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Posts posted by Histavia

  1. 1 hour ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    Like many countries they have lots of redundancy anyways ????

    All countries are fighting covid...UK alone is dealing with the damage caused by Brexit.

    Here is a headline from the Daily Mail...




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  2. 2 hours ago, 473geo said:

    All the more reason to get vaccinated ASAP, seems to be going well and introducing ways to speed it up too

    The UK vaccinations are rolling out...they are behind Italy and USA.....vaccination does not mean "freedom" from Covid.  If all goes well adults in UK will all be vaccinated by UK.....we should then see Covid dwindle. It is unlikely it will disappear. At present the NHS is just about at full capacity..... transplants and other treatments are being delayed but soon max capacity will take over.   This has never happened to the NHS before. In the meantime UK has no test and trace and has only in the last few days restricted foreign entries. We are in short amongst the worst performers with Covid.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Histavia said:

    Yes - the government has two crises to cope with, and unfortunately you can't blame lack of goods in the shops, question at dover in th quiet season on Covid.... either can you blame my keyboard getting stuck in Germany.

    My family have a fish restaurant and at present the fishing boats are not even going out.....stocks of cod etc are dwindling and exports are zero - basically I can't get fish and chips where I am for two reasons - there isn't any fresh fish and the chip shop has shut down due to Covid. What you need to do is sort out one from the other - and in many cases it is a double whammy and the businesses just go out of business.

    UK leaving Erazmus and Galileo of course have nothing to do with Covid. Having to queue at Airports and borders is nothing to do with Covid nor is needing work permits, resident permits and losing your vote in local elections throughout Europe. Hauliers who finally do make it across to the Eu can now onl drop off and pick up return trips - they are not allowed to gather extra business in the Eu and of course their are now 2 or 3 ferry services going diect from Ireland to France and Belgium to avoid the Brexit chaos at UK ports.

    I might add that fr from there being a glut of fish at present, many boats are just not going out. This is because between 60 and 90 % of here catch goes to EU - if they can't sell it there on time they can't get rid in the UK market alone so rather than make a loss and wear out the vessels they just don't go out.

    All supermarkets are experiencing or forecasting shortages at present.

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  4. 4 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    There will likely be more price difference now (though UK prices are already typically higher).   For many companies in the US the distribution is more direct and more competitive (of products made).  For other countries, like Canada ... products sold here are often marked up higher since the US company sells to maybe one distributor in Canada that has the local rights and that distributor is responsible for certain administrative stuff and of course wants to make a profit on top of the manufacturer - which is then marked up again at retail.  I remember buying a Denon Receiver (maybe 20+ years ago) and Denon Canada (distributor) cost an average of 30% more than the US... so I bought grey market and had it shipped to Canada directly from the US (of course the warranty would be US only).  


    Also with international trade - products traded under free trade agreements usually have a minimum content (to the trade region)... which means each product (each SKU) has to be evaluated separately - since anything below the minimum content would not be covered and either have duty or taxes applied (even if free trade says there are 0 duties).  This adds red tape and costs of additional admin on both the importers and exporters (along with new documentation).  If this was not in place then there would be no controls on someone just buying cheap goods from a 3rd party and only acting as a shipping forwarder to get around duties etc.  All this adds cost as well.


    You were just unfortunate with your timing since the shipment is likely not designated as in transit to the UK so it is literally imported into Germany, then exported to UK -- rather than a bonded warehouse pre-import at Germany and then forwarding the shipment to the UK without importing.


    4 hours ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

    There will likely be more price difference now (though UK prices are already typically higher).   For many companies in the US the distribution is more direct and more competitive (of products made).  For other countries, like Canada ... products sold here are often marked up higher since the US company sells to maybe one distributor in Canada that has the local rights and that distributor is responsible for certain administrative stuff and of course wants to make a profit on top of the manufacturer - which is then marked up again at retail.  I remember buying a Denon Receiver (maybe 20+ years ago) and Denon Canada (distributor) cost an average of 30% more than the US... so I bought grey market and had it shipped to Canada directly from the US (of course the warranty would be US only).  


    Also with international trade - products traded under free trade agreements usually have a minimum content (to the trade region)... which means each product (each SKU) has to be evaluated separately - since anything below the minimum content would not be covered and either have duty or taxes applied (even if free trade says there are 0 duties).  This adds red tape and costs of additional admin on both the importers and exporters (along with new documentation).  If this was not in place then there would be no controls on someone just buying cheap goods from a 3rd party and only acting as a shipping forwarder to get around duties etc.  All this adds cost as well.


    You were just unfortunate with your timing since the shipment is likely not designated as in transit to the UK so it is literally imported into Germany, then exported to UK -- rather than a bonded warehouse pre-import at Germany and then forwarding the shipment to the UK without importing.

    I dont think it makes a lot of difference whether or not it's a bonded warehouse. I used to work in a bonded warehouse and you need paperwork regardless. 

    All paperwork costs....I think however the US has always been cheap for electrical goods due to the lack of gst/vat. AT present uk rates are very high.

    The problem will continue in that everything coming into the Uzk will require paperwork now and even when systems are up and running there is an added cost.

    Of course some goods just wont be shipped anymore.


    If you look at supermarkets in UK, many have noted gaps in the shelves as imports have slowed or stopped.....but I also notice that gaps are being filled with home grownveggues... swedes and parsnips just to fill the gaps.....of course it is also I dicative of the restrictions in variety that will also become common in the future.

  5. 1 minute ago, Histavia said:

    You need to look at the systems - the EU is no more or less democratic than the UK . UK has the highest per capita rate of Covid infection in Europe - it is higher that the USA as well.

    I bought a digital [piano made in Indonesia - it is now it Germany awaiting the paperwork to proceed to UK.....delyed a week so far..


    Many goods from outside the EU have logistics setup to go to a point in the EU for distribution.. Anything now for UK has to then been re-shipped with further paperwork to go onward. Even if the documentation is correct and computerised this is an extra step in the logistics and will involve extra time and cost FOREVER.

    • Like 1
  6. 15 hours ago, Tiger1980 said:

    As a person who now lives in the U.K. i am very thankful that my fellow countrymen voted to leave the undemocratic E.u

    No more so then when I see how many Brits have already received the Corvid19 vaccine, compared to how few citizens of the E.u. have received it. 

    Is it any wonder that more and more Europeans are looking to exit


    You need to look at the systems - the EU is no more or less democratic than the UK . UK has the highest per capita rate of Covid infection in Europe - it is higher that the USA as well.

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  7. 23 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    I've seen a lot of 'Remourning' going around. Remainers who cannot accept the loss of of their beloved EU masters. We need to help them move on and look to the future. 

    Got news for you this IS the future! not "project fear"!

    • Like 1
  8. 4 hours ago, Wongkitlo said:

    I haven't seen many draconian measures from the government. Where I live people are walking around without masks, sitting in restaurants without masks, having visitors. People's behaviour related to cold weather is climate related. I don't see many people huddling together in the cold on Thailand. If the virus is on surfaces in a hot climate in the sun I'm pretty sure the heat will kill it quickly. I am not disagreeing with you just think we are saying similar things except I think this time round the government has been totally incompetent.  If they acted quicker and were more decisive  it would probably be 0 cases now. 

    Shutting the country down to all tourists, restricting movement within the country closing bars etc...not draconian?

  9. On 1/8/2021 at 2:53 PM, champers said:

    Much of their exports are to restaurants, or wholesalers to restaurants, and many are closed or restricted. A blame game is being played.

    That is no change....the market has shrunk due to Covud but unfortunately even if you have a customer the goods arent getting through.

    It should mean cheap fush in UK, but many boats are just not going out .

  10. 14 hours ago, Dagfinnur Traustason said:

    And the only thing you where doing was? Oh Yes! It´s called speculating. Might you be from UK or US, and envious of Thailand? Feel the need to miscredit their good work? Where are your facts, dude?

    This speculation is based on evidence - you argument is based on my personal location....basically you have not presented a valid argument in response.

  11. 8 hours ago, Wongkitlo said:

    There seems an obvious climate pattern. As soon as UK and Europe hit winter the virus figures jumped. Viruses usually travel in water in the air. We are lucky it doesn't seem very humid here at present. Hopefully Thailand's outdoor, open air lifestyle helps stop transmission too.

    the "climate pattern" may not =be as obvious as you think. Many countries in South America with tropical climates suffered terribly.

    There are various climate related factors.....firstly the "flu season" (which is considered to be the prime season for Covid) - is not necessarily due to the temperature but to human behaviour......when the weather gets cold, people huddle together in pubs restaurants  and indoors in general. So not necessarily Temp but proximity of bodies.

    In the west we shake hands even kiss.

    It appears that the Covid virus MAY do better in cold weather but this is not proven yet.

    The Covid virus seems to travel in aerosol droplets but it also stays on surfaces.

    In fact there is no satisfactory explanation as yet as to why Thailand is so Covid free........ it may have had  head start with the tradition of wearing masks or Wai-ing or even draconian measures by the military -based government. 



  12. 4 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:

    I didn't offer to spend that time and I have no intention of doing so.  Based on your comment that Covid 19 is not causing as you say 'much deaths', I find it very difficult to believe that you accept facts or believe data.

    Te graph in question shows basically a long slow drop in the numbers - with a huge jump at the end - presumably due to Covid.

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