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Everything posted by jayboy

  1. Given the huge discrepancy in drug prices between private hospitals and pharmacies. I wonder how cost conscious but comfortably off middle class Thais approach the issue.I'm thinking of Thais who have a monthly income - just plucking numbers out of the air for illustration purposes - between say Bt 75,000 and 125,000, ie those can afford private sector medical treatment but who are also cost conscious. I certainly know of one Thai who has an arrangement with her doctor whereby he tells her the drugs needed and she then buys them outside, thereby avoiding paying hospital prices for drugs.Is this common practice?
  2. Thanks.Yes that's the best option.I may check my local Apple repair setup first.
  3. I have a problem with my Apple watch which needs resolving.Where is the best place in Bangkok to take it for repair? I suspect most Apple agents may not be that familiar with watch issues.
  4. It's true my experience was all before 2019 and I had heard rumours of creeping corruption in processing PR applications.But what you report is very depressing.
  5. This is contrary to the experience of everyone I know who has PR. I do not know of one person complying with the very clear criteria who has failed to achieve PR.If you do not comply (working the required period on the right visa and paying the right amount of tax, being the most common obstacle), the Immigration Department will tell you it's not worth proceeding with the application. Did all the people you know that failed comply with basic criteria?
  6. Your suggestion to lead with the pink id would be more compelling if most officials were familiar with it.Since I've had one the typical reaction when produced is profound bafflement.To be fair my sense it is now being more widely understood though the golden rule for the time being is bring along another form of id just in case.
  7. Whether it's a bit early or not depends on when one got the first booster, and is nothing to do with being jabbed in Thailand.For those who received a booster in December, the second should be in the next couple of months (four months after the first booster according to the Thai government guidelines referred to.) Maybe it's just me but I've come to dread calling Bumrungrad about vaccine issues.The response is either bewilderment (back end of last year) or at best a fob off from the charming and polite army call handlers.A friend has suggested it's best just to walk in there and inquire personally.
  8. I expect most people will pay greater attention to the considered advice of the governments of the USA, UK and Thailand (among others) who recommend a 4th shot (or 2nd booster) for people in specified categories. Actually I believe your post to be thoroughly misleading for a wide variety of reasons.
  9. Thanks.That's the info I wanted.Recommended interval between first and second booster is apparently any time between 4 and 6 months.
  10. Presumably it will be quite a while before the Thai government programme includes a second booster shot.So for most expatriates (who want/need) the second booster will need to source in private sector hospitals.I know that at hospitals like Bumrungrad and Samitivej booster shots (Pfizer/Moderna) can be purchased.But are they prepared to accept bookings for a second booster yet? And if they are, can the details be included in the official Thai certificate?
  11. Unless it happens in a bizarro world or possibly an alternative time stream, I don't think Pattaya has ever hosted "heaps of yuppies".
  12. Poorly argued article and just wrong in places.It's absurd to suggest that Hanoi and Taipei (sic) are leaning towards China.The article somehow manages to omit reference to Japan and the ASEAN colossus, Indonesia, which is highly sceptical of expanding Chinese influence in the region.The West could certainly do better and Obama's pitch to Asia had very few positive results.But if one is talking about overweening arrogance and bullying, It's not the USA that is the prime culprit.That powerful bully is much closer to home.Some Asian leader prefer China's influence because they know however appalling their behaviour, the rulers in China will never question it.
  13. Thank you.Valuable practical advice.Your point on Favipiravir is well taken.The only thing I would add is recommending purchasing a pulse oximeter which will give advance warning, along with temperature checks, if a move from home to hospital seems required. As a Brit I would have to find a less barbaric alternative to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich !!
  14. I don't and the question has already occurred to me after a flu type episode a year ago.
  15. I imagine many are in a similar position to myself, Thailand based and fully vaccinated.Over 60 and being careful with social distancing and mask wearing.But it seems inevitable that I (actually most of us) will eventually contract Covid in one form or another.The assumption is that I would hopefully be recuperating at home So my question is (cranks please don't bother responding) what drugs, antivirals etc would it be prudent to have in store in anticipation of the almost inevitable? I'm particular interested in antivirals recommended by medical practitioners which available in Thailand. The evidence for use of Ivermectin according to most reputable medical sources is inconclusive, and seems to attract cranks - so no need to suggest this. I expect this information is available elsewhere but I haven't found a good summary
  16. Because my Jersey Bank offers accounts in various currencies including Thai Baht.For various reasons it seemed sensible part of my overseas cash reserves in the currency of the country where I live.Few of those reasons really apply now.
  17. Many thanks.I'm sure what you set out is exactly what happened.In a way it's my own fault for naively assuming remitting between two accounts in the same currency would make transfers cheaper.It would be cheaper to remit in $ or £.I didn't know THB was a restricted currency.
  18. Over many years I have regularly remitted funds from Jersey to my account with Bangkok Bank here in Thailand.The Jersey account I tend to use is denominated in Thai Baht.I haven't paid much attention to charges until recently but always stipulate that both sides should charge for their costs separately. My last remittance was for Bt 400,000 from which my Jersey bank netted off about Bt 11,000 for their costs.Is this normal or outrageous?
  19. Because he doesn't feel the need to write about them.Whether he personally gets stuck into the nightlife, I have no idea.It's entirely his business. I enjoyed Bernard Trink's coverage of nightlife, not least because it was so enjoyably crazy and way back in the Bangkok World days was always well worth reading (and to honest in those days there weren't the hordes of chunky tattooed "expatriates" speaking ugly British regional accents.) I prefer not to comment on what has happened to the quality of hostesses since those times.
  20. Completely wrong.Richard was at the forefront of exposing the Embassy's sluggishness on this issue - though to be fair there was a marked improvement when a more energetic new Ambassador shook off most of the smug complacency. The British Chamber and others helped save the day but the initial lack of practical concern for the plight of numerous old vulnerable British expatriates will not be easily forgotten.Defenders of the Embassy will say that it was constrained by UK Government policy.True enough but it misses the point completely. For future guidance when there is a crisis affecting British expatriates, it isn't enough to extract bland assurances from the Thai government.It requires vigorous follow up
  21. A few things to say on Richard Barrow, having noted a number of negative comments. 1.He is an excellent source of information on Thailand.His output on social media is invaluable and I have often found his messaging on Covid and other matters extremely helpful.There is in short little alternative in quality and coverage. 2. I think he deserved an MBE rather than the BEM. 3.Part of Richard's charm is that there is a naivety even an innocence about him.Sometimes it's useful for those of us over involved in the detail of Thai politics and culture to hear a straightforward voice. 4.It seems that some (s)expatriates resent Richard's total lack of interest in girlie bars, prostitution and night entertainment.For those who are primarily interested in the sex industry there are various gor blimey tattooed ex-taxi driver types promoting this sector, particularly Pattaya.They turn my stomach but each to his own taste. 5.So well done Richard Barrow, an honour thoroughly deserved.
  22. My research (just reading material from official sources) suggests that it is recommended practice in countries like Israel, the US and the UK for a 2nd booster to be given after 6 months from date of 1st booster to vulnerable categories of people, and all people aged over 75.Thereafter it's expected there will be an annual jab.
  23. That's a good point and I'll certainly check this nearer the time. I still feel that medical opinion needs to be clearer on the health issues given the declining protection after the booster - but it's early days for less than tentative conclusions I suppose.
  24. I would be interested to know what members think about a 2nd booster.I'm over 60 and have had my three shots (AZ,AZ and Pfizer). Haven't left Thailand since 2019 but plan a visit to Germany in September.Don't anticipate any issues as I'm "fully vaccinated." However on the personal health front, I'm aware that my Pfizer booster shot administered in February, will have largely worn off by September - though still providing good protection against hospitalization/death. So my question is - does it make sense to get a 2nd booster before travel and is that even possible in Thailand?
  25. It's a U-turn given that the political/bureaucratic Thailand clear response was to abstain.So the next question is why? I surmise that the world's very strong reaction against Russia - despite (1) Thailand's strong historical relationship with Russia and (2) Thailand's propensity to kowtow to China - was enough to tip Thailand over to supporting the resolution. Thailand will have noticed that Germany has left behind the Merkel policy of handling Russia with kid gloves and is now unambiguously hostile to Putin.It would be, let us say, very awkward if Germany started asking Thailand why they were being unhelpful.(Think about it)
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