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Posts posted by urandom

  1. since years I try to find inexpensive LINUX-lessons in BKK........

    okay, we switch on the laptop....and now, what's next ? would need a "Linux / Ubuntu for Dummies " - course :ph34r:

    switch on the laptop and now... ask your questions, drink beer, show us the problems you're having, drink beer, everyone tries to help and solve, drink beer, move on to next topic, etc, etc...

  2. I am there already, when you enter Soi 8 Bar / Restaurant I sit in the left corner behind the bar.

    nah Cloggie, geeks need your GPS coordinates :P how is the connection :P ?

  3. i tend to use a workspace by application type. basically, i have the terminal workspace (1 or more root terminal +1 or more user terminal), the browser workspace, the file manager workspace (but i'm using coreutils most of the time in fact so this one is very quiet), the SSH workspace, the video workspace, the audio one, the im one and then the random ones... each app will open directly in the dedicated workspace... using dwm as a wm.

  4. Okay guys - if we all agree - lets make it 07:00pm - October 20th - Soi 8

    Hope to see you all...

    as stated earlier, i may arrive a bit late (i'll do my best to come as early as possible) but i will definitely join the meeting... by the way, i went to the place to see how it looks like... your regular farang pub i would say... beware (that maybe an issue for some of us, not for me), it's a yes-smoking zone... i quickly spoke with the manager, he confirmed there was free wifi but the only network i saw that had an essid related to soi8 was wpa encrypted so install wpa_supplicant before you come guys...

  5. I can't claim any great Linux expertise, but I'm wiling to come along and ask lots of stupid questions.

    great ! and don't worry about stupid questions, we *all* have some of this kind to ask :P

    How will I recognise you all?

    laptop bags :P

    Today's update (changes in bold, as usual):










    20th of October 2010 at xx.xx p.m.




    agenda (just some random ideas)



    knowing each others

    present our distro of choice (pros/cons)

    troubleshooting with the help of other members

    sharing tips

    installation support from members if someone feels like trying out a new distro but is not confident enough to install it

    ask stupid questions :P

  6. Great, now we are a crowd... :)

    True but I herd you liek mudkips heard geeks like prime numbers and 4 doesn't qualify.

    Shameless ad:

    Join the event, even if you're not using linux yet but are interested in knowing more about it !

    Today's update:









    20th of October 2010 at xx.xx p.m.




    agenda (just some random ideas)



    knowing each others

    present our distro of choice (pros/cons)

    troubleshooting with the help of other members

    sharing tips

    installation support from members if someone feels like trying out a new distro but is not confident enough to install it

    given the fact I may be the latest one to arrive on 20th evening, I guess you should arrange the meeting time...

  7. aaah the call of the guiness.... :)

    (changes in bold)









    20th of October 2010 at xx.xx p.m.




    agenda (just some random ideas)



    knowing each others

    present our distro of choice (pros/cons)

    troubleshooting with the help of other members

    sharing tips

    installation support from members if someone feels like trying out a new distro but is not confident enough to install it

  8. looks like Martin can be there earliest around 5.30 pm, best i could do is 8/8.30 pm, what about you ? Kevin, stub, crushdepth, dave, waiting for you guys to add your nicks on list :P

  9. today's update guys... join the event !








    20th of October 2010 at xx.xx p.m.




    agenda (just some random ideas)



    knowing each others

    present our distro of choice (pros/cons)

    troubleshooting with the help of other members

    sharing tips

    installation support from members if someone feels like trying out a new distro but is not confident enough to install it

  10. stub, do you know those guys? looking at the ML, it looks more coding oriented than a LUG, no? for tomorrow, I cant make it unfortunately, my shareholders are there atm so i guess it wont make it if they see me with glued eyes :P

    I think there are more people who cannot make it till tomorrow. I think all these groups are interesting and the best of all is that we can choose.

    However the existence of other groups does not make our little planned meeting the 20th or whenever less interesting.


    agreed. so let's keep up with the original plan first and we'll merge (pun intended) one of our next reunions once we get to know each other a bit more (maybe you guys know each other well already but i'm not very active here)

  11. stub, do you know those guys? looking at the ML, it looks more coding oriented than a LUG, no? for tomorrow, I cant make it unfortunately, my shareholders are there atm so i guess it wont make it if they see me with glued eyes :P

  12. all that sounds really great ! so basically the beercamp fellows are already doing what we planed to do, am I right (for those who know this group) ? so what shall we do now, anyone already in touch with them ?

  13. Sounds fun... maybe I'll be there...

    it would be great to see you there. do you think you'll be able to confirm a bit before the 20th ? i'm especially thinking about the ones who'll do some hundreds of kilometers to join the meeting... i think we'd better change the date and be sure there are as many people as possible than having a meeting at 2. not that i would not enjoy a beer with anyone of you but the more we are, the more we share.








    20th of October 2010 at xx.xx p.m.




    agenda (just some random ideas)



    knowing each others

    present our distro of choice (pros/cons)

    troubleshooting with the help of other members

    sharing tips

    installation support from members if someone feels like trying out a new distro but is not confident enough to install it

  14. Urandom, next week 20th Soi 8 sounds fine for me, hope more people will join!

    ok sounds great!

    What time do you 'we' want to start, any suggestions?

    Keep in mind that I need to go back to Pattaya with the latest bus from Ekkemai.

    AFAIC, I usually end my working day around 8.00 pm so I should be able to be there before 8.30 pm... but what time is your last bus to pattaya, that sounds tough to go back there the same day. you dont have any other alternative? do you have to work on the next day?

    Feel free to modify the following according to your liking/convenience:







    20th of October 2010 at xx.xx p.m.




    agenda (just some random ideas)



    knowing each others

    present our distro of choice (pros/cons)

    troubleshooting with the help of other members

    sharing tips

    installation support from members if someone feels like trying out a new distro but is not confident enough to install it

    /edit: the h3ll is wrong with the text editor on this website ??!

    /edit2: it doesn't like libwebkit based browsers it seems... errf...

  15. sorry for the infamous spamming but I just found this place: http://www.soi8.net/ Never been there, no idea if it's nice or not but: 1. access should be pretty easy 2. quoting the website: "FREE Wi-Fi Internet access!" (and we may murder the bandwith I'm afraid) By the way, are we supposed to bring our machines for this kind of meeting ? I guess so, am i right ? or am I a hopeless nerd having thought of that ? 3. they call themselves "family pub" so we would be able to stay out of distractions :P 4. there's guiness for Kevin. It looks like they dont have any kind of special events on Mondays and Wednesdays so those should not be too crowded. So guys, who's in for 20/10 or 25/10 or 27/10 ?

  16. Hey Kevin, your username sounded familiar, then I realized we exchanged a couple of emails few months ago (from arch bbs), not sure if you remember but anyway...

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