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Posts posted by xenomorph

  1. Sad Story.

    But I won't be surprised to learn that the Aussie insurance company is owned by a USA Company.

    This is the kind of thing that happens every day there.

    And The Republicans are fighting US Health Care reform.... The USA ... another failing Empire for history's Trash bin?


    Even though I'm not a Briton, I would say that the British Government Health Care System is among the best in the world. The US system have been the absolutely worst in the Western Democratic Civilization, by just feeding greedy insurance companies. Even Thailand got a better governmental supported health care system than US. Hopefully Obama will change that.

  2. I have just spoke to AAP in Canberra, Australia and vented my disgust with regards to the Insurance company. I directed AAP to the TV link and the journo I spoke to said they may do more on it now due to the interest being generated.

    Also the journo I spoke to said that DFAT did not release the name of the Insurance company.


    Thanks for doing this.

    It won't bring this unfortunate man back, but it might help prevent similiar cases in the future.

    From the description of what occurred and the time lapse bewteen the assualt and death, this death was thoroughly preventable. His death was as much due to lack of proper medical care as it weas to the original injury. And unlike so many, he had the forethought and repsonsibility to have taken out an insurance policy. :)

    Insurance policy, yes...

    I had a near death experience 3 weeks ago, when the minibus (rot-tour) to Bangkok drove too fast during rain and wet road. The driver was only 19 years old and probably wasn't skilled enough with driving. The minibus slided off the road and hit a concrete pole for electricity on the side. The woman to the right of me got her head smashed and died at the spot. Her blood were all over me. The hit was so great that her body changed seat and ended up under my back. I basically sat in her lap after the hit. Where the woman sat, used to be my favorite seat. That particular day I came a little late to the station and found the seat already taken. I escaped the incident with one broken rib other minor things on my right arm and side, which still today could cause sporadic pain.

    Anyway... The minibus did have an insurance. All the people that traveled in the bus, will receive compensation for hospitalization and lost property etc. All people EXCEPT ME! The reason? Insurance policies!!! I am a foreigner and doesn't have a work permit. That's why I won't receive a single Baht in compensation for my pain, medical treatment, lost shoes, blood soaked and trashed clothes. Of course I was angry. I've paid for the bus ticket just like anyone else in the bus. But nope!

    So... Traveling by minibuses (or big buses?) and you're not having a work permit, the bus insurance won't compensate you a single Baht in case of an accident.

    Just to let you guys know...


  3. Hanging them in the town square for a few days after they find these two thugs would be good thing..

    If that point is not received by those who carry long blades then at least two more undesired scumbags are gone.

    Someone must know who they are.. that area is too small to not hear or know something..

    Probably anyone around there knows, but keep their mouth shut. Even the local police probably knows who did it. I've seen similar incidents in my wife's village. One guy stabs another one to death during an argue. The one who killed, has a brother in law who is a policeman. In the police protocol: Death by accident, when clearing vegetation with a knife.

    Even the police have to be careful to not mess with the wrong people, since they can risk being killed as well. It's like sleeping in the lions cage.

  4. What an idiotic insurance company! I'll guess the father could sue the company for causing his son's death, by forcing him to travel while he shouldn't.

    This could be an isolated incident by some drug addicts. Or, which I fear more, can be the way this society is going, thanks to what happens in Bangkok. People lose respect for other's lives, law and order, the society, big daddy and more. The more I think of it, the more my decision to move back home feels totally right.

  5. Living in a country that is slowly falling apart (and may even be on the path to civil war) is anything BUT "funny". Not for me, not for most of the foreigners living here and definately not for the Thais who were born here, grew up here, have homes and families, etc. here! TV is just a forum for us to express our opinions BUT this sh*t is for real!

    A couple of years ago a friend of mine, which I learned to know some years before I moved here, came and visited me at my house where I live in Thailand. He had a Thai girlfriend which he actually met in back home. (A smart move and probably the least expensive way to have a Thai GF, finding one in your own country where she already have created her own environment and also got a work etc.) I asked her how she like come visiting her own home country after living abroad for so many years. As I was still quite happy to stay here at that time, I was rather amazed by her reply. She told me that the only reason she'll ever do come back and visit this "retarded country" (her own words), is because her family is still living here. If she would be able to bring her mother and brother abroad, she wouldn't come here anymore.

    A paradox... Lots of westerners are doing whatever they can to be able to stay and live in this country. Lots of Thais are doing whatever they can to get out of here and live elsewhere.

  6. I have just come back from Klong Prem prison where I met the parents of an English boy imprisoned because of a corrupt legal system. I have also recently read the the book by the irishman who was falsely accused of murder and banged up for 8 years. You can say what you like about whether people are innocent or not, the problem in both of these cases is that the legal system is corrupt from head to toe. There is no normal civilised behaviour in this country. You cannot tell me that the prison system befits a democratic country and there is no way that it will change under the reds, yellows or any other colour. It is a country where WAI and respect and peaceful pagodas, massage, golden beaches and so on give a semblance of serenity and peace but behind this facade the country is not at all what it seems. Thaksin's lies - so open and obvious - are reflected throughout the society; because of corruption the country is a haven for crooks and farang scammers (big scale). Nobody wants to obey the law and nobody can enforce it.

    I am hugely sorry to be part of this society but I am invested in Thailand with my home and family and it would be difficult, nigh on impossible, to live elsewhere.

    What I see now in the way that these red people behave is a public manifestation of what goes on behind the scenes. You can get tortured by the police and the police will deny it. Or you can hold a demonstration, fire live rounds that everyone can see in a totally transparent way, and deny it. Your wife can profess to love you but her heart is only as big as your wallet. You can go to help some poor motorcyclist who has been knocked off by a hit and run driver and then be accused of causing the accident. And on and on and on it goes.

    Any opportunity for theft, lies, scamming and so on is always taken - with a great big Thai smile.

    The reds have blown the whole facade apart and I truly believe that apart from a small minority of enlightened individuals (of which Abhisit is one in my view), Thaksin's boys and girls are the true face of Thailand. My heart is heavy as I write this but Truth Today, eh?

    That pretty much sums up my own opinion of this country. That's why I'm on my way out of here. I'm still in my 40:ties of age and don't wanna waste the last best healthy years of my life in this sh*thole mirage, where a healthy and enterprising mind will only deteriorate and lose the spirit and soul. Also all these women that looks on you like a they've found a treasure box with a potential increase of their spending money. And we fall for that just because they are cute and our sexual desire. Wife, girlfriend or prostitute doesn't matter. It's all about the money, where the real prostitute actually is the most honest one.

    You can be an honest hard working healthy good guy that will give the best of you and offer real quality. Meanwhile a lousy sh*thead will be more successful than you because he bribed the right people. That is why this country is not fit for good and honest people. Abhisit may maybe not be 100% pure (well he's a Thai too). But he's probably the best Priminister this country has ever had. He doesn't fit in this totally corrupt system. That's why we have this situation today. That's why I'm on my way out of here. My desire for good and structured life where my good efforts and honest work will be better appreciated, is far greater than the easy access to women and sex that this country do offer.

  7. OMG... The red-shirts have turned from protests into terrorism. Where will it end?

    Situations like tend to mutate and create forks where new fractions want their particular need satisfied. Especially when the real agenda is something else than what is claimed. Worried that all this will cause spin-off effects like increased domestic violence and crimes.

    Getting tired of this and really looking forward to be out of here. Hope I'll manage to get my shipping container with personal belongings out of this country before everything falls apart. The biggest problem the government in my home country right now faces, is whether the should increase the taxes with one percent or not. Compared to this country, their problems seems ridiculous.


  8. Former colleague telling my last night the office maid believes she'll get 100,000 baht from Thaksin if he returns to Thailand as PM.

    These are the rumours doing the rounds right now.

    So it's all about the money then. From the very grass root people (like the maid) to the very highest. Seems to be a difficult country to establish a working democracy in then. How sad. There are poor people in this country. But they are not that poor, compared neighboring countries or elsewhere. I doubt there are so many poor people in the world that eat so much food as the poor in Thailand do. Any Thai here with ambitions, can either put up a working business or doing well in school. Even those from rural Issarn. Wonder were all this greed comes from.


  9. It would be interesting to know how many of the posters here are Thai.

    How can we blame the Thais for ignorance and not being enlightened on how democracy should be created, when we selves right now are having exact the same disputes about this situation as the native Thais have?

    I'll guess a majority of the posters here comes from Europe and US. Countries with a long tradition of democracy. But still there are elements among us here that doesn't have any problem with destroying a country, just because I want "my guy" to sit on the throne. Still the very same easily complains about how stupid the people of this country can be in many other situations. Amazing farangs...

  10. Here is the cover of a recent Red magazine:


    (courtesy of 2Bangkok!)

    The fate of Czar Nicholas II and his family is frequently referred to in Red publications. They say that it paved the way toward Democracy.

    Let's hope that it doesn't take 72 years of dictatorship to 'pave the way toward Democracy' in Thailand too.

    Of course, I do believe that the leftists in the Red movement are just being used by Thaksin. When he gets back into power, they will be discarded as tools that are no longer needed. (Just as all this talk about democracy will be discarded).

    Or maybe they say "Thank you for the financing, you idiot!" to Thaksin and hijack the whole thing, leaving him out in the cold.

  11. Remember some foreigners who live here are full Thai citizens with voting rights. They still look like a tourist who got off the plane yesterday and there is no way to tell the difference.

    Thai Citizenship can be granted and can be taken away. It is easier to lose than is to get. Old military saying that fastest way to make E5 is to be E6 and screw up. :)

    Some countries doesn't allow dual citizenship. It would be interesting to know what would happened if someone was granted Thai citizenship and dropped his original one. Then got his Thai citizenship withdrawn. He would be a citizen to nowhere. No passport, no nothing.

  12. Foreigners joining the rally...

    That was not so clever done by this fellow.

    First, it is declared illegal for foreigners to join the rally.

    Second, the outcome of this rally may be bad and if one foreigner does something stupid (like this guy just did), all the rest of the foreigners in this county will also get the blame. I'm about to move back home within 3-4 months anyway, but I'm concerned about the rest of you guys who will continue to live here.

  13. "democracy is not my goal" (Taksin Shinawatra)

    Re your Taksin quote. If that is indeed his let me explain. Allot of people are confused by the term democracy and all it's implications. For example, the United States of America is not a democracy. We are a republic, a representative republic. That. I believe is what Taksin was talking about. He didn't want a European Democracy run by elites but he wanted a true, representative republic, of the people, by the people, for the people but one in which the minority views would be protected.

    These two forms of government: Democracy and Republic, are not only dissimilar but antithetical, reflecting the sharp contrast between (a) The Majority Unlimited, in a Democracy, lacking any legal safeguard of the rights of The Individual and The Minority, and ( :D The Majority Limited, in a Republic under a written Constitution safeguarding the rights of The Individual and The Minority. http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/American...cts/demrep.html

    Wow! Impressive spin. Good job. :)

    So it wasn't that he wanted every Government Baht for himself and his family then?

    Why are you trying to lift a totally corrupt person as if everything he've done is for the good of this country?

    BTW... The American republic as an representation for the people, is dead as dead. It is the corporate America that own the country.

    -Thee who has the money, controls the senate.

    -Thee who controls the senate, controls the country.

    -Because I have money, I can afford to sue you and <deleted> you all over. And you don't have the money to stop me!

    Is that what America owes to the world?


  14. Soo... Exactly what is Abhisit accused for by the reds?

    He was legally elected by the parliament. He's been in charge for this country for merely 16 months. So what have he been doing wrong during this time? Or is that the red are pissed off because he is not their man? So every time a group of people doesn't get "their man" to rule this country, they will get rid of the government and have new elections??

    Or does it have something to do with Thaksin's assets been confiscated?

  15. Start putting redshirts in jail.

    Abhisit and his gang should respect the people.

    Remember he is not elected by an democratic election. He took the power by the militarys help (and I supose some more "unsuspest elemments" help too).

    Let the democratic elected seat rule the country, then there mybe will be democracy in Thailand someday.

    If you want the read shirts jailed, remember the YELOW SHIRTS too. They have to go in jail first, the broke the law and the constitution. That the red shirt never had

    That is a lie.

    Abhisit was elected by the legal parliament, which consisted of representatives from several political parties. Why are you constantly repeating a lie? Is it this that you will offer the Thai people for the future: -Lies and corruption?

  16. Abhisit should dissolve the House.

    Its very simple.

    His government is corrupt, there has already been many scandals.

    Thaksin should come back to serve his prison sentence BUT also all those behind the coup and who actuated the coup she be tried for treason and dealt with by the laws of treason.

    I think thats very fair.

    Will the Yellows accept that ?

    Of course they will not, whilst they push for Thaksin to be tried for many "alleged" crimes they took a couple of years to create the evidence for, they want total immunity for all their people.

    How is this the LAW ?

    The LAW applies to all ? or just to none Yellow shirts and supporters ?

    I think that would be fair balance if there was a thorough investigation into the coup, all those behind it and all those involved in it are tried for treason and Thaksin returns to do his time in prison ?

    Why does Abhisit not suggest that as a "peaceful" solution to the problem ?

    What corruption scandals have the Democrats been involved in?

    Do you really think Thaksin would come back and serve his sentence?

    Have not a few MP's resigned due to corruption ?

    Have not the papers had plenty of scandals in them. Milk. Fish. Buses. and all sorts of corruption.

    But, this is Yellow shirt corruption so its all ignorable isn't it. Democrats are immune from all allegations ?????

    Lets get back to the case and question.

    Why does Abhisit not offer to Thaksin "Come back and serve your time, and in return all those behind the coup, and all those who actuated the coup will be tried for treason".

    Thats FAIR APPLICATION of the LAW is it not ?

    Or should Yellow be immune from the LAW ?

    Now, if all those behind the coup and who actuated the coup were tried for treason and sentenced then I am sure Thaksin would return to serve his sentence. Why does Abhisit not offer this ? It would make Thaksin look very bad if he refused.

    Perhaps the rule of LAW is only applied to those who the Yellow shirts and EE do not like ????????

    So bringing back Thaksin will solve all the problems then? It sounds as if you like corruption, since you are defending it from your part, claiming that others are as equally bad. Judging from that, you are equally bad as ALL of those who support corruption. So why should your sake be more worth than the others then? Since you're offering nothing good to the country itself. You are just demanding your right to use the corruption like all the other bad people do. Take one swine away and replace it with another one? That is just plain egoism.

  17. Abhisit should ask his boss Suthep to become Primne Minister for two or three months. Than held elections and if he and his boss are not bluffing he will become an elected Prim Minister.

    If he does not make it because people vote someone else in they should give the power to the people who can fire all judges from the kangaroo courts write a new constitution which revokes the amnesty that Sobthi gave himself after raping the countries democracy and ruining the prospects of the country to come out of the dark ages.

    The gap between the poor and the rich is bigger than in China, bigger than in India. Abhsit should be ashamed of that.

    Love to see the figures backing your claim!! :):D

    And whatever the true figures are, blame everything on Abhisit , who has been in power for what, a year? :D

    Seriously, you red supporters are superb at entertaining us!! Keep it up!! :D:D


    Blame Abhisit for all of the last 10 years of problems in this country! *haha*

    The upper red leaders are just liars, dreaming of having the good years back when they could pillage and plunder the federal and local governments in this country. It's all about the money. To achieve their goals, they are using the poor people as stupid uneducated cattle who easily absorb what they are told. Put them in meat caravans for a couple of hundred Baths and release them in Bangkok. For what? So the reds can maintain the corruption in this country. Take a look on the red leaders fine houses, Benz and gold around their necks. It's all about the money and corruption.

    I feel sad about how this country have became during my past 9 years here. I was here when Thaksin started his first political campaign. I saw how he misused his power after he was elected. And I finally now witness how he is destroying this country. Luckily I'm about to move back home to my own country within 3-4 months. But I feel sad for the Thais who have to stand all this chaos. I hope you expats who will be stuck in this country due to age or personal economy, still manage to have a somewhat pleasant life even if everything's going down the drain here.


  18. dissolve parliament is the best way to end this protest. :)

    Short term solution - Long term nightmare:

    square face returns, corrupts the judiciary, start again controlling medias and filling deeeeeeep pockets

    No, thank you.

    "democracy is not my goal" (Taksin Shinawatra)

    Can't somebody just take him for a ride, so there can be peace in this country?

  19. I'm cheering for the reds. I am disappointed that they seem to have so little support from the whites in Thailand online. Could it be that a large percentage want to see a largely disenfranchized majority of the population? It does help fill the brothels they rely on for affection and ensures an available workforce of domestic servants that work for peanuts.

    I'm also disappointed by our Canadian political and media elite. Supposedly we are at war in Afghanistan because of our deep faith in democracy. If we in Canada have so much faith in democracy why are we so silent on behalf of the heroes that are trying to restore it to Thailand ?

    At last a sensible and realist post.

    I'll say exactly the same about my country, France.

    Good luck to the reds for getting their country back

    Did you mean "restoring the Thaksin way of democracy"?

    One for you, nine for me. One for you, nine for me...

    How can yo ever combine "democracy" with Thaksin? He've been systematically plundering this country. Threatening the media. Locking out officials from their work, when they started to investigate the approved payment for bills to the government. How can you ever use the D-word over this situation that is solely about his ego and greed?

  20. Well done Reds - did an excellent job. Just shows the support they have in Bangkok - more than some people on TV thinks.

    I wonder if the bystanders really support the red shirts. The majority doesn't seem to have any red shirts on. Or are the just curious, having a big smile just so they won't get into a fight or whatever. Looking at the expensive cars some are driving, especially the one with the "Poor Man" sticker, really keeps me wondering why the poor are buying this. It's just as if George Bush were ousted and the arranging a parade in Washington to support the poor, where the majority of the cars were limousines, Porsche, Ferrari, etc.

    For the sake of this country, I really hope that this Pro-Thaksin movement will lay down slowly die.

  21. My "girlfriend from Issan" did study at the university and speak FAR much better English as the average Farang speak Thai. She knows about the "qualities" of the people in power in Thailand.

    She knows what Thailand needs to make a next step in future. People who can win their inner battle and have their own good side overrule their own bad side. We all have our individual good and bad sides but, being white and black, but it takes inner spiritual strength to control your self. Thailand has the problem that many people who cannot control them self, their desire for power and money, are the ones that are in power, so the Thai people have to witness and endure what is the consequence of this. This is a tragedy and we only can hope it will not get worse someday. Thailand would be blessed when there would be a Thai Nelson Mandela, a Thai changing Thai culture because then Thai culture has developed and would be ready to embrace that kind of morality. My girlfriend from Issan does not protest, she does what one needs to do to change society, she is almost all the day helping other people with a morality Thailand desperately needs.

    I think that Thailand lacks from western intellectual thinking and education. I meet students everyday that wouldn't have a chance on the international market. When it comes to education the Philippines are more motivated than the Thais, who's spending more braincells on how to avoid doing the effort of learning than it actually would've cost on doing it the right way. The clash in this country is not so much about retards against Einsteins. It's about laziness and take control over the situation. Imagine how US would've evolved if everyone just sat on the ground and waited for something of precious value to fall from the sky and bring fortune to everyone....

  22. I have said it for some time:

    It was clear Thaksin has regularly losing control of his decision making abilities, when under pressure.

    This has been a clearly visible pattern since at least the 2006 election cycle,

    it grew in frequency in the following 6 months, and grew increasingly more obvious since the coup.

    Particularly noticeable to the average person AND his die-hard fans last Songkran and this weekend.

    I am of the opinion that this predictable loss of judgment was closely observed by those around him

    and contributed in no small measure to the coups happening. He became a loose cannon too many times

    in too short a period. Since these are very very poor characteristics in a nations leader,

    on might imagine this scared more than a few people needing to work with him.

    Anger, lose of control, and lose of self control cycle through him when thwarted,

    and he seems to lash out. Without consideration of truth or consequences.

    I would be very interested in having a true forensic psychologist

    look at 20-30 of Thaksins public pronouncements of the last

    5 years in sequence, and give and opinion.

    I would donate money for that analysis.My wife, a red shirt fanatic acts a lot like T. No reasoning, no asking questions, and definitely no challenging the words or actions of him and the reds. This has progressively become more obsessive in her behavior and dialogue. She can frequently throw out "How would Democratic countries do...." but God help me if I start to answer that question. The results are, "You don't know. This is Thailand" No S%$t. Tonight, same short words back and forth, and I ended it with, "you know, Miss 3rd world country, a mind AND ears are like umbrellas!! When they are closed, they do nothing to protect you from the sun and rain.Closed, the ears and mind do nothing for enlightenment. I am pretty confident, its going to be a no nookie, no talking night for me. Som Nam Nai Mai pen rai

    Typical sign of low forehead people, like the Hitler administration would have called it. Don't mix your genes into those. What offspring would that yield? :)

    Sounds like you can get into hellish discussions about daily nonsense and stupid situations. If you're still able to take care life on your own... Get rid of her! Anything related to intellectual thinking from her part, is an Utopian dream. I know... Been there, done that. I call it: "Married to children"

    Awaiting my leave from here right now...

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