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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. Rakkiat did a runner, not Sanan. Still Rakkiat was the first ever sitting minister to get convicted for corruption, and "government plagued by corruption scandals" is not how one would descrive Dems' second term in office. General mood was that the checks and balances built in 1997 const were showing first results.

    There are sick people in every society, one starts talking about plague only when something goes really out of hand. And that's not what happened under Chuan.

    Yes, I should have been clearer in my post.

    However, the Chuan administration was plagued by corruption scandals, and that certainly was the consensus at the time.

    And again, that is precisely why he got his nickname, 'The Painter' because of his staunch defence of so many of his cabinet and party members accused of corruption.

    As to "General Mood" they were an extremely unpopular government, crushing the poor under harsh economic measures while helping out the massive conglomerates. Their record on human rights wasn't too good either. IIRC one journalist compared them to a military dictatorship. The people voted them out quick smart though and elected Thaksin in a massive landslide, so what the "general mood" was is clear to everyone.

    I can only deduce you were not around or in Thailand at this time going on your posts.

  2. The hassle of eating out these days due to the low standard of eateries and restaurants in Bangkok has resulted in me cooking a lot more at home, and now I even cook stuff like breads and sausage myself.

    Tonight I am having a Salmon steak that has been marinading in champagne vinegar, white wine, fresh dill, black pepper, olive oil and lime, served with a mixed salad and boiled potatoes.

    I find myself thinking, "I could do better than this" when I eat out more often these days.

  3. you claimed Chuan was corrupt and all we find now is "undeclared shareholdings in a rural cooperative", which is wrong but not corruption.

    It was the National Counter Corruption Commission that prosecuted him for this.

    Needs no other explanation really.

    Furthermore, I did not actually accuse Chuan of being corrupt. I said "Chuan found by the National Counter Corruption Commission to be concealing assets" and "Chuan was nevertheless head of a government plagued by corruption scandals."

    Both true statements. Please don't be dishonest in your debate here and attribute to me something I did not say.

  4. Because Thaksin declared Pojamarn his personal conscience?

    The difference between Chuan and Thaskin is that under Democrats corruption was prosecuted. The first ever minister, Rakkiat from one of the coaltion partners, and Democrat Secretary General who didn't make a show of tears over his "honest mistake" and served his sentence, unlike Thaksin.

    No, he actually jumped bail and did a runner. Same same Thaksin.


  5. I recommend to search the internet a little bit.

    The corruption cases of the democrats in the total 60 years are less than in one year of Thaksin.

    Why? I wasn't making a comparison between the two.

    Cases or not, and let's be honest Thaksin is setting a precedent (no pun intended) for a politician being prosecuted for corruption. Chuan was nevertheless head of a government plagued by corruption scandals.

    There is a big difference in comparing the two when it comes to leading governments where corruption is concerned. With Thaksin, it was a one party government (his party). With Chuan (1997-2001) it was a 6 party coalition with 12 independent defectors from a 7th party. This is a big difference, and I suspect you know the difference.

    Another difference is Pojaman Shinawatra, while not being directly involved in politics herself, and actually faced the music in front of a court, is constantly vilified for her criminal activities, both proven and alleged and used as an angle to attack Thaksin himself, both on here and by the media.

    Yet, when someone points out Chuan's brother embezzled billions from Thai banks before doing a runner to Taiwan for 7 years until the statute of limitations ran out, it has 'nothing to do with Chuan' or is simply ignored.

    Why is that do you think?

  6. I recommend to search the internet a little bit.

    The corruption cases of the democrats in the total 60 years are less than in one year of Thaksin.

    Why? I wasn't making a comparison between the two.

    Cases or not, and let's be honest Thaksin is setting a precedent (no pun intended) for a politician being prosecuted for corruption. Chuan was nevertheless head of a government plagued by corruption scandals.

    That the 1997 crises was a big dirty game in which some made a lot money, is well known, if he did something himself is not clear but it was the group of people he belong to.

    Rumours that Thaksin profited off the Baht being floated have been going around for ages.

    Nothing proven.

    Move on.

  7. Chuan is regarded as not corrupt and had after his term as PM less money than before. He repaired the 1997 crises in which Thaksin was also involved. The only thing you can complain at is that the Chuan government was slow.

    Why was Chuan found by the National Counter Corruption Commission to be concealing assets then?

    And the Chuan government was plagued by corruption scandals. It's where he got his nickname of 'the painter'.

    Shows just how little you know about Thai politics pre-Thaksin.

    Additionally, Thaksin was appointed in the cabinet after the government sparked the crisis by refusing to devalue the Baht.

    So get your facts right before spouting off nonsense.

  8. Lest you forget, the previous government broke up when the PPP was dissolved by the Constitutional Court for electoral fraud.

    And of course that court judgement could never have been affected by military pressure or indeed, from pressure of a paramilitary mob blockading the country's main airport.

    Regardless, now is NOT the time to call elections and essentially have a rudderless Govt for 3 months in the middle of the largest global crisis since 1929. Meanwhile, Mr Thaksin aka 'THE victim' may have to wait for his form of 'justice' (or return and seek it).

    Bottom line, as long as Dr Thaksin is out of pocket 76 billion baht and lusts for a return to power (along with complete exoneration) it appears Thailand's needs will just have to wait. :o

    Thailand's needs weren't taken into consideration when tanks were rumbling in central Bangkok nor when paramilitary forces laid siege to the airport.

    So why now all the concern?

  9. At the very top end they are well cashed up and some are preparing themselves for a couple of years (by expanding and improving) when they project there will be a recovery. They have brand name, customer loyalty and luxury as their selling points.

    I agree that upper/mid tier (often local brand who have tried to cash in on the people willing to pay more because of good economy/exchange rates) are going to suffer. Also suffering will be the places that have tried to give more to the budget traveller, as many backpackers seem to have cut back to extreme budget. But maybe these places can soak up the 3 star hotel market.

    Certainly the first to go will be those who rent, not a pretty scenario in these circumstances.

    I think the budget places will suffer as all the backpackers are in Laos and Cambodia, at least from what I have seen personally in the last few days.

    Thailand's political strife, strong Baht and unwelcoming visa regulations for long staying tourists have driven them elsewhere. Those are the major complaints anyway.

    And they seem to be spending just fine, not "cutting back to extreme budget", or perhaps they are just in Thailand, and spending their money and time somewhere they deem more deserving.

  10. Now we are seeing, and they are realising that the military can't just have coups and interfere in government anymore.

    The Thai people aren't as uneducated as they were even in the early 90's.

    The times they are a changin'.

    Of course some Thais will just not let go and wish to keep the masses as serfs to use as cheap labour under the guise of sufficiency, or whatever other lie it is this month.

    Don't blame Thaksin, he is only the wrong man in the right place at the wrong time. It is the military that started all this by staging a coup in 2006, then declaring martial law, destroying the constitution and disrupting democratic process, as flawed as that may have been.

    So ye shall sow, so shall ye reap.

    And now look what they gone and done, they've turned him into a figurehead for a democratic movement.

    Somehow I'm not sure this Government, their supporters, the military and the judiciary are enjoying the irony quite as much as I am.

  11. Remember, "some people will be more sufficient than others", or so we are told by those that wish to implement this policy of localism.

    Of course the people who are dead set on implementing this policy are not living on the breadline, don't have financial worries and certainly don't need to worry where their next meal is coming from.

    Pol Pot, another European educated leader, implemented a similar policy in the extreme, and look where Cambodia is today.

    It is amusing to see people claiming this is the work of the current government. How foolish. This government doesn't have the choice nor does it make these 'executive' decisions.

  12. And B 2-3k for average hotels/rooms is dreaming too...try again at B 500-B 1000 and you might get some takers.

    It's a pity that they have alienated the backpacker and long term budget market with their quest for "a better class of tourist."

    I spent 23 hours on Kho Samui in about 1993 (just after the Reggae Pub burned down, it was still smoking), and this was definitely enough. Lousy overpriced food and construction going on everywhere. Now they are proud to let you sleep for just 5kB? No thank you, I will never be back. By the way, I like Prachuap and Bang Saphan Noi very much :o

    It's got a lot worse. Horrible, horrible place now.

    Paradise lost.

  13. I notice there are a lot more bikes at the auctions and the tent city for cars has increased all over the country.

    New car purchases are down about 50% year on year for February.

    The Thai motor industry is in real and serious trouble.

    Abhisit has refused to bail out Chev to the tune of a few billion so I reckon it's over for them in Thailand in the near future.

  14. UK drivers licences issued after July 1998 automatically expire after 10 years. People seem to think the licence is issued for life. Read the small print. Anyone going back to the UK with a licence that was issued more that 10 years ago is open to a fine of 1,000 GBP if caught driving.

    I think that those with picture licenses have to submit a new photo to DVLC every ten years. Those with the paper licenses which don't expire until the user is 70 do not come under such rules, unless the holder of the said license changes address. So if you have a paper license hold on to it, they are much better than the photo ones.

    It is to keep the photo current that the licenses need to be renewed every 10 years. I just renewed mine.

    Paper licences aren't valid in the EU or abroad, so there is a downside.

    Besides the photocard license is useful as photo ID which is increasingly needed these days.

  15. Many times I have seen irrate pasengers getting their expensive perfumes and after shaves confiscated at the departure gate bag checks.

    I hear many times passengers pleading with customs that the bottles are half full and the contents meet the allotted amount.

    Allways to no avail, they allways point blank refuse to listen to any reason. I often wondered why they were so tough. Even when the bottle is clearly half empty!

    Today I found out why. My Thai wife told me that on sanuk.com there are many "used" expensive perfumes for sale, all the expensive brands...EVERY DAY.

    I am surprised, I thought they would be selling the fake perfumes like they do at the markets and on the street.

  16. I've checked out the Atlanta hotel a few times, and to be honest, despite my personal disagreements with some of the political philosophies of the all-knowing Dr. Max Henn, the place was charming and, to be honest, quite refreshing compared to the depravities of the nearly Nana district.

    Why stay anywhere near the vicinity of that area if you feel that way?

    Personally I think it's a great idea to have a hotel with no Thai prostitutes or johns allowed. No loud music and noises until early hours in the morning, no TV switched on 24/7, no sleazy old men creeping around the corridors at night and none of these reprobates that perpetuate the bad image of us Westerners in Thailand.

  17. There were Thai men claiming to be police stopping people in the arrivals hall and rifling through their bags recently.

    Looking for smuggled tobacco apparently.

    According to Police the airport is controlled by three mafia gangs and the Police themselves are powerless to do much about them so it surprises me things like what happened in the OP don't get reported more often.

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