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Everything posted by 747man

  1. I Doubt wether The Court woul be Bothered for such a SMALL Amount......I Just think the OP Got fed up with Thailand ( He's been here for LESS Than 2 Months ) And Maybe he's Spent ALL His Millions & Needs to " Go Home "
  2. How Much did the Senior Cop Put in his own pocket ???
  3. A Lawyer would cost him MORE Though wouldn't it ??
  4. Only a mentally disturbed landlord would do this over minor issues....And There are a Few of those knocking Around !!!
  5. Maybe Big Joke is the Landlords Brother ??
  6. Stop YOU Leaving The Country ?? Only If Your Landlord is " Big Joke " He Can !!....555 !!
  7. Isn't THAT Classed as DISCRIMINATION ??
  8. The OP is 77, so quite young......Sooooo,I'm still a BOY with a Man's Face I'm 74........555 !!
  9. precisely to make people like you angry.....Do YOU Think I'm the only ANGRY One ?? If You Do Your a <deleted> Dipstick !!!
  10. After Watching Les's Video I Contacted the International Pensions centre ....The Lady I Spoke to CONFIRMED I Would get the increases If as I was thinking of going to The Philippines, But She also said I Didn't have to do the 185 Days as all that had been scrapped & I Could just go for a Few Weeks / A Month or so & I Would STILL Get the Increases to my Pension,She Never Said anything about them being Cancelled when I returned " Home " to Thailand.....Looking To Good to be True ?? So the NEXT Day I Called them again obviously spoke to a Different Person who listened to what I had to ask but She Seemed Quite Un-Helpful & A Little Aggressive & Just told me the 1st Lady had Gotten Everything Wrong the previous day & Then had the Audacity to " Cut My Call Off "......So Obviously I Couldn't take a chance on going to The Philippines so Never Bothered.....
  11. Ahhh ! So YOU Did......Apologies M8 !! ( From a Fellow Scouser )
  12. I Think IF He got " Found Out " it would cost him MORE than he'd been Scamming The DWP For, Wouldn't He also get a Criminal Record ( Fraud ) & A Large Fine ??
  13. Then there are their 3 Meals a Day & Their 35 Quid A DAY Expenses.....They get more fo 2 Days than I Get in my State Pension for a Week !!
  14. Well MY Reduced Pension brings in 3,753.36p GBP A YEAR..... NOT Here They Ain't.....Every 4 Weeks I Get a Paultry 288.72p GBP Every 4 WEEKS = 3,753.36p GBP Per YEAR,as you get 13 Payments in One Calender YEAR
  15. I Agree With You, More Like THEFT in my eyes M8.....
  16. There are no illegal immigrants in the UK. Certainly not enough costing the government 7 million pounds per day, anyway........Yer Havin' A Giraffe There My Friend......WHY Do MOST of them enter Via a Rubber Dinghy Then ?? After Paying Traffickers up to 40,000 GBP !!! Not as IF The Can't Apply for Visas & Enter LEGALLY Is it ??
  17. I KNOW a person who keeps his U.K. Address which he RENTS ( Paid for by The DWP 1,000 GBP Per Month ) Yet Lives in Thailand for approx. 6 /7 Months of the Year,Claims EVERY Other Benefit he can, Disability***, Universal Credit, Even claims for his 300 GBP WINTER Power bill ( Even though he's NOT in The U.K. In Winte ) Has his Wife as his Carerfor which he also claims.....The Same Person also has Millions of Baht in EVERY Thai Bank HERE Where he lives, The Same Person also bought a Condo in Pattaya a Few Years ago for 1.5 Million THB In CASH !!!!!,I Wonder just who paid for that..... Disability *** Doesn't Prevent him Climbing Ladders HERE to Do Work on the House He & His Wife OWN !! Amazing......
  18. Well My MUCH Reduced Pension brings in a WHOPPING 3,750 GBP Per Annum, So I Agree with Him It Is Worth SFA !!
  19. What Else Do You Think they Might of Been ??
  20. Of Course the Price will be 100+ Baht for 2 Litres Very Soon !!
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