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Posts posted by kasi

  1. I'm a big indian food fan. I found the food at Karnasutra decent. Unfortunately Billy has some staffing issues and the service is erratic. I quit going because I don't like having to hassle with the help when your paying premium restaurant prices.

    The other indian places I've been to around Phuket are even worse. The place in Chalong has a good mutton curry but charges too much and has the 95 baht rice too!!!

    I tried Baluchis in Patong once. Nice enough place but horribly overpriced and made me sick. The other ones on Beach Rd are marginal as well.

    The indian restauranteurs strike me as being greedy for the tourist money. If they tailored their businesses toward what they themselves would like and feel comfortable paying for they might have more success. All it really needs to be is excellent food at slightly above average prices and be consistent day in day out.

    And guess what magic would happen. They would have to start taking reservations.

    Lessons can be learned from Cappaninias in Kata or Salvatores in Phuket town.

    A good lesson in exemplary restaurant service can be had at the Swiss Chalet restaurant in Patong.( Steaks and cheese fondues are excellent too)

    There are some really good restaurants here in Phuket so as customers we really don't have to put up with mediocrity.

    I just have to wait till my visits to Bangkok for great indian food.

  2. Not a great advertisement for the Blues Factory! The prick probably had it trucked in. Probably doesn't even know how to ride!

    I just met a nice couple who rode up from KL on a nice Harley. They aren't all pricks!

  3. The massage ladies usually make between 40-50% commission.

    So on 250bht foot/thai massage they make 100-125bht.

    A 50bht tip would be the minimum. Since most of these ladies are so gracious they accept even a 20bht tip with grace. But if you like the place and would like similar service next time a 100bht tip is a good idea.

    These ladies work very hard. 100 bht isn't a lot of money. They are feeding and supporting extended families more often than not. How big of a sacrifice is 100 bht?(if it is then tip only 50bht) Especially considering the goodwill 100bht generates. Anyway as someone said earlier "up to you".

    I usually tip 200bht to my favorites. It's well appreciated.

  4. Sure sounds like an unpleasant hassle. A different lawyer might the ticket for you. The one I use in Phuket town is very good no hassles or bad advice. Everything is done straight. Their english is good and are used to dealing with "farang".

  5. Since you haven't given what price range you are looking in it's difficult to give any advice.

    The sponsor of this sub-forum has a nice site with much practical information.

    I personally like the suzuki caribeans. They are cheap and tough. They are underpowered and uncomfortable though.

    I noticed a number of old Land Rovers at the dealer in Chiang Mai. Land Rovers make good rigs and can be modified any number of ways to suit your needs. (I drive a highly modified old 109, it's a blast to drive!)

    There is also a Land rover restorer outside of Nakon Sawan who could be a valuable resource.

    Fair comment on the price point - apologies for that. I'm thinking up to around 1 million for the right vehicle - i.e. if used it needs to be in great condition (late model?) from a reliable source. It feels like that would cover all the mods I could want to add to a Caribian, so that's something I could explore (I spotted a CM-based 4x4 group with a website http://www.jeepclubcm94.com but it's all in Thai).

    Land Rover is a useful thought - though I'd want some creature comforts more than the ability to drive on riverbeds......... :o

    I do keep a regular eye on expatmotors.com and would have gone to at least check out the Kia Sportage they're showing as sold right now - difficult to resist at that price/mileage combination. If that deal is anything to go by, then maybe a new/near new Sportage is gettable........

    I just noticed this post. If you are willing to spend that much you might as well just buy a brand new toyota or isuzu truck. The fully loaded 4dr 4x4's run in the 850K range. You can get a relatively basic extra-cab toyota 4x4 with a 2.5 diesel for about 650K. They are a heck of a deal! Brand spanking new! If I hadn't found my Land Rover I'd buy the new Toyota.

  6. Comparing them with Jeeps? Apples and oranges.

    Yes jeeps are poor quality expensive junk which are difficult to maintain!

    The suzuki is cheap, durable, easy to maintain. They don't pretend to be anything other than purely utilitarian. And they do that job very well I think. You can buy a brand new one for 410K!

    If you don't need an off road vehicle why not just buy a used Toyota corrolla? Very difficult to go wrong with one of those.

  7. It's difficult to determine who's more incompetent here your or "unnamed". Given several members here have had success with "unnamed". Deductive reasoning might prevail.

    Overstaying is entirely your own fault IMHO.

    Doing what you're doing on 30 day tourist stamps seems half assed. IMHO!

    It's not too difficult to get a 90 non-im-B or even a 60 day tourist visa. If you have the money to buy a car you certainly should have the money to do your visas correctly and not half assed.

    None of this is rocket science. It's performed over and over again by hundreds if not thousands a weeks.

    Rule of thumb if you need to communicate with your lawyer in thailand go to his office, smile and politely inquire what's going on. If you have a chip on your shoulder as you appear to have you may not get very far. Going home might be the best option.

    Sorry....thought it was clear that I of course had a non immigrant visa when I set up my first company....later when I sold this company and registered my new company I was told by "unnamed" that I could still use my current non immigrant b visa...so of course I did not intend to apply for a WP on a 30 days visa on arrival or tourist visa...it was a 30 days extension of my current non b visa! :o

    Money wasn't the issue...I pay for what I get. I asked for a 1 year visa and a WP...and got 30 days...and no WP....

    "Several members had success with "unnamed""...so far only 2 replies....this gives 'unnamed" a success rate at 50% so far....not that flattering though!

    I suspect english is not your first language because something is definitely missing in your communications.

    You still haven't explained how you managed to have a 60 days overstay!

    Someone was not paying attention I think!

    BTW the communication issue could be causing the problems with your lawyer. Perhaps some extra care and patience on your behalf is warranted.

    Just my 2 bahts worth


  8. I don't think it sounds fair, if Barrelhead really is telling it like it is/was.... sounds like a rip off to me???????

    Ultimately the legal status of ones stay here in Thailand is your own. Why his passport was out of his hands for so long is unusual. The applications are all done with signed copies of everything. The physical passport is only necessary for actual visa and WP issuance.

    Barrelhead may have a twit for lawyer but he is responsible for his own visa status and getting the proper advice.

  9. Since you haven't given what price range you are looking in it's difficult to give any advice.

    The sponsor of this sub-forum has a nice site with much practical information.

    I personally like the suzuki caribeans. They are cheap and tough. They are underpowered and uncomfortable though.

    I noticed a number of old Land Rovers at the dealer in Chiang Mai. Land Rovers make good rigs and can be modified any number of ways to suit your needs. (I drive a highly modified old 109, it's a blast to drive!)

    There is also a Land rover restorer outside of Nakon Sawan who could be a valuable resource.

  10. The other option is to do long term rentals. I have an australian pal who accommodates many farang with nice cars on long term leases. Fairly cheap and beats having the liability of ownership. If you crash it you can walk away and eat the 5000 baht deposit.

    I went this route for many months when I first got here.

    If you want my pals # PM me!

    He also might be of assistance with a car purchase. He buys cars at the auctions in BKK.

  11. He must of rubbed someone the wrong way!

    If you're going to play like that around here you need 40-100K get out of jail money.

    The stupid wnaker is going to get himself deported and blacklisted.

  12. It's difficult to determine who's more incompetent here your or "unnamed". Given several members here have had success with "unnamed". Deductive reasoning might prevail.

    Overstaying is entirely your own fault IMHO.

    Doing what you're doing on 30 day tourist stamps seems half assed. IMHO!

    It's not too difficult to get a 90 non-im-B or even a 60 day tourist visa. If you have the money to buy a car you certainly should have the money to do your visas correctly and not half assed.

    None of this is rocket science. It's performed over and over again by hundreds if not thousands a weeks.

    Rule of thumb if you need to communicate with your lawyer in thailand go to his office, smile and politely inquire what's going on. If you have a chip on your shoulder as you appear to have you may not get very far. Going home might be the best option.

  13. I've been following this forum for a while now and this is the first time I've heard of being able to get a one year B-visa where you don't need to do the 90 day visa run. I gather it is also renewable in country.

    I have a pal who has been here 3 years now. This year his biz is showing a profit which qualifies him for the better visa!

    Perhaps I've never heard of this here because no one here has a profitable business! :o

  14. If you have the company paperwork in order any Royal Thai Embassy should work.

    I've been using KL exclusively due it's proximity to Phuket and I don't really like Singapore very much.

    I like staying at the Crown Princess. It's only a 5 minute walk to the Thai embassy. Drop off your application between 9-11 am and pick up the next day at 11 am.

    Nice train ride into town from airport. Hotel is a 5 minute taxi from train station.

    Good shopping and massage around hotel. Easy peasy!

  15. Im looking for a hotel in Patong which caters well for the disabled, must be in the 4 star range, anyone know of any ?

    I don't know much about 4 star accommodations but I know of a nice 1 star guest house that caters nicely for wheelchairs. (PM me if you'd like info)

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