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Posts posted by ThaiLover1

  1. Does you're visa depends that you get married in los?

    Is that why you are talking marrying?

    Why not just simply live together?

    Its much easier to get rid off her, if she scam you.

    And.......after all.....you are 50, man...why marry???

    I do not need to marry again, but if my woman wants it - for any number of reasons, such as secruity, showing true love etc - I will do it for her. It is fine with me to live together, or get married.

    I have met a number of visa-hunting girls in Asia, and I do not take them on. Despite some negative comments to the contrary in this thread, girls seems to enjoy spending time with the balding 50 year old man (me). I do not need to find a desperate girl in need of upgrading her social status and moving to the US. There are plenty of others.

    If I get married, I will be living in Thailand - not the US.

  2. Yohan, I was married for a long time and have three teenage kids. I was most happy when I was married.

    I am hoping to find a girl to marry again. I do not like bar-girls or casual relationships. I plan to live in Thailand full-time. I do not want a long-distance relastionship.

    Several of my American friends that have traveled to Thailand tell me I am such a romantic, but should try to keep some options open (read: GFs on the side). They say girls in Thailand are after money before true love.

    However, I am not interested to play around.

  3. Polly, now we are getting somewhere. I am glad a woman near my own age is joining in the conversation. I am really pleased – no kidding. You have valuable information, that no 21 year female will have.

    I also changed my picture - just for you. I know the image size is too small to see much of anything much, but I seem to have a plenty supply of young, attractive and enjoyable females. It is me and a friend in the picture.

    The ladies I hang out with are not bar-girls and are also not asking for money. I look only for true love.

    I am still not sure why any girl would choose to hang out with a balding old me, but the fact is they do. I have dated girls from the whole spectrum of straight (read: no money exchanged) 18-45 years old women, since I lost my first wife about 7 years ago. I simply can not get a hard-on with a woman that is overweight or sagging - even if she is 21 years old.

    Maybe it is better to be a man; my uncle fathered a daughter when he was 82 (yes, no typo). His wife died, but he remarried and is happy now with a new family. I am not making up this story.

    Most women are pushing it to stay fertile after the age of 40.

    Polly, I will go hang out with my 20+ girlfriends, and you can go out with your younger non-balding men, if you like. We are both mature adults and free to choose who we hang with.

    Age has really nothing to do with matingness. Health is the most important ingredient for good sex and good looks.

    I recently had 40 year old Chinese girlfriend that was stunning, run her own business (read: not looking for money) and was better in bed than any young 20-something female. I was getting ready to marry her, when I found out she was pregnant with another man. I like mature women as well as young ones. Age has little to do with it; health is everything.

    I guess girls are just as "bad" as the guys...

    PS. I do not like virgins. They do not know anything much.

  4. Tornado, I would have run like mad, if my GF cheated on my while I was in Bangkok.

    However, I left my GF in BKK for three months, and she told me she thought I would not return - and started to think that I was only going to BKK for sex.

    However, I do not accept this as an excuse for cheating and saying the words "I love you" on the phone, while having sex with another man - but the situation is not totally cut and dry. I hope you understand.

    Where do you meet the virgins in their lates 20s?

  5. Rainman, you are right. I was dating 21 year old girls in 1970s - just as I am still doing now. Times change, but not my interest in sweet girls. (smile)

    In 1970s a girl would stay with one man only, and she would be labeled a "hore" if she let you do it on the first or second date. No guy would take her as a serious GF. She would be labeled too "loose" and could not be trusted.

    If the girl cheated on her BF she would be expelled form the human race (laugh). I do not remember anyone cheating in my teenage days.

    Are you saying modern straight Thai girls are simply loose and sexy, without considerations or respect for a boyfriend?

    PS Yes, I plan to wait the marriage plans. My GF's father wants her to finish college before she has a boyfriend. Little does he know about the real life of his Thai daughter... (smile)

  6. Sandy, thanks for the good words about love and non-importance of age

    Yes, I also think a cheater is always a cheater, but my GF has made some very serious moves to come clean. She is staying at home very night and says she is waiting for me to return to BKK, she proposed to marry me and is even talking about kids. She has picked up her study to finish college as quickly as possible, and she says she wants to be with me only.

    Why did you stay with your boyfriend or not set a limit, after the first episode of cheating?

    I have an American male friend that says my GF is just trying to get the hooks in for the ultimate kill - a divorce settlement with a large portion of my assets. This sounds a little too negative, but it scares me a little.

  7. Taxexile, I do not like bar-girls. I like romance and real passion.

    The sex that comes from true feelings is ten times better than sex with any bar-girl, that is only doing the sex for money.

    I wish I could fall madly in love with a 50 year old woman (same age as me), but so far I have failed. I think I would need to sign up to become a munk before I have sex with 50 year old woman. (smile)

    I have a lot in common with my 21 year old babe. She loves sex all morning, afternoon and nights - many times per day. We also takes breaks and go out for dancing, dinners, temples and tourist sites around BKK. She make me laugh and cry (with happiness) all day long. It is sublime.

    I have not had a better GF yet.

  8. Pat Pong, I agree that I had a great deal by being her BF, and that she had little or noting other than to wait for me, when I was out of town.

    With all due respect, I do not believe this is enough of an excuse for having sex with a stranger. If I was in a situation I did not like - be it work or love, I would voice my disappointment and depart. Why did my GF hide her affair and continue to say sweet words on phone or email?

    She is not a bar-girl, and I did not send her money. There is no benefit for her to keep me as BF, if she has another flame going on in BKK.

  9. Taxexile, I agree that my GF is a little on the young side. But, what is wrong with some integrity, whether young or old? I remember being direct abd honest with my GFs - when I was 21 year old.

    My Thai GF really is a college student and an actress. I went with her several times, to check things out.

    Why do you say a student/actress should tell me all I need to know?

  10. I do not mean to sound too negative, but I am wondering I there are any honest straight girls in Thailand? Perhaps it is not possible? Read on if you want to know my story.

    (And, Thai girls; please feels free to jump in and reply.)

    As most farangs tourists, I went a little crazy on my first two trips with all the bar-girls and freelance talent available in Thailand. However, I quickly found out it was not for me and got bored. I really was longing for a “real” relationship and not just easy sex.

    I started to introduce myself to “nice” Thai girls far away from all the farang areas of Silom and Sukhumvit etc. It went very well, and I met several nice ladies on the streets and shopping malls, ladies with real office jobs or student programs. It was much easier to talk to these girls than the ladies back in the ol’ USA. These girls were not bar-girls, but educated - or at least girls with some sort of day job.

    However, I was a little surprised when the first office girl I dated for lunch, agreed to go back to my hotel and we proceeded to engage in sex – on the first date - at 1 pm in the afternoon! I decided this was a little too fast for me – even though an interesting experience, so I continued my search. No money changed hands.

    A few weeks later, I met a very young looking (21 years old) and pretty lady outside KFC - in Word Trade Center in BKK, and she told me she was a student and a model/actress. We took a liking to each other and she agreed to meet me again. We dated several times, and we kissed goodbye at the BKK airport. She did not want any sex. I thought this was the girl that I was looking for, since she did not jump in the sack too quickly and she was tall, drop-dead gorgeous and a real babe (“model material”).

    We talked on the phone every day for hours from USA, and when I returned to Bangkok we spent the whole next month in bed. I fell in love, and I thought I had met my dream girl.

    I returned back to American with sweet happy feelings and looked forward to return to Bangkok to see her again. Everything looked and felt great. She told me she would wait for me to return to Bangkok (about 3 months later) and she was serious about our love.

    When I returned to BKK, we spent every minute of the first two days together. However, it felt something was not quite right and told her to tell me what she is hiding. After, many, many denials she finally admitted she had gone out with another American man while I was away in America, and that she had sex on two dates and then broke up with him! - I was floored.

    I later found out that she also had three one-night stand, the previous year - before I met her. Is this normal for 21 year old straight Thai girl, or is this a little too "fast"?

    I am 50 years old (see my real picture on the side), and this GF is 21 years old. Yes, she is extremely attractive and sexy, but not a sleaze or dressing like a bar-girl. I have noticed the number of guys that try to hit on her when I go for a quick errand to the bathroom when we go out on the town. She is very popular with men. It is not my imagination.

    I do not mind competition from other guys, but I am wondering if it is possible to find a Thai girl that is faithful? Her my girlfriend was having sex with a stranger, - after one date, and telling me she loves me and is waiting for me. What is that? Do all morals just disappear in Bangkok!?

    Note: I am not a newbie to Thailand, and I have seen many educated and serious girls all over Thailand. But, in my real life experience it seems as if the real girls are just as able to lie and cheat with other boyfriends, as bar-girls do. True or not?

    I am really disappointed with my girlfriends fast sex, loose morals and lying. I have not been with any other girl, since I met my GF - now more than 6 month together. There are plenty of interested girls that want to know me in BKK, but I only have one room in my heart.

    Can faithful pretty girls be found in Thailand, or they all simply blowing with the wind and go with the first attractive farang (with money) that comes along?!

    Confused about straight Thai girls? I am...

    What do I do with her now? She says she is real sorry for her fling, and she says knows it was a big mistake. She seems totally changed and is picking up her studies and is staying home every night.

    1) Do I drop her like a hot potato and find a more faithful Thai girlfriend, or

    2) do I simply call it quits and conclude that Thai girls can not keep their pants on, when they see a young, rich and handsome farang, or

    3) do I stay with her to see if she can be faithfull - while I am out of town?

  11. I have been an electronics engineer for more than 30 years, and I find this story unbelievable. This story is most likely caused by someone's lack of basic Physics understanding.

    A battery-explosion does not cause an electric shock. It may cause physical injury but not electrical injury. I do not know what causes battery explosions, but I can guess ordinary heat (such as found in the hot weather in Thailand – 40C or higher) has something to do with it – along with faulty manufacturing.

    One needs something to conduct the electricity to injure a physical body. For example, touching the hand to an electrical wire, super-high voltage potential (much, much higher than an electrical pole) such as found in lightning via air-ions etc.

    Lesson: Do not believe everything you read; learn to think and question for yourself.

  12. I have income from several unrelated sources. I am curious what the Thai goverment will accept as income for retirement visa, since I do not yet have a government pension?

    Also, I am sure the Thai government knows that most people around 50 years of age are still working for a living, and that very few lucky people retire by the age of 50. What gives?

    1) Why setting the age for the Thai retirement visa at 50? Most people can not retire this early.

    2) What constitutes proof of income for retirement visa purposes - not having a government pension?

  13. Thanks for the reply.

    I do not plan to open a Bangkok bank account. I live off an ATM card, from an American bank. Is this an issue, if I can show copies (and orginals) of income in my American bank account? I understand that the regulations no longer requires to keep the money with a Thai bank in Thailand.

    A side question: How about changing a 30 day tourist visa to a longer term tourist visa (say 60-90 days) - perhaps with multiple entries? Easier - and cheaper - in Bangkok, or at home with the Thai consulate?

  14. The paperwork for a Thai retirement visa in the US is long and clear, with copies in triplicates - and notarized - from banks, police etc. This gets quickly expensive and time-consuming.

    I also read - on this board - that the LA Thai consulate is very picky on the paperwork and rejects many applications.

    After reading a few of the posts on this board, I get feeling that dressing up nice - with a smile - and going down to the immigration office in Bangkok will take care of any visa applications in minutes, with minimal paperwork.

    What are the facts; does the Thai government have the same paperwork requirement at the Bangkok immigration offices, as the Thailand consulates in the US? Or, are they more lax and easy in Bangkok?

    For example, does the Thai immigration office require police reports from my home country, triplicate copies that are notarized etc? Twelve monthly notarized bank-statements to show monthly income - times three for triplicates - get expensive rather quickly.

    What is easier; 1) processing the immigration paperwork in Bangkok, or 2) using Thai consulate in the US?

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