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Posts posted by Histavia

  1. I spent a week in this sea view room at the Emerald Cove last month, my 15th visit to the island. 1900 baht, including breakfast. Y'all go somewhere else. LOL






    1900 barth for the week or per night?
    If its per week,its a bargain. We paid 300 bart per night for the room including breakfast for the 2 of us in a resort just like that 10 years ago. If its per night,thanks for the imfo its a good warning for us less cashed up folks to stay away from.


    Firstly one has to notice that the prices seem to be less on average now than they were a few years back...this would suggest that there is a problem attracting visitors.

    Secondly it is precisely this kind of development that is cause =for so much concern......where does all the pooh go? Where does all the shower water go? how about the beach itself? most seem to have excavators on at least once a year to put the sand back or move it around.

    there is no way you can have so many of these resorts without a major impact on the environment, which in the case of Koh Chang is/was it's main selling point.

    Of course a plate of imported seafood and a bottle of second rate whisky is all it takes to please some customers

  2. Vote LEAVE

    For the sake of the NHS. It is being overwhelmed by immigrants claiming free health care and getting away with it. Hospitals are struggling. People with H.I.V., cancer and other serious problems are getting free care none have paid in to get.

    For the sake of the likes of British Steel where thousands of jobs have also been lost because of E.U. rules saying our government cannot help the steel industry, yet the likes of France ignore similar rules.

    To regain the ability to rule ourselves with our own laws. Since we joined the Common Market in 1973, over 50% of our laws are dictated to us by Brussels.

    Just a few reasons to LEAVE

    Wrong about steel. British government stopped penalty tariffs against China dumping steel so as keep friendly with the Chinese.

    NHS is buoyed both by EU workers paying taxes and EU employees. Our government is failing to invest. Was at a hospital in Amsterdam today. Beautiful. No queues. UK hospitals are often shabby.

    WRONG about UK laws. 13% originated in EU according to parliamentary library

    Try and get some facts right?

    BTW are you C2, D, or E?

    Strange then, that those in the NHS complain of too many foreign people being treated for nothing.


    The House of Commons Library has warned that "there is no totally accurate, rational or useful way of calculating the percentage of national laws based on or influenced by the EU."

    In agriculture, fisheries, external trade, and the environment, it’s fair to say that EU legislation and policy is indeed the main driver of UK law and policy, although the UK retains some freedom of action in these areas.



    The latest figure has been calculated by the campaign group Business for Britain, which says that 64.7% of UK law is influenced by the EU. It offers this as the "definitive" calculation, but also cautions that "any attempt to make sense of the numbers is highly subjective".



    You are right with the 64%. Even Switzerland and Norway have 60-80% of EU rights in their national laws

    "Strange then, that those in the NHS complain of too many foreign people being treated for nothing." - absolute tripe - where on earth did you get that idea about the NHS - you obviously have no idea of the culture and work ethics there.....they would be u7tterly insulted by that facile comment.

    "The House of Commons Library has warned that "there is no totally accurate, rational or useful way of calculating the percentage of national laws based on or influenced by the EU." - interesting source but it does suggest any claims you make are irrational

  3. Koh Chang has a 6 month season...after that the weather is too wet and unpredictable to maintain a high number of visitors. Many businesses cut their losses and close until Oct/Nov when the weather improves.

    KC does however have it's own set of problems - the first being a self-interested, greed obsessed groiup who run the place.

    The island is physically very large (second after Phuket, but due to the fact it is shaped a bit like a "witch's hat" with a mountainous national park in the center, the actual land available for development is quite scarce. It has lost almost all it's beaches now as they are either polluted by drains and run off or have become the private backyards of the more expensive resorts.

    as the run-off from the island has got worse and worse the local coral and sea-life has diminished and the dive businesses have to move further and further off-shore to find good sites.

    The road infrastructure on the island is a joke and some of the developments are highly suspect- encroaching on the national park and digging into the hillls to creatate "leallly" falt space to build on. Recent collapse of the building has shown that whatever regulations there are simply aren't enforced.

    So threr island's "natual space" and coastline is now just about full (at least those with useable beaches etc. and the quality is poor. Prices have plummeted due to over development and under patronisation...... basically the island has Shat in its own nest and is reaping the rewards.

    i think it would be difficult ever to undo the damage to the island, but hopefully it will stand out as a warning to others.

  4. this seems to encapsulate the national split.....

    5. Brexit use language that’s targeted at losers.

    The Brexit campaign talk about “taking control”, about “building an optimistic future” for yourself. These are things you say to losers: to people who feel they have no control, or a gloomy future. It’s the language of crap self-help books in airport bookshops. You are better than that.

  5. I would have thought it was fairly obvious to anyone looking in on this debate that from almost any angle it is quite clear that whatever argument the Brexiteers put forward it is in reality based on a generally xenophobic outlook on the world.....the idea we are being ruled by "foreigners" (as if we aren't in there too0 and the idea that UK is being "swamped" by "immigrants" - yet they fail to realise who these groups of people actually are and what they do FOR the economy.

    however, there is of course no argument against a Brexiteer - there is no argument; it's just pigeon chess based on a murky concept of nationalism and xenophobia.

    Lets just hope they forget to vote this Friday (24th).

  6. Having watched the Brexiteers with increasing dismay, one thing seems to stand out - the kind if people thay attract - there is hardly a single person in the brexit campaign I wouldn't crooss the road to avoid.

    they just seem to bbe a bunch of self-serving ultra-right hardliners....how anyone could fall for they stuff used to be beyond me----now I understand how ditators come to power..

    any hoo - here's a man I really respect....

    Ben Goldacre.


    I tried to ignore the EU referendum but idiots blaming foreigners, for problems we created, made me too cross.

    Here are my reasons for voting Remain.

    1. A smaller democracy will not be “more representative”.
    The UK government is no more under your control than the EU. Diluting your vote one in 65m or one in 500m amounts to the same thing: no control. You couldn’t get political agreement from the people in one family, one pub, or one bus. You can’t “vote them out”, you’ve never done that, stop pretending you can do it in the future. Politics is about compromise: terrible, soul-destroying, mature compromise with other people, most of whom are awful. Your local council don’t represent your views and values any better than your MEP.

    2. Immigration is just going to happen.
    In or out of the EU, there will be lots, and lots of immigration: bad luck if you don’t like that. We’re perfectly able to control non-EU immigration, right now, and yet no government ever does. They never will. This is not the fault of the EU, it’s more complicated than that. Deal with it. Immigration will never stop.

    3. “Straining” schools, waiting lists, and hospitals are your fault.
    This is not the fault of the EU. It’s your fault. It’s happened slowly. The UK has failed to build houses, failed to train hospital staff, failed to invest in the NHS, failed to build schools. Your country. Your UK. Your government. Your fault. Nobody else. The NHS is staffed by immigrants, they keep it running, they will save your life and build your house. Don’t try to blame them for things that are your fault.

    4. The EU is a good shot at preserving peace.
    Remember that news story about the British generals who think we should leave the EU because NATO preserves peace, not the EU? These are bad generals who only know about guns. Russia right now is an odd, aggressive country. But they didn’t show up at the Ukrainian border with tanks, out of the blue: they manufactured a social and economic pretext before they rolled in. A strong EU makes this kind of pretext harder to contrive. You want to be good close friends with all your neighbours, and their neighbours, as far as the eye can see. That’s how you hold a line that preserves peace: by sharing friendship, sharing trade, and sharing grumbles about crap admin in Brussels. You do not preserve peace by buying and using weapons.

    5. Brexit use language that’s targeted at losers.
    The Brexit campaign talk about “taking control”, about “building an optimistic future” for yourself. These are things you say to losers: to people who feel they have no control, or a gloomy future. It’s the language of crap self-help books in airport bookshops. You are better than that.

    6. Countries come and go.
    Right now, people talk about Eastern Europeans like they’re biologically destined to be parasites, because their countries are poorer, and some of their citizens travel for work. That could change, really fast. Polish people are not a biologically inferior race: they lived under communism for four decades, and now they’re catching up. Poland has the fastest growing economy in Europe (faster than Central Europe, faster than the EU-15). Warsaw is full of skyscrapers. Be nice. Make friends now. Cement those ties to a large, fast growing European economy with a rich cultural history.

    7. Brexit will hurt the economy.
    This means your children and neighbours. Stop pretending you don’t care. Just vote remain. It’s boring, there’s nothing awesome about it, but sometimes you have to take a break from useful productive work to stop idiots breaking things.

    Ben Goldacre

  7. For What ?

    I have already voted to leave and I think the bookies odds are wrong ...

    They follow the money not the majority .. Big money in the city has placed bets to stay whilst the majority have placed bets to leave ..

    I hope and reckon that will be reflected in the result tomorrow .

    What you think is just a made up guess. 'I think...I hope....I reckon...' Hopeless.

    Bookies odds follow the money not the majority ...

    Clearly you are neither a bookie nor a mathematician or have heard of something called a form book in a horse race. Plus the idea that the bookies always win based purely on the amount of money placed is an error as well. As is the suggestion that the bookies in this two-horse race without form totally ignore poll feeds of their own. But you have special feed into how the majority are leaning do you? Well get straight down to the bookies and place that bet at 3:1 and put your shirt on it. (Note to others: they rarely do. Just talk)

    Let's see .. shall we smile.png

    BTW using Churchill as a username is fine, but then using a picture of the great man is, IMHO, unreasonable. No doubt moderators will consider this?

    :::::::;:;;;:::: :::::::;;;;;

    The moderators need to be working full time on your behalf. But to make you happy, here is a quote from that great man, whom I assume must now be turning in his grave.

    you might want to check your quotes....

    “We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated but not absorbed. If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.”

    The last sentence was uttered 14 years after the first 3.......

    The first 3 were made in the 1930s.

    In 1953 he said...

    “"Where do we stand? We are not members of the European Defence Community, nor do we intend to be merged in a Federal European system. We feel we have a special relation to both. This can be expressed by prepositions, by the preposition "with" but not "of"—we are with them, but not of them. We have our own Commonwealth and Empire."

    Of course now we DON”T have empire

    Remember Churchill was a supporter of apartheid and wanted to use te army to break up the general strike....originally a Whig he moved to the Tories and after WW2 was immediately booted out by the British electorate.

    He was also a FOUNDER of the European Union.


  8. For What ?

    I have already voted to leave and I think the bookies odds are wrong ...

    They follow the money not the majority .. Big money in the city has placed bets to stay whilst the majority have placed bets to leave ..

    I hope and reckon that will be reflected in the result tomorrow .

    What you think is just a made up guess. 'I think...I hope....I reckon...' Hopeless.

    Bookies odds follow the money not the majority ...

    Clearly you are neither a bookie nor a mathematician or have heard of something called a form book in a horse race. Plus the idea that the bookies always win based purely on the amount of money placed is an error as well. As is the suggestion that the bookies in this two-horse race without form totally ignore poll feeds of their own. But you have special feed into how the majority are leaning do you? Well get straight down to the bookies and place that bet at 3:1 and put your shirt on it. (Note to others: they rarely do. Just talk)

    Let's see .. shall we smile.png

    BTW using Churchill as a username is fine, but then using a picture of the great man is, IMHO, unreasonable. No doubt moderators will consider this?

    :::::::;:;;;:::: :::::::;;;;;

    The moderators need to be working full time on your behalf. But to make you happy, here is a quote from that great man, whom I assume must now be turning in his grave.

    you might want to check your quotes....

    “We have our own dream and our own task. We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not combined. We are interested and associated but not absorbed. If Britain must choose between Europe and the open sea, she must always choose the open sea.”

    The last sentence was uttered 14 years after the first 3.......

    The first 3 were made in the 1930s.

    In 1953 he said...

    “"Where do we stand? We are not members of the European Defence Community, nor do we intend to be merged in a Federal European system. We feel we have a special relation to both. This can be expressed by prepositions, by the preposition "with" but not "of"—we are with them, but not of them. We have our own Commonwealth and Empire."

    Of course now we DON”T have empire

    Remember Churchill was a supporter of apartheid and wanted to use te army to break up the general strike....originally a Whig he moved to the Tories and after WW2 was immediately booted out by the British electorate

  9. Hey you don't have to be local to know about that area.... and it isn'y hearsay that the authorities suspended operations of over 70 companies in that area either. ...some were multinational....it would appear that ecen well-known international companies are prepared to take advantage of poor regulations and slack enforcement.

    as for prevailing surface wind, that is only partially relevant as the airstreams carry pollutants too and can deposit then in rivers and streams that flow back into the region.

  10. 5 year renewal - Chonburi.

    Doc required there

    Tax number

    Workpermit - Copy

    Passport - Copies of 4 pages - Original visa, current vide, 90 and ID page

    Old licence

    I was not asked for proof of residence

    (you will need original PP and WP as well as copies).

    various vision tests

    Sit in room watching video of really poor instructions on how to drive and a collage of accidents from around the world

    After movie - sit & wait for name to be called.

    Photo is taken

    licence appears shortly after this.

    I would guess the whole thing took about 1.5 hours.

  11. Drink driving needs clamping down on big time, last night 3 friends came round my house for a get together, all 3 drove here, all 3 drank far too much, all 3 drove when they left, they were not tipsy, they were drunk.

    I thought Farangs knew better.

    Some of the worst drivers in Thailand are those arrogant farang who think they are innately superior to Thai drivers and insist on driving exactly as they did back home...which of course was very badly.

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