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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. This unelected government...

    While Hammered has already mentioned that a new election is likely in the next 9-12 months, I don't understand the comment that this is an unelected government. Actually, all the MP's in this government were elected just like all the MP's in the previous governments. In fact, several of the MP's in both governments are the same people. Why is one coalition of elected MP's considered an elected government and then another coalition of elected MP's considered an unelected government? In Thailand, governments don't get elected, MP's do and then a coalition is formed. That is how it works here.

    Sure seems like this has to be explained repeatedly on just about every thread.

    It would be a good candidate for pinning so we can just refer the next poster that comes along with the same rhetoric to it rather than typing and re-typing it over and over.

    Is it to do with those used to a presidential system not understanding the workings of a parliamentary system or is it just rather poor attempts at scoring political points or attempts to create a politcal meme?

    Neither, just a simple statement to clarify this current administration did not win a general election and thus do not have a mandate from the people to be in power.

  2. Either you weren't in Thailand during the Thaksin years or else you paid no attention to daily news.

    I have lived in South East Asia for 24 years.

    I work for a news agency in Bangkok and my Thai colleagues would refute your assertion that censorship of the media or abuses of due process are worse under the Democrats.

    How do they account for the thousands of websites closed down in the last few weeks, or this government's clampdown on LM and their stated intention to continue to do so and make it a priority of this administration?

    Or are they as I suspect, staffers on the two English language publications that continue to show support and bias towards this new administration?

    In case you missed them, here are a few of the prominent stories from 2001-02 that testify to the relative lack of gov't transparency, the push towards an imperial executive branch (overstepping prime ministerial powers time and again, not to mention micro-managing legislation), and increasing media restrictions.

    I didn't miss them, however posting them here (amongst other articles of absolutely no relevance) is not evidence that this unelected government has not already surpassed the TRT in its interference and censorship of the media, which I contend they already have.

  3. According to the Post Abhisit is going to have his own little crackdown. It does however, sound different in tone. Wonder how Thaksin will lecture the government on his next phone in at how he would do it better.......
    PM promises drugs crackdown

    From the Post: http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/13...n-six-months-pm

    This unelected government is determined to surpass Thaksin's grubby human rights record of extra-judicial killings in a matter of months. They may have already done so. They certainly have already outdone Thaksin when it comes to censorship of media and the internet and abuses of due process while in Police custody (see Da Torpedo).

    No doubt the Abhisit fan club will make every excuse in the book as to the legitimacy of the Democrat 'War On Drugs' and human rights abuses thereof while still bumping their gums about Thaksin, as they have done committedly with the systematic murder and abuse of the Rohingyas.

    But then that is what he is there for. A young intelligent man as a front while the sinister activities continue unabated in the background. It certainly seems to have some posters here fooled. Hook, line and sinker.

    Just another rehash of TRT policy and further evidence why the Democrats were unelectable and look set to remain so.

  4. "Welcome to "Plusworld", folks. In case you hadn't noticed, they do things differently there...............". :D

    I'm convinced he's a clever troll.

    No-one could be so purposefully misinformed and no-one so consistent in providing misinformation and inaccuracies.

    You can.

    Thanks for resorting to personal abuse, both of you. Makes it clearer for me.

    It wasn't personal abuse.

    If you lie and misinform in order to garner support for your debating position then expect to get called on it. :o

  5. He'll only learn that staying in the UK on his British citizenship sucks compared to staying in Thailand on his Thai citizenship.

    The UK is a great place to live. It can be far more rewarding than Thailand and has more to offer than beach resorts and cheap companionship, weather notwithstanding. Of course that's exactly why Abhisit himself was born and educated there. :o

    No need to live in fear of being locked up without legal representation or due process either.

  6. Latest news from the Farang Crime Co-ordination Division

    Pol. Lt. Col Phantom Wrongwaysaporn has released the following statistics for Crimes Against Thais by different organizations:

    Murdering Thai People in Crackdown on Drugs

    Police Force by authority of Government

    Killing of Thai Minorities

    Police force



    Exploitation of Women and Refugees for Prostitution and Human Trafficking

    Police Force


    Influencial People

    Stealing from State Coffers

    Insert name of politician here

    Violation of Intellectual Property Rights

    Almost everybody

    Cutting off arms of Karaoke Singers

    Drunk Police officer(s) and their friends

    Shooting of unarmed foreigners in "self defence"


    Arresting and imprisoning innocent Thais to extort money


    Pol Lt-Col Phantom's team has been assigned to track these national criminals. Police know the identities of these criminals but have been paid too much to do nothing or are scared of being killed if they actually arrest or even question suspects (in some rare instances the police are too lazy to actually do anything Lt. Phantom admitted).

    Blaming a lack of integrity, enthusiasm and not enough money in it for them, Pol Lt-Col Phantom said there was little hope to catch criminals unless somebody offers them a better deal.

    Thai police don't care how serious the national crime problem is and haven't a clue how to use sophisticated technology to assist them.

    Pol Lt-Col Phantom also warned tourists at all hotels about house keepers, managers, maintenance staff who use their pass keys to enter into hotel rooms and open the "in-room 'un'safes" with special pass keys and steal money and valuables. He warns tourists that absolutely nothing will be done by the police as they are being paid off by the hotel owners to do nothing.

    Many police are hoping for the introduction of a law to ensure foreigners cannot complain about useless police action in Thailand. His team have at least paved the way for further investigation by identifying nine types of national crime that so far have gone unexploited by Thai Police; he hopes that they do better in the future.

    Brilliant. :o

  7. ^But compared to the Times, so few people internationally read the letters page of the Nation - penned by the likes of 'John Arnone of Yasothon'.

    What is the sound of a tree falling in the woods, - if there is nobody there to hear it?

    Anyone who reads the Nation, and even takes time to write to that paper must be an expert right enough.


  8. Nothing remarkable about those figures, growth was far higher in the late 80s, early 90s. The Democrats had to save Thailand after the Tom Yang Kung crisis, they're used to coming in to pick up the mess after others, Thaksin came in after the Democrats had done the hard work, BTW who sold the Thai baht abroad knowing in advance it would be devalued?

    Yes, the figures speak for themselves.

    Of course we could post stats showing how under the TRT Thailand's GDP almost doubled and that the poorest areas in the country doubled their productivity. Or the massive reduction in poverty especially in the rural areas that suffered so much under the Democrats. We could go on and on but those are the facts and the reasons the Democrats are unelectable, ten years on, and much to the chagrin of the coup supporters.

    As to the devalue of the Baht it was the crash that caused the floatation after the government refused to devalue it.

    Thaksin profiteering from the Baht crashing has been accused by his opposition for many years now and it's old hat. Clutching at straws even.

    I trust you have evidence to support these "facts"? Please, share it with us.

    I thought it was common knowledge? Certainly should be if you are commenting so vocally on Thai politics and current affairs.

    You can start your research here.


    One Tambon One Product


    Need any further info just ask. :o

  9. Maleewan Oranuch, who works at a five-star hotel, is also worried. In his view Thailand’s “political strife has had major consequences for the hotel industry. We have been asked to work two days a week without pay.” Still he feels he is among the lucky ones because if the “hotel stays afloat, so do we. I hope things get better quickly.”


    THAILAND. King Power International Group (Thailand) achieved Bt22 billion (US$611 million) in 2008 sales and is forecasting a flat year for revenues in 2009 amid the downturn in global and regional travel. That's according to a report in today’s Bangkok Post, which quoted Managing Director Sombat Dechapanichkul.

    Against this backdrop the company is hosting its first travel trade fair in Bangkok, which aims to attract its loyalty club members to visit some of the world's great tourism destinations (see below).

    According to Dechapanichkul, the company's forecast of Bt22 billion in 2009 revenue would be split between airport duty free (Bt13 billion), King Power’s downtown complex (Bt3 billion), souvenir sales (Bt3 billion) and hotel and other services (Bt3 billion). He said that revenues would be down by -20% in Q1, because of lower tourist arrivals.


    The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) had earlier forecast that around 14.5 million international visitors would visit Thailand in 2009; however, the Bank of Thailand has estimated foreign visitor arrivals to decline by 8.8% in 2009, from the 12.8 million arrivals in 2008.


  10. http://britinthaijail.blogspot.com/

    After seven hours of being refused water, food, a phone call and being teased in the jail I awarding myself some attention. Taken into a room , my case officer began

    "Where are you from ?"


    "Don't lie to me. I can send you back home or I can send you to London"

    I had a phone conversation with a british embassy representative who effectively sealed my fate. suggesting that I go to prison for a weekend as it was nearly Friday pm and everybody would soon want to wrap up for the weekend.

    The weekend in prison became four days before I saw a british embassy representative who enthused that I should be released by day six. By day eleven...

  11. Nothing remarkable about those figures, growth was far higher in the late 80s, early 90s. The Democrats had to save Thailand after the Tom Yang Kung crisis, they're used to coming in to pick up the mess after others, Thaksin came in after the Democrats had done the hard work, BTW who sold the Thai baht abroad knowing in advance it would be devalued?

    Yes, the figures speak for themselves.

    Of course we could post stats showing how under the TRT Thailand's GDP almost doubled and that the poorest areas in the country doubled their productivity. Or the massive reduction in poverty especially in the rural areas that suffered so much under the Democrats. We could go on and on but those are the facts and the reasons the Democrats are unelectable, ten years on, and much to the chagrin of the coup supporters.

    As to the devalue of the Baht it was the crash that caused the floatation after the government refused to devalue it.

    Thaksin profiteering from the Baht crashing has been accused by his opposition for many years now and it's old hat. Clutching at straws even.

  12. Actually Thailands growth had already started to slide back in 2005 when Thaksin was well in command according to the well known PAD mouthpiece the Economist. In the years that followed it mostly flatlined from that point. Sorry that fact doesnt fit your arguement. Dont believe every bit of propoganda that comes out of Thaksin and allies mouths just becaue you like them. It is worth checking facts.

    Thailand's economic growth during the Thaksin era.

    2002 - 5.3%

    2003 - 7.1%

    2004 - 6.3%

    2005 - 4.5%

    Of course the "slide" in 2005 as you put it was in part due to the Tsunami and rising oil prices.

    Still a remarkable achievement over the course of those 4 years.

    It certainly is worth checking facts.

    I wonder how the Democrats will fare with the economy already reported to be in recession? :o

  13. Its going to ensure a pocket full of dosh for the municipal police and any real ones who arent directing traffic and stopping knuckles in the hot spots.

    As usual most of the death will be motorcycle related and will be away form the Songkhran party zones.

    The usually utterly dead Bangkok will probably be an even more miserable place than it usually is at Songkhran excepting the few obvious locales.

    Best if the cabinet dont get to make a decision. The wya this has been led by a few career civil servants and one deputy minister is gettign reminiscent of one of Purachai's crusades.

    Wonder how it will affect government tax revenue and business income, both of which nobody wants to be playing with right now.

    What did you expect from the ultra-conservative Democrat Party? :o

  14. Here is a novel idea, and one that may well shake the very foundations of rational thought...

    Why not punish those that DRINK AND DRIVE instead of punish those who use public transport etc and want to have a few beers whilst enjoying the Songkran Festival???

    Good question but a very simple answer, and that is that the Police force tasked with carrying out such an idea are too incompetent, corrupt and inept to be trusted.

    But you are of course right. The only way to effect a reduction in drink driving and injuries and fatalities thereof is to properly enforce a no tolerance policy.

    Roadblocks and breathalyser spot checks are only scratching the surface. Offenders need to be punished severely to send a message that this behaviour is unacceptable.

    Nothing will change, the authorities don't have the vision or integrity to eradicate these crimes which alone kill tens of thousands of Thais every year.

    So instead of dealing with the problem, they will spoil everyone's fun instead.

  15. The only threat to Mark Vejj's position will be elections.

    You know it, he knows it and that's why they won't happen.

    Two things - he doesn't have to worry about elections, no one is even asking him, and even if he agreed on holding elections, his coalition would come back even stronger.

    Samak and Somchai knew very well that they couldn't hold their coalition together in teh face of protests and political stalemate and refused to call elections when EVERYBODY was calling for it.

    Politically PTP is all but finished - no leaders, no platform, no agenda, no credibility, no partners, and dozens of MPs want to defect to Newin and his new party. That's the only potential threat to Democrats - Newin growing too strong to handle, but it's no biggy - Newin is not going to join pro-Thaksin camp any time soon, PTP is isolated.

    Kuhn Mark knows that with some time and good work he CAN win the next election.

    But he has to succeed in erasing old chimera about the party and prove the real party CAN help the people.

    He will not win over the red shirts, and isn't bothering to try, but the average Thai person just wants

    some progress they can measure, not promises or recycled memories.

    There is no chance they will call an election until they have a current record to run on.

    They have absolutely no reason or need to call one at this time.

    I don't blame them a bit for thinking that way.

    Right not the opposition is spinning spin to try and create an impression,

    but an impression can be easily trumped by facts,

    and Mark is working up a set of facts for the future.

    Newin may well be the next power opposition, but can't really step forward for 3 odd years yet.

    For the moment I suspect he would be quite happy to be part of a successful government,

    and earn himself some credits for the long run. And maybe back off some threats too.

    PTP is a spent condom by the side of the road right now.

    Only making noise when the soi dogs step on it by accident.

    You can dream, however that is all your post is, with a pinch of wishful thinking for good measure.

    He'll never win a fairly contested election.

    The Democrats have taken power at entirely the wrong time; a Worldwide depression, Thailand in deep recession already and the sh*t hasn't even hit the fan yet. Unemployment is rising as is crime. Tourism down almost 40% in the first two months of this year.

    Those conditions will make his unelectable Government even more unpopular as the crisis deepens.

    The Democrats, sourly remembered for their bitter medicine policy after the 97 crash, can't work miracles.

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