gun boat diplomacy won't work anymore for the Americans. They are no longer as formidable in comparison to possible high tech opponents as they were before. Ask the crew of the USS Donald Cook. That was embarrassing and showed precisely how lacking US arms is and has devolved. They make great US media hype and saber rattling but not much else as the other side is not blinking first anymore. Best to find other ways of working things out.

  11. I concur. Master manipulators of information, subterfuge and false flags the world's number one proponent is ... Zions. The list of groups that may have done this would be Ukrainian, Chenchen, ISIS, Amers and Israelis, possibly a few more but those are the ones that would come under scrutiny first. Hard to say who is the culprit with no info and as a spectator but, my money would be on the last 3 groups for the Syria debacle the Russians are clearing up. But one thing you can be certain of is that the Russians are Masters of one thing...and that is "Payback".

  12. Yes, it sure is a bad way to go. And people do not realize this happens 200 times a year on average, even with very large ships. The number should reduce dramatically due to the govt and science finally recognizing "rogue wave" phenomena and taking expedient measures regarding it. This was not the case here however, this was simple ole hurricane destruction but that is bad enough.

  13. Outstanding. Agreed hang them. Self-entitled torturing little cretins. But it took an Asian Muslim country to exact this appropriate justice. In Europe they would have got a few years jail and a country club stay and a trip to the psyche doctor at the public's expense. Funny how what is deemed an appropriate response to such an heinous act by most people would be totally perverted in the so called "enlightened" Western world. Some thing is drastically wrong there. Now we shall see if Msia actually carries it out.

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