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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. I would rather live under Thai military rule

    Fortunately you have absolutely no say in the matter.

    It appears, although you believe otherwise, that the vast majority of Thais do not wish to live under military rule, as events in history; specifically 1974, 1992 and since 2006 show.

    Throughout Thai history, which so many on here are so woefully ignorant of, the Thai military has been the one single opposing force to the electorate and to peace and prosperity in Thailand.

    18 coups in 72 years.

  2. I do think this would be very very bad for any democratic nation.

    This simply wouldn't happen in the US and UK. The people there are not irresponsible children.

    Look at the recent British elections, a complete world away from the petulant and childish actions of the Thais over the last 4 years.

    That's how you do it folks.

    There's no-one to lead by example anymore in Thailand unfortunately.

  3. Got mine installed yesterday, Truesport HD looks pretty good with the US feeds, sadly HBO HD doesn't look quite as sharp especially with older movies. It can't come close to even 720p downloads and can't hold a candle to blu-ray.

    Quite an improvement over the normal picture quality though. Even the other non-HD channels look a little fresher.

    The decoder can be set to output 576i/720p/1080i so can be used with all TVs. It has component, HDMI, optical audio, ethernet and USB ports in the back.

  4. These guys are the cheapest in Bangkok I reckon.

    They also deliver in the Bangkok area. Stay away from Power Buy etc as you'll find the same TVs significantly cheaper at SRC.

    this is the only way to show true Full HD stuff unless you have a BluRay player, and I've no intention of buying one of them in the near future.

    Incorrect. You can get a 'Media Tank' to play Full HD content without buying an expensive Blu-Ray player. They will stream all HD content from a hard disk to your TV via HDMI. They are selling in Thailand for upwards of 3,000thb. I have a WD TV media player that cost me 4,500thb and an external 500GB hard disk which I plug into it via USB.

    Truevisions also have introduced their HD service now, two channels; HBO HD and a sports channel but you'll need to upgrade your decoder.

    There's no point in having an HD flatscreen TV unless you are watching High Definition in my opinion, as that is exactly what they are for. You might as well stick with a CRT 29" to watch DVDs and normal TV as the picture will look far better.

  5. I guess I have to hand it to the yellow shirt propaganda machine...when anyone writes a thoughtful factual researched article about an aspect of the conflict and it's conclusion does support the lies from the yellow camp, it becomes red shirt lies....if it is some idle half baked report from the Nation it becomes gospel truth...this is why there is no end to this conflict....


    I think that the problem is less a misunderstanding of democracy, and more a general lack of respect for the law...

    Also this.

  6. All these recent post explain why Abhisit and Anupong prefer to take the heat for appearing weak,

    when in reality they are being quite strong in taking that heat and giving the Reds enough rope

    to hang themselves, very publicly, in the eys of the majority of Thais. Even those red leaning are

    having a sea change in their support for this particular group espousing some of their wishes.

    The government has absolutely no control!

    Saying they are strong and winning the battle is up there with your comments about the red rallies not lasting a day, or not being able to attract people in numbers.

    You should maybe consider that their attempt at a bloody crackdown failed and now they are in a no-win position.

    They have shown their hand far too early and now they are trying to bluff.

  7. My Pioneer LX-52 doesn't play SACD or DVD-A but it takes so much time from when you insert the disc till anything appears on TV. And takes too much time from when you turn the power on till it is ready to receive any command by remote.

    That's another plus for the Oppo, it's load times for Blu-Ray. Very quick.

    Piyanas have a special on the Oppo BDP-83 at 19,990thb and are selling the newer Special Edition for a ridiculous 29,990thb.

  8. All plasma, LCD and LED flat screen TVs will be able to show the picture in HD.

    They all have a maximum resolution but that doesn't matter, they will all accept and show a picture through HDMI and in High Definition.

    The Truevisions website says you will need a full 1080p HD TV to watch it, which is the usual uninformed nonsense.

    All HD resolution TV sets; 1024x768, 1366x768 and 1920x1080 will display HD pictures. Quality may differ depending on the resolution of your set but the difference will be marginal.

    I frind your post very interesting....in fact it seems to say that any of the TV"s manufactured in the last...say 2 years,can recieve the HD signals.....so by default the manufacturers have been devious in promoting their HD sets when the option is already available to us.???

    The only thing manufacturers have been devious in doing is murking the waters between HD Ready (1024x768, 1366x768 resolutions) and Full HD (1920x1080 resolution).

    You don't need to have the highest resolution but it will be better when it comes to displaying content presented in full high definition, such as Blu-Ray which is presented in 1080p and 24fps. Lower resolution HD TVs can still display it, it just won't look as crisp or as striking as the better models. Same with Truevisions HD.

  9. All plasma, LCD and LED flat screen TVs will be able to show the picture in HD.

    They all have a maximum resolution but that doesn't matter, they will all accept and show a picture through HDMI and in High Definition.

    The Truevisions website says you will need a full 1080p HD TV to watch it, which is the usual uninformed nonsense.

    All HD resolution TV sets; 1024x768, 1366x768 and 1920x1080 will display HD pictures. Quality may differ depending on the resolution of your set but the difference will be marginal.

  10. WATCH the military reshuffle in the Fall, that will be where you see the present and the future of Thailand most clearly!

    Same as it ever was.

    And that is precisely why we find ourselves in the situation we are in now with Thailand a failed state.

    History doesn't lie. The military tail wagging the dog has led us to crisis, just as it has many times before.

  11. I live in Chiang Mai and I think Thailand is an excellent value. Sunjunkie, where can you get better value?

    Most cars are three times the price than in the UK, not to mention electronics are almost all more expensive across the board in Thailand, high end electronics up to three and four times the price of elsewhere.

    Thailand can be cheap for certain things but you get what you pay for and quality is low.

    I'm not sure what you would be doing at home that would be twice as expensive. :)

  12. In the proportional vote the Democrats had more votes than the PPP. Therefore, as a percentage of the population of Thailand who voted in 2007 elections, the Democrats appealed to more individual people than did the PPP.

    You conveniently left out the fact that the Democrats boycotted elections until after a military coup and the courts had conveniently banned many TRT MPs as well as the party itself.


  13. Frankly I didn't find your post at all coherent so forgive me if I don't respond in detail.With respect your opinion (and for that matter mine) don't matter in the scheme of things.You are of interest only because of your obsessive and unhinged preoccupation with Thaksin almost to a comical degree, and to some extent this also can be seen in some sections of the Thai elite.It's foolish and intellectually bankrupt because it confuses a symptom with a cause.Thaksin was a wily and immoral opportunist but for every opportunist there has to be an opportunity.Thaksin's chance was the elite's greed, sense of entitlement and selfishness.Without that fertile ground Thaksin would have been just another politician.So by all means attack Thaksin but don't overlook the greater crime.

    That is how you own someone on the internet people. Watch and learn.

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