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Posts posted by xenomorph

  1. if there would be rightousness in the system there would be no protest.

    If the large majority wouldn't have been kept down on education, chanceless to make a better living than low labour work like the nurturers of the big bumble bee (BKK).

    There would be no way of whatever leader (call them corrupt or not) to instumentalize and chanellize the emotions of supression and unjustness for his own goals.

    ("yeah teach the stupid folks your understanding of democracy")

    And then farrangs write from their cosy chairs and judge, when there is fire and protest.

    The happenings of the last months should show the so called "elite" - what will happen if they won't change the system to be more just for the poors, the majority of the country - well, would things change without any protest?

    Just to add something else you selfrightous folks.

    Look at Greece, look at France, ... maybe Germany too ... what happened and will happen, if our dreamworld changes, our money worth nothing anymore ... and if we would be forced to send our children to labor or prostitution to make a living -

    One can be suprised how quick thinks move.

    If you want rant about my english - do so - I don't care, am no english anyway.


    How is it that immigrants have come to Thailand from India and China etc etc without higher education or money and have achieved success in the same system some say oppresses them, the poor. To boot Indians usually lack the magic white skin color so prized, promoted and marketed in Thai society, and still succeed. Try to find a single Chinese immigrant family anywhere in Isaan that is still poor.

    It seems there does indeed exist a culture within many thai farmers that is counter productive in helping them have a better life.

    My personal opinion is that the success of immigrants is due to a couple of factors like:

    * Cultural

    * Habits

    * IQ

    I would set very high importance to the Culture and Habits factors. Many how comes to new countries and environments, doesn't look on the surroundings like the people who have lived in the area for generations. They have been living their and carried out the work and traditions that they always had. They are blind to everything else. A person that is newly arrived, will see all he vacant opportunities that inhabitants hasn't noticed or bothered about. In my home country, there are lot's of Thais that have settled down in the bigger cities. A mojority of them come from the rural poor Issarn. Many of them are running successful businesses in their new country. They are probably more successful there then they would be doing the same in Thailand, their own home country. Why? Because they noticed the vacant opportunities that my own people back home didn't see.

    Probably the same thing with the old Chinese families here in Thailand. If they would have remained in mainland China, the majority wouldn't probably be that successful. But when they moved to Thailand, they became successful because they saw the vacant opportunities.


  2. I agree that the Red Shirt leadership were foolish in not accepting Abhisit's compromise without trying to attach ridiculous conditions, but fail to understand how their surrender yesterday meant they abandoned their followers. Were they supposed to encourage their followers to fight to the death?

    This is a stupid and irresponsible editorial.

    I think it is a well writen article by somebody who is well informed, unlike yourself............... Google the "jonestown massacre" and see how that guy Jones led masses of people in the wrong direction (almost a thousand followers commited suicide).............. Just as these lovely Isan folks, Ill-educated as most are, have been easily led astray. If you really think it is about Democracy -- you're naive......... If you notice that most of us back the Govt and a minority back the red-shirts----- If you know anything about Democracy, or life in general, you will know that the majority rules and wins............

    majority rules and wins? majority does not mean they are correct! and Isan folks are not so ill-educated as you seem to think ... please to not speak for others ... and do not underestimate people ... btw, there was absolutely no reason for the military to use real ammunition! riot gear, tear gas would have been enough!!!

    Water spray against grenade launchers, snipers and AK-47's? Are you serious??

    I've always wondered how it feels to be so stupid like many of the red sympathizers here are. How does the world look like through the eyes of such? Guess the world must be very strange, since lots of things and events that happens doesn't looks "logical" to them. They simply need to follow a weired, crazy or sick cause in order to make their life meaningful. Something they believe they understand. Something that makes logic in their twisted brain. Some of them ends up in religious sects. Others in sick movements in the political or terroristic area. It doesn't help explaining to those what is good, bad and logical. The conversation always goes in circles and gets back to the same spot where it started from. It just doesn't help talking those to sense.

    Against idiots and lunatics, a normal healthy person does not stand a chance with reason.


  3. I'm blaming the Thai govt for all the blood and violence. They're the one bringing the tanks, and machine guns to crush people fighting with bamboo sticks. The Thai govt could stop this violence, but they chose to kill people instead. The PM is a liar and a flipflopper.

    I've always wondered how it feels to be so stupid like many of the red sympathizers here are. How does the world look like through the eyes of such? Guess the world must be very strange, since lots of things and events that happens doesn't looks "logical" to them. They simply need to follow a weired, crazy or sick cause in order to make their life meaningful. Something they believe they understand. Something that makes logic in their twisted brain. Some of them ends up in religious sects. Others in sick movements in the political or terroristic area. It doesn't help explaining to those what is good, bad and logical. The conversation always goes in circles and gets back to the same spot where it started from. It just doesn't help talking those to sense.

    Against idiots and lunatics, a normal healthy person does not stand a chance with reason.


  4. what did i miss?


    Klong Toey MRT Station

    Kasikorn Soi Ngamduplee, Siam City Bank, Siam Centre

    Central World

    Siam Square/Siam Theatre

    Diamond Condominium (Behind CW)

    Platinum Fashion Mall

    Bangkok Bank, Tesco Rama IV

    Ch.3/Maleenont Building Rama IV

    Thai SET

    Tesco OnNut

    Century Park Hotel

    7-Eleven shop, Din Daeng

    Manhattan Plaza (Plenchit BTS)

    Bkk Bank, Asoke

    Krueng Thai Bank, Asoke

    Bkk Bank, Phrakanog

    Bkk Bank, Victory Monument

    Metropolitan Electricity office Klong Toei

    Govt Savings Bank in Dindaeng

    20 Telephone booths in Din Daeng

    Office of Narcotics Control Board at Dindaeng

    Office Building Din Daeng ( 12 year old )

    Chang Mai Construction Company

    BKK Bank, Chiang Mai

    Khon Kaen City Hall

    Udorn Thani City Hall

    Ubon Ratchananee City Hall

    Nonthaburi City Hall

    Mukdaharn City Hall

    Nakhon Ratchasima City Hall

    IT Seer Rangsit

    Seacon Square

    Lad Prao Big C

    Center One Mall Victory Monument

    7/11, Victory Monument

    Kasikorn Bank, Victory Monument

    Government Saving Bank (Mitr-maitree Road)

    Bkk Bank, Hua Lumpong

    And what about Pantip Plaza?

    I sure hope my favorite computer mall is still intact.


  5. well today has been a rough day for me and the family..... i lost one of my buisness today,,, hundreds of man hours of work, blood sweat and tears..... :) as did our uncle, scala, lido, and questionable at this time marina the perps from scala have been caught and will be dealt with....To those that dare make excuses for this nonsenes act of blatent terrorism by the taksin army, i would be more than happy to meet you in person anywhere any time for a face to face discussion...You are disgusting examples of human beings..

    At this point in time thailand has its own osama bin laden

    That's sad...

    What was your business?

    (if I may ask)

  6. Nobody is ever going to send Thaksin back to a murderous third world right wing dictatorship.

    why is he in london now laugh against your silly charge. have lawyer now going to cause big finiance problem for thai elites who have money they steal from poor and buy house in london and europe. watch for this.

    surprise me that intellegent falang cannot see this is just for use as propaganda on poor farmers. farmers not believe it because they not buffalo like falangs.

    Well I agree ALL those elitists robbing Thai people and buying houses, football teams, expensive shopping in western capitals etc want removing from Thai Government as they do not serve the people at all. When are some of you Thai people going to see this is exactly what Thaxsin is doing too as one of the biggest elitists there are and his family, aids and close friends (has he got any close friends as I believe even before he was PM he stitched up his old best pal from what I read here some while ago; what a nasty elitist right wing guy he is ). I think most falangs here are actually very well educated and intelligent enough to see this all perfectly clearly, there are just too many facts to make it irrefutable, sure also the usual suppositions too. Heck I support more socialist principles personally so I am more akin to Red Shirt political philosophy than the Democrats here but cannot support terrorism and feel Abhist has been a fair and honourable man in all of this in the circumstances. BUT no no no not Thaksin he is not a peoples leader at all as he is just clearly a crook who steals from the Thai people for his own gain, a terrorist and a real nasty person and as right wing as you can get. I cannot see how any sane person without a underhand monetary agenda can possibly believe that Thaksin is a hero, it is just totally incredible and unbelievable. If Thaksin really does care about Thailand and its people well why does he not offer to give up all his totally unneeded riches and give it back to Thailand to rebuild it and help the people, he could still keep 5% of what is left and have more than most well off people have anyway.

    They should indeed confiscate any other assets he has here and freeze them pending trial and if found guilty indeed use such funds to rebuild some of the destroyed parts of Bangkok, that would be justice so he compensates his fellow Thais who have all lost out by his purported and most likely factual actions and

    what you falangs miss is that a few elite run thailand.

    you cannot understand because just see smiling face of girls in bars and think because you are on buying side rather than selling side you are part of hi so elite.

    this thread about warrant is just so funny to us SCANDINAVIANS!

    Does it?

    I'm a SCANDINAVIAN too and don't find it amusing at all!

    Det är dags att det här eländet får ett slut!

    (It's time to get an end to this misery!)

  7. I think the reds are basically peacefull, but Abhisit always changes his mind saying I will desolve parliament and organise elections, the putting all this on hold!

    How can anyone trust him?

    I would get violent too

    Abhisit has to resign if he wants peace back in Thailand!

    Seems like this posting is taking the Award of the Most Stupid Posting Contest.

    I've lost the count on have many responds it got so far...

  8. r1493983552.jpg

    Yepp, sad indeed.

    This was the first mall I visited when I came to Thailand the first time. At that time it was named "Zen Central".

    I'm going to miss that mall too. And Isetan was the go-to place for my wife an the rest of the Japanese community.

    What's with that stupid head in the foreground? If it's still there when I come back I swear I'm drawing a mustache on it.

    I wouldn't recommend the mustache drawing bit. The head is supposed to be the head of Buddha.

    Well, I've seen better ones though...

  9. Are you guys SERIOUSLY still staying faithful to the line that all this happens merely because people got paid a couple baht? Surely it's time to open your eyes to the wider issues in the country?

    (Don't let me stop you though if you're happy in your bubble, enjoy it while it lasts. )

    No... It simply happen because some people were successfully indoctrinated by the stream of propaganda the red-shirt leaders have been filling them with. It can happen in Thailand, Afganistan, Pakistan, USA or Germany under Hitler's World War 2. It is always the most stupid or emotionally vulnerable people that are the best useful idiots that will believe everything they're told. I even see them here among the posters.


  10. Its all just mindless. It brings home some truths though and after 15 years in Bangkok I am seriously considering my own alternatives. They have now burnt Bangkok twice, I don't want to be around for the third attempt. The silence of the general populace is as worrying as these mindless rent an arsonists.

    Hopefully I will be out of here within 3-4 months from now. Have planned this for the last 2 years now. I do hope I'll manage to get myself and my personal belongings safely out of here before red-shirts and other idiots completely destroy this country.


  11. Looks like this is very very far from over.

    Central world, Paragon, MRT, other important buildings are on fire.

    Central Worl, Paragon, Emporium, etc. aren't important buildings except for the owners and those whose lifves are cornered around beeing seen shopping or eating a 100+ bath icecream cone such places. MRT stations are important buildings - particularly to those that never had money for even a motorbike. While blowing up luxury malls, 5000+ hotels and banks at least makes some sense in what some claims to be a class strugle - surely, blowing up the MRT station in the the poorest part of central Bangkok is just plain stupidity - since it is bound to turn away a lot of poor suckers - which thereby can foresee a lot of extra distress in their future struggle for making a living - hat would otherwise have remained at least a bit supportive.

    This will only backlash as more and more non-Issarn Thais will start to look down and maybe even hate poor people from the Issarn region. What they are doing right now will not put them in a better position.


  12. I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

    The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

    Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

    I am glad that bangkok looks like it will be getting back to normal for my own interests, but i just hope that the next protest will be done in a way that will be less alienating for the reds (or whatever colour they choose to wear) and that the normal people of Bangkok wont have their lives turned upside down. I wonder how many people i have met in Bangkok would have been more sympathetic to the reds plight if the protest had been gone about differently.

    I think the last couple of months has only strengthened the red cause and in time with the right leadership justice could one day be served in thailand, i hope so any way.

    This is far from over.

    If this was a real movement for poor people that were suffering under tyranny, I would support it for sure. But this? A fake revolution created by paid leaders and demonstrators, just to save an ousted corrupt criminal? NEVER IN MY LIFE!

    well said and spot on. thailand does not have a cast system! all thais are free to geto ut of bed and go to school, study and apply what they learn to amke a better life for themsleves, get bank loans, take risk and do what they want to improve their life. Thailand is not a communist country where distribution of wealth is norm. many countries have a wide gap between the haves and have nots including developed countries such as the usa.

    Don't be silly there's no comparison. I don't know what planet you live on but you don't see the same level of poverty in the developed west as you see in the provinces of Thailand. It has got better in Thailand but there's still many people living in leaky wooden shacks with a rusty roof. Yeah they seem happy as they don't have a culture of 'entitlement' like we have and usually have a close nit family to help them out.

    In most of Europe the more kids you have the more money the government gives you, you get free accomodation if you don't have a job, everyone has running water, a bathroom and a flush toilet, a sterile kitchen if they choose to clean it and welfare and they don't have to pick rice in the blazing sun allday for a couple of dollars. Taksin gave the country free education and healthcare up to a limit but that won't get the poor through university as they still have to pay for that.

    I have no sympathy for Taksin other than the above but he's one of the few sucess stories your talking about as it rarely happens. If your born poor in Thailand your extremly likely to stay poor.

    I wouldn't call a corrupt ex policeman that bribe his way to the top as a good success story. Nor is he a good role model. He's a cancer symptom of a society that needs to do something about the corruption that is spread among both rich and poor. With equal rhetoric, you would also call historic figures like Al Capone and the rest of the gangster mobs a success story, since they came from poor immigrant families.


  13. I can't understand how so many posters on this forum are so staunchly anti Red.

    The huge gulf between rich and poor in thailand is quite clear for all to see.

    Even if their cause has been hijacked by certain individuals for their own personal gain and their actions somewhat misguided there is still a class war at the core of these troubles. As long as there is a huge underclass in Thailand and until the poor rural folk and anyone not connected to the army, police force, or big business have fair access to healthcare and education and as long as there are monopolies held by the business owners over agricultural products such as Rice and rubber these troubles will continue.

    I am glad that bangkok looks like it will be getting back to normal for my own interests, but i just hope that the next protest will be done in a way that will be less alienating for the reds (or whatever colour they choose to wear) and that the normal people of Bangkok wont have their lives turned upside down. I wonder how many people i have met in Bangkok would have been more sympathetic to the reds plight if the protest had been gone about differently.

    I think the last couple of months has only strengthened the red cause and in time with the right leadership justice could one day be served in thailand, i hope so any way.

    This is far from over.

    If this was a real movement for poor people that were suffering under tyranny, I would support it for sure. But this? A fake revolution created by paid leaders and demonstrators, just to save an ousted corrupt criminal? NEVER IN MY LIFE!

  14. Yeah, right. PAD occupied the new airport for a week or so, shut down the flight, travellers all stranded. I didn't see any tank and army troops moved in to disperse them. Beside, they got former PM Samak out of job by accusing him of having his own TV cooking show. His successor was also kicked out due to some kind of fraud in the election. So outrageous with these pathetic accusation. PAD leaders never had to be on trial of breaking the law. They got what they wanted then propped up Abphisit to be new PM and to become a puppet of the army. How can you call this fair election? Evrytime the majority elected somebody that the elite and PAD don't like, they always come up with the new allegation and the new law that these elected people have somehow broken the election law.

    Another newly created ID in here. What is your regular ID?

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