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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. There are a few thousand farang permanent residents but certainly not many farang immigrants who have been granted Thai citizenship.

    There's a quota on how many foreign nationals of each country are given Thai citizenship each year and the numbers are very low indeed for Western countries (in the dozens I believe).

    I'd also suggest that "farang" are the minority percentage of "foreigners" with permanent residency or grants of citizenship

    Annual quotas on permanent residency are 100 per country so it won't be much different, Western or otherwise. :o

  2. If it was the bleeding hearts on this thread that had their money stolen they would be calling for a lynching

    I'd like to think I was above such failings and I would continue to call for a fair and measured punishment to be meted out.

    18 years 9 months is nothing short of barbarism.

    Petty fraud????? What planet areyou from???

    When it's your account that is emptied, you will feel different.

    This may not have been their first time for this crime, they may have been at it for years.

    Hang em I say, Brits or not, they deserve 18 years in the BKK Hilton. Let them rot. :o

  3. Mos burgers is alright, i'm not very fond of the meat sauce on it though.

    Order the normal burger or cheeseburger then! No meat sauce!

    I like the normal cheeseburgers at Mos Burger. Must be up there.

  4. Some poster say we are all guests here, but that is not true. Many Farangs have everything they own here, they live and work here, family, house etc and they do not want to leave. Such a place is called home.

    When you've got a stamp in your passport that says NON-IMMIGRANT or TOURIST that's what you are.

    Just because you want to be something badly doesn't automatically make it so.

    Its worth noting that many foreigners also have an IMMIGRANT Visa (also known as permanent residency)

    Many also have Thai passport. (farang that is NOT foreigners)

    Not "many".

    There are a few thousand farang permanent residents but certainly not many farang immigrants who have been granted Thai citizenship.

    There's a quota on how many foreign nationals of each country are given Thai citizenship each year and the numbers are very low indeed for Western countries (in the dozens I believe).

  5. Two points:

    1) I love these types of threads. You poms sure know how to bash yourselves up and lash out at others on the most incorrect information. If there is a national characteristic of the British, this surely must be it. Almost as fun as watching you guys getting beaten at cricket.

    2) I was a so called 'economic migrant' to the UK on the highly skilled migrants permit. Despite me and my wife paying a fair whack of taxes to Her Majesty, I was entitled to sweet FA, apart from the NHS and access to "schooling" for any kids I may have had. I didn't know that free education included switch blade lessons from the local little englander junior brigade and access to haute cuisine consisting of stodge, stodge, and stodge. But that I guess is what you get for 89 pence per meal. This would have been for the first 5 years of my stay.

    Got charged a pretty penny too twice in 2 years to extend/renew my visa's as well, and forced to submit to arbitary and regular rule changes that would make Thai immigration proud.

    Yes, oh the delights of mooching off the British government. Frankly, I get better public services here in BKK most of the time.

    Sounds your typical 'chip on the shoulder' nonsense from an Australian.

    What was your "highly skilled migrants permit" for? Working in a bar? :o

  6. 18 years for petty fraud when politicians and businessmen do the same type of thing on a massive scale yet escape punishment or are given a slap on the wrist.

    In no way am I condoning this man's actions but the punishment should fit the crime and in no way does this punishment fit this crime.

    Who was the judge? Attila the Hun?

  7. Some poster say we are all guests here, but that is not true. Many Farangs have everything they own here, they live and work here, family, house etc and they do not want to leave. Such a place is called home.

    When you've got a stamp in your passport that says NON-IMMIGRANT or TOURIST that's what you are.

    Just because you want to be something badly doesn't automatically make it so.

  8. TRT and the Dems fought over the years of coverage and not about the actual need for coverage.

    Then in march 2007 there was a attempt to close a semantic loophole the law that cost parents money.

    I read your link and you only make it 'seem' that it means what you want it too.

    It was clearly about closing a loophole that was costing parents MORE money,

    in exorbitant extra curricular after school fees for 'mandatory' things.

    So you used selective quotation to 'lead' in a direction that backs your point.

    But the article's content proves otherwise.

    If you must flame me so blatantly at least have the deceny of properly reading the article

    that you base your flame on and then UNDERSTANDING it. You certainly did not.

    Sadly, again you are more disingenuous partisanship than accurate substance..

    Oh and I never purport to me anybodies pontiff.

    If you want to fight my arguments use better arguments.

    Flaming me doesn't do squat but diminish your stature in the eyes of others.

    You are just parroting Hammered's deliberately vague and misleading response.

    Fact is, the Junta tried to remove the 12 years guaranteed free education from the charter. Thus, my earlier post is accurate.

    You can argue on the semantics over why they wanted to scrap it all you want.


  9. What has any of that got to do with Abhisit being impeached? :o

    Try reading the OP. It will help you a lot on Thaivisa. :D

    This thread is about the censure debate.

    The impeachment motion is part of the no-confidence plan against the prime minister. The Constitution requires the opposition to seek an impeachment against the prime minister when it decides to hold a censure debate against the premier.

    As I said, there is a separate thread about the MPs being involved in a scuffle during the debate.

  10. Or they got the idea from the preponderance of western countries with the same system.

    Gee didn't Abhisit go to a country that had a similar school system? Why yes he did.

    Seems he wouldn't need Thaksin to tell him this is good.

    And I remember nothing of this being in place under TRT,

    nor it being canceled during the interim military government.

    But you make it sound so 'authoritative' maybe a few will believe you.

    Of course there is no corroboration mentioned,

    so it can as easily be hyperbolic propaganda, as supportable fact.

    You don't really know what you are talking about do you?

    The Education Ministry wants the new charter to avoid promising 12 years of "free" basic education

    Rather than pontificating on here, some research into the topics at hand may be advised before further embarrassing yourself.

  11. I have to agree with Plus on this (we don't always agree). While I think that Kasit has turned out to be a liability for this government, he is very well known in diplomatic circles and nobody considers him to have a "terrorist" past. The foreign community is forgiving as most don't want long memories into their own pasts. I think your last sentence bears this out.

    Now, if Kasit f's up somewhere else, then his PAD past will come back to haunt him, but right now Plus is right "as time goes by it becomes more and more distant past." It isn't like we are talking about Samak or so many others.

    I was under the impression that the inevitable breakdown of the negotiations with Cambodia over the 'disputed land' near Preah Vihear, were in part due to Kasit's and the PAD's stance of absolute defiance of International Court Judgements regarding that land, and that Kasit had lost credibility in "diplomatic circles" directly as a result of this.

    The foreign community know exactly what he's all about, and how to play that to their advantage.

  12. Wooops the slag off the nation mob are in the room :o

    No "slagging off", merely stating facts. :D

    If I wanted to slag it off, I could proffer that the journalism within is equivalent to a third-grade school publication, or that the lack of proof reading makes it more of a 'pidgin-English' language paper than a bona fide English Language paper, or that its annoying political bias makes it unworthy of reading and affects its credibility, but I wouldn't waste my time, as that much is obvious to even the thickest monoglot.

  13. With my experience in dealing with people over the past few decades I have observed. Those with the least knowledge, those caught in untruths, and those with shady backgrounds tend to blow the most smoke to cover their own inadequacies and the volume seems to increase when they realize people are not buying their line. Chalerm and those he associates may just fit all 3 of my observed conditions plus some that I did not mention.

    Funny, I thought that could equally apply to Abhisit.

    So what are the impeachment charges then? This thread has offered little on the titular topic.

    He faces seven charges; receiving improper contributions to his Democrat party and dodging the draft among them.

    It will be interesting to see if the courts deal with this with an even hand or show yet more institutionalised bias toward the Democrat party.

  14. :o If you are a Tourist on a 30 day visa or a nom B Visa you will be deported and in some cases you may even get a chance to inspect there government hotel scheme, your passport details will be stored on there unafficial Black list and you will never gain entry again to thailand this is why passports these days are Biometric and in some cases in the pre bio metric they are machine readable these measures in passport developement are implemented to stop undesirables and stupid people returnining to this fantastic country and other destinations around the world.

    Just come back in through one of the non-computerised entry/exit points to Thailand and you can return to Thailand no problem. There's 55 entry/exit points in total and not all are computerised.

  15. YAKALT - you all forgot YAKALT:

    Avalible from Walmart in the USA (and other good neighbourhood shops), and Tesco's and M&S in the UK (and other good neighbourhood shops), and Carrefour in France, and ....... on and on I could go.

    It is one Thai consumer brandname well established on the Western supermarket & shop shelves.

    You mean Yakult?

    It's Japanese.

  16. Image of the Royal Thai Police at stake

    Their image is already that of a band of corrupt murdering thieves.

    All Thai police are criminals....either by directly being corrupt, or knowing someone who is and looking the other way.

    There may be an honest Thai cop, but he would have to be blind,deaf,dumb and mentally retarded.

    UN - Thailand’s most organized criminals are police

    Says it all really.

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