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Posts posted by xenomorph

  1. Just read on an online Dutch newspaper that it is reported and confirmed a Dutch national ,

    named Gijsbert T is arrested on joining a redshirt riot , vandalising government property ,

    it is all shown on video as proof .....in Chiangmai .

    All these farang partisipants are starting to give us a bad name , what the f.ck was he thinking ,

    now instead he probably will see 4 walls for a year or so . :)

    Another idiot rounded up!

    Do you have a link to that Dutch article?


  2. The situation looks really bad for Mr. Savage, I'll guess...

    Thai jails is not supposed to be the most comfortable in the world!

    As I wrote in a previous posting:

    It was forbidden for foreigners to participate in the demonstrations. He had a choice of either follow the laws or not. He decided not to. Thereby he also accepted the penalty. He should be more careful about himself. Especially being a guest in a foreign country.

    I don't believe he get death penalty. But he will receive a very long long-term visa in this country for sure.

    The man is derailed and is capable of doing all sorts of stupid things, just because it gives life a meaning to him. Some here may feel sorrow for him. Sorrow for a human being of doing wrong in life, yes. But as a person, he made his choices. Every person have to take the responsibility of their actions. If not, we're not suited in a civilized society.


  3. Jail? This man has committed no crime besides 'shouting his mouth off' does not warrant a custodial sentance. Foolish to get involved in a protest that he does not belong to, and also foolish for his unwise words. Big fuss over nothing here, I am becoming more dismayed by TV members being overwhelmingly self-rightous, pompus and harshly judgemental

    It was illegal for foreigners to even join the demonstrations.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Doesn't the word "illegal" mean that it is a crime?


    Me speeding on my way to work everyday is illegal too or come to that downloading a movie on TPB yet I won't have to fear a custodial sentence for these infringements should I get caught. :)

    Well... It's your funeral! :D

  4. Jail? This man has committed no crime besides 'shouting his mouth off' does not warrant a custodial sentance. Foolish to get involved in a protest that he does not belong to, and also foolish for his unwise words. Big fuss over nothing here, I am becoming more dismayed by TV members being overwhelmingly self-rightous, pompus and harshly judgemental

    It was illegal for foreigners to even join the demonstrations.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but... Doesn't the word "illegal" means that doing so, is a crime?

    One can not chose which rules to follow and which to not, right?


  5. This is from today's London Evening Standard.

    It would appear that Jeff is less 'sorry' than first reported:


    Although Savage say he was not there he admits he was outside Channel 3 Television which was also set on fire and has been off air since Wednesday.

    "I did not do any looting. I did not set fire to anything, but those who did are my brothers. I am not worthy of them," said Savage.

    "The attack on Channel 3 was organised. I saw the elder leaders giving directions. The Red Shirts hated Channel 3. There was a BMW showroom next door which was totally untouched."

    Savage, who last worked as a hospital driver in Tonbridge, Kent, spoke after Thai police were alerted to the video taken by Scots teacher Andy McGinley, 28, from Glasgow. He said: "I could not believe what this idiot was saying. I just thought he was an anarchist but what he said was prophetic."

    Of Thaksin Shinawatra, the former prime minister who most Red Shirts want back in power, Savage said: "This has all gone beyond Thaksin Shinawatra now. I have no time for him. He's one of the elite. Nor do I have time for the foreign elitist scum in Bangkok."

    Savage is now in hiding with his Thai wife in the resort of Pattaya. "I am standing up for the poor," he said. "The war is over for the time being. But in two months time things will start up again. The attacks will begin."

    There he goes again... New threats!

    If the other one later happened, why shouldn't we trust him on this one as well?

    This guy isn't going to give up his old habits. He is so brainwashed with this after he found his life had finally got a better meaning. Better meaning than driving an ambulance. Anyone who doesn't believe that he is anticipating with others on how to create more problems in the future? That guy has catched the Che Guevara syndrome.

    Can't they just lock him in or at least throw him out?


  6. Most of you barbarians want to cause violence against a human because of what he SAID. That is a mob rule WORSE than anything the red shirts did.

    Isn't that how the home land security, MI5 etc works? Act on what people say and prepare to do, before they actually set it into action? Anyway... If this person, at that place - at that time - with those friends... Says he's gonna burn down the shopping mall... Why shouldn't anyone trust him on that? Does he look like joker to you? Stand up comedian?

    If any of you think a single falang burned that building down, you're out of your freakin' minds.

    Who says it was him all alone?

    He is equally quilty of the burning if he; threatened to do it - told someone to do it - helped someone unloading gasoline from a truck that was to be used to torch the building. Don't you see? This man is derailed and have created his own view on what is good and bad, right and wrong, etc. He had a choice of participate or not (which were illegal for foreigners). He made the choice to be there. He placed threats on events that later actually happened. In what way is he innocent? Are you taking him for a retard?


  7. finally tracked down that BBC footage... (its on the BBC website, so may not play in every country)


    and here are stills of him taken from the BBC video/interview..


    Well Mr Jeff Savage, of Tonbridge in Kent.. you can run, but you can't hide...

    How much of your time did you actually put into this?

    Word has it that Mr Savage turned himself in at Soi 9 Police Station in Pattaya a few hours ago. They told him he had done nothing wrong, it is time to move forward, and let him go on his way.

    Where will you direct your anger now?

    I believe it's a good sign that a community take measures against their own, in case they doesn't behave or do really bad things. Especially when staying in a country as a guest.

    Wouldn't you find it positive if, for example, moderate muslims that have immigrated to your own home country, took measures against those of their own kind who where extremists and planned or even set off explosive charges in a subway or shopping center? I think you would look at those moderate ones as a model of good behavior among immigrants.

    But in this case... You're bashing everyone that find it making sense to take measures of a derailed fellow expat and maybe countryman. What is the difference? Why should anyone that feels offended by his wrongdoings against the hospitality we all enjoys from this country, just ignore it -shrug- and "let him go"? How can we expect or even demand that some groups should take responsibility for their doings and actions, when we ourselves at the same time just don't care when it comes from our own groups?

    How does your schematics look exactly?

    I think it is a good sign that we take a look on ourselves, before we complain about the Thais, their culture, their society or their government. Or are we westerners so perfect that we don't need to criticize any doings from our own groups? Just let the wrongdoers be!?

  8. Same guy ???? at 1:45 and again at 2:00



    He appeared in several frames. Looks like the same guy. Why haven't the police arrested him long before? That video were uploaded on April 10 2009 (!). This guy knows what he's doing. Not a "mistake" or "steroids". No "sorry's". He's been making trouble for at least over a year.


  9. How sweet of him! As the opportunist he is...

    Now he wants to create an image of himself as the big savior who saved Thailand from collapse and destruction. This have been practiced in the historic times as well. Emperor Nero had Rome burned down so he could strengthen his power and political influence even more. I hope the government doesn't fall for it give this maniac any positive credits of any kind. He's simply a predator that will chew whatever he could feed on.

    Wikipedia on Nero:

    Nero and the Great Fire of Rome


    Yesterday I posted a link to the song 'Square-faced man':


    Today I received a great translation of the song in English from a fellow expat here on TV. The translation were posted by Siripon 2006-03-31 21:47:15


    The lyrics are great and makes sense for a Thai. This song really needs to be re-seedad among the population, in order to prevent him from doing more harm to this country. Download it from the link above and give it to your GF, BF, wife, husband, lover, mea-noi or whatever :) :

    A rough translation of 'A square-head man'.

    Our square shaped friend is a thick-skinned man,

    A Singapore lackey, he's hellbound, so brazen,

    His staff, how they lick and fawn,

    A mixed breed man, mixing Thai and English- cheap show-off.

    The Opposition boycott, public start to stir, but he's unfazed,

    Our insensitive dude is no real man, afraid of exposure, he dissolves Parliament,

    Square-face head, handing crisp new banknotes to those going to ballot booths,

    Some fake ballot papers too, to get 19 million votes,

    Under pressure to resign -in the next life he says,

    Sold Shin, sold the country, devoured it for his Chinese clan.

    Power, he bought with currency,

    Conspiring in the baht's flotation, he damaged the economy with his dollar hoarding,

    If the law has a loophole, he emerges with a business,

    When it's exposed, hiring a lawyer, he forgets to mention ethics.

    Buying land for speculation, insider information told him about the sky train,

    Vested interest policy,all the family rich, even the maids and gardeners!

    Foreign products promoted in Thailand, it's free trade exchanged for IPstar,

    Acting as mafia, extorting, fraud, even kidnap and killing.

    Always devious, looking for underhand moves,

    When hungry he consumes all the airwaves, Post Office, Egat,

    For snacks he eats longan, for appetizers TPI and also rubber seedlings,

    For take- away it's PTT with the shares given to Oak( his son) and Or( his wife),

    At his home ,'The moonlit dogs'.

    Thinking deviously, he can't get enough sleep,

    Concealing the CTX scandal, sex is forgotten, an activity he loves,

    Worried about Ample Rich, he forgets to zip his trousers after a leak( meaning can't control all his staff),

    Concerned his fate is declining, his assets may be seized, he's afraid of higher powers.

    The populist policies of square-head, what a boon!

    Village funds debts for the grass-roots,

    Debts postponed, money left over for mobile phones for all,

    The 'caring' housing programme, shoddy, sloppy quality, cheaper to build your own,

    'Silence killings' in the drug trade because the big fish fear exposure.

    Legalised underground lottery, 75 percent for fraud, 25 percent for education,

    30 baht scheme, every disease, diabetes, bird flu but just paracetomal,

    When the square face man's popularity wanes, like a loose woman he hugs,

    All those he sees, weeping crocodile tears.

    Endless cheating,

    He pays the Constitutional Court to not pass a verdict regarding asset concealment,

    He finds and buys eunuchs for the independent organisations,

    Corrupts the Civil Service, his minions promoted,

    The tyrant square face, so conceited,

    Wants to be a statesman, the short tail dog with a rotten face,( ie wants to look good but isn't),

    Not knowing high from low,( respect for those senior), he insults Royalty,

    Boasting he appoints The Supreme Patriach, the devil himself.

    Square- head man, a Nazi who only lies,

    Says he can catch the southern terrorists, but innocents are framed or die,

    Claims he's a good person, but cheating on tax he sends his son to face the rap,

    Claims to follow the system, but when disadvantaged he changes the rules.

    He'll buy Liverpool, Fulham, fabricating news to hide his sins,

    Asked to sign an agreement, he produces another one he's prepared,

    Claims to suppress corruption, his dirty mouth should be suppressed,

    Talks of Buddhist teachings, but when asked he just says 'so be it'.

    Square-face geometrically sound,

    His younger relative fatter, smaller brain, faked diploma to get a degree,

    His daughter not bright,even after cheating GPA only over 2,

    His son a low IQ, wearing shades to hide his drug addiction.

    His wife unashamedly corrupt, strolling in the Emporiom is criticised,

    So many more cases,from the monkhood to mega projects,

    suffering from insomnia, he must have injections,

    Soon he'll be neurotic,maybe strip off, hollering at an advertising sign.

    In the future Thailand, Singaporeans can come and go,well connected, no need for visas,

    Khmer witchdoctors will be wealthy from casting spells to send square-head to Parliament,

    Embezzling Thailand's money, he'll use to support Burma's economy.

    Thailand will sell its shares , one baht as per par,

    The national anthem will be changed, copyright monopolised this life and next,

    Hitler will be reborn, his last son called' gold plated collection'.

    There then follows a long list of Thaksin's colleagues.

    I apologise for not being able to get the rhymes or rhythms of the original- it's so long! There's many puns and references to scandals in this song , ie the longan scandal involving Thaksin's close relatives, the unprecedented opening of the entrance exam papers for university last year by a man recently promoted by Thaksin, etc.


  10. He said: “I don’t mind if they knock on my door and throw me out of the country. But I would be disappointed to end up in a Thai jail.”

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but...

    The Thai government were kind enough to let everyone know in advance that every foreigner that anticipates in the demonstrations or red-shirt activities, will be arrested. Didn't that message reach Mr. Steroids? If you break the law, then you have also accepted the consequences of that. Even if you like it or not.

    Weather he torched the building by himself or not, the future may tell us. But the aspect the he could the one who planted the seed of doing such among the protesters, can't be neglected. He's a westerner, wants attention (he fronted the camera, not the opposite), verbal, doesn't mind being brutal minded, etc... All this could have negative influences among the Thai demonstrators since they easily would accept him as a leader of some way. If he (means it or not) tell the frustrated demonstrators to burn down the mall, chances are great the they will take his word for it. The demonstrators, in their frustration after their leaders gave and everything started to fall apart with this whole fake movement, are very vulnerable and open to all suggestions were they can get rid of anger and despair.

    It could very well be that this guy's words maybe were the catalyst of the arsonist actions which later occurred. It takes only one wrong word and one wrong ear to trigger a chain of disastrous events.


  11. Is this the guy? Seen frequently with the red shirts and often behind the barricades.


    Actually he probably didn't stick around for the ooting. When he saw soldiers not playing around with rubber bullets, he probably messed himself and beat Arisman out the door. When he gets caught though he actually deserves a worse punishment than his Thai comrades....

    I'm pretty sure I know this man... didn't expect him to be that stupid. 20 years Thailand, he's gone old. If he's the man I know - he's Australian. Know his name and what he works, but won't publish it here...

    Thailand - small world, indeed.


    I've watched the video in slowmo. Looks like this guy indeed!

    Seems like he haven't change his shirt between the photo and the video footage.

    Ok! There we have it!

    The Brittons can be releaved now. Blame the Aussies! :)


  12. I see the OP video has been pulled, i hope someone got it saved on say, youtube downloader before it was pulled....HE NEEDS TO BE FOUND

    Masquerading as a cockney is very serious..... :) Arson, well can kill..........

    I've uploaded the video to Vimeo for everyone to see:



    Ok. Forgot to change the video to "public" on Vimeo.

    Fixed now!

    Hopefully it will be downloadable in AVI-format as well, if I handled the tickboxes right during upload.



  13. Regarding Thaksin...

    I just found an Anti-Thaksin music track that circulated around during Thaksins latest election campaign. I thought I've lost the CD, but I found it in stoved box. Must have been around 2005 I'll guess. Anyway... It's a bit of historic material that deserves to be saved for coming generations.

    If you're not so great on the Thai language, let your Thai wife of GF translate the lyrics for you. It's quite fun actually.


    I made it downloadable for anyone who wants a personal copy.



    This is a new song

    Cool one! I like the lyrics!! :)

    Kwai Daeng! ha-ha

    I hope the message reaches the responsible, ie Thaksin + red-shirt leaders


  14. I see the OP video has been pulled, i hope someone got it saved on say, youtube downloader before it was pulled....HE NEEDS TO BE FOUND

    Masquerading as a cockney is very serious..... :) Arson, well can kill..........

    Could be an apologist here who sent YouTube a note to remove it?

    I got the FLV-video file saved on my computer anyway.

    Anyone who want a copy, just send me an IM and I will bring it over!


  15. Regarding Thaksin...

    I just found an Anti-Thaksin music track that circulated around during Thaksins latest election campaign. I thought I've lost the CD, but I found it in stoved box. Must have been around 2005 I'll guess. Anyway... It's a bit of historic material that deserves to be saved for coming generations.

    If you're not so great on the Thai language, let your Thai wife of GF translate the lyrics for you. It's quite fun actually.


    I made it downloadable for anyone who wants a personal copy.



  16. Regarding Thaksin...

    I just found an Anti-Thaksin music track that circulated around during Thaksins latest election campaign. I thought I've lost the CD, but I found it in stoved box. Must have been around 2005 I'll guess. Anyway... It's a bit of historic material that deserves to be saved for coming generations.

    If you're not so great on the Thai language, let your Thai wife of GF translate the lyrics for you. It's quite fun actually.


    I made it downloadable for anyone who wants a personal copy.



  17. I cant believe there are apologists on this thread who play down this sort of thing.

    The guy shouldnt have been involved in the first place..we all know this is one law broken for a start.

    If you think he is just letting off steam and think its Ok to go about saying whatever you please it only shows your possible ignorance of all the other laws as well..

    So if the the guy was running around "venting" opinions on matters that are against the law to talk about would that be OK too??

    unbelievable :)

    Could it be thew very apologists that support the latest red-shirt activities?


  18. Typical low life sexpat loser and dole blagger in the U.K probably a petty thief met a lot of this scum in my police days.

    I do hope he gets to stay at the ''Bangkok Hilton'' I am sure the U.K, embassy will deal with him as he deserves in the event of a prolonged Thai holiday.

    Hopefully the <deleted> will never breed


    Cockney Red.

    He better scarper.

    or the Rozzers will be round.

    Off to the Clink.

    Goin'down for a stretch.

    Spot on yoshira.

    He just applied for a long term visa here! :)

  19. Great initiative!

    Keep it simple, keep it informative.

    Future topics?

    -How to apply for 1 year visa

    -How to get (or convert your existing to) a Thai drivers license

    -Manners - How to be polite against Thais (don't touch the head of a Thai or touch someone who is older than you etc.)

    -Things that could upset Thais during a conversation or other circumstances

    -Why are Thais so... (understanding Thai culture)



    -How to get rid of a speeding ticket with a "helpful" policeman (only joking!)


  20. According to Arisman on this video, his list of targets for burning are:

    Siriraj Hospital, All Muslim Mosques, Government House, Important Ministries, Airports, Rajavithi Road, Bridges, Bank of Thailand, Commercial Banks, Military Barracks, Court of Justice, and NGO's

    will all be destroyed....

    "Not one of these will remain standing."

    And there you have it the smell, or should I say stench of red democracy. These guys are totalitarian through and through, you can spot the scapegoating a mile off. Their myopic followers seem to fail to realize that totalitarian rule means out with the old rich, in with the new, everyone else becomes poorer and loses their human rights too.

    How does Arisman think the Muslims of Thailand would respond to these sorts of threats to burn down all mosques?

    How does Arisman think the the followers of the two VIP's at Siriraj Hospital would respond to these sorts of threats to burn it down?



    He's a lunatic and at the very core table of the Reds leadership.

    It's a very good thing he's at least been taken off the streets.

    Agreed. But IMHO all the so called leaders are lunatics. Evidently they were never exposed to history. Fire up a crowd daily with hate speeches for two months and you create a monster feeding on itself. Knowing all the time you are lying to them and if the going gets tough you will abandon them.

    But then again...

    The real truth behind this whole red-shirt movement wasn't to help the poor. It was just a deceive campaign to tople the government and help Thaksin back to power, plus giving the red-shirt leaders the privileged seats in the government so they can continue to get rich by the very same corruption they practiced during Thaksin's golden days. That's the whole truth behind this movement.

    It's rather amusing to see all the pro red-shirts here in TV that still doesn't realize that they have been deceived and still believes that this movement had to do with helping the poor. Their arguments still circles around the red-shirt propaganda; Government wasn't elected, the poor have been suppressed and badly treated, and so on...

    All the arguments I see from those posters in here, is exactly the very same propaganda the red-shirt leaders have been filling the low educated poor with. This situation is in reality a pure disaster for the poor. They have now been both fooled and turned into losers.


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