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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. No-one was forced to work in Central World,

    Disagree. Many lower class Thais are forced through circumstances to work in jobs they don't want to do nor like.

    One of the reasons there is great unrest in this country at the moment.

    Next you'll be educating us that no young women are forced into prostitution and they all enjoy sleeping with elderly, fat, bald foreigners.

  2. "rammed down their throats" ??? You make it sound like it was torture. It was a job, and one that is now no longer available.

    If you were cleaning toilets for less than 200thb per day while people spend obscene amounts of money on non-essential branded junk while looking down their nose at you would that not be torture?

    Speaking from a personal point of view, it was for me when I worked a menial job at 16 years old after leaving school. Fortunately I can empathise with the plight of the down-trodden worker bees even though I will never have to work again for the rest of my life.

    I must admit I am surprised they are not dancing a jig on the ashes of Central World.

  3. Edit: And if you had a clue about working class people in Bangkok you would know that probably 80% to 90% of the people working their had a college degree. You can even get a job as a clerk in one of those stores without one.

    An often regurgitated myth perpetrated by misinformed foreigners.

    You obviously have no clue whatsoever about the working class in BKK. The same level of knowledge you showed in your other post which clearly showed you had no clue about the Center World Building.

    The myth that you need a college degree to work in 7/11 is often perpetrated by foreigners. It's in the same league as 'foreigners are always at fault in a car accident' and other nuggets of wisdom, passed down from bar-stool to bar-stool.

    The truth of the matter is college degrees, no matter how worthless, command higher wages thus employers seeking non-skilled labour often prefer non-degree holders. This is especially true in malls, where it can be difficult for degree holders due to competition for jobs.

  4. Of course many many working class Thais will be out of a job because of the torching of Central World.

    You make it sound as if Central World was a workers' paradise.

    I doubt there will be nary a tear shed by the toilet cleaners, floor sweepers and security guards that had obscene wealth and snobbery rammed down their throats on a daily basis.

  5. How do YOU define winning an election?

    Quite simply leading your party to an election victory. Something Abhisit has not achieved. He even withdrew his party from an election thus rendering the results invalid. Talk about throwing your toys out of the pram.

    Interestingly, Thaksin achieved three landslide election victories, is the only Thai PM to serve a full term and the only Thai PM to be re-elected to office.

    I thought becoming an MP as the leader of a party, and then getting the support of a majority of MPs would be enough.

    No, it's not enough if there's an election.

    You left out doing dodgy deals with banned politicians to secure their parties support in a coalition too.



    Indeed. His Thai counterpart of the times, the fascist dictator Phibunsonkram is also remembered with affection by many Thais.

    I wonder how history will remember Abhisit now he has blood on his hands.

  6. Obserkomando disgustingly implies that I said he was killed by soldiers for refusing to leave,

    when all that was meant was:

    He was told to leave because it was too dangerous,

    he didn't, and was caught in crossfire or richochet.

    What spin? I asked you if you thought a Thai ten year old has the metal capacity to make that decision given the circumstances and gravity of the situation.

    You also mention it was "collateral damage, a crossfire or ricochet", I assume you have proof of this?

  7. Sadly the child was collateral damage because he ignored warnings to leave the area.

    Is a child of 10 years old able to reason enough to heed those warnings?

    where were his parents?

    wow I congratulate you too ... 100% brainwashed

    It was animatic that suggested the child was killed because he refused to leave the area.

  8. I just do not see why a trained military force cannot close this protest down which is exactly what they been brought in to do.

    The flesh is willing but the will is weak I suspect.

    They have so far failed at both attempts to contain the protests, on April 10th and over this weekend.

    Professional soldiers are not going to end it by shooting at women and children.

    The Thai army is a conscript force, not a professional army, and it is showing that clearly here.

  9. Quite true the Reds have created an illegal militia and are using it to try and bring down the government.

    This is of course unacceptable. And the level of force they have is beyond the powers of police to control.

    That the PTP opposition party is check and jowl with the red leaders, and sharing stages while the most

    virulent lies being told. This shows they are utterly compromised and incapable of legitimate governance.

    They have shot off both feet up to the knees.

    18+ months ago...

    Quite true the Yellows have created an illegal militia and are using it to try and bring down the government.

    This is of course unacceptable. And the level of force they have is beyond the powers of police to control.

    That the Democrat opposition party is check and jowl with the yellow leaders, and sharing stages while the most

    virulent lies being told. This shows they are utterly compromised and incapable of legitimate governance.

    They have shot off both feet up to the knees.

  10. Sorry. I must be a troll for wanting the military to stay the <deleted> out of politics! They have no place in this day and age. They have to learn Thaksins game instead.


    The current revolt has been precipitated by the oligarchs - the corrupt

    feudal families. Thaksin is their hero

    What utter nonsense.

    I think you'll find these families are firmly on the opposing side to Thaksin, for quite obvious reasons.

    Newin anyone?

  11. IMO, you'd be a complete fool to believe otherwise.

    It's all about Thaksin is the TV obsessive's mantra. It's boring, factually inaccurate and rather insulting to anyone that understands Thai society, culture and economics. He's a figurehead for a revolutionary movement. How could he not be, the way he has been ostracised by the military since the coup in 2006.

    However it does serve a useful purpose to deflect away from the real issues at hand to focus on one man rather than concentrate on the serious problems within Thai society.

    The genie is out of the bottle now though.

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