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Posts posted by kasi

  1. Unless you know the biz well and all the players really well (particularly the girlfriend) stay away from it. It's a cash business dealing with alcohol and ladies which are very difficult to monitor without a well thought out system and plan. Unless you are there 7 days a week. Also since it's a biz catering to thai people you will out of the loop most of the time even when you are there.

    Also 40-70K isn't much if some hidden expenses pop up. You could start loosing money in a big way fast.

    Be very careful!

  2. At last a thread on Warren Fellows' book where posters recognize it for the crap it is.

    How refreshing! smile.gif

    Hear hear!

    This guy is pure evil. There are some smack dealers who are just stupid or sick and I feel compassion, but not this guy. As someone rightly pointed out, this book is 99% made up.

    So his stay at the "Bangkok Hilton" was just a walk in the park.

    I was in Thailand in 1979 and talked with several people back then associated with the prison system here.

    What they told me makes me slower to dismiss Warren Fellows' book as fiction.

    If it is fiction it's a fairly compelling read nonetheless. :o

  3. malcolm: I'm afraid I like to call a spade a spade when I see one.

    Tobacco takes no prisoners, just slaves and then kills them slowly.

    If you use tobacco sooner rather than later you will become addicted. The addiction is hardcore insidious. No way around it. Since this is a "stop smoking forum" I'd think you might appreciate the truth not some namby-pamby psycho-babble.

    Quitting cigarettes is one tough mother. So you either suck it up and get other it or you don't.

    I've got plenty of experience on this subject so I thought I'd share some of it. My delivery is intentionally abrasive. It is a nasty habit on so many levels.

    If you think sugar coating it will help so be it.

    I think the sooner a person faces the insidious facts the better.

    I guess you should rename your forum section if you really insist on trying to have a "sugar coated

    why can't we be nice arena".

    Another thing most people who like me where serious cigarette addicts spent years trying to quit.

    I won't say I know it all but I've been through much of it personally. So put that in your hat.

    Personally I think it helps for a person to be fed up and not just a little ticked off. Being a slave to anything is ugly.

    Anyway I'll make this my last post in your sub-forum.

    If you want me back you can PM me and ask me nicely to return.

    Good luck....(you're going to need it)

  4. Wow... Completely uncalled for Kasi.

    For your step #3 - that's also "a load of BS!". Speak to any (professional) psychologist; you can't replace an addiction with something else. Reason being, if that new "something else" lets you down, you risk going back to your addiction twice as hard as you did originally.

    Last night was the worst by far for me - Thought it was going well to begin with! Still made it through smoke free, but only just.

    Will update the blog later.

    This is what Insight thinks! He thinks some psychiatrist psycho-babble will somehow miraculously save him from tobacco.

    News flash Sigmund! Sigmung himself died from jaw cancer. He was unable to stop using tobacco!

    If you think a "professional psychologist" will help think again.

    Tobacco is bigger and tougher than any of those mental-masterbators care to realize. :o

  5. Well maybe I had too much coffee this morning and bit your head off without due cause. So sorry mr malcom! :o

    But the main point of mine is understanding the fundamental nature of the addictive quality of tobacco. I think it is key in arresting the tobacco addiction.

    I smoked cigarettes for nearly 20 years. I've been off now for about 15 years. It took 5 years for the cravings to disappear. There were times it was minute by minute resistance to picking up that first cigarette.

    I stuck with the KISS technique. i.e. the only cigarette I wasn't smoking was the first one.

    That and the acknowledgment that tobacco is something I can't presume to have power over.

    Who am I to master the most addictive substance known?

    Once a person gets some distance from their addiction the perspective of how stupid an addiction it truly is slowly creeps in to your psychology. It takes years sometimes for that to hit.

    Anyway hang tough those of you who are just starting abstinence from tobacco. It does get a little easier a few years down the road.

  6. Please sign me up, I'm 24 years old, around 40 cigarettes/day now, smoking since I was 15, need to stop it


    You have already taken the first step to quitting by declaring you want to quit.

    The second step is to understand why you smoke.

    So why do you? Post your answer here.

    You will find the answer here www.whyquit.com

    What a load of BS!

    Malcolm if anyone get's clear of tobacco it will be in spite of idiotic bullshit you are popping off.

    Here are the facts jack:

    1. Tobacco is the most addictive substance known to mankind.(your search for reasons to smoke should end here)

    2. To become a non-smoker you have to desire being a "non-smoker" very strongly.(very strongly is an understatement BTW)

    3. To successfully quit you need to add something positive to your life rather than self defeating introspection.

    If a person want's to stop smoking it should be because they are tired of looking like a looser imbecile blowing smoke out of his/her head. End of story.

    Now get over it! :D:D:o:D

  7. Choice is simple pay and tuck your tail between your legs or don't pay and no entrance. :D Looks has no factor.

    You know what ? You're just a poor ...... !

    How many hours did you already stay in Thailand ?

    What do you thing I did ?

    Impossible to get a serious talk with somebody like you.

    Pay non dee kwaa

    Hello a new crybaby has just landed! :o Booohoo!! :D:D

  8. Hi,

    I'm living in Bangkok and am used to the taxis and such here. However, I'm heading down to Phuket for the first time and heard the cab situation is awful. I heard you can get a metered taxi across the street from the airport, but getting back is a problem. Anyone have any advice or suggestions on how not to get too ripped off while I'm there?


    Walk out of the terminal in phuket and the meter taxis are located to your left on the far side of the parking lot. They charge 100 bht surcharge for operating out of the airport.

  9. I got this one for sale, 650.000

    just having a tune up, rejet carb, near new tyres new front disc.

    its a 1999 heritage softail.

    I got this one for sale, 650.000

    just having a tune up, rejet carb, near new tyres new front disc.

    its a 1999 heritage softail.

    A much better machine. Fatboys are turds IMHO! I rode one for a while. An Electroglyde is better than a fatturd!

  10. And here was I thinking Kasi was drunk and mis-spelt the word Khazi on sign up. It sounds the same. :D

    Khazi - generally used by older people. Also known as Dunny, Squatter, Loo, Bog……… :D

    Oops, back on topic :D

    Touchez another astute original thinker.

    Having been educated in the USA I can't concede to falling victim to pedantic british nuance of the english language.

    Though some imbecile spread some vegemite on my toast this morning. :D:o

  11. Kasi it's pretty poor that you feel you need to take the piss from someones misfortune, perhaps the same will happen to you some day and well see how the mightly fall, it is obvious you don't really have a clue, maye when i am well enough you can come talk about it face to face


    Face to face...ummm. Are you insinuating you can prove your point better with perhaps some physical intimidation? You assume many things. I'll leave the obvious unsaid.

    My point throughout this protracted thread is you need to be responsible for your own actions.(You have failed to take responsibility for yourself)

    If you can't do that go home and cry about it with your mates at your favorite pub. About how horrible Thailand has treated you!

    Give it a rest... as the further you proceed the more ridiculous you reveal yourself to be. :o:D

    Kasim, lay off and give Gkarknes a break!

    This a fellow expat we're talking about here who's suffered from what I (and others) believe is a foolish driver pulling out without looking and CAUSING an accident! This is hardly a low-life expat up to no good. He has a 50K repair bill plus 2 other bikes and is wounded.

    Therefore he now requests council, advice and guidance on open forum TV. Of this he is getting next to nothing but a lot of dismissal veiled accusation, provacation and a condescending attitude, namely from you Kasim (V)!.

    Just because TIT and we're foreigners here etc doesn't make it a foregone conclusion that we must suffer all and sundry because we are not thai.

    Its about time expats in this country/TV start pulling together a bit more and showing solidarity towards each other in times of need.

    Right now this 'Tough luck I had it happen to me, walk away' doesn't cut any ice.

    Someone, somewhere on this forum knows who did this and needs to step forward and act as intermediatry between both parties so an agreement can be reached between both parties.

    well said, and i believe you are right and I also know who it is, why he wants to side and support this POS is beyobnd me except perhaps they are both from the same ilk and perhaps same country, maybe this person will have the oportunity to lie to my face tomorrow in the police station.

    gnarknes: Is it SOP for you to spit in the face of someone who apologizes to you. Says a bit about yourself doesn't it?

    No matter how you cut it given the circumstances establishing culpability for the driver of the PU will be difficult if not impossible. It's a bitter pill. But that's life sometimes. Better move on.

    If you find yourself unable perhaps there is help for you.

  12. winging a farang is when shot at and the shooter just wings him! Only causing minor injury when the intent might have been to kill!


    "Whinging" farangs

    Not sure what this means!

    We can have "whining farangs'.

    Or "winning farangs".

    Or "winging farangs"

    Or Whistling farangs"

    All convey different meanings!

    I suspect the starter of this thread is:

    A. Not a native english speaker.

    B. Drunk.

    C. Both.


    So whats a winging farang then? :D

    Whinging is correct I'm a native english speaker and I understand perfectly :D


    whinge (hw?nj, w?nj)

    intr.v. Chiefly British., whinged, whing·ing, whing·es.

    To complain or protest, especially in an annoying or persistent manner.

    [Dialectal alteration of Middle English whinsen, from Old English hwinsian.]

    whing'er n.

    whing'ing·ly adv.


    Yepper I learn something new everyday. Indeed whinge is a word I was not aware of.

  13. :D:D

    "Whinging" farangs

    Not sure what this means!

    We can have "whining farangs'.

    Or "winning farangs".

    Or "winging farangs"

    Or Whistling farangs"

    All convey different meanings!

    I suspect the starter of this thread is:

    A. Not a native english speaker.

    B. Drunk.

    C. Both.


  14. I have witnessed extensions given to people who overstayed and went to immigration.

    However, the extension will start from the date your visa expired, not when you turn yourself in. So, if you already overstayed 10 days or more on a 30 days stamp, or more than 30 on a tourist visa, then no further extension.

    This isn't always so.

    I stupidly overstayed a 60 days tourist visa by 20 days and found out when I went to extend 30 days at Patong immigration. I paid the fine and the extension fee and received an additional 30 days beginning the day I paid the fine. Essentially I got a 50 day extension including the overstay.

    Things are not black and white.

    I don't recommend this procedure to anyone BTW!

  15. Comparing a 3000+ pound pickup truck with a speeding bullet! You're a comedian right! You didn't see this pickup truck!!!!!!!!!Where you blindfolded or just not paying attention?

    The pickup truck was parked at the side of the road facing the same way as me along with about 20 others, yes i saw them all but didn't expect this one or any other to pull out in front of me, the entrance to my condo building is two one way roads with island in between, people park trucks cars bikes buses on both sides of each one way street, this was not even out on the main road, it's the driveway to my condo, this lady was moving from a parked position in a line of many cars/pickups it was not from a side street, she did not indicate she was pulling out she just did it right in front of me I had nowhere to go with cars and bikes parked on both sides, it had darkened windows so it was impossible to see if there was even a driver in it, it just looked parked like all the rest until it moved, like is said about 15 feet in front of me. Maybe you thought this was from a side road or something, it wasn't.

    This does sound like an unavoidable accident. They happen, I've had them( I've dropped a bike on several occasions,sand or ice were contributing factors for a couple of them, I've been hit by a car once, didn't go down though), riding is a continuous exercise in accident avoidance. Riding a big sport bike requires high levels of skill I think. I've previously owned an FJ1200 and a ZX11 so I know a little about it. Part of my reasons for sticking to riding little honda waves. They move slower and do less damage if you go down.

    I was lusting over a new BMW GS1200 today. What a beauty! But the 925,000.00 baht price tag cooled my heels fast.

    Anyway Gnarknes sorry about riding you. I hope all works out and you recover completely from your injuries.

  16. Kasi your just full of crap, theres nothing wrong with gs' analogy......perhaps a bit extreme.

    He didn't say that he didn't see the pickup.....he said the pickup pulled out with 15ft to spare leaving him nowhere to go, in that situation theres not a lot you can do except grab the brake hope the front doesn't lock up or theres no oil on the road and pray that you'll avoid. In this case the front washed out on him...maybe some oil in his braking zone or crappy road surface...who knows....the point is the fault lies entirely with the truck driver for not looking before pulling out. If you also notice he pointed out that had he been in a car theres no way he could have avoided hitting the truck, so if that had happened then there wouldn't be an issue.

    I doubt that g will get anywhere chasing the truck driver down, but good luck to him and I hope he succeeds and is well again soon.

    So please take your pathetic I know best nonsense elsewhere unless you have something constructive to add..which .I suspect not, as it seems all you like to do is insult the OP and probably me now too..... :o:D

    News flash moonoi: If you're riding your moto and have to take evasive action where you crash; guess what? You were going too fast for the existing conditions. Case closed

    How you think a speeding bullet shares any of the characteristics of a pickup truck pulling out onto the highway eludes me! A speeding bullet moves somewhere between 1500 and 3000 feet per second! Admittedly difficult to see under the best of conditions. A pickup pulling out into traffic maybe moves at a rate of 5-10 feet per second; difficult to miss under the worst of conditions!

    The analogy is in a word: ridiculous!

    My point is when you're riding out there you're surrounded by idiots. If you fail to see and avoid them; then you are the stupid one. Simple undeniable facts IMHO.

    Sometimes the truth hurts.

  17. So how often do you guys change your oil and air filters here in Thailand (particularly BKK)?

    Conventional motor oil begins to loose its viscosity after 4000 km. After that the oil literally begins to evaporate inside the engine leaving a varnish that coats all the internals. Going 5000 km isn't hurting anything really but going longer isn't advisable unless you're using one of the synthetics or synthetic blends available.

    Changing your air filter between 10000-20000 km depending on severity of usage. Servicing vehicles here is quite easy and very reasonable.

    Just say Plian nang man.(change oil)

  18. Kasi it's pretty poor that you feel you need to take the piss from someones misfortune, perhaps the same will happen to you some day and well see how the mightly fall, it is obvious you don't really have a clue, maye when i am well enough you can come talk about it face to face


    Face to face...ummm. Are you insinuating you can prove your point better with perhaps some physical intimidation? You assume many things. I'll leave the obvious unsaid.

    My point throughout this protracted thread is you need to be responsible for your own actions.(You have failed to take responsibility for yourself)

    If you can't do that go home and cry about it with your mates at your favorite pub. About how horrible Thailand has treated you!

    Give it a rest... as the further you proceed the more ridiculous you reveal yourself to be. :o:D

    you fail to grasp the fact that we live in this world with other people sharing the same space, yes be responsible for your own actions is pretty obvious advice as that is exactly what we are, but we cannot and should not be held responsible for other peoples actions especially when they directly effect us, i remember a young man sitting on his motorbike at trafficlights on his way home from work on North pattaya road, he is now dead because he intercepted a stray bullet from a gun fired at someone else - was he responsible - was his death his own fault for being there, was this accident my fault because I was there when this stupid lady pulled out in front of me without looking

    I think ridiculous describes you very well, you don't seem to be able to grasp the environment around you, perhaps you live in a room with no windows or doors. Your contribution to this "my" thread is not welcome as you don't seem to know what you're talking about. so don't bother with a reply

    As for face to face, I doubt very much the tone of your conversation would be the same, I'm not threatening you, just a fact. You may come across a little better as would I.

    Your stray bullet analogy is apt! :D:D Comparing a 3000+ pound pickup truck with a speeding bullet! You're a comedian right! You didn't see this pickup truck!!!!!!!!!Where you blindfolded or just not paying attention?

    As to my participation in "your" thread....please excuse me for being a member of this public forum! Perhaps you should complain to the administration! :D You really are too funny!

    The bottom line here remains the same: In avoiding a collision with a truck that pulled out in front of you, you failed to maintain control of your vehicle and crashed into some stationary vehicles.(your fault no matter how you try to look at it)

    Suck it up boyo! Move on with your life and chalk this up as a learning experience. If you still find yourself unable to do so you will remain dangerous to yourself and others. I would consider that "urgent"!

    Also something you should consider is that not everyone has the aptitude or attitude required to ride motorbikes safely. Just this morning I saw a nasty wreck(with a fatality) involving a motorbike.

  19. Kasi it's pretty poor that you feel you need to take the piss from someones misfortune, perhaps the same will happen to you some day and well see how the mightly fall, it is obvious you don't really have a clue, maye when i am well enough you can come talk about it face to face


    Face to face...ummm. Are you insinuating you can prove your point better with perhaps some physical intimidation? You assume many things. I'll leave the obvious unsaid.

    My point throughout this protracted thread is you need to be responsible for your own actions.(You have failed to take responsibility for yourself)

    If you can't do that go home and cry about it with your mates at your favorite pub. About how horrible Thailand has treated you!

    Give it a rest... as the further you proceed the more ridiculous you reveal yourself to be. :o:D

  20. well as it turns out the fact that alough my bike didn't hit her car but I did changes the whole picture, she is now 100% involved, she is also avoiding the police and they have issued a warrant for her arrest, she may spend a night in the police jail if she doesn't present herself to the police today. It also seems she was drinking at the time and has a drink problem.

    Very interesting thread

    At the risk of being unsympathetic from the amount of damage described I strongly suspect speed in excess of 25 kph was a factor. A contributing factor appears to be a lack of defensive driving judging from this fellows inability to fess up.

    Driving a motor bike is extremely dangerous. You can never assume someone sees you. You need to assume they don't see you.. Even then accidents happen.

    The advice of live and learn is very sound.

    Many aren't so lucky. Here in Phuket there are 12000+ accidents a year with fatalities in the 300+ range. If you don't think riding requires extreme care think again.

    When you get on a motorbike you had better have plenty of skill and your wits about you. Either that or you better be feeling lucky. Maybe a little of both, do you feel lucky?

    at thr risk of being rude, you are a typical poster on this forum that decides the information given is wrong and you know better even though you where not there and know little or nothing about the matter.

    You will have a fun time trying to get the driver. On the face of it she 100% NOT INVOLVED. not a scratch to her truck no evidence of her intoxication. You really cant prove anything.

    All I did was some simple deduction regarding your statements regarding your speed and the damage described.

    From 25 kph a competent rider can come to a full stop in a minimum 5-10 meters. Are you trying to say this accident happened inside that distance? What were you doing driving blindfolded?

    For this to happen you either were traveling twice the speed you say you were or you were distracted by something and failed to see the vehicle pull out in front of you.

    I have people pull out in front of me all the time, people run lights stop signs, blow through traffic circles. Guess what if you're traveling a safe speed you can avoid them.

    You can't change the bottom line: You are the one who dropped his bike and crashed into two parked vehicles. :o

    Start paying attention and quit trying to blame the rest of the world for your small difficulties. :D

    ARE YOU FOR REAL, YOU ARE ONE SMARMY CHEEKY *******ER, how many bikes have you put your leg over ? i said 25kph est its enough to say I wasn't going quickly maybe 30kph hard to look at the speedo when you're flying through the air, 5-10m well actually it was about 15-20 feet in front of me she pulled out, <deleted> are you talking about, are you involved in this perhaps ? boy some people

    You're a funny guy. Now you were flying through the air!

    Look up in the sky.. it's a bird...a plane... no it's super whatever your name is.

    Slowly the true story starts to come out. "Flying through the air" hahahahaha. :D

    I really love it when someone like you takes to throwing insults in lieu of some simple introspection and analysis of the facts. Jai yen dude! :D:D

  21. well as it turns out the fact that alough my bike didn't hit her car but I did changes the whole picture, she is now 100% involved, she is also avoiding the police and they have issued a warrant for her arrest, she may spend a night in the police jail if she doesn't present herself to the police today. It also seems she was drinking at the time and has a drink problem.

    Very interesting thread

    At the risk of being unsympathetic from the amount of damage described I strongly suspect speed in excess of 25 kph was a factor. A contributing factor appears to be a lack of defensive driving judging from this fellows inability to fess up.

    Driving a motor bike is extremely dangerous. You can never assume someone sees you. You need to assume they don't see you.. Even then accidents happen.

    The advice of live and learn is very sound.

    Many aren't so lucky. Here in Phuket there are 12000+ accidents a year with fatalities in the 300+ range. If you don't think riding requires extreme care think again.

    When you get on a motorbike you had better have plenty of skill and your wits about you. Either that or you better be feeling lucky. Maybe a little of both, do you feel lucky?

    at thr risk of being rude, you are a typical poster on this forum that decides the information given is wrong and you know better even though you where not there and know little or nothing about the matter.

    You will have a fun time trying to get the driver. On the face of it she 100% NOT INVOLVED. not a scratch to her truck no evidence of her intoxication. You really cant prove anything.

    All I did was some simple deduction regarding your statements regarding your speed and the damage described.

    From 25 kph a competent rider can come to a full stop in a minimum 5-10 meters. Are you trying to say this accident happened inside that distance? What were you doing driving blindfolded?

    For this to happen you either were traveling twice the speed you say you were or you were distracted by something and failed to see the vehicle pull out in front of you.

    I have people pull out in front of me all the time, people run lights stop signs, blow through traffic circles. Guess what if you're traveling a safe speed you can avoid them.

    You can't change the bottom line: You are the one who dropped his bike and crashed into two parked vehicles. :o

    Start paying attention and quit trying to blame the rest of the world for your small difficulties. :D

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