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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. had the support of the army and most Thai's

    The yellows certainly did not and do not have the support of most Thais.

    Your staunch defence of their actions at the airport and Government House while condemning everything the reds do is simple hypocrisy.

    You are probably one of those people who also believe that Thaksins l.. oh well his wifes land deal in bangkok was fine and that the deal with Burma was totally OK and what he did with the telecom deal was in the interest of the country and not his company .. oh sorry, those were in his childrens and the maid's name at the time ......... and those mindless red shirts you are obviously supporting want him back because he is giving them money and promises ....... good on you mate ...

    I believe none of that, but thanks for trying to tell me and everyone else what my opinions are.

  2. Actually, it's a fairly well documented fact

    No, it is merely an opinion.

    There are many statements from the coup junta that they were against Thaksin putting his family in positions of power.

    Statements from a Thai military "coup junta" that overthrew a popular government to be regarded as irrefutable truth?

    No, try again.

  3. Maybe the dems are putting the country first by making sure that Thaksin does not get control of the army.

    There are already factions of the army sympathetic to the red cause. The problem is the army is a law unto itself and keeps interfering in politics. The Army has never, throughout history put the country first. Why on Earth would you think that it would now cede to political control or act in the country's best interests?

    So, you are quite happy that a country of some 61 million people gives in to a couple hundred thousand paid trouble makers

    It worked for the yellows.

  4. It's easy to see why his people detest him so much, to the extent where even the army don't frighten them. Abhisit is seen as just another spoiled brat who holds the rural majority in contempt.

    He couldn't be more distant from the rural masses; a son of privilege born in the UK to a well off family, educated at the best schools and universities until in his twenties, then back to Thailand to enjoy a life of privilege and opulence.

    At least Thaksin had a few years in poverty when his dad squandered away the family fortune when he was young so they at least feel he has some sympathies with them, a fact he played on particularly effectively when he was participating in politics. He also regurgitates the mantra that he was a 'self made man', while not necessarily true, it is lapped up by the masses.

  5. As reported numerous times, and actually shown on Thai television

    Perhaps you need to pay attention to the international media for a more balanced perspective.

    To address the rest of your post, the reds have been given a green light by Government, Police and Judicial inaction over the yellow shirt actions. If they were dealt with in the first place, none of this red shirt nonsense would ever have happened.

  6. As is the tourist who said f-you to the soldier. these soldiers have been under incredible strain for a week, and then have some punk mouth off- only sympathy here is for the soldier.

    The soldier showing just how unprofessional he is, shooting at a foreigner with verbal provocation.

    No wonder there is chaos on the streets of Bangkok.

    But in this case Yes. This kind of people is too stupid to live in this world.

    A similar sentiment no doubt expressed by many of the upper-classes towards those people in the firing line today and yesterday, on both sides.

  7. But Thais are and that is why we share a treaty of Amity with them.

    The US, since the end of WWII has had a lot of interest and involvement in Thailand, and because they refused to punish the Thais for siding with the Japanese against the wishes of the other allies.

    Plus the US servicemen almost single-handedly built Pattaya and the Bangkok sex tourism industry, much to be proud of there.

  8. No properly elected government has been "stolen" from the people of Thailand in a long time. I think you mean the non-elected caretaker government that was extra-constitutional in nature that was removed for cause.

    Quite simply, the military should never be involved in politics, and military coups are never acceptable, whatever the reason.

    It is precisely the Thai military's continued interference in politics to serve the interests of a few, that is the reason why we have been taken to the brink.

    Your continual accusation of Thaksin being some sort of evil genius pushing buttons from his Volcanic lair while people are dying on the street conveniently ignores the real issues and is disrespectful to those who have died, on both sides, IMO.

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