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Posts posted by urandom

  1. you're most welcome.

    what I would really test is wireless.

    just pray that it's not realtek. broadcom has some downsides too. intel and atheros should work without any issue.

    broadcom recently opensourced their drivers so hope is there but you may suffer for a bit. realtek has some drivers available but they really really suck. it may work but you may have connectivity/signal strenght problems.

    if you have the opportunity to fire up mint before buying, just open a terminal and issue the lspci command, look at the "Network controller" line to see what is the chipset.

    I just got my shiny new machine and I'm using a CD to check out what you asked above; and here's the result of the lspci in terminal:

    03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)

    I'm using a fixed land line at home and without a wifi connection nearby - I'll try and get to a friend's house or coffee shop.

    this chipset is one of those that is supported by the opensource driver. the driver is already in linus' tree but still in staging http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=tree;f=drivers/staging/brcm80211;h=a6b62ae7f1d3e263db3e999908382d645819008e;hb=HEAD . anyway, you shouldnt get too many troubles with it and if you do have some, then you wont have to wait too long for a stable, reliable driver. depending on your distro, it may use an older kernel in which the code wasn't merged yet but they may have added the modules independently anyway. a good way to know this is to issue the lsmod command and see which module is loaded. if you see brcm80211 then you're using the opensource driver, if you see something like wl then you are using broadcom proprietary driver which is known to be limited. anyway...

    enjoy your new machine !

  2. your wireless chipset is intel, they are very well maintained, supported and are *in* the kernel tree http://git.kernel.or...c3dd20b;hb=HEAD . best choice. I bought a thinkpad x201i a few months ago and just replaced the crappy realtek chipset with a brand new shiny intel 6200. costed about THB1,300 but i'm so happy i did it. i can enjoy any kind of wireless fun (packet injection and the like) and reliable connection.

    /edit: not sure about the minimum percentage but connection still works in the toilets :P which are more far then another machine using a PCI wireless card (atheros chipset) and it works better on the lappy

  3. in summary, *always* chose a distro that makes packaging dead simple so you can fix things by yourself without being dependent on developers :P

  4. you're most welcome.

    what I would really test is wireless.

    just pray that it's not realtek. broadcom has some downsides too. intel and atheros should work without any issue.

    broadcom recently opensourced their drivers so hope is there but you may suffer for a bit. realtek has some drivers available but they really really suck. it may work but you may have connectivity/signal strenght problems.

    if you have the opportunity to fire up mint before buying, just open a terminal and issue the lspci command, look at the "Network controller" line to see what is the chipset.

  5. indeed :)

    what I would try:

    1. reset your modem/router to factory default > put it in bridge mode. check its address (which most likely will be

    2. setup your router (ipcop) to be > to connect to the internet, this will be the default gateway you'll have to set up on the clients.

    3. setup your adsl connection inside ipcop

    4. make sure ipcop is seen as a client by the modem/router. if not, simple reboot should do it.

    that /should/ be as simple as that.

  6. I set the green nic as

    I set the red nic as

    these are outside world IPs from inet.co.th, no?

    where's your shop, I could try to have a look if you want (and if you're no too far). fees are paid in beer exclusively :P

  7. i never used ipcop and i'm in no way a networking guru but i'm confused by several things:

    - what you call your bridged router is actually a modem/router in bridge mode that you'll use as a modem only, is it right ?

    - why do you want the 2 devices to have the same IP, I dont see how this could work

    i have a modem/router at home (from my ISP) that works in bridge mode, as a router I use a RT-N16 running tomatousb.

    the modem/router is (and anyway, I dont have to connect to it) and the router is

    all pppoe settings are done on the RT-N16

  8. it's difficult to find out the details of the wireless chipset, which is, for me, the main remaining concern. it seems that the video card is nvidia and you should get really great performance with the closed source drivers from nvidia (vdpau is great). i'll search again for the wifi

  9. hey guys, very sorry i missed the last two meetings, i'll make sure i'll be there for the next one, especially as i learned a few more networking tricks that should bring some lulzy moments :P

  10. let's see...

    eb@blackout:~$ pkginfo -o /usr/bin/sftp

    Package File

    openssh usr/bin/sftp

    eb@blackout:~$ tar xf /home/pkgmk/distfiles/openssh-5.6p1.tar.gz -C .

    eb@blackout:~$ cat openssh-5.6p1/LICENCE

    This file is part of the OpenSSH software.

    The licences which components of this software fall under are as

    follows. First, we will summarize and say that all components

    are under a BSD licence, or a licence more free than that.

    OpenSSH contains no GPL code.



    $OpenBSD: LICENCE,v 1.19 2004/08/30 09:18:08 markus Exp $

    now what? :P

  11. what you could do:

    install any downloader that lets you make DLs from a list (like wget or aria2) and use the attached list. it's a list of the exact same file that is mirrored in many different countries. you should edit this list and remove some of them otherwise it will take ages to complete. i started to do it but it quickly became a PITA so i'll let you finish :P

    then you can show the technician that whatever the country, the speed sucks. it has to be noted that many mirrors are ISP mirrors or university mirrors with huuuuge bandwith available so he can't blame the servers.

    just FYI: this mirrored file may not exist anymore from one day to another (well it should last a few weeks a least from now), if you get this problem, just pick another one in the same directory.

    for some reason, it didnt get attached. here it is:


  12. Hey! lomo! <deleted> is a wifi flashing tech, where can he be found (third request).

    wifi flashing really means nothing and wifi flashing techs do not exist. you can flash your router's firmware and you really dont have to be a "tech" to do that. if your router supports an open firmware and you can follow instructions then you're the "wifi flashing tech" :P

  13. OK fair enough but we seem to be down to how much to trust the ia32 libs(which run a handfull of applications). Like you say, to each there own but I am puzzled when you say you run a server with 64 but not a desktop. Surely, servers if anything should be more conservative

    about security than desktops and therefor stick to 32 bit.

    no, that's irrelevant, I'm not using any closed source application on this server. this is a *pure* 64bit machine. no lib32-*-crap, no closed source binaries. closed sources apps are desktop apps mainly, the whole point :P

    As for google Earth, well ok there installer isn't elegant but neither are most

    solutions for instaling softare on linux given the diverse ways to install stuff depending on distribution(deb , rpm, etc )

    there are very elegant and/or powerful packages manager in the linux world. please do not compare a crappy broken google script to nice pieces of code like pacman, paludis, etc... and it's not like GE's install script is not elegant, IT'S BROKEN :D :D

    However, it would be nice if they packaged some good ways of installing for the most commio distros.

    And yes I trust medibuntu...they have been around for a long time and if they were to go there are at least a couple

    of ways to install GE so it would not be the end of the world.

    GE is not the point, it's closed anyway. i was more talking about you getting any lib32 packages from them.

  14. i did a (very) little research about this today, particularly about flashplayer, and it does appear that ubuntu is using the (beta) 64bit flashplayer plugin in their stable repos. not being an ubutu user, i don't really know (or care) what they are doing with the rest of it, but i am still using flashplayer and skype from multilib in the arch repos, which is a pain i admit, but if the arch developers don't trust the adobe beta then i don't either. personally, i am still hoping for an alternative to flash (and praying for the demise of adobe), but regardless i cannot do without skype, so have to deal with the lib32 bloat, and for now there isn't much choice (unless i want to build the package myself, which i am far too lazy to do).

    the problem is you can't build them because there's no source available (well, in fact, yes, you can package binaries :P), it's all closed (except for the 64bit wine port which is too experimental/broken ATM). however, you do have another solution which is cleaner but not as well supported as the multilib repo so it requires more sweat and time, that would be creating a 32bit chroot inside your 64bit install and run binaries from there. anyway, i was a bit exaggerating in this thread but i just wanted to explain why a 64on32 setup does make sense imho.

    anyway BugJack, why don't you meet us @ soi8 on wednesday, and we can discuss this all in a (relatively) civilized manner? ;>}

    agreed, it would be nice, Cloggie is coming from Pattaya too (BugJack, you're from there IIRC?)

    by the way:

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