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Posts posted by chrisinth

  1. At least she has the priorities right, 1 million baht, pay for the family, tell me a bit about yourself...........................wink.png

    Looks like you might be onto a winner there.........................thumbsup.gif

    Edit: Judging from your OP, you seem to have not even met her yet. Make sure it is a "her" (if that's what you're after) before the dowry is paid.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Maybe its best explained the same way that a lot of men behave - mental abuse dished out by their partner on a regular basis but they will not leave because they "love" their partner.

    What about the Thai lady who is getting assaulted on the street by her lover...someone interferes to help her and she wants to then start fighting the good Samaritan and declines to press charges on her partner.

    Same mentality. Some people honestly enjoy / accept abuse. I can't explain it.

    Another theory is that (true in my case) is that in order to feed my addiction to random, beautiful girls who will sleep with me, I am forced to live in a country that requires me to interact with some pretty low class people. I would much rather stay in my own country if I had the same access to young, beautiful girls available in Thailand.

    Take the girls out of Thailand and you would see a huge drop in tourism.

    Another way to look at it is why do so many foreigners choose to live in Thailand when Malaysia has so much more to offer (without the girls)? Why don't they choose to live there instead?

    Take te girls away and you would have almost no tourism at all. Neither would you have as many multinationals here.

    The entirety of Thai modernisation has been from the benefits of having pretty girls.

    Thai culture has exactly 0 other worthwhile characteristics.

    Some dufus will object and say he loved the temples

    If you take all the girls away, in about 85 years the place will be pretty empty..............................coffee1.gif

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    2nd dentist confirmed it was not cracked. They did the same test, for free.

    Um.......why did you believe the second dentist made the correct diagnosis when he/she totally contradicted the first dentist's diagnosis?

    He believed the cheaper option as it justified his quest.

  4. I allow Mrs. C to do the cleaning, do the shopping, feed the dogs and look after the garden.

    Mrs. C allows me to walk the dogs and pay for everything. That's a partnership...................wink.png

    At least its what she tells me it is...........................sad.png

    • Like 1
  5. Everyone's experiences differ and in my case, I will admit to being let down/extremely disappointed by more foreigners than Thais in the short time I have been here.

    It has, IMHO, absolutely nothing to do with cultural differences, but all to do with the circumstances at the time.

    Edit: I suppose I need to add that I have been working here (with the Thais) for a few years, so it isn't segregation that affects my ratio experience.......wink.png

  6. How big are the aircon units (Btu) and more importantly, how old are they? When were they last cleaned/gassed?

    How old/accurate are the thermostats/control units and do the compressors shut down when the set temperature is reached?

    I know you say you have no kitchen, but do you have a microwave, freezer?

    Do you have a water heater on the shower?

    How many fridges?

    How many computers?

    These are some of the power consumers! I am in a 4-bedroom house, 5 x aircons (not on all the time), freezer, 3 x standup fridges, numerous fans, 3 x desktop computers (on almost all the time), 4 x notebooks, and I don't know how many smart phones and tablets there are.

    The average electricity bill is between 5 - 6,000 baht, never more than 7,000.

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    As always, here come the excuses, and the accusations that Thais must have 'set him up'...and it's all a massive conspiracy.

    "I was just meeting my mates for a beer!" - and we just 'happen' to meet in a place world famous for underage prostitution.

    "I'm a respectable teacher." - who just happens to hang around a place world famous for underage prostitution.

    "This is all about a legal case." - which involves living in a place world famous for underage prostitution.'

    Get a clue. You don't tune into football every day, unless you like football. And you don't live in Pattaya for years as a foreigner, unless you're into what goes on there.

    What a twisted and warped viewpoint on living in Pattaya.

    IMHO, if you are going to condemn, you should first find out what you are talking about, and don't rely on secondhand information.

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    She probably can't write English and doesn't know anyone that can write it. If you have a Thai lease, go to someplace and get it translated. Then you can use this

    Contract in English seems to be the hold up.

    Yep, if the OP wants piece of mind, take the Thai contract and get it translated, couple of hundred baht.

  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Pattaya Pat, on 06 Jun 2014 - 14:34, said:
    chrisinth, on 06 Jun 2014 - 14:21, said:

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    MikeandDow, on 06 Jun 2014 - 13:22, said:
    chrisinth, on 06 Jun 2014 - 13:13, said:

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    How does 90 day reporting work for this, or is your visit to immigration for the 60 day extension counted as the 90 day report? (It is a requirement if you remain in the country more than 90 days at one time.)

    Still, if you're not in the system, you're not in the system........................wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png Sounds like a good work-a-round for border runs.

    Did I say anything about 90 reporting No, you are only on an extension the visit wife 60 days no reporting read my post and think about it

    Calm down, calm down.

    You stated to go to immigration before your 90 days permission to stay is up and get an extension of 60 days.

    90 + 60 = 150 days (potentially)

    I asked what about 90 day reporting as you would be in the country more than 90 days which seems to be a reasonable question without the risk of a 2,000 baht fine if some immigration chappie decides that you should have done it.

    Thanks for the reply ubonjoe

    I assume going in to get your 60 day extension (assuming you can do this) would be classed as doing your 90 day report.

    Yep, looks like it, Ubonjoe confirmed that as correct in post #15.

  10. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    easy presuming this is based on marriage now if you do not like doing border run every 90 days you can extend this to 5 months for boarder runs, all you have to do, is before your 90 days are up go to your local immigration office and ask for extension based on wife you will need to take her, cost 1900baht, they will give you 60 days after that is finished do your boarder run this will then give you 90 days and again go and get another 60 day giving you 5 months every time before you do a run.

    How does 90 day reporting work for this, or is your visit to immigration for the 60 day extension counted as the 90 day report? (It is a requirement if you remain in the country more than 90 days at one time.)

    Still, if you're not in the system, you're not in the system........................wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png Sounds like a good work-a-round for border runs.

    Did I say anything about 90 reporting No, you are only on an extension the visit wife 60 days no reporting read my post and think about it

    Calm down, calm down.

    You stated to go to immigration before your 90 days permission to stay is up and get an extension of 60 days.

    90 + 60 = 150 days (potentially)

    I asked what about 90 day reporting as you would be in the country more than 90 days which seems to be a reasonable question without the risk of a 2,000 baht fine if some immigration chappie decides that you should have done it.

    Thanks for the reply ubonjoe

  11. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    easy presuming this is based on marriage now if you do not like doing border run every 90 days you can extend this to 5 months for boarder runs, all you have to do, is before your 90 days are up go to your local immigration office and ask for extension based on wife you will need to take her, cost 1900baht, they will give you 60 days after that is finished do your boarder run this will then give you 90 days and again go and get another 60 day giving you 5 months every time before you do a run.

    How does 90 day reporting work for this, or is your visit to immigration for the 60 day extension counted as the 90 day report? (It is a requirement if you remain in the country more than 90 days at one time.)

    Still, if you're not in the system, you're not in the system........................wink.png Sounds like a good work-a-round for border runs.

  12. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    If you have some prospects on starting up some in line business or writing a book or something like this...and have about 2 mil thb saved up...

    Then sure you can give it a go, but should have a bit more realistic timeline and financial plan in place

    A more realistic time line may be... Plan for your 2 mil to last 3 years (55k per month)

    Then give it a go... Realizing that if you can not get a book published or the online thing off the ground within 3 years.. Then it is not likely to happen

    So if you get to 2.5 years and you are not yet able to support your self with these other things, start planning your exit strategy

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    i already finished the book, i like it alot, and im writing the second one now, its really not that hard to do, there is such a massive freelance community out there that can do pretty much any thing you want for cheap, editors and artists, voice actors, etc, and for those negative people who like to punch wholes in every thing with their imaginary images of of what things are not like! the quality of the freelancer u hire is as good as what you can measure with your own two hemispheres! Plus you get better as you go.

    This is why i can NOT understand how a farang can spend his whole life and end up with no savings, no plan for inflation etc, and not marketable human captial! We are living in the greatest age of human history everything and anything is at your fingertips. The people who are rude to me make me want to succeed with such a fury that it is hard to put into words! What I really want to say is that you <deleted> wouldn't like to know what I really wanna say Cu.. okay i had better stop.

    55k a month... i live a life of pure luxury atm and im spending about 6-10k a month.

    I often have the unpleasure of talking to old farang who continuous like gripe about young people on their phones all the time. Your brains are rotting, my 22 year old sex friend supprises me all the time with new apps that are so unbelievable awesome!! and she sux with technology so bad.

    I do enjoy talking to old farang but i hate you people so much at the same time, i know you people will abuse me again, just remember you started it, so ill make sure ill piss on your graves.
    Quote my 22 year old sex friend

    Your 22 year old sex friend will help you depart from your money and quickly.

    I think he is 22 yo. Sex friend goes by the name of Mrs. Palm.

    Or maybe that's the age of one of her 5 daughters?.........................coffee1.gif

    • Like 1
  13. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    So why was a tourist friend of mine "fined" 600 baht yesterday while riding his motorbike ..

    Because he was breaking a law? That's the usual reason, and the laws commonly broken here by tourists on motorbikes are not having a valid licence and not wearing a helmet.

    Whether or not he was breaking the law is irrelevant. If an on the spot "fine" is issued rather than a proper ticket and receipt, then the officer is pocketing the fine and that is pure corruption. If they are going to end corruption then that means no more on the spot fines, they will have to write out tickets and make sure none of the money goes into the pocket of any cop. I bet they will be a lot less keen to collect "fines" then

    You do realize that by paying an 'on the spot fine', the person doing so is supporting the very thing they are complaining about.

    If you aren't happy with the situation, go to the police station, get your ticket/receipt and start legal action if you still disagree.

    Or would that be too inconvenient? If so, just pay the fine in the first place and get on with your life.

  14. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    “More than a thousand police officers, soldiers and local authority officials have been working on this.

    “The plan was launched on January 30 this year; we have spent about three months now working on this problem.”

    So credit is not just to be associated with the Thai Military Junta.

    It appears the credit towards the military is due because they were needed to kick-start the action. It was stated that the police alone didn't have resources to follow through on the planning.

    However, it could also be that prior blocks in the system were in place to ensure it wouldn't proceed any further than the planning stage.............whistling.gif

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Yes, Genuine it has to be....thats for sure.

    Think about it....1200 posts nearly in only a bit over 3 hours, and if everyone of those who read the topic gave just 1 dollar US, that kid would have enough to kick off with....36,000baht....

    But he and the money would need to be protected, from the other Brother and sister coming home for a share....thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif alt=thumbsup.gif width=25 height=19>

    weegee my pal i agree with you again,

    if there is money coming in you can garantee the brother and sister would suddenly want to be the carer,,

    Jake, couldn't agree more. As with most other posters, the story has touched me and, taking away any sensationalism created by the source, I can believe the circumstances.

    However, as stupid as this may sound, support through cash donations alone can possibly create more problems than it solves unless it is strongly controlled. Donations in the form of material aids would be the better way to go where temptation is removed. A horrible thing to say I know, but this is reality.

    As an aside to the above, I wonder what the anti child labour people think of this? I know there are exceptions but this is certainly not an isolated story and the fact that children are being put to work, even to support their family, would go against their morals.

    Life can be such a bitch at times, nothing is clear cut

  16. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    facebook will soon be banned in thailand:

    they say two months or so:

    Thai authorities to build state-owned social network site

    Mon, 02/06/2014 - 18:40 | by prachatai

    The Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) is proposing a plan to build a state-owned Facebook-like social networking site called Thailand Social Network.
    Surachai Srisarakam, MICT Permanent Secretary, said the Thailand Social Network is part of the Ministry’s plan to build the country’s digital infrastructure, called “Smart Thailand,” according to Matichon Online.
    The plan includes building a state-owned nation internet gateway and creating the nation’s social network site, in order to increase the efficiency of censorship by the authorities.
    In the plan, initiated by the military junta, private Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will have to connect to the state-owned ISP TOT, so that it will be easier for the authorities to block websites and prevent terrorism, he said, adding that MICT will oversee the national gateway.
    The concrete plan will be finished within two months, the official said.
    Thai authorities have long complained that major social media operators, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook and LINE, do not cooperate with them when asked for users’ data and the blocking of sites.

    Really? Wonder how that will work out for them.

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  17. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I would do it, Karma will pay you back big time.

    There is too much selfishness in this world as it is, I think we all in Thailand own something back as what a great place to live and enjoy and we are getting it for 20% the cost of our own country.

    Wow, what a dumb post. Sorry. Karma? Is that like the the story of the guy in the sky who watches over all of us?

    We foreigners owe Thailand exactly FA. We pay to play. Matters not what our currencies buy us here. We don't owe the Thais anything because their country is relatively uncompetitive and poor. Where do you get these strange notions?

    And while attitudes like that still remain, nothing will change soon......................coffee1.gif

    While I can agree with you about karma and the guy in the sky. coexistence is the first step for expats (in any country), not diversion, IMHO

  18. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Walking street is not a place for a stray little girl. True Milt but, the lady who is looking after the girl should have more sence. Hope it isn't true.

    Its amazing how poorly people write here but... i doubt the girl was in WS, i believe it says her parents worked there and were arrested...

    I doubt they are referring to the 7 year old working in WS... but not impossible here tho...

    Other than that good job someone looks after the girl, and notices these things... may the prepetrator be hung up by his balls for everyone to see.

    Where is Soi BJ?

  19. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I'm just asking, I'm not trying to start an argument. I understand it's the law. So what's the difference btwn a long staying tourist and a retired person living in the Kingdom?

    A retired visa requires you show adequate finances, couldn't this be part of it? So, if a tourist can deposit the same amount as a retired farang, would that be OK?

    Would he/she still be a tourist? Or would he/she be trying to bend standing laws?

  20. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    OK, thanks.

    Let me rephrase the question;

    What's the advantage of making the tourist leave, just to re-enter minutes later, if that's what they choose?

    There is no advantage. The (main) reason you leave on a tourist visa and re-enter is because it has expired. When you leave you invalidate the current visa and when you re-enter you activate your next 60 days permission to stay.

    If you leave the country and still have time remaining on your current permission to stay, then you will need a re-entry permit for this to remain active on re -entry.

    I think...................wink.png

  21. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Meet Chompu, 22 yo coyote dancer, degree in English.......................20x20xsad.png.pagespeed.ic.5zxzyGiJz0.pn

    attachicon.gif.pagespeed.ce.eFBhf2OPKe.gonline relations.jpg

    OK, it isn't really Chompu, but it could be.....................wink.png.pagespeed.ce.HJgPQ3U3SA.png

    These internet dating sites have always scared me, source of nightmares, eh?

    I mean she's got a beard for goodness sake!

    Just Sayin'

    Looks like he's been tucking into MK a bit too much

    Too many side orders with his BK & KFC as well me thinks.....................biggrin.png

    Difference between coke zero and full body...........

  22. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I've had plenty of good experiences via Tagged.com

    My current 'gig' is exactly my type: petite, young, cheerful and she genuinely loves sex without any guilt or reluctance.

    As she's quite childish and a bit neurotic (like most Thai women), I get bored of her sometimes and ignore her for a few days. Then she sends me naked selfies - erotic, not slutty - and I instantly crave her again.

    and then you wake up ?

    Eh, no. But she wakes up the neighbours in my condo with her groaning and screaming, which I find embarrassing but it turns me on at the same time.

    You should paint the ceiling like she asks then, stops the groaning I've heard.......................tongue.png

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