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Everything posted by jayboy

  1. It's a discussion forum in which stuff is debated. It's not a personal sparring place. I'm quite interested in how racism is deployed in modern times as shorthand word for all kinds of complex issues, and Meghxit is a classic instance.Yet not one credible example of royal family racism has been produced. Shall we leave it there?
  2. They made lots of accusations.I'm not suggesting they are liars.People often attribute motives to other people when feelings have been hurt or where there are multiple sensitivities.I'm not trying to establish whether the racist charges are true or not.I'm just trying to find an example of one.To date nothing credible.
  3. My objective was simply to demonstrate there is scanty evidence to suggest racism towards Meghan at least on the part of the Royal Family.
  4. I don't know what you mean by 'reading concisely'. Who knows exactly what's behind Harry's and Meghan's unhappiness? Accusations in general have been made.What I'm looking for is a specific example and if I understand you correctly there may well not be one.That's all I'm suggesting - no example available. Sometimes plain ignorance of royal protocol is involved.In the Oprah interview they (H and M) appeared to complain that their children had been denied titles, with the implication of racial discrimination.This was simply untrue and since the accession of Charles both Archie and Lilibet can claim titles.Quite why H and M are so concerned at this piece of royal nomenclature is hard to understand given their dislike of the institution is quite hard to comprehend.
  5. I've read it and assume you have too. Let's therefore recognize the failure to provide one example of proven racism within the royal family.Perhaps an example will emerge but so far nothing.
  6. But you have not been able to identify any examples of racism in the royal family. Harry himself has given a full account of the reasons for leaving, as he saw them.These cover many factors other than racism - are these spurious as well? I am not sure what you mean by suggesting I read more concisely.
  7. Not evidence I'm afraid - just accusations by Harry of unconscious bias.What's needed are actual examples of racism from the royal family not just generalized psychobabble. Now I come to think of it there is one example of Princess Michael of Kent (Princess Pushy, once described by the late Queen as "too grand for us") wearing a brooch which may or may not have been offensive, a Saracen's head or something like that. It's true that the British tabloid press is feral and I agree used racist tropes.But they are foul about many people.
  8. Did they? When? I 'm aware there was a report about one member of the royal family speculated what the couple's first baby would look like.Details were very vague and Harry/Meghan contradicted each other on this subject when "interviewed" by Oprah. I find it difficult to get worked up on this particular issue not least because it's a conversation I have had with my own Thai wife - actually she in initiated it - about my first child.I suspect many members of the forum have had similar conversations. Racism is an easy card to play these days.Once dealt it lies there sizzling and any attempts to refute often just make matters worse.Take for example William's advice that Harry should take his time with Meghan - surely not racism but brotherly concern that a divorced American actress needed a bit of time. My hunch is that the problem was more about class and culture, and Harry's understandably thin skin about almost everything.
  9. With respect, my belief is that Americans are the brainwashed ones - the absurd exceptionalism, flag ceremonies at schools which would not be tolerated in other Western democracies,obsession with guns and toleration of unimaginable violence as a result, religious dogmatism long abandoned by most civilized countries, adherence in semi religious way to an anachronistic eighteenth century constitution put together by slave owning country gentlemen (mostly of British stock), endemic racism etc etc. I admire the USA and certainly don't think the above generalizations apply universally.However before criticizing other countries for being brainwashed, probably best to reflect on these matters with humility. As to royalists in the UK they are in a strong majority, though less so with the young and ethnic minorities.Actually the monarchy has often been unpopular in history.Your insights and knowledge are obviously limited on this subject so I won't engage further except to note that the evidence for racism in the royal family is very limited.
  10. Harry is a far more likeable and impressive person than his uncle Andrew.That's why the current standoff with his family is so sad.With Andrew there;s nothing to feel except contempt.
  11. No he wouldn't. All of William's children would have precedence starting with Prince George.
  12. Thanks.I wish I had thought of that.
  13. I have a 2016 Macbook Pro which is working fine but the battery will need replacing soon.Is this a straightforward matter for Apple service outlets in Bangkok and how much approximately will it cost? Advice gratefully received.
  14. Thank you.Existing stocks will presumably shortly be exhausted or time barred.Going forward, is Government going to require all vaccines (and improved vaccines) to be produced in Thailand and is there a domestic capacity to do so? If an awareness develops - as it has in the USA and Europe - that vulnerable groups need bivalent vaccines, it will be hard to resist pressure to import. Anyway it will be interesting to see exactly what the official confirmation says.
  15. This certainly the case as of now and to be clear we are talking about the bivalent vaccines which are highly recommended for vulnerable groups as boosters.I haven't looked up the reference but I certainly remember several months ago Government spokesmen undertaking that these would be available in Thailand in due course. What's puzzling to me (perhaps it shouldn't be) is the total lack of information on the subject from sources that should be up to date on it.Specifically when very approximately will these vaccines be available in Thailand? Nobody seems to know.Perhaps there's a feeling that Covid is done and dusted.Who knows? Incidentally congratulations to Greg Watkins of the British Chamber who has been awarded the MBE specifically for services to British nationals in Thailand during the Covid-19 epidemic. Some will remember the unhelpful and actually rather lazy position taken by the departing British Ambassador on the question of vaccines.He seemed to think that "getting assurances" from the Thai authorities was all that was needed.The situation was saved by a more vigorous and empathetic new Ambassador, Mark Gooding, in concert with the British Chamber in obtaining vaccinations for those who could not get them elsewhere.
  16. Julie Birchill nails it. "Likely, both believe that they’re up there with the world’s legendary lovers, but there’s more than a whiff of the imperious Miss Piggy and her adoring Kermit about them"
  17. There is nothing in itself unusual about an alcoholic drink in the morning.French workmen traditionally enjoyed a small glass of red wine in the morning. The depressing aspect about Pattaya (I dare say the scene is repeated in other parts of Thailand where tedious old farang gather) is the combination of inane conversation, obesity, smoking, repulsive tattoos, ugly "girlfriends", horrible accents, limited education and racist invective.It makes the task of those trying to project Pattaya as an upmarket destination (often burdened with gor blimey vowel sounds themselves) as rather challenging
  18. Very much so but his astute formation of alliances with those who really matter in Thailand goes back well before the Prayuth coup (at least 20 years before), ie at the very highest and most influential level.Look at his investors and look at the Minor Group Board of Directors.Those who who suggest he is somehow less than Thai rather miss the point.He is in fact completely and typically Thai and entwined in the Thai world, not least because in he acts and behaves like a top Sino-Thai businessman, and he knows how to play the game through deep understanding of the Thai business world.He's no angel and certainly has the necessary ruthless streak (look at his recent record on London's iconic Wolseley Restaurant in Piccadilly) but the vast majority of comments on Heinecke on this thread are based on a comprehensive ignorance. P.S His business genius didn't manage to avoid an existential shock in the late 1990's financial crisis, but he was far from being the only top player in that position.
  19. That'll work,Why not drop a line to Prayuth.It's not as though Thai billionaires have any influence with this administration.
  20. I'm not sure that a boycott by our merry band of brothers (let's admit it - not particularly upmarket) would have much effect on the Heinecke behemoth.
  21. You do not know the man.Heinecke is a highly intelligent operator though like many entrepreneurs of the highest rank he has no academic credentials to speak of.He has his faults (who doesn't?), the most conspicuous being his total adherence to the exclusion of other considerations to the fortunes of William Heinecke!
  22. Some very good information.There's one point on which I'm still unsure which is, based on the present state of knowledge, is it recommended that for the at risk groups, including all those over 60, booster jabs should be had every 4-6 months?
  23. Actually this goes beyond what has been reported.It is the first instance I have ever heard of the Pink card being compulsory to complete a transaction, ie as opposed to being one of a choice of ways of confirming residence.The fact that you are also a PR and had the documents to prove it makes this episode very weird indeed. Having said that it's a sign of the times and I recall it was initially impossible for expats to get Covid jabs without a Pink card.
  24. I think you are most certainly correct in what you say. However nobody in government or the medical profession seems to be giving advice on this issue.In short if one has had the two jabs and subsequently two boosters, should we (the over 50's and other vulnerable groups) - after six months from the date of the last jab - now be getting a third booster? May not be so easy as I have impression stocks are running out or "mot welaa."
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