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Posts posted by barney42bb

  1. I did hear that the Suckhumvit bar Complex on the Rat - u -thit had been boarded up by the Owner of the building and all the bar owners had been stopped going inside. Has the Suckhumvit re-opened or is it shut for good.

    The Soi is totally Knackered..like the rest of Pa tong...on its backside.

    Just 2 bars at the front really trying with the tedious "hello....welcoooooome"....like they really mean it....NOT.

    On the strenghth of Thailand's marvelous exchange rate Thai airways losses and exports returns.....happy days a plenty to come

    NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hello!

    I am interested in finding a house or appartment for rent around 4 months, for between 10-12000 baht monthly? Been walking around along Nanai road for 2 days and its not easy to find a) a 2 room appartment ,everything is one room only and :o rent under 15k for a 2 room place.

    Surely there must exist alot of cheap places within my budget or am I hoping for the impossible? and if so , does anyone have any tip for how to best find them and where, walking along Nanai road and especially entering all the side streets have so far not resulted ?



  3. This yet another subject on Thais Money...and Far rang trying to make an earner here.


    Far rang are tolerated guests seen as ATM'S and a way to scamming money


    And the scams wil get worse.

    Mass unemployment on the way,fueling more scams and resentment against Far rang.

    Thai Airways declare 21.4 Billion Baht loss for 2008.

    Exports 40% down

    Hotel rooms and Tourism 40% empty.down thus far.

    Thaxsin must be rubbing his hands to use all this to mount another rebellion and gain power.

    Happy Days...Hope all the Farrang her long term have a safe haven to run to.

  4. So the ad campaign on 91.5fm is proving very successful , our next step is Thai radio.

    My other half tends to listen to 93fm , I am trying to find out the most popular thai language station here on Phuket.

    they are all claiming the best numbers of listeners ( but of course they would ) so lets use TV to get the real winner :o

    ALL Input accepted ,

    Thx Guys and Gals

    I have asked my Thai partner...and she says apart from a few Thai Bangkok "Phone in" channels......all channels are a much of a muchness.

    Again hardly surprising is it...as anything decent the Thais may have in entertainment is "FAR RANG COPIED"

    Sadly this culture seems to be more led.... than having initiative or innovative ideas of their own.

    Thank God....91.5 has come along...is there any chance of a National version(s).

    It is such a relief to hear some music other than the Thai concept of Far rang music..... which apart from Westlife goes as far as 1974.

    "Hotel California" played again and again .........

    Although i would suggest 91.5 PLAY MORE 80/90'S Indies

    Just what would the Thais make of The Smiths, Morrissey, The Cure,XTC.The Clash.etc etc ????

    As with TV..... What would the Thais make of comedy such as Monty Python, The League Of Gentleman,The Young Ones,Harry Enfield.

    Sadly Chinese style censorship keeps such stuff out...restricting them to Chaplinesque slapstick comedy festooned with Ketoeys, Working to idiotic sounds to prime the audience to laugh.

    The Possibilities are endless.They could always get it Dubbed.I sit in an ex-pat bar In Nanai Rd that plays Comedy DVD'S all night...some Thai Partners who understand English have quite a good chuckle with Fawlty Towers Porridge Only Fools etc etc.

    I sincerely hope 91.5 goes from strength to strength...and does fall victim to "Thai Jealousy" and gets scammed into extinction.

    Rock On.

  5. Or am I right in thinking that you can do it at the desk the otherside of the imergration counters when you depart from Phuket, same as in Bangkokg?


    Oh Dear...you should have obtained your multi entry visa from an embassy/consulate before entering Thailand.Now you have the chore of visa runs...15 day extensions can be got at Ranong burma.

    90 days Penang Malaysia.

    Sorry..its 30 days from Penang...you have made a boo boo or been ill advised.There is a good consulate in Perth Australia to get your Multi entry visa giving you 90 days for any exit return to Thailand

  6. Or am I right in thinking that you can do it at the desk the otherside of the imergration counters when you depart from Phuket, same as in Bangkokg?


    Oh Dear...you should have obtained your multi entry visa from an embassy/consulate before entering Thailand.Now you have the chore of visa runs...15 day extensions can be got at Ranong burma.

    90 days Penang Malaysia.

  7. Hi,

    I've scoured the internet and read reviews about where the best place is to get a tattoo done while in Phuket. I've come up with Siam tattoo on Soi Easy.

    I've tried to email them several times as I'd like to send my images to them and get an opinion from them on how long, and if its a can do.

    I've recieved no response and short of printing it out and taking it with me when we go, or sending it snail mail (even then I wouldn't know if it was received), I don't know how else to get in contact with them.

    Does anyone have any ideas? I've been trying email for the last few weeks and we're headed off in a few weeks so running out of time.

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Do you really want to compromise your personal health...cloning yourself like the rest of the Tattoo Morons foreign and home grown in Thailand???

  8. Phuket Needs More Sustainability to Become a World Class Destination.

    Phuket Needs:

    1: Having a beautiful and undeteriorated destination.

    2: Having and maintaining the unique Thai customs and culture to worldwide tourists.

    3: Having an unpolluted environment.

    4: Having safe from crimes, accident and sanitary.

    5: Having enough infrastructures and facilities to offer good quality standards .

    6: Having a good transportation system.

    7: Having a worldwide telecommunication system.


    Phuket has a very low average compatibility with the aspirations of sustainable development and should be improved.

    The government should give powers to localities for the purpose of independence and self judgment of local affairs without corruption or compromise. Phuket should promote and encourage public participation in the preservation and protection of the quality of the environment in accordance with the persistent development principle, as well as the control and elimination of pollution affecting public sanitary situations for quality of life.

    Fat cat tour operators and hoteliers should pay more taxes that should go back towards the upkeep and protection of Phukets environment and infrastructure.

    It is imperative to adopt a controlled growth construction strategy for tourism development.

    Maybe Phuket has gone past the point of return!

    Please feel free to add your views or more recommendations.


    I have been coming here 10 years now...it had too much building In Pa tong then...but still some pleasant greenery,

    The whole place has been trashed with excessive building commercialism...brought on by greed and corruption.It's beyond redemption as you cannot change Thai attitude...nor even try to if you enjoy living.

    This trend was entrenched in Patayya years ago and is manifesting in the other beach resort locations.

    With this and the economic credit crunch besetting Thailand...there in for a big fall...and it will be good to see the greedy stupid one..far rang and Thai get burned...BIG TIME.

  9. Hi could anyone tell me what the weather would be like in mid april in phuket,thanks.

    Its the hottest time of the year..Temps will be in high 30's Celsius and also in 40's.Can be very humid with some big cloudbursts.You will need a good sun block applied

  10. Although I work in Bangkok, I'm considering a month out of the city to concentrate on a certain task at hand. I've been considering renting a condo in or near Patong to combine work with a surrounding more pleasant and less distracting than Bangkok. Any locals down there who could share with me a realistic indication of how much a studio apartment with air conditioning would go for down there for a 1 month rental by a foreigner?

    Thanks for your help.


    I am a frequent traveler here,so i hope this helps. friend of mine is staying in these apartment rooms which i have seen.

    Head for 69 Nanai road.Pa tong beach.BANPAILIN APARTMENTS.

    The office is situated opposite the T junction with a Family Mart and 7/11 on each corner.

    You can get a Very clean AIR/CON Ground floor room Cable tv double bed en suite shower 10 k a month + ELECTRIC ADD 1K FOR HEAVY AIR CON USE.WI/fi Internet in room via pre purchased vouchers.

    tel 076 34 3007

    ,,,, 076 29 6448

    fax 076 34 0817

    email [email protected]

    This road is central to Pa tong,the aparts are set back off the main road..and afford easy walking to the main action quiet local bars and the beach.

    In any event haggle on prices here if you go elsewhere,they are starting to feel the credit crunch now.

    Hope this helps...Good luck.

  11. Is My UK Pension In Jeopardy Living In Phuket?

    I am a young, uneducated 48 year old, who was informed by a long term resident 71 year old expat, that staying in Phuket/ Thailand/ LOG, for more then two years would ruin my government UK pension on retirement.

    Searching the Internet has drawn a blank. I know this thread might not seem to be about Phuket, but I was told about this in Phuket!!!

    So before I start worrying about it too much and lose even more hair, I thought I would ask this forum first ?


    Your pension is not in jeopardy.

    If its a private pension then you will get paid according to the rules you signed up to..provided Gordon Brown has not screwed it like many others ....so you get nothing at all.

    In respect of State Pension...New rules were passed and implemented by parliament July 08

    You qualify for a Full State Pension..provided you have paid 30 years NHS contributions,...If you have you do not need to pay more.

    You only continue to pay if you are still employed.Self employed can naturally avoid this without penalty,if you work for an employer..you cannot.

    If you declare yourself a NON-DOMICILE..or Tax Exile..then you will have your State Pension frozen at the current payment rate indeifinately....meaning no cost of living rises.You will lose access to Free GP and NHS benefits...unless of course you lie through your teeth..lose all your documents...Claim Asylum...then you get all benefits for free.

    Hope apart from my cynicism..that i see as realism is of help

    Good Luck

  12. This place will go the same way as any other over commercialized holiday resort.

    The economic turmoil already in USA,Europe ...will hit Thailand harder than the Tsunami ever did.

    I will be happy to see the greedy scamming Farrangs and Thai people that have brought about the state Phuket is now in...FALL FlAT ON THEIR BACKSIDES.

    Thailand's is selling its soul with greed scams and rip off prices.This country need to look at why people started coming here in the first place.

    Good value ,kindness honesty and a simple unspoiled way of life...They have lost the plot...R.I.P.

  13. Rather than offer meaningless promotions for this already ridiculously overpriced resort...Thailand should address the problems that are seeing people turning there backs on Phuket.

    Police and Tuk Tuk corruption

    Congested polluted beaches... with irritating beach hawkers,noisy expensive jet ski

    Oh...and the falsely high Baht value.

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