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Posts posted by Oberkommando

  1. If you can't go into details there's not much point in making the claim

    That's exactly why there's been a severe clampdown on certain thought crimes recently by this unelected government.

    And as a result, free and fair discussion on this and related topics is not allowed on this website nor most others in Thailand.

    Just because we can't discuss certain things doesn't mean they are untrue. :o

  2. It's this kind of victimisation and trumped up charges that stopped me from ever going to the countries like Dubai.

    Dubai isn't a country. It sounds like you consider it normal and acceptable to argue with immigration officials. I'm glad you won't be coming to Dubai.

    Nobody is going to Dubai and thousands of foreigners are leaving due to the economic crisis.

    Of course Dubai is just as bad as Thailand when it comes to locking people up with impunity for petty, minor offences.

    Dubai is finished and will be swallowed up soon by the desert. The Palms are sinking and thousands of cars are being left abandoned at the airport by foreigners forced to leave because they face jail for not paying their debts.

    Dubai is $8Billion in the red and rapidly climbing. Real trouble ahead as they have no natural resources. Abu Dhabi, on the other hand, where all the oil money is, is just waiting to take over.

    I'm glad I won't be going to Dubai. :o

  3. Democrats pushed Education reform law. The law called for child centered education, decentralisation to introduce flexibility and independence, developing of thinking skills, English language skills etc. etc.

    Then Thaksin took over and the first thing he did was to reduce the number of school districts so that the old administrative clique could still have complete top-down control. Then his Education minister resigned, barely three months in office, then reform was burried for good. Thaksin administration paid only lip service to it, keeping old powers firmly entrenched and stiffling all development.

    It was the TRT under Thaksin that decentralised the schools in the face of mass opposition so they compromised by giving teachers more time to transfer to other schools.

    In comparison to what had gone before TRT education reforms were an improvement, and in comparison to Democrat policy at the time, visionary.

    Only Democrats care that their children can get an equal opportunity up to high school. Under poor-loving Thaksin they were instead effectively banned from education, especially past secondary level.

    The military abolished the minimum amount of education guaranteed to every Thai child after their coup in 2006.

    Just a question, why don't more posters pick up your deliberate lies and falsehoods?

  4. My understanding is that the Nations constitutional position on the"safety net" is the "sufficiency economy."

    For anyone who snickered at that that in the last 10years it would appear that HRH had the right idea all along.

    As such a village barter/co-operative economy has a better chance of riding out this mess that the wise ass international bankers have driven into.

    Anyone have a spare rice paddy I can share in?

    Can I have some of what you are smoking/imbibing?

  5. Let's not forget for a minute this IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY...

    Potjamen is being a good girl, low profile and silent

    and will likely get back much of her share.

    She knows were her bread is buttered.

    His slice seems to be landing in the sand butter down...

    It has little if anything to do with money now. It is about power, control and influence.

    I doubt if Thaksin will ever struggle with money despite what the bias Thai media would have you believe.

  6. There's no need to run anywhere when you live in a province that you have so much influence in. The people clearly weren't disgusted enough to not elect his two sons to public office.


    Money, as usual in Thailand, is more important than the integrity or suitability of the candidates.

  7. Many Thai people however disregard the notices, and waltz through the check-outs with a trolley full of these items, and the cashier does not say a word. They do however refuse the farang in similar circumstances.

    Had that exact experience myself. :o

    The pecking order.

    Last year I bought a pre-cooked chicken from a Tesco store in Chiang Mai and after consuming only a portion of it experienced extreme food poisoning.

    An email fired off to the Bangkok head office complaining about the chicken in question and non-observance of HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) standards resulted in telephone calls from senior management in Bangkok, as well as from the store in question, early on the Monday morning following the rather blunt email being dispatched.

    This was followed up shortly after on the same morning by a visit from three very apologetic store staff with a consolatory basket of fruit (which I was in no condition to eat) and insistence that I get my self to a hospital and the store would pay all the medical bills.

    Several days later I received a further telephone call from a senior foreign manager in Bangkok.

    From my experience an email to Tesco head office would soon see this situation quickly rectified and I wonder why the OP – who has already gone to great lengths to impress everyone with his level of stated wealth and property tycoon status – needs to mount such a public slagging match with a defamatory topic title libeling the entire company over an Bt80 bottle of milk instead of raising the matter with Tesco head office.

    Perhaps in the OPs case Tesco could send him a cow and crate of bottles.


    Tescos is British so they have a decent customer service at that level.

    Doubt you'd get the same from a Thai company.

  8. More than a few times, I've been with a Thai g.f. and she's told me later that one or another Thai man has cussed at me. The times this has happened, the men cussed in a regular sounding voice (not loud) so as to not arouse my ire. The men always cuss in Thai (naturally, it's their native language) but it's also a cowardly way to cuss at someone in order to anger and embarass his Thai g.f./wife while at the same time the man being cussed at (me) doesn't know what's happened until later.

    Happens all the time mate.

    They think they are being clever. Watch the shock and cowardice on their faces when you pull them up on it.

    I usually retaliate by telling them they have small penises. They really have a complex about that. Wonder why? :o

  9. I presume(correctly?)that most posters on this topic are English!? What a bunch of bigots! :o

    From scanty information,some from the Thai Press,most from the Thai Royal Police,two VERY biased fonts,they judge a man that was sent to jail,and a jail that's sure like hel_l,for 3 weeks,and now awaiting process,for what?For swearing at an Immigration Officer incompetence?

    For swearing at the Thai burocracy after he lost his flight home?Nobody is refunding him,that's for sure.

    It were bad already if Thais supported this view,but Europeans?(Australians,Americans,whatsoever..)

    Don't you have some dignity,are you really ready to bend over and say:thank you Sir?Pitiful :D

    They don't get the irony that it is they that are directly responsible for the place the UK has become.

    Instead they moan and blame the immigrants, the vast majority of whom are far more hardworking and contribute more than the scrounging underclasses that escape to an easy life of exploitation in Thailand.

  10. do you think the planes are full because the airlines cut back the number of flights?as i posted before,someone had remarked that phuket was very busy now.

    Not for those routes and certainly not for direct BKK - LHR flights. I can't say if any of the routes running via the middle east or Europe have been cut though.

    Interestingly enough while I was in Thailand I booked a couple of flights to Viet Nam for end first week March. BKK to SGN was not a problem but the internal SGN to DAD (Da Nang) was fully booked and I had to reserve a seat in business. Waste of a business class ticket, flight is only an hour and a half barely enough time for a decent G&T. :o

    Nearly all airlines have cut flights back in the last 6 months on BKK-LHR.

  11. As for the press not being allowed in Thai courts, I think dinthailand refers to the fact that some farang local journalist in Pattaya said they were banned from local court. It is not a nationwide official policy covering all journalists.

    Several recent high profile cases, some involving Westerners, the media have been discouraged to attend court. I believe local media was banned from covering certain events altogether.

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