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Posts posted by barney42bb

  1. Treat this with the contempt it deserves. 20 years of numerous visits and time spent there... See me getting my very first email message from the senior management of a good quality hotel chain, asking as to my welfare and when they can expect me to book and return again. Yes most Thai's can live/Exist on practically nothing in very basic standards. But Tourism and foreign investment has created many niceties that are difficult to ignore, while much missed.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, billd766 said:

    I see you are back to the but, but, but comments once again.


    I clearly remember the furore when Thaksin declared his assets at his first election win.


    BTW has Prayuth declared ALL his assets as required by law or is still under the impression that he is above the law of the land?


    And do you remember all the bribery that went on with the PPRP? How some ex MPs were offered large sums of money to desert their previous parties and join the PPRP.


    How the current government abused the laws to get legally elected MPs banned from standing in parliament and even getting their parties disbanded.


    Do you remember how Thaksin the current government is doing the same and worse using the law, threats, intimidation, to try and stifle critics and opponents?


    I suppose that you are OK with that. 

    And 74 to The £... Yep I remember.



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  3. 15 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    As per usual with these government-concocted schemes.


    So how will they distinguish between visiting tourists and foreign residents? Will I still have to automatically pay that embedded fee although I, a resident of some 30 years, hold a comprehensive first-class health insurance policy?


    I travel very frequently for business (well, I used to before Covid). Does that mean I'll have to shoulder that compulsory fee each and every time I purchase a ticket, i.e. 12 - 15 times a year?

    Sounds like you are good for 300 Baht... Chill Out.

  4. It's not just much of Africa,and domains to the South China Sea,that have sold their souls. to China.

    Huge loans,with virtual impossibility to pay back, to allow China to extract what it wants.


    It is very sad that a previously self sustaining nation like Thailand,succumbing to greed with their neighbours China with get rich quick. loans...Andthe Devil may care as to future generations.


    Thai Rak Thai ???...I begin to wonder.


    Hitherto .... And thankfully the Odious EU finds itself devoid of UK funds...It to is seeing COVID19,bringing reality home to roost.




    Be careful where you make your home folks.

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  5. I think even at 70 Baht to The £, with other currencies enjoying similar returns.... Thailand in general, will struggle to recapture it past splendours. The Currency has been kept falsely high ,as have the Chinese kept theirs falsely low for selfish economiv reasons of the wealthy elite. Massive Over development...especially Phuket. Never reforming dreadful safety standards that see many unnecessary Injuries/Deaths. Then of course year upon year of abuse to the tourists to which you clamour. The frequent changing of the Visa Goalposts for ExPats and long term repeat visitors,has been insulting. Is it no wonder the neighbours have been enjoying better times,much of which is made up by disgruntled Ex-Pats that have spat the dummy and upped sticks.

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