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Posts posted by buddy

  1. well so 3 days ago i asked for the 2nd time what happened and no f--------r can be bothered to tell me and you say the locals dont care !!

    Actually there has been activity going on, not as fast as I'd ideally wish but I'll let the original poster update you on the details.

    Ownership and money has been the delaying issue.

  2. Agreed. Even the best places in Bangkok for foreign produce, Siam Paragon and Emporium can't match what is in the average Safeway in Canada at

    1/3 the cost.

    On the other hand it is better here than in some asian(*cough* Korea) countries.

    It seems that "globalization" has really just meant a license for multinationals to drop

    what they cant sell in the West over here

    I hear Singapore comes closer to the Western quality..why can't Thailand.?

    The Cold Chain is fully developed in Singapore is the answer!

    Cold Chain definition - A cold chain is an uninterrupted temperature-controlled supply chain.

    An unbroken cold chain is an uninterrupted series of storage and distribution activities which maintain a given temperature range to fresh and frozen food (from farm to fork), also Pharmacuticals, Vaccines, Petro-Chemical products and other products essential for todays modern lifestyles.

    You think Thailand has problems, India has no Cold Chain in place at all for food retailers, so are way behind Thailand.

  3. 1) My first bit of constructive advice is, don't send the gf 200,000bht.

    2) My second bit of constructive advice is never get involved with the financial problems of Thais you hardly know.

    3) Listen to the sister-in-law and repeat after her, not my problem.

    4) These scams always have a very short lead date (in this case 2 weeks) to put you under pressure.

    5) If you cave-in and offer to pay the loan, make it a condition that the chanote on the house has noted on it that you hold a 200,000bht loan on the home, registered at the land office and you hold the owners copy of the chanote so effectively you own the house, they can't sell or take out another loan on the property, one of the few ways a non-Thai can sort-of hold a property title.


    Repossession of a house is very hard for anyone to do in Thailand, very rare, takes years, in other words I don't believe the notice exists or was ever posted on the door. (and if my wife had tried this story on with me, I would have laughed in her face)

    Spot on, exactly my thoughts...sick buffalo syndrome!

  4. You're saying the lease on the house doesn't have his name on it?

    I've seen your posts here before, so I'll assume it's true (almost too good to be true). What do you care if he returns from England? Punch him on the nose. He'll probably start crying, and run away..

    If the Farang is from England and you punch him on the nose, I doubt very much he will cry and run away!


  5. Moved where? Now we are both confused.....

    Back to the serious question, what kind of camera were you using? A high end digital?

    Enjoyed the video,I think you have talent.

    Was the step ladder man in the background set up by you or a natural event?

  6. Surely these incidents are far worse than an idiot mouthing off ?

    Yes they certainly are, but they are done by home grown idiots.

    No nation should have to put up with imports doing the same.

    Nonsense. All idiots, foreign and domestic, should be equally free to demonstrate their idiocy.

    Like in my country, where we let all the idiots (even the foreign ones) run around and say whatever they want.

    Do you realize how boring places like North Dakota would become if we outlawed instances of stupidity?

    Good one 5555555

  7. Thats for sure Buddy but we have to look a little farther up like; 'who provides the money to the poo yai bahn for the pay off?'

    If that money wasnt dispensed there could be no pay off, but then if the P Y B didnt get the expected pay off, as in the past, he may get pissed off with whoever was paying him before and tell people to vote the other way.

    loyalty to money not to political parties?

    Too true Robby nz, however think of the ideal, when the Poo Yai Ban cannot bribe the poor villagers to vote this way or that way, that would be real progress starting at home.

    As usual its down to education, I have found that a slight like "you can be bought for little money" they normally say what are you talking about, then explain the consequences it gets them thinking, slowly slowly catch a monkey!

  8. ... and do you know where the big stores are getting their food from? Just because it's nicely packed and presented doesn't mean it's better or safer than the food at the fresh market...

    Safer?...Agree to a point on fruit and veg and on other certain foods, but not on dairy produce, Yoghurt, milk etc or foods that are processed.

    There is a difference between non certified food and certified food, food quality and hygiene standards are the reason why HACCP (Hazzard and Critical Control Points)for food quality and hygiene was invented.

    The major retail players adhere to these quality regimes and there is an added cost for this!

  9. One reason we shop in Tesco/Big C/CF is food quality. Hopefully....the food is checked and of good quality. I question items obtained from the fresh markets...You just don't know what you are getting or how it was grown.

    I don't want to pay for the high cost of pure "organic" produce...but at least hope the bigger stores implement some good quality controls...hopefully...

    ... and do you know where the big stores are getting their food from? Just because it's nicely packed and presented doesn't mean it's better or safer than the food at the fresh market...

    Safer?...Agree to a point on fruit and veg and on other certain foods, but not on dairy produce, Yoghurt, milk etc or foods that are processed.

    There is a difference between non certified food and certified food, food quality and hygiene standards are the reason why HACCP (Hazzard and Critical Control Points)for food quality was invented.

    The major retail players adhere to these quality regimes and there is an added cost for this!

  10. Is there hope for Thailand? Certainly not if Thaksin ever gets back and even with the best political will in the world it will take a long time and a lot of big changes starting from the top.

    I h

    I believe its the other way around...Corruption in Thailand starts at home.

    The changes have to start at the bottom, at home, dont make it socially acceptable for the whole families votes to be bought by the local PuYai Ban.

    Oops thought i was dreaming then.

  11. For those who do not know :

    The 2 brands of Hyper Market in France (Casino/BigC and Carrefour) are not really your usual share holding company.

    They still keep in fine, the financial structure that was existing where they were small convenience stores. Both are ruled by a Familly (Guichard=Perrachon for Casino, I forget the name for Carrefour).

    It mean decisions are the fact of a very small amount of people and often based on criterias very different of the normal ones.

    Exemples : You can own 99% of the shares for Casino/Big C and you will never ever asociateto any decision, as they are lead by a group of 3 personns, when one of them go/retire, a new one is co opted...

    Carrefour does NOT publish any number related to its business; and as it is a legal obligation for them to do it they willingy pay millions of euros as fines (secrety).

    Both still are very succesfull (year after year I see the shares I own going to the roof).

    My experience with Carrefour Asia and Tesco Asia as a Technical supplier was the difference in the Management style and mindset.

    With Tesco it was a level playing field, best equipment at best price won, it did not matter where you originated from.

    With Carrefour it was Nationalistic based, if you were French then you had the edge.

  12. As I understand Thailand is too small for Walmart. They only go to countries with 500 million plus population

    Guess they will be looking at India and China then.

    Walmart are already in China and the Indian Government will not permit the likes of Tesco, Carrefour, Walmart, Sainsbury's etc or any foreign retailer to open up shop there.

    As a foreign retailer you can only open up (and they dont half make it very difficult even then, with permits, licenses approval for this and that, that are purposely designed to discourage the foreign retailer) in the Cash & Carry format (Metro, Makro), if and its a big IF the the Indian Authorities give approval.

    India is a protected market at present...still in the 19th Century mindset.

  13. Good! And I hope a load of other big international buisnesses leave, too. I work for an international comany here, and I've seen first hand how much red tape there is and how utterly arrogant the government is. A lot of international companies know this and move to countries that welcome foreign investment. This is what we call 'developing'.

    The mentality of the goverment seems to have trickled down on to a lot of Thai peope. Like the Thai woman who asked me 'How can you work here? You're not Thai' The real paradox is a lot of Thai people wanna work for international companies and not their own, because they pay better and actually encourage and have prospects (Promotion, salary increase etc)

    But what do I know? I've only seen for myself Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai.

    Good but for different reasons.

    I have seen in the UK how Tesco (the main protagonist) has destroyed the businesses of thousands of small retailers and the same is happening here. Thailand does not need western styled super stores. Kick the lot out. Today there is a report on how some of these companies are contributing to the destruction of rainforests. What I don't like is their apparent fundamental dishonesty. Green projects, organic etc are just a smokescreen to develop their businesses. They retail in every area like some massive hoover, hoovering up anything that stands in their way. Yup. Good riddance to the lot of 'em.

    Actually you are all being fooled, guess who is the biggest retailer in Thailand.

    Automatically think of the Superstores, Tesco? - Carrefour? - Big C?...the correct answer is 7-11, 5,000 plus stores!

  14. I wonder if there are any government projects that are not plagued by corruption. Just imagine how rich this country could be if they even just cut corruption in half & then spread it around to those truly in need. Unfortunately those who benefit from large scale corruption are usually quite obscenely wealthy anyway.

    No sympathy, the corruption is seen as socialy acceptable and a majority of Thai's participate when the except the bribe from the Poo Yai Ban at home for his vote.

    The corruption starts at home and ....you can guess the rest!

  15. Never seen a 747 passenger doors open inwards before. Perhaps you meant outwards. Won't open in flight due to pressure. Theres so many knobs on flights these days, pity they dont have an ejector seat or electrocution chamber or something.

    Or severally restrained and roped to a seat with no head movement sat in front of a TV monitor, mouth stuffed with a sock and headphones on made to watch and listen to Thai soap opera's for the duration of the 12 hour journey!

    Bleeebee blooobee baba!

  16. I also suspect that many homo-sapiens are in dire need of help. It's a dog, not really very high up the social order.

    Totally agree, but how many homo-sapiens are lying outside your door writhing in absolute agony?

    The original poster has to be admired for his motivation and consideration for an animal suffering, have you no empathy man?

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