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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. The SET and banks will be open. This is only for civil servants. Private companies need to make their own decisions based on whether they consider it appropriate to close for an extra two days.

    And those businesses that require the services of government offices on Thursday/Friday now can no longer use them.

    Thailand needs to be upping productivity and not be taking more and more days off on the spur of the moment as a populist measure to try and win over Somchai public.

    Thailand #3 on the World's Gloomiest Economies.


  2. It was just announced on TV that any of the protesters that want to go home should go to the statue of Rama V around government house. They will be allowed to leave. Maybe you should try to let your friend know.

    Wonder if they will be actually be free to go or if they will be taken away for torture or simply disappeared as the Army did back in 1992?

  3. Damaging few cars or computers can not be compared to a threat of LPG Tanker, or attacks on civilians in their homes, or terrorising cars driving past.

    What about storming the control tower of a major international airport with planes still in the sky?

    Can that be compared?


    Do you want to reconsider that sensationalist assertion given the benefit of hindsight ?

    Was it not more a case of a few people attempting to obtain Somchai's flight plan ?

    Don't get me wrong, I was no fan of the PAD's activities and, despite getting an extra 6 days stay in Thailand, theire activities did little for the image of Thailand or the tourist trade. HOWEVER, I doubt that any lives were at risk and I noted how 'clean' the airport was left and how quickly operations were restored. Not sure I could predict the same result if the red shirts decided to park a few LPG tankers at Swampy.

    It was an armed and masked mob that stormed and took control of the tower.

    Wearing masks and carry weapons just to request to see a flight plan? Odd.

    Of course that assertion was put forward by the Bangkok Post for the benefit of the gullible.

  4. It would appear to me that many people are missing the point about these red shirt protestors they are being played by Taksin who wants any government that is in power overthrown if they are not going to grant him an amnesty and allow him to return to Thailand so that he can release the multi millions of baht that are frozen plus all his other assets when this is achieved he will be off into the great blue yonder never to be heard of again then maybe we will have a democratic election and government to follow.

    With Thaksin gone military and institutional interference in the Thai political system will continue just as it has over the course of the last 75 years.

    How many coups now? 17 or 18?

    And Thaksin's the real problem because he got caught with his hand in the till? :o

  5. Except that the reason most people posting here want a Thailand-based credit card is so that they can order from online vendors who will only ship to the billing address. A Sing credit card is useless for that purpose.

    You can get prepaid credit cards easily online and the billing address can be wherever you want.

  6. When the next round of elections come in to view, they can campaign and canvas mightily, and try to get their chosen candidate(s) elected.

    Sounds great. So what happens when there's another coup, or the military appointed judiciary remove those elected MPs for whatever reason they can; hosting a cooking show or buying votes for example, or the other paramilitary mob that wears yellow takes over the airports again because they didn't like the results?

    Back to square one?

  7. Now they broke into a bank, acc to the Nation. At least broke the glass doors.

    Looks like a full blown red revolution - taking over the banks, shooting disagreeable locals.

    Sparked by a military coup, a subsequent judicial coup and a paramilitary blockade of airports and government buildings.

    What did you honestly think was going to happen? The disenfranchised as a result of the aforementioned actions were just going to lie down and take it?

    Cause and effect.

  8. The best way that I can explain it is that you're wrong and they ARE shooting blanks. That's a far more logical conclusion than some self proclaimed gun experts making conclusions from photos.

    Translation: I refuse to believe the factual evidence presented so I will stick my head in the sand and remain ignorant instead.

  9. From Bloopers.

    Many firearms (including the M-16, M-60 and SLR) cannot fire on auto or semi-auto when using blanks. They can only fire once and then must be manually recocked.

    The Reason:

    When one of these weapons fires a bullet, expanding gases push the bullet out the barrel. As an opposite reaction, the gas also recocks the weapon. Without a bullet, there is nothing for the bullet to push against, so the next bullet is not loaded. To get around this, soldiers place a BFD (Blank Firing Device) on the end of the barrel (or replace the barrel for a M-60).


    Some of the M16s I have seen being fired are loaded with full mags with no BFA and being fired repeatedly so must be firing live ammo.

  10. As none of the firearms (M16s) are fitted with BFA's (blank firing adaptors) that are required to fire and cycle blank ammo I have to conclude that live rounds are being used.

    Anyone even mildly familiar with assault weapon technology could only come to the same conclusion.

    And yet no reports of any fatalities? Either they are great shots, or really bad shots? Or there is something else going on, that is perhaps beyond our ability to explain?

    There have been reports of injuries due to gunshot wounds though.

    The red-shirts are claiming there have been fatalities although no proof yet.

    But back to my original point and that is blank rounds cannot cycle in an M16 without a BFA, and that's a fact. Not enough pressure to chamber the following round you see.

  11. As none of the firearms (M16s) are fitted with BFA's (blank firing adaptors) that are required to fire and cycle blank ammo I have to conclude that live rounds are being used.

    Anyone even mildly familiar with assault weapon technology could only come to the same conclusion.

  12. Agreed about conviction, but they must first convict the YELLOW leaders before convicting the RED leaders, they need to convict in the order the crimes took place....

    Exactly............presumably starting with Thaksin's many crimes against humanity when he first gave the order to use extra-judicial means to kill potential drug pushers. Or perhaps a retrial of the Alpine Land Scandal where the judges who more or less admitted accepting bribes from Thaksin would also be in the dock? It's a good idea, but where does it all stop in a country like Thailand? :o

    Before Khun Thaksin, was everyone clean?

    Forgot already the name? Here it is: Khun Chuan!

    Chuan Leekpai?

    Found guilty by the National Counter Corruption Commission for not declaring shares in a co-operative?

    That Chuan?

    The guy who's nickname is 'the painter' because of his staunch defence of cabinet ministers in his government accused of corruption?

    Same Chuan?

  13. I spoke to my extended family today (and some of them are leaning red shirts). None of the supported the Red Shirts activities. They were, to a one, horrified at the scene of the red shirts beating the PM's secretary, and completely support the government working to restore order to the capital. I would say that if they feel this way, its safe to say that most Thai's also feel that way.

    I spoke to a Thai in the 7/11 who supported the red shirts and blamed the Army for this escalation and the Government's inability to control the situation.

    I would say that if he felt that way, it is safe to say most Thais also feel that way.

  14. and...

    Iraq, Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe,... Can't wait indeed for Thailand to join this list of peacefull and trouble free nations enlightened with British common sense

    That's the trouble. You can't hit a home run every time you swing the bat.

  15. Can anyone confirm this? Thaksin in Thailand? Recent rumors that he was in Cambodia and he's publicly announced the start of his "peoples revolution" and his return to Thailand. Nobody can say he hasn't got balls!

    My highlight in Bold.

    Thaksin makes phone-in, calling more to join rallies

    Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra made a phone-in to the rally at the Government House at 6:30 pm, calling more people to join anti-government rallies in Bangkok.

    He said it was the "golden time" now for the protesters to rise up against the government after soldiers were deployed to Bangkok streets.

    He said it was now time for the people's revolution and he was ready to move into Thailand to lead the people's uprising.

    The Nation

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