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Everything posted by jayboy

  1. One aspect not yet I thinkcommented on here is that every other ASEAN member country voted in favor of the motion.Thus Thailand is the complete outsider here.
  2. Many thanks.I see that an arrival card has to be submitted up to three days in advance.
  3. Have to make Singapore visit but not clear of current Covid related requirements.Does anyone have up to date info?
  4. No it's not possible. Markets have held up quite well in the last three years, and prudent investors will have no complaints. It is however evidence of another immutable truth.Never deal with investment advisors who are based in Thailand.They are mostly slick yobs (see also Pattaya real estate dealers) with zero ethics.Even the more plausible are generally shysters baffling the lower end of expat society with meaningless jargon.Hyperbole ap[art, if they were any good at their trade, they wouldn't be based here.Thais are not interested in their services.
  5. It's obvious that many foreigners in Thailand detest taking sensible precautions such as mask wearing in crowded public areas.There's a feeling, not really justified by evidence that Covid has gone away for good. On this forum the section devoted to matters Covid has been prematurely removed for reasons unexplained as far as I know. Wishing does not make it so and in the USA and elsewhere the Covid numbers are ticking upwards.In short I think the careful approach of most Thais is sensible.
  6. Correct. The British Embassy website makes the same mistake - 'If you have a Thai resident visa and usually live in Thailand but you cannot return within the required year, the Thailand authorities will grant you an extension to your compulsory return deadline. You must return to Thailand as soon as you can.' I suppose they would say that if the Thai Foreign Ministry describes it that way, why should the Brits say differently! It's not that important.PR's will be able to figure out what the Thailand Foreign Ministry means. I doubt whether those responsible for the Embassy website have the slightest idea.They probably just scribble down what they're told.
  7. Actually as regards foreigners joining the Government Covid vaccination programme, a passport was necessary but not sufficient by itself because it doesn't have the 13 digit number. The pink card does have it and thus was consistent with the computer software requirement.
  8. If Thailand was uniquely placed to appreciate and respect the monarchical system, not to mention the close ties as pictured in the article, why was representation at the funeral so low level - namely the Ambassador in London? By way of comparison, with less intimate links, Japan was represented by its Emperor.
  9. I'm beginning to change my mind on the merits of citizenship - up to now a sceptic for reasons I fully appreciate are weird.I still don't intend to apply for it - but probably would do if I was twenty years younger and in land purchasing mode.. But back to PR and your very on point comments, clearly the current system is ridiculously anachronistic but I can't see any change is likely soon.The trouble is that there is no PR constituency that has the energy/interest to lobby for change.No influential Thai politician is interested and even educated types usually have no idea the PR system exists.It's a matter of institutional sclerosis symbolized by the ancient - and in my case disintegrating - red Alien Book. I don't care about the expense involved and am grateful for the security provided.Best just leave it there.
  10. This cancellation seems so very unfair since, as I understand it, Brian was unable to return to Thailand due to the pandemic and then missed out because he was a few days too late for the Covid waivers. Fortunately for the reasons set out by Brian it doesn't cause too much inconvenience in his case though it must be intensely annoying. I'm wondering whether the highly unusual circumstances of this case make an appeal to the Ombudsman worthwhile, and yes I realize a cabinet resolution would be needed. I'm not sure I buy the argument that citizenship would be 'safer'. Of course it is but the the unusual circumstances of Brian"s make a repeat occurrence highly unlikely.Losing PR would come through becoming an undesirable in the eyes of the Thai authorities or being ridiculously forgetful.
  11. That's just the customers.You should see the girls.
  12. As a side PR issue I have soon to get a re-entry/endorsement for the first time in three years.I used to be able to complete - with a little "speed up" contribution - the whole process in an hour and a half.If someone has gone through this recently is this still a realistic time frame?
  13. This is a correct summary of the position.There is no need to inform Immigration of your new passport details.As you say, they will update records when the multiple re-entry/endorsement are renewed - no need to make a special trip.
  14. How little you understand about the British monarchy.The hereditary principle is sacrosanct and in any case the question of popularity is barely relevant.I would go further and argue that the British monarchy is the opposite of celebrity.It's based - at its best - on self denial, duty and service.Elizabeth epitomized this and Charles and William both understand it.
  15. Not if the beneficiary is not resident in the UK for tax purposes.
  16. When I die my Thai wife will be paid a pension from offshore.The pension is denominated in £ and will be remitted monthly to her bank account in Thailand where it will of course be converted into Thai Baht.She does not currently submit a Thai tax return because she has insufficient personal income to make it necessary. I am assuming however that she will be required to pay income tax on the pension. We have no problem with this but am uncertain about practicalities.Does she for instance need to take the initiative in approaching the Tax Office? Will the Bank ask whether tax is being paid or just pay the amount gross into her account? I estimate the gross before tax amount will be around Baht 200,000. I will be taking specialist advice about this in due course but wondered whether anybody had any insights.
  17. The ludicrous restaurant owner was at fault.She was the one who brought in the police over really nothing at all. And as to the effusive words of praise of her victim, she was obviously trying to bring the whole foolish episode to an end - perhaps reinforced by a double helping of 'prachot'.
  18. The owner is so "lovely" that she reports customers to the police for trivial reasons? Does the owner understand that her reputation is not in fact "intact" and that many will now avoid her establishment? Almost certainly she has not heard of the Barbra Streisand effect - i.e where taking legal action has the opposite effect of what was intended. And why is that dish of Khao phat the size of a hippo?
  19. "The new bivalent jab targets both the original strain of the virus and its Omicron variant. The manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna have had vaccines approved by the medicines regulator and the NHS will use both." According to The Times (see above) the new booster will be available to initially vulnerable target groups in the next couple of months most of whom have already had four jabs. When will the new bivalent jab be available in Thailand? Most hospitals still have large stocks of the old Moderna vaccine.Will they want to run down these stocks first?
  20. That's also true in my case and I should imagine most financially stable residents, whether Thai or expatriate.
  21. Many thanks (and to others that took the time to reply). Just what I needed and I can now see my QR Code on my app. If I want to send my QR Code to someone presumably it's just a matter of sending a screenshot?
  22. I've been using Prompt Pay for some time and regularly make payments ( of all kinds) against QR codes. However I'm not sure how I obtain a QR code which enables other people to make Prompt Pay payments to my bank account. Any ideas?
  23. Surely you are mistaken.I would have thought Thai Visa was the perfect forum to get answers on the great philosophical questions of the universe and our very existence.After all who better to provide illumination on these age old issues than a bunch of middle aged/elderly ex-blue collar retirees?
  24. It would indeed be good news but in my view is as likely to happen as being decapitated by an errant frisbee.
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