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Posts posted by buddy

  1. If this article is correct then Thai MP's get paid more than the Prime Minister of the UK. Some thing very wrong in that.

    Why is that wrong? Is there a rule that nobody can get paid more than the PM of the UK?

    The point is who is paying over and above and what infuence these anonymous non voted for cads have over dispaporsional governance over millions of people?

  2. Have seen them always from the beach and it looks interesting, would love to try.

    its about 8-10k baht for a about 8-10 hour coarse to get you on yr way,,

    or a one hout lesson if you wanna give it a little go is bout 1500 baht

    then its about 40-60k baht for a full kit..

    then one place charges bout 500 baht a month if you wanna keep yr stuff there

    but apart from that not much other expenses to think about

    Go ask for an English Guy called Sam, he is a great teacher and very patient (and not Falang prices),

    He is located on one of the Jomtien kitesurfing joints, problem is I cannot remember the name.

  3. Dont know if they are kennels, I presume so by the sign as it says "Animal Hotel"

    Its located on third 3rd going up the hill past the fishing park.

    Also just go and ask any pet store or a vet, they should be able to provide information.

    Choc dii


  4. If you don't want to pay the 50 baht, and you travel light and by yourself, just go to the departure level.

    Jump in one of the arriving taxi's (after the guests got out of course), and go, all taxi have to leave in a hurry, so they take you.

    Otherwise they have to drive around for the departure level, and wait maybe a long time before they get customers.

    Did this at Don Muang airport and doing at Suvarnabhumi Airport .

    I see a lot of people who are working at the airport also doing this.

    I am not 100 % sure, but I think the drivers have to pay (less than 50 baht) to get the space for waiting. So they will earn a little bit extra from this 50 baht.

    That other part of the amount will go for the parking space downstairs (so maybe it is the Airport Authority) and for the staff which is organising the taxi lines.

    Many things are very well organised at Suwarnabhumi Airport, so probably also the taxi system.

    The Taxi Mafia transfered this 50 baht scam from the old Airport, Don Muang, dont support them and you sometimes have to queuooooooo as far as the eye can see.

    Just go up to level 4 at departures where the taxis drop off and grab one.....no waiting, no extra 50 Baht for the scammers, easy!

  5. I'm sure if he was innocent or guilty the video evidence would prove it.

    The problem is having the time and balls to demand to see a video and not getting sucked into there extortion traps.


    Far to much bad publicity and where there is smoke.....and they bribed them selves into the airport anyway, honest organization to deal with??????.

    I wouldnt give them 1 satang.

  6. It's always wise to buy at your destination, or at your last transfer point.

    The US carriers (United and Delta) will not permit more than 100ml of liquids/gels/cremes to enter the gate room at Suvarnabhumi, even if purchased at the King Power shops in the terminal building and the liquids/gels/creams are in sealed bags. They conduct secondary security screening at the entrance to the gate room and confiscate anything over 100ml.

    I have been travelling all over Asia and the Middle East through work using Suvarnabhumi Airport and never had a problem with liquids till this weekend.

    Maybe I got the wrong crew on security but they insisted I throw away some expensive aftershave that you cannot buy in Thailand (except for copies).

    The sign they kept pointing to was "only 100 ml liquid allowed".

    This aftershave bottle was marked on the bottom at 125 ml, it was one quarter full, so approx 30 ml ish was actually in the bottle.

    No, had to throw it away they insisted, but I pointed to the sign and said that there is only about 30 ml in the bottle (by now the security group is growing around me like rugby scrum) and other passengers are starting to gawp.

    My answer had them stumped, then one said 100 mm (Millimeter) only allowed, then I asked for pen and paper and explained ml is a measurement of volume of liquid and mm is a measure of length, now they are standing there looking like they have all been hit on the back of the head with a cricket bat.

    After a moments silence they go into a group discussion in Thai and then ask me to write it in English so that I would understand a new sign, which I did....they did admit the sign was misleading but still insisted I dump the aftershave.

    Why a 30 mm liquid can get conficated, yet a 100 ml liquid gets through is illogical.

    So the advise is make sure your bottle or container is marked at 100 mm or less.

    And a bet a million dollars the old sign will still be up next time I pass through.

    Oh the joys!

  7. "Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an uscrupulous mainstream media,

    which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end"

    A Blackboard is no longer a Blackboard it is a "Chalk Board" <deleted>!

    It is no longer Black Coffee it is "Coffee without Milk"? <deleted>!

    Bald -"Comb free"

    Body Odour - "non-discretionary fragrance".B

    Over to you....



    C- nondiscretionary fragrance.

  8. I agree that there are some corruption left especially the police (who is corrupted primarily by Thaksin in the 1st place).

    However, IMHO, corruption as a whole have significantly reduced.

    Can't you feel that?

    Oh, this morning when I woke up yawning and stretched my arms Thailand feels less corrupt, how can you "feel" corruption is getting reduced, what a ridculous statement?

    Now I can understand how the multitudes react when they " feel" the 100 baht note snatched from thier hand by the traffic cops?...I wont even comment on Customs or Government contracts!

    Corruption starts at home with the Puya Ban (spelling), when he bribes the village to vote his way and is accepted as the norm.

    Corrupt Corrupt Corrupt through every strata of society!

  9. I am confused now.

    Which one of these translations should I use to emphasise "your ignorant", meaning having bad behaviour or bad manners?...I dont care if I hurt thier feelings just wish to get the point across.

    Apologies about my typos on my previous post.


  10. Buddy,

    In my dialect of English, your second usage is slang. Perhaps in yours it is a well-established, main-line usage. Could you please identify for us what your English dialect is? Thanks.

    As for the second use, Thais might impolitely call another guy "ไอ้ควาย" ("Hey you, buffalo!").

    On the other hand, there is this in which the author explains why "ไอ้ควาย" is a term of endearment:

    "ไอ้ควาย!!!! อีควายเอ๊ย!!!! - คำชม 2 คำนี้ไม่ทราบว่ามีท่านใดอยากได้รับกันบ้าง ผมว่าผู้พูดเค้าจริงใจดีนะ เป็นการกล่าวถึงบุรุษ(สตรี) ที่สอง เป็นคำยกย่องว่าบุคคลคนนั้น แข็งแรง อดทน บึกบึน เป็นส่วนหนึ่งของชีวิตเกษตรกร เป็นกระดูกสันหลังของชาติไปโน่นเลย 555" From http://www.9dern.com...view.php?id=894 Is this tongue in cheek?

    Any thoughts?

    Hi DavidHouston,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Answer to your question is British English - and example that person is a bad mannered ignorant b*stard.

    I wish to explain that description compared to some one is just ingnorant in the uneducted sense.

    Can you please translet into English your written Thai?

    Many thanks.

  11. And then there are wartime rapes, rape by the victors usually of the women of the vanquished. This has happened across many cultures throughout human history. So much so that it may be called normal human behavior. So we do as a species have a very dark side.

    This was part of the conquest process with a very practical use.

    To assimilate a conquered people you kill the men and children then impregnate the women. It means the next generation will become your people and not a conquered people. Lions do the same thing when they take over a pride.

    Too true.

    In the year 2010 assimilation is still being used as a weapon by the Chinese Government today against the indigenous population in Tibet.

    A tibetan Widow is not allowed to remarry a tibetan man, only a chinese man.

    Also huge incentives are provided by the Chinese Government to Chinese immigrants that will slowly outnumber the local population. these one-sided benefits make the average Tibetan male poor and less attractive to Tibetan females as a marriage proposition, therefore encouraging mixed marriages.

    All part of the conquering of Tibet that started with the Chinese communist invasion in the 1950's.

    In another 50 years when it China's turn again to host the Olympic games, there wont be any protests coming from Tibet.


  12. Hi Folks,

    I have an issue in trying to explain in Thai the difference for a person being ingnorant as in lacking knowledge or education and some person who is being ignorant as in the way they behave and talk to others, as in bad manners.

    Can any of you knowledgable fellows (and ladies) please help in the Thai translation?

    1) Ignorant person (Lacking knowledge or education) =

    2) Some person BEING ignorant (bad behaviour, bad manners) =

    Many thanks in advance.

  13. <BR>Those with the urge to let loose with a volley of snide put-downs, should instead consider that this man is playing by the rules. He's exercising his  legal rights to seek redress before the courts. His protest is peaceful and not an imposition to anyone else's rights and liberties.   At the very least, he is entitled to appear before a judge who can then render a decision based upon the evidence. What we see is  the same type of delay that some U.S. states employ with  wrongfully convicted people on death row. The Innocence Project has cleared alot of innocent people based upon DNA evidence that prosecutors and police wanted to suppress or prevent from being used. According to the Innocence Project more than one-third of the first 250 people exonerated by DNA testing were 22 or under when they were arrested. They spent decades in jail being abused and denied their rights. If an advanced society like the USA can send people to prison, what happens in Thailand to those without the means to defend themselves and that are wrongfully condemned? <BR><BR>What's the alternative for this person  other than the court system? Do you want him to get violent and start  making things boom as has happened  elsewhere in Thailand? Justice delayed  is justice denied and justice denied is an indication of a corrupt judiciary. ( Corruption does not necessarily mean the taking of bribes but includes interference by  political and vested interests.)<BR>

    Great post, exactly my sentiments.

    When the cold dark stare of the power of the state focuses on you, if there is injustice there is no door labelled "re-dress" to knock on and say "hey look what your organisation did to me"!

    State officials and Civil servants (generally) will only;take responsiblility if exposed or forced to, to put right a wrong.

    This man's actions are a sign of frustration and desperation at the lack of re-dress.

    Good luck to him I say and wish him all the best.

  14. If you are religious, yes.

    It is often illegal, so breaking the law is wrong.

    Other than that, if the service worker is an adult, not a slave, and not abused by the client, and paid a reasonable compensation, and disease protection is utilized, of course it is NOT wrong. In my view, not much different than paying for a cooked meal, a free will decision. Not the only way to get sex or food, but always an option ...

    Cant agree on the Religious sentence on your posting Jingthing,

    For those that are not aware the Quran approves of prostitution (of coarse the Muslims would be embarrased if they knew that you know that, so try thier hardest to bury the fact).

    Muslims get around paying for sex in such conservative Muslim countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia by arranging a temporary marrige.

    We call it "short time or long time", they call it a Misyar Marriage or Mut'ah.

    It works like this -

    A Muslim religious official (in reality a religious brothel keeper or pimp) marries the man and the prostitute, the new husband then pays "the dowry" (for services rendered) and then the husband has sex with his new "Wife" (the prostitute), after they have finished the business they then get "divorced" after an hour (short time) or the next morning (long time) ...Wallah!.., no sex outside of marriage!


    Google it if you dont believe me.

  15. India. Oh boy. The land of dung. Who wants to go live in India? It's just so disgustingly filthy and crushed by bureaucracy. There is a resaon why millions upon millions of educated, talented Indians have left the country. Although crystal free ice cream or properly refrigerated products may not be a reason, the lack of a reliable logistics network is a reflection of the uselessness of the land that gave us tandoori chicken. Thailand is the land of comfort and efficiency compared to India, even if the Tater Tots at Villa were thawed and frozen a few times. Napoleon Dynamite would still have been happier.

    India, Land of dung...I just love that it sums the place down to a tee.

    One other important benefit that Multi-National retailers (not all) stimulate in the development of Cold Chains is the prevention of food wastage.

    In some under developed Country's (I include India in that, Thailand is more advanced)Upto 25% of some foods produced have to be thrown away because it spoils or goes rotten on the way from the Farm or Slaughterhouse before it reaches the retail market.

    This food wastage is in addition to the wasted land, all the animals that have been slaughetered and fed (more land wastage to grow the animal feed) the farmers efforts, transportation and fuel waste, and lost profits, all for nothing because no Cold Chain is in place.

    The UN have estimated that if every Country had a developed Cold Chain we could feed the World and hunger would be erradicated.

    Wastage around the world.pdf

  16. THIS THREAD REALLY should be closed.

    bashing african mails is against tv policy!

    Absolutely right.

    The OP is definitely a racist and a bigot.

    Of course there are African scammers and criminals operating in Thailand, but please first take a look at the activities of our own people, the Farangs.

    How many are operating bars, massage parlours, restaurants and other businesses illegally? How many are dealing or using drugs here? How many own real estate, own land, farms and shops here illegally?

    Than there are your visa dodgers, property scammers, pedos, the list goes on and on.

    If the Thai authorities would consider having a real clampdown on these criminals, than please let that include all the scum rather than those of a particular nationality or race.

    I was waiting for the PC brigade...didnt take long!

  17. Hi all,

    Sorry about the lack of communication regarding this dog.

    Yesterday Buddy from this forum very kindly came down to the house and saw the dog and I think you can all see the photo of this poor dog that he uploaded.

    The latest situation is that the dog is alive but in quite a bit of pain. He has at least one broken front leg, maybe the other is sprained and cut or damaged but I don't think broken. I'm sure he has maybe some damage inside but cannot be sure. The only positives are that he does accept some sort of food and water but it has to be fed to him and cannot be anything too solid. It is clear that this dog is in clear pain. He also has open wounds on his body which the Burmese family have not bandaged up and hence all the flies are having a field day.

    Myself and Buddy from this forum both went to a vet that he knows. The two options are as follows :

    5000 - 6000 Baht (depending on how serious the leg is) for X ray and fixing his leg(s) and general treatment for his body

    2000 Baht to put the dog to sleep and out of pain

    The Burmese family are claiming that they do not have the money to do either of these options. Whether I believe them or not is not relevant although last night they did have a get together (otherwise known as a party) with many electrical appliances on the go with music, food and a couple of TVs on the go. While they were enjoying themselves this poor dog lay outside in pain. Now I wouldn't want to be too nasty here but i'm guessing these f**kers don't care or they are just blind ignorant or a combination of the two. They feed the dog and thats pretty much it.

    For me its difficult because I think this dog can live and be sorted out with some help. Maybe worst case he might only have one leg working but would be out of pain and able to live so for me to give the 2000 baht to kill him would seem a shame to me but I will if i have to. I cannot afford the 5000 - 6000 Baht im afraid as I have been out of work for over a month thanks to another set of ignorant people, our freinds 'red shirts in bkk'

    I know this may seem strange but i want to make an appeal to anyone who maybe would be willing to contribute to help this dog. I want to raise the 5000 baht needed to take this dog to the vet and get him sorted. If the vet decides its all over and its going to be 2000 baht to put the dog to sleep then i'm sure there is another charity somewhere to contribute the left over money.

    Is there anyone out there that would be willing to help. Any amount would be gratefully appreciated. if you need any reassurance or reference then speak to Buddy on this forum who i met yesterday and he can verify everything.

    If we can raise 5000 baht then we can help this dog. I know there are many like it and maybe this wont work but its a last try.

    If i cannot raise the 5000 then i will pay the 2000 baht myself to have him put to sleep as i don't want him with the pain any longer.

    If you can contribute then please PM me or Buddy.

    Thanks for reading and any help in advance.


    Just to reassure the TV cynics on this board that this is a genuine appeal and not a scam.

    You are most welcome to see the poor dog which is lying in Rungland Village not far from Tony's Gym on 3rd road, or you can talk to the vet who gave the quotation for treatment.

    I am contributing 1,000 Baht as a starter.

    Just to provide you with an indicator of the Dogs pleasant character, one of the woman moved the dogs broken legs whilst I was there and it howled in agony but didnt even bite her as most injured dogs would.

    Please help, even if its a hundred baht!


  18. 'buddy' says;

    -The Cold Chain is fully developed in Singapore is the answer!

    -You think Thailand has problems, India has no Cold Chain in place at all for food retailers, so are way behind Thailand.

    100% agreement with the full post, but 2 items stick out.

    Yes SIN can have a cold chain, but when the land size is small it is alot easier to accomplish, n'est ce pas? Plus SIN has a reliable logistics network and power grid, along with an ability to follow quality control requirements. Singapore is a place that works.

    India. Oh boy. The land of dung. Who wants to go live in India? It's just so disgustingly filthy and crushed by bureaucracy. There is a resaon why millions upon millions of educated, talented Indians have left the country. Although crystal free ice cream or properly refrigerated products may not be a reason, the lack of a reliable logistics network is a reflection of the uselessness of the land that gave us tandoori chicken. Thailand is the land of comfort and efficiency compared to India, even if the Tater Tots at Villa were thawed and frozen a few times. Napoleon Dynamite would still have been happier.

    I will deeply miss the fine selection of select European foods at Carrefour. Where else could one find 4 different kinds of capers? Mixed in with the identically sized carrots, which I presume are products of China's genetically modified seed stock, are undamaged apples form Washington state and other favourite food items. I will miss the workers in their white gum rubbers. It was so reassuring to see them dressed up. So what if they had stinky sweaty feet in those boots and probably were slicing chicken in the back without having washed their hands after taking a dump? Their uniforms shouted out, hey we're going to look clean. Where else can I gaze upon the bin of exposed chicken parts where the locals cough and hack all over the carcasses? Carrefour I will miss you and your long lines of fat foreigners sighing with frustrtaion at the long lines at checkout. Sometimes one could and did come across a vision of beauty in line, can anyone say Danish women (who are delicate angels from the heavens), or even a bit of excitement like the time the Australian woman threw a pushy Russian out of the line after she had shoved her way in. (There's a tip - always pick a line with an Australian or someone from the UK, they behave in the lines and the Aussies will toss queue jumpers without hesitation.) It was a chance to fall in love and fantasize about all that could be watching a cute Spanish woman take a little nibble on her baguette. Ahh Carrefour, whatever will Isome of the weird foreigners do when they cannot walk through the womens under garment section touching and feeling the polyester bras and panties? giggitty giggity......

    India, Land of dung...I just love that it sums the place down to a tee.

  19. Thanks very much everyone. Definetly a big challenge for me.

    I want to clarify a few points.

    1. I begin on 1st August

    2. I am quitting the Tourist Police with effect from 31st July

    3. I apologize to anyone who comments on this thread as I am not able to join in any detailed discussions regarding the post.

    4. I hope to see some of you in the Consulate Office next to Immigration in Jomtien in the near future.


    Congratulations Howard.

    Out of curiosity how did you get the job?

    Did the British Embassy approach you or was the position advertized?

    Probably one of the posts you wont answer?

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