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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. That can not and will not be tolerated in a law abiding society.

    It has been shown that it is tolerated in Thailand with the airport takeovers and the siege of Government House.

    It is too late now asking for the law to be enforced and punishment to be meted out when it wasn't before and still hasn't to those who were implicated.

    Hypocrisy and precedents galore.

  2. If the protestors get their way this time, it just means there will be mobs out on the streets regardless of the results of the next election.

    That already happened with the yellow shirts.

    The precedent was already set with the Airport takeover and the siege at Government House, then the lack of punishment of the leaders and people involved.

    No wonder the reds think they are untouchable, but as I say, the precedent was already set so the mistakes were already made some time ago.

  3. Don't know if I am allowed to mention the chip name/url here or not, so I won't.

    It is perfectly legal to sell it and buy it so of course you are. The only reason blu-ray players are region locked is because of Sony and their influence on the movie industry. HD DVD which lost the next format war was conveniently region free.

    I made my Oppo region free here. http://www.bluraychip.dk/

    Great Blu-Ray player.

  4. 76% ... good , I hope it goes to 80%

    As I have explained before .. the street sweeper can never afford a rolex or original guicci !

    But remember the small street seller sells a fake rolex ... pays the rent at home ... feeds his family ... maybe employs one other poor thai person ....

    I can never afford an original rolex and I would buy a copy tomorrow if the price is reasonable.

    So just because you can't afford it people should be allowed to copy, profit from and take credit for others' work?

    Sorry, but I don't agree with you.

  5. I'm surprised people are still buying from these pirate vendors now that it is so easy to download and not talking about stealing I mean freeware.

    It would be good to get rid of the vendors from Panthip as they are nothing but a criminal annoyance.

    When I was there last time I was offered child pornography after refusing their poor quality copied pornographic DVDs and the youth was lucky not to have received several punches to the face as I surely would have done had I been back in Scotland without hesitation. Common sense prevailed as I have seen someone fatally stabbed by a mob of Thai youths outside Panthip a couple of years ago.

  6. The BBC has lauded Thaksin as if he is the Messiah for quite some time....when the reporter for BBC was a guy called Head it was pathetic how one eyed he was...

    Jonathan Head was charged with LM after his story, 'Thailand's Wealthy Untouchables" was put on the BBC website after Moo Ham drove his Mercedes into a bus queue, killing one woman.

    Must have irked somebody. :)

    He was always close to the mark when he was reporting on Thailand.

    Ironic indeed how they have tried to silence him.

  7. I think you're missing the point here. Thais have very strong national feelings -- Thais against Thais is just not in the picture! But that's what it boils down to, whether it be police or army vs. the mob! The same nationalistic trait would however make them a scary crowd for any neighbor crossing the border...

    I think you've missed my point, the Cambodians aren't scared of their more numerous and better equipped opponents.

  8. Seized by paramilitaries? I completely missed that. More information please.

    The airport was initially seized by armed and masked men, who were extremely well organised and went about setting up roadblocks. Many were wearing camouflage and appeared at first glance to be bonafide security forces.

    I witnessed this myself, having drove past these men setting up the roadblocks while I was heading to park my car and catch my flight, FD3616 to Phnom Penh which was one of the last flights to leave that afternoon.

  9. The reds always like to use the yellows as an example.

    It's called a precedent and it was set when the yellows besieged Government House and the Airport without punishment to date.

    Since the yellows ruined the economy for 9 days, isn't it time the reds stopped ruining the economy?

    They've been in Ratchaprasong for more than 9 days now.

    They've forced closure of a few shopping malls, which are only expensive advertisments for leading brand names for the most part.

    Closing international airports (it was countrywide if you care to remember) for even 24 hours causes far more inconvenience and loss of revenue, not to mention the irreversible damage to Thailand's reputation when international gateways are seized by paramilitaries and then descended upon by thousands of protestors, with foreigners being directly involved.

  10. Thailand your time is up. You are now the laughing stock of all Asia.

    That has been the case for decades, this political debacle is just another chapter in a familiar history.

    No wonder the Cambodians across the border are relishing the prospect of any scrap with the better equipped Thai soldiers.

  11. Until you have sat and watched something in full Hi-Def then you simply won't fully understand nor comprehend the quality and point of a HDTV.

    I have a WD TV (Western Digital TV, a box that plays files direct from a hard disk drive), Oppo Blu-Ray and X-Box 360 all hooked up to a 46" Samsung 6 series LCD. The WDTV for my downloads (now all in HD), my games in full HD on the X-Box and the Oppo for blu-ray playback. The Oppo also plays and upscales DVD but the difference in quality between blu-ray and DVDs means I haven't watched a DVD in close to six months!

    I believe True are planning imminent launch of their HD channels (only two to begin with) so I may consider getting that.

    Make sure you get a full HD 1080p set and don't compromise with a lesser resolution HD ready otherwise your TV will not be future-proof.

    You've got three choices; plasma, LCD and LED. I opted for an LCD because I play a lot of games and LED at the time were too expensive.

  12. Which was far worse under Thaksin's regime!

    While not condoning Thaksin's censorship of the media, this government is far worse, and media censorship has been on the increase since the coup in 2006, beginning with the junta.

    This from today...

    MICT warning people not to post divisive comments or pictures from last weekend. Was in the BP so I can't post it here. :)

  13. as the statistics mostly reflect those who go and get registered at hospitals.

    The death toll is only those that die at the scene of an accident.

    Those that survive and are taken to hospital or elsewhere and subsequently die are not included.

    So the figures are far higher than the 'official' statistics.

    They are also notoriously under-reported as they are compiled by the Police and as we all know they are not the most efficient or honest bunch.

  14. The Thai rural majority don't see Thaksin as poor and underprivileged one bit. On the contrary they all know how phenomenally rich he is, and what a privileged life he leads.

    I said they believe he can sympathise with the poor because he himself spent some of his formative years in poverty.

    No idea where you got that they see Thaksin as poor and underprivileged from my post, although many are woefully unaware that the Shinawatra clan were already rich, powerful and influencial a generation before Thaksin was born, and he did and probably still does over-exaggerate those few desperate years of poverty in order to curry favour with the rural masses.

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