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Posts posted by chrisinth

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    just love it when the thaksin lovers start putting down anyone trying to sort all the sh*t he caused out. If the army can get rid of the corruption and shins Thailand will be a much greater country for it. Now we may well see thaksin dragged back in chains to face all of his other criminal acts, the ptp dragged before the courts as well as the yellows and reds. If done right this will end all the sh*t

    God you really are not the brightest.

    If the army couldnt curb corruption in their previous 13 coups why would this one be different?

    Thaskin lives in a different country over which the Thai army has no control. Unless you are suggessting some kind of Thai invasion of the UAE?

    So sad people like yourself are just too dim to realise what this is really about

    Sorry, don't get that point at all.

    Since when has it been up to the army to curb corruption? That is not part of their job description. The army are currently leveling the playing fields as neither side can agree on any points.

    When adults act like children they need to be controlled. And just to keep this viewpoint neutral, it may have started with Thaksin (the initial protests achieved their goal by dismissing the proposed amnesty bill) but Suthep in his arrogance has done an equal (?) amount of damage here by increasing demands at every juncture.

    The curbing of corruption comes from the government (whatever colour) and the RTP. Don't hold your breath.................wink.png

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  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    marko kok prong, on 06 May 2014 - 19:17, said:

    op,maybe go back tomorrow,and strip naked and go to sleep,and please keep us updated as to the outcome.

    But no photos please..................coffee1.gif

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    You are going to be bitterly disappointed doing business here.

    And why exactly would you come to that conclusion? You don't even know what the OP is doing.

    I have been working here for a long time, same company, and the work just never stops, doesn't even slow down. Expanding all the time.

    I read all this advice given by posters on these kind of threads and have to wonder how many of them actually work in this country and how much is based on bar talk by embittered people getting caught out taking shortcuts in processes.

    • Like 2
  4. I have always had feelings about this issue, working via the internet and what is deemed legal and illegal. My situation is as follows:

    I am working legally in Thailand with correct visa, work permit, etc, etc and have been doing so for many years. Part of my job is travelling within Thailand to conduct inspections, witness and hold points IAW the relevant inspection and test plans of projects. To this end I have additional addresses added to my work permit as temporary places of work, validated with a covering letter from my company stating the dates I will be there. This is in case any of the sub-vendors have a visit from the labor office while I am there, as I would not be in my place of work denoted in the WP. This has happened before (thus leading to the additional addresses in the WP) but no interest shown by the labor officials.

    The question is, from a purely legal standpoint, when I am in my hotel room and am connected to the company server by remote access and working through this access (as I do everyday that I am away) where do I stand?

    For clarity, I am not worried about it and will continue to do it, but I feel in a way this issue (conducted by many, many people in the same situation) has relevance to the OP. Even though a work permit has been issued, there are still small print issues to consider.

  5. Certified service dog still using 'pee pee pads' (whatever the hell they are). Been a house dog for a whole 3 months (in the role of a service dog)?

    Good luck with your quest buddy.

    As an aside, perhaps you could re-write the OP so that it would come across as a request instead of a demand. I think you may get bit more sympathy that way.

    Just sayin'..............wink.png

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  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    Their mission is to spread what they sincerely believe to be the truth, and if they have been at it more than a day they certainly know that only a small minority of people are at all receptive to what they have to say.

    It's that small minority that they are after. They have nothing at all to gain by wasting their time with the rest.

    They approach everyone initially because they don't know which ones will prove receptive until they try.

    All one has to do is make it very clear you are not receptive and they will move on. Engaging them in conversation - even in the form of hostile questions -- doesn't convey that, however. Quite the opposite.

    Again, really no different than the dynamics of dealing with salespeople.

    Couldn't agree more with that.

    Another example would be the spam email. Some people think it is clever to answer these obvious scams in the negative but this only proves to them that the email address is active. Then your problems begin.

    Ignore is the word of the day...............wink.png

  7. With the exception of establishments asking for service charges, tipping here in Thailand should be up to the individual based on the service experienced. Nothing is written in stone, it is a flexible medium.

    If I am in a bar or restaurant where I know the policy is for the tips to be shared with the staff, and I have enjoyed myself, then I normally tip more than normal.

    If I am in a bar or restaurant where I have received bad service my only tip would be for them to get a job they liked.................thumbsup.gif

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    meatboy, on 21 May 2014 - 11:06, said:
    chrisinth, on 21 May 2014 - 10:54, said:

    Hey meatboy, I feel for you and your missus. Think about popping down to Phits once a week, both Tesco & Big-C do the same down here, but they seem to alternate the chicken availability times so you can buy chicken all day with a bit of pre-planning..............tongue.png.pagespeed.ce.JwCxzAWj6x.png width=20 alt=tongue.png>

    Seriously though, the wife does get her chicken at Big-C, specifically the chicken thighs which sell for 49 baht a kilo, cheaper than she can get even at the local market. Tesco have the same price and I think there is a restriction as to how much an individual can buy at one time (possibly 3 kilos?).

    The chicken by the way is for her two hairy children (2 x Siberians) which they enjoy with their broccoli when chicken is on the menu.

    No joking here.........................20x20xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.pn

    the store is the one on the opposite side to the mall in korat.so today she has just phoned me to say she has got 6kilo's of leg/thighs from MAKRO you might ask who eats all that chicken our 55lb Alaskan malamute[husky] along with,

    brocli,carrot,cauli,biscuit and a fish oil capsule.my beloved he is.

    so come on makro let our good looking boy advertise your chicken.

    and I am not kidding either.

    biggrin.png I know what its like, and am glad to see they (Siberians) are not the only ones eating greens as well as meat; they do love it!

    As for the amount they can eat, I understand that as well. Dog is 55lb and the bitch is 70ld. Still, we have found it better to get the meat from the shelves than let them go for the 'free range' variety as they have an extremely high prey drive, I'm sure the same as your own mal/sibe mix Alaskan Malamute.

    Edit: Correction, Alaskan Malamute

  9. Hey meatboy, I feel for you and your missus. Think about popping down to Phits once a week, both Tesco & Big-C do the same down here, but they seem to alternate the chicken availability times so you can buy chicken all day with a bit of pre-planning..............tongue.png

    Seriously though, the wife does get her chicken at Big-C, specifically the chicken thighs which sell for 49 baht a kilo, cheaper than she can get even at the local market. Tesco have the same price and I think there is a restriction as to how much an individual can buy at one time (possibly 3 kilos?).

    The chicken by the way is for her two hairy children (2 x Siberians) which they enjoy with their broccoli when chicken is on the menu.

    No joking here.........................sad.png

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  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Don't listen to these guys who tell you they aren't bored.

    Why else do you think we spend time on ThaiVisa?

    biggrin.png I was going to say he has taken his first step into life in Thailand by starting this topic, bored before he knows it......................sad.png


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  11. What was the extent of the police investigation into the crash? What statement did you give? Was your insurance rep. present at the scene of the crash? What did you sign?

    As others have said, seek legal advice, I certainly wouldn't pay off the record.

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  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    cheated, on 20 May 2014 - 16:36, said:Quote
    "casual, on 20 May 2014 - 16:34, said:Quote

    Two quick points:

    1. She had a farang ex.
    2. She agreed to sex after a couple of dates / visits.

    Avoid women like this.

    Actually she has had 4 that I know of. One paid her rent and gave her money if she slept with him.

    How did she fit that schedule in if she was in a wat for 7 years and didn't have sex for the same period of time?

    Or was the no sex a different 7 year period?..............................whistling.gif

    Edit: I think you have every reason to doubt the story.

  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    LivinLOS, on 18 May 2014 - 11:50, said:
    chrisinth, on 18 May 2014 - 07:23, said:

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    neverdie, on 16 May 2014 - 10:27, said:

    I mentioned this option in the other thread a few days ago, but nobody seemed to take notice.

    I investigated this for a female friend if mine. I believe the 90 day reporting still needs to take place but this is carried out by the Thai elite people for you and that it is quick and easy BUT still costs 1900 baht every 90 days.

    However, it also eliminates the need to leave Thailand every year (or every 15 months) to another country to obtain another Non Immigrant O visa, therefore potentially saving airfare and other associated costs, visas, hotels, car hire or whatever.

    If you looked at the interest lost, then deducted what would be saved by not having to travel abroad for visas the. the 5 year 500,000 baht thing starts to look very attractive and much cheaper than 8k baht per month (probably half of that).

    THE BIG CATCH, is will the system still be operating next week, next year, or in 5 years time? When the Thai elite visa service shut down before, it's members weren't automatically reimburse for the part used portion of their membership, to gain that they would need to take legal action against, Thai elite and can you imagine how smoothly that would have progressed.

    Why would 90 day reporting cost 1900 baht?

    Presume its because theres an extension being discussed not a 90 day report.

    It does seem a bit confusing that different implementations of the same sort of service over the different card levels.

    Either way, the 5 year options is fairly attractive for those hoping in and out routinely. People I know pay for the fast track airport service, so having the limo 24 times a year, fast track, and visa is all beneficial.

    The reason I asked was that if the 5 year plan for the card gives you a one year entry to stay in country each time you enter, why would it need to be extended every 90 days (1,900 baht)? If it was just for normal 90 day reporting, then that is free unless you forget it and then it will cost you 2,000 baht.


  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Thai at Heart, on 20 May 2014 - 03:27, said:

    Well I somehow this push is really aimed at John smith taking an extended holiday for a few months in the winter from the UK, or Ingemar the Norwegian escaping the winter.

    Immigration in Thailand is a joke, and they have little influence away from the border. I doubt this has anything to do with stopping Svetlana selling condos but it probably has a lot to do with svetlanas boss laundering his cash.

    Last week they busted a boiler room, they are pushing the Russians hard and unfortunately, they are going to use immigration sledge hammer to crack this but because the police are utterly corrupt.

    I wouldn't be surprised that the ring behind the smuggling of the people onto the Malaysia plane have been pulled in and it seems that there are passports flying all over the place with dozens of repeat visas being used to smuggle people around.

    I can honestly believe that various embassies have bitched at the utter lack of control of illegal tourists and trafficking and the most obvious problem has been identified at the repeated granting of tourist visas .

    They aren't doing this to clean up illegal workers, they are doing this to really clean up the really dodgy traffickers, drugs smugglers, money launderers and undesirables running around the country.

    Well done Thai at Heart, you seem to be one of the only posters in this thread that is looking 'outside the presumed box' and highlighting areas of concern that would force departments like immigration to get their act together.

    I myself don't doubt that several of your points are part of the overall clampdown, albeit not mentioned in any interview/statement from immigration at this time.

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Having a couple of soldiers at key intersections is not "full control".

    True, but containing opposing forces and preventing movement of said forces is certainly a step in the right direction.

    I would have to admit, IMHO, this has happened at about the right time to prevent further bloodshed.

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    All we civilians are experiencing is a huge traffic jam in from of the Military Check Points. I just drove along Ramkhamhaeng road. There is a huge traffic jam caused by the military check point under the intersection with the Outer Ring (Kanchanaphisek Road), long 5 km and 4 lanes wide. Not exactly what makes this coup popular.

    But if you take the parallel road Seri Thai, no military check point, no traffic jam. So, what's the point of these check points? Show off?

    But we can always count on the military to ... mess up things even more.

    Why, oh why is the civil government not able to control the military? Who do the military guys (still) believe they can solve the problems? Never learn?

    "Not exactly what makes this coup popular."

    It's not a coup, it's the implementation of martial law. The civilian government is still officially in control.

    I think you forgot the caretaker bit reference who is in control...................rolleyes.gif

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  17. Reckon your buddy's on a wind-up by someone. It would be interesting to see what the message (in Thai) actually said and what department it came from.

    As far as I'm aware, they haven't mastered image recognition of an air kiss to be able to issue a notice in the first place..................wink.png

    If he had had his tongue half way down her throat on the steps of a wat, that might be different.

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  18. Personally I don't think the OP will solve anything by most of his intentions while doing a border run on a tourist visa.

    To show proof of two properties and multiple bank accounts does not fit a 'tourist's' profile, IMHO, and to do so will cause the OP more problems than it will answer simple questions asked by an immigration official.

    Don't volunteer anything that isn't asked for, and act like a tourist....................wink.png

  19. There was a time when my wish, on my death, would be to have my ashes spread on the English Channel, 32.7 nautical miles south of the Isle of Wight from the flight deck of HMS Ark Royal at 15:00 on a Saturday afternoon.

    Nothing to do with the love of the sea, just to inconvenience as many people as possible.

    I have grown up a bit since then and would rather not die, but as it is one of life's givens, I would now like to go as quietly as possible with as little inconvenience to the people I love.

    See, growing old isn't all about being grumpy...................rolleyes.gif

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  20. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I am just home after 7 months in hospital (morbike/pickup accident) My wife was at my side all the time (except when she was at work).

    Now i am at home cannot move/ situp paralysed from the waist down, she does everything for meEVERYTHING no complaints.

    When i ask her why you do for me , you my husband is the answer , i happy take care of you.

    That just touched me Colin.

    My best regards to your wife and I sincerely wish there is a path of recovery for you.

  21. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Joking aside, Thailand certainly is changing, and adopting western standards, good or bad.

    Honestly, I'd say they're sticking with the Asian angle quite nicely, as what they're doing is fairly draconian. If a Western govt decided to do a crackdown like this, they'd give notice, have media campaigns, most likely provide a pathway to amnesty and a way to legally apply / stay, etc.

    But nope, not Thailand. Just going to straight out deport and blacklist everyone they don't like, no notice, no questions asked. Well, ok then... have fun in three years from now with your media campaigns trying to attract foriengers and tourists again, because the numbers dropped so low.

    Yes, I can understand your comments. But, there has been nothing new added. This problem has happened because ironically immigration have been doing these people a favour in the past by allowing them to do multiple border jumps and have now decided to enforce restrictions as per their books.

    The reason this doesn't normally happen in the west is that there is no relaxing of current laws (in most countries). This is what appears difficult for some people to understand.

  22. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    The system in place is abusive and inconvenient to long-time visitors and workers.

    However, if you have a lot of money and don't mind spending it, all the hassles melt away.

    I disagree, I am a "long time visitor" and an worker here and have never been abused or been inconvenienced by the system in the least..wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

    I would agree with that 100%. There is a process for employment here in Thailand and as long as that process is understood and the correct paperwork submitted, it is not only easy but fair as well. It may not be properly understood by many, but as a foreigner legally working in Thailand, you also have the full support of the labor laws of the country.

    As for long term visitors, there are options for those under the age of 50 available. But these options are heavily criticized as most are dependent on financial targets. The worst critics are the ones who can't meet these targets. (Elite card & investment).

    There is also options for further education (ed-visa) and marriage for those willing to commit. Same sex marriage is not recognized in Thailand, so that option would be out for some.

    Of course the easy argument is to relate the situation in your home countries to that currently employed by immigration in Thailand. But for those who want that argument, take a step backwards and ask yourself who actually has it right with immigration issues, Thailand or your home country? I know which one I would choose, and like my home country to adopt it................thumbsup.gif

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